Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 247 You Can Be the Savior

Even a strong-willed and chaste woman would have a hard time resisting Li's methods, let alone the Spirit Tribe people.

Although the Eldar people are famous throughout the universe for being unsmiling, boring, and emotionless. But as long as you put a little effort into understanding the history of the Spirit Tribe people, you will know that the real Spirit Tribe people are sensitive and delicate. They all have emotions that are so intense that it is amazing. The abundant and unrestrained emotions are like a cauldron of chaos, boiling. Emotions that even the Eldar themselves couldn't understand. In the most glorious moment of the Eldar people, they became the overlords of the entire galaxy. Even the brightness and destruction of stars must respect the will of the Eldar people. For ordinary Eldar people, life itself is about enjoyment.

This is a race that is as glorious and huge as the ancient Roman Empire. The territory of the empire they established is measured in light years, and even covers the entire galaxy. However, this empire built by the Eldar people also has the same dissoluteness and chaos as the ancient Roman Empire. To be precise, all the Eldar people at that time needed to consider was how to make their lives better and how to enjoy themselves more passionately.

Because the Eldar people have no opponents, and no creature in the galaxy can shake this great civilization, the only thing worth pursuing in the lives of the Eldar people is enjoyment.

As a result, such a race fell apart like ancient Rome in its most glorious moment. The Eldar people's own dissoluteness and extreme pursuit of pleasure gave birth to their greatest enemy, the fourth evil god Slaanesh. This bitter fruit brewed by the Eldar people themselves completely destroyed the civilization that the Eldar people were proud of. The moment Slaanesh was born, a huge psychic storm with the birth point of Slaanesh as the center swept across the galaxy. Almost 90% of the Eldar population were killed at this moment. They were either killed because of their psychic powers. The head exploded, or the soul was torn apart by the storm, and countless Eldar people were wiped out in this instant.

The most powerful Eldar civilization became history in an instant.

Only a small number of the Eldar people escaped this disaster under the leadership of the prophets. In order to prevent the disaster from happening again, and in order not to be swallowed up and eliminated by the desires in their hearts, the Eldar people set up a path to close their psychology. , limiting their emotions. Now if you want to see the past style of the Spirit Tribe, then you can only vaguely see some shadows of the past from the Dark Spirit Tribe, the fellow Spirit Tribe people.

Generally speaking, the Eldar people are a species with much stronger desires and emotions than humans. Their so-called devotion to the path is to suppress the powerful and chaotic nature in their bodies.

Therefore, the Eldar people are all prudes who are upright on the outside and coquettish on the inside. As long as their outer shell is broken, you can discover the lewd and obscene nature of these aliens.

Li's hand came out from under Zhan Wu's crotch. He rubbed the suspicious mucus between his fingers, put it in front of his nose and smelled it deeply. This action made Zhan Wu's body tremble.

"It smells good." Li Qingqi said: "You seem to be very excited about my behavior. Just feeling my movements through psychic vision has made you unable to contain your happiness? Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk , This won’t work, your cultivation is not enough.”

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you know that in your heart, on the one hand, you want to tear me to pieces, step on my pieces ten thousand times and then spit on me to calm your anger. On the other hand, you want to let me continue. Doing what I just did will make you feel very comfortable and happy." Li sneered and said, "It's a pity that you can't do it after all, because I have found what I need in your body, and I have hidden it. Not bad, but I still found it.”

With that said, Li took out a small, round and smooth gem.

"Although it looks completely different from what you see in the illustrated book, and is different from other Spirit Tribe people, it doesn't seem to affect its function at all." Li looked at Zhan Wu, who turned pale at the moment. , under the empty eyes was a trail of blood tears, which became more prominent in the pale complexion, giving her whole body a strange and alluring look. Li did not relax. This was the moment Tu Qiong Dagger saw. All his previous actions were preparations for this moment. Li continued: "Yes, your face has changed. You have already felt it. Through spiritual energy, You can also feel my movements visually. What is the size and shape of this stone in my hand? Do you feel that you are missing something? Do you feel the fear in your heart? , and the emptiness rising in the depths of the soul?”

"You, what are you going to do?" Zhan Wu's lips trembled, and she said with difficulty: "I will not give in, no matter what, I will not give in!"

