Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 235: The overall situation changes

Li came here from Reach not just to kill a few Eldar. (_)

Li led his battle group from Reach to this battlefield. In a larger sense, of course, it was to serve the God Emperor and protect the territory of the empire.

But even Li had to admit that the loot he would definitely get after the war was what Li longed for. This played a great role in promoting Li's timely dispatch of troops.

Of course, the more important thing is that Li has always had a doubt in his mind. Some thoughts and questions have been swirling in his mind. Although there is no conclusive evidence, Li is willing to believe in his own judgment. Based on this speculation, Li feels This rescue trip to Golden Fields may not be as difficult as it seems now.

The basis of this judgment is based on the fact that "the Spirit Race people should not change their campaign goals at will."

For any commander, before he goes to the battlefield, he should first understand the truth that war itself is not an end. War is just a means to achieve an end, and it should be the last resort.

Many times, commanders lead heavily armed soldiers to the battlefield, taking many young lives with them, and leading the Star Wars soldiers to fight against all kinds of dangerous and terrifying enemies. What they do is not what they do. Because they like war, there is an irresistible reason that forces them to pick up a gun and join the war.

Because almost all the time, those terrible enemies in the universe will not communicate with you, they will just kill you and sing songs you don't understand on top of your blood and corpse.

But this time the Spirit Race people are different. Yes, most monsters and alien species in the universe cannot communicate with humans, and those monsters also lack the willingness to communicate. But among these alien creatures, the Spirit Race people are rare. exception.

From a certain perspective, the Eldar people are very similar to humans. They are intelligent, have their own social structure, their own civilization, and also have the ability to learn and create. Although these Eldar people are fickle and suspicious, which makes It is difficult to regard them as a trustworthy alliance, but in fact, the Empire has established stable diplomatic relations with several Eldar worlds, especially when fighting against the Chaos in the Eye of Terror, the Eldar people also He has participated in the battle against Chaos many times.

Therefore, unlike most of the battles that the empire has participated in, this war is different. The first difference is that the enemies faced by the empire in this war can communicate with each other, and they also come to participate with a clear purpose. to the war.

What is the purpose of the Eldar people?

After thinking about it carefully, Li believed that the purpose of the Eldar was probably as they originally claimed, that they needed the planet Eden.

Yes, Eden, the place where the war first began, and until now, the Eldar have not captured the battlefield where they first arrived.

Of course, the commander-in-chief of the theater and the staff of the theater headquarters do not think so. It is normal for them to think this way. First of all, the Eldar people do not need planetary territory. These Eldar people who are accustomed to living in the "Ark" basically do not Will choose to live on the surface of the planet. Then, the Eldar people who don't need this planet suddenly claim that this planet that has been colonized by the Empire belongs to their Eldar people. What is this for? Without even thinking about it, the answer comes out of my mouth, this is for war!

In the thinking of the theater headquarters, the Eldar did not care about Eden at all. They just chose the simplest territorial dispute as an excuse and then launched a war. The purpose of this war was not to simply obtain Eden. The planet Dian was to compete with the empire for dominance in the vast region of the Far East.

To put it bluntly, in the Far East, although the empire's rule is very weak, it still maintains basic rule. But now a powerful guy has jumped out and wants to openly compete with the empire for control of the Far East.

Therefore, the theater headquarters invested great enthusiasm, manpower and material resources to participate in this war. The commanders of the empire have their pride. How can they allow alien creatures to show off their power in front of them? The empire is noble and is Great and invincible!

So this battle has been going on for ten years, and now, no matter what, the sudden appearance of the Spirit Tribe people is indeed extremely ferocious, completely disrupting the empire's various arrangements, and the situation is changing right now.

The situation may develop in two directions. On the one hand, the Spirit Tribe does not want dominance in the Far East. Looking back, why do the Spirit Tribe want this? Do you want to colonize the human planet? This idea is a bit too absurd. Normal Eldar people have never done this, but the neighbors of these bean sprouts, the black bean sprouts, would like to do this. If the Eldar don't want regional dominance, what do they want? They said from the beginning that they wanted Eden! Then the war situation should develop like this. The Eldar people raided the Golden Fields, causing the theater headquarters to overreact. They will find ways to dispatch all the reinforcements they can find to support the Golden Fields, but the current situation is that they cannot find many reinforcements, then the only thing that can be done is to abandon some less important battlefields and mobilize personnel to the golden field.