"Really? If I crush this stone, won't you give in?" Li said, "You can touch it and feel it. This is the soul stone. The soul stone on your body, you wear it on your body." The only soul stone you have is what will you do if this stone breaks?"

Yes, if the only soul stone you carry is damaged, what will you do? Zhan Wu asked himself in horror, could he still die calmly and without fear?

How! What! Can! able!

Zhan Wu's whole body was shaking at this moment. She sat down limply on the ground. She could no longer maintain a strong posture in front of the devil Li. At this moment, Zhan Wu only felt that she was enveloped by unprecedented darkness. She His whole body was invaded by fear.

Li shrugged his shoulders and took a step back, giving Zhan Wu time to collect his emotions and thoughts.

After having several contacts with Elizabeth and the Eldar people, Li Ziran also took advantage of the opportunity to borrow a large number of documents and research materials on the Eldar people from the Tribunal. Li's understanding of the Spirit Tribe allowed him to easily grasp the weaknesses of these Spirit Tribes.

Due to the existence of the Soul Stone, almost all the Eldar people are not afraid of death. On the battlefield, the Eldar people respect their way, fight bravely, and are almost perfect warriors. There are naturally reasons for this, and the most important factor is that the spirit people are different from humans. They definitely have powerful souls. After the death of the spirit people, the soul will be absorbed by the soul stone, and then taken back to the endless loop by his comrades. Living with the sages in the spiritual world, death is not scary to the Spirit people, because death is not the end.

But if the Spirit Tribe person dies without a soul stone around to absorb his soul, then it will be another matter. The Spirit Tribe person’s soul will be sucked away by the alien space and enter the real world without interference. In death, this is nothing. In the glorious moments of the soul, people lived naturally like this. But now there is an enemy in the alien space that the Eldar people cannot defeat, the fourth evil god, Prince of Joy, Slaanesh!

Slaanesh has a special connection with the Eldar. After every death, the soul of the Eldar who has not been absorbed by the soul stone and naturally enters a different space will be harvested and taken away by Slaanesh, and his soul will be permanently imprisoned in himself. country, causing him to suffer eternal torment.

To put it simply, if a Spirit Clan member does not have a soul stone around him and he accidentally dies, he will go to the eighteenth level of hell and suffer forever. There is no just King Yama in this hell, only perverted evil gods, waiting for every soul that falls into their hands. This thing is already terrifying, but what is even more chilling is that this is not a legend or a story, but a true fact.

Naturally, no one wants to fall into hell and suffer eternity. The Eldar people would not want to visit the kingdom of Slaanesh, so the soul stone is the most precious thing for the Eldar people. This thing is even more precious than their lives.

In such an emergency, using soul stones to coerce the Spirit Tribe people through a series of means is undoubtedly the fastest and most convenient way.

After a while, the trembling of Zhan Wu stopped. Li felt that it was almost done, and then he said: "Look, you don't want the destroyed thing to be in my hands, and I don't want to destroy it either. This is not good for me." It's no good. Let's make a deal. Let's have a good and honest talk. After that, I get what I want, and then I'll return your soul stone to you. Let's start over. My name is Li, what’s your name?”

After a while, the war wizard spoke in a low voice: "Marlan. Song of Light, this is my name."

"Marlan. Song of Light has a good name. Although we first met in a place like this, it's not bad, right?" Li smiled and said: "At least there are no weapons that can kill people here. We can sit down safely. Let’s have a good talk.”

"So tell me, how many people are here this time? Who are they?"


"What's wrong, you're suddenly not afraid anymore, even if you're being tortured and tortured for eternity?"

"I, I can't, I can't do this, I can't betray my people, I can't be a betrayer!"

"No, you are not a betrayer, you are a savior."


"Yes, savior. Well, although I have only learned your name now, I am willing to express my goodwill and sincerity once again," Li said while taking something from the bag on his waist. He took out a stone and said, "Although you can't see it, I think you can definitely feel what kind of stone it is through spiritual energy. You should also feel that this stone is full of spirit. The soul stone There is a soul in it.”

This is a matter of course, because this soul stone was taken off the corpse of his enemy by Li himself. This soul stone contains the soul of an Elf tribe member.

"And I still have many soul stones like this."

Li took out the small bag tied around his waist and poured the soul stones in the bag onto the ground, revealing a small pile of soul stones that shone with beautiful light. These were the souls of the Spirit tribe.

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