There are three main battlefields, one of which is the Forge World, which must not be abandoned, and the other is the origin of rare minerals, which cannot be easily abandoned. Then the remaining planet Eden is undoubtedly the best choice. Relatively speaking, this planet, which was colonized not long ago, has been through a ten-year war, and the planet has long been scarred. If this planet was a paradise ten years ago, after ten years of war, this place is probably like hell, and the early colonists have moved away one after another. As long as there is a choice, no one likes to live in a place full of war.

Moreover, once the Golden Plains are lost, the army on Eden will become fish on the chopping board of the Eldar, and the Eldar can cut it however they want. Instead of letting those poor defense forces on Eden wait for the Eldar to cut them, it is better to transfer them back to the Golden Plains for defense. After that, the Eldar only need to turn around, and the main force will gather on Eden, and they can easily occupy the Eden they have always longed for.

Why do the Eldar have to get the planet Eden? What secrets are there? Li naturally doesn't know about this. But as long as things develop like this, Li will naturally figure out what's going on.

Of course, there is a second direction of development, that is, the Eldar people are crazy. These Eldar people of Alaitok really want to dominate the Far East, so they will do everything they can to completely eliminate the main force of the defense army and plunge the Far East into a terrible sea of ​​fire. The possibility is very small, but this is what the group of people in the theater command think, and they can only think so.

This situation is like the "general draws the car" in Chinese chess. The Golden Plains is in the army. It seems to be going to stab you to death directly, but in fact, he just wants to take your car. Anyway, Eden can't be saved anyway.

Although it is very dangerous, if the Eldar people are not determined to capture the Golden Plains, if they just need to pretend to show their determination to capture the Golden Plains, then this planet can definitely be defended, but it will be more difficult to defend. But as long as you think about the benefits you can get after the victory, these difficulties are nothing.

In short, Li felt that the Golden Wilderness could be defended at this time. Of course, this also required sufficient efforts from himself and the defenders.

Li was doing this kind of work now. The Knights Templar he brought had all settled in the Gate of the Wilderness. Although the Gate of the Wilderness was called a "gate", it was not a simple gate. In fact, the Gate of the Wilderness was a huge three-dimensional defensive fortification formed by a series of bunkers, defense facilities, and city walls.

After the Knights Templar arrived on the Golden Wilderness, they received a warm welcome from Victoria. For the initial reinforcements, the girl was so enthusiastic that she almost hugged and kissed every knight in the regiment. After a brief welcome party, Victoria decisively threw the Knights Templar to an important area for defense, and at the same time issued a request to the scouts of the Knights Templar.

Similar to the tasks received by Tiger and Carter, they needed to go out to find the army lost on the Golden Wilderness, convey the latest orders of the Supreme Commander Victoria to them, and immediately go to the Gate of the Wilderness to gather.

The scouts all ran out to find their own people and convey orders, while the other knights began to do civil engineering and build defense facilities in the defense zone. A strong man like Li naturally couldn't be idle. Since he had already been put into the battlefield, Li would naturally go all out. The current battle situation could not be controlled by Li. In the foreseeable future, the Gate of the Wilderness will usher in a series of fierce battles. Therefore, for the humans in the Golden Wilderness now, every bit of strength is extremely precious. So Li also walked out of the Gate of the Wilderness and began to look for the defense team.

The first thing Li found was the Cloverleaf Legion, but even if he rushed all the way after hearing the sound of artillery fire, he was still a step late. He failed to arrive before the dimensional spiders destroyed the artillery positions. When he arrived, the overall situation was already decided.

Although the dimensional spider team of the Eldar was slaughtered and a war wizard of considerable status was killed, the destroyed artillery positions of the Cloverleaf Legion could not be restored.

In terms of this war alone, the Cloverleaf Legion still lost completely.

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