Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 253: Secret Meeting on the Mountain

But regardless of whether Victoria believes in the authenticity of the document, she must continue to work towards Li. But after learning about Li's past, Victoria's attitude became more respectful. Almost in an instant, the transformation from eldest lady to little maid was completed. In front of Li, Victoria put away all her eldest lady temper, and was as well-behaved as a kitten, doing her best. becomes more lovable.

While Victoria continued to work hard to win over Li with a vague sense of unreality, another person familiar to Li was climbing a mountain alone in the middle of the night. This place is far away from the gate of the wilderness. It is no longer under human rule at this stage. For this person, this should be an extremely dangerous thing. After all, it is a time of war now, and the rangers of the Spirit tribe are everywhere. They can lurk around any enemy, killing every human they see.

For the current golden wilderness, death is everywhere, but this man's footsteps are still steady, without a trace of fear or panic, as if he has never worried about this problem. When she slowly climbed to the top of the mountain, the sky was still dark.

There was pitch black below, and on the top of the mountain in the darkness, four people were already standing on it.

The person who had just reached the top of the mountain took a moment to catch his breath, and then said, "You arrived quite early."

"You came too late..." One of the four people on the top of the mountain said displeasedly. This person seemed to be about to say something, but was quickly interrupted by another person.

"Shh... don't talk," another person said: "Sunrise."

Sure enough, the sky gradually became filled with magnificent and bright colors, the faint light gradually brightened, and the darkness under my feet gradually became clear. It was the rolling white clouds. At the end of the sky, a red sun suddenly emerged from the sea of ​​clouds. It seemed as if a long time had passed, all of this seemed to be completed in an instant, and the world just lit up.


"The sunrise over the sea of ​​clouds is so beautiful no matter how many times I see it." A person on the top of the mountain sighed and said, "It's a pity that such a magical natural landscape cannot be seen on the Ark."

The person who said this no longer looked at the red sun that was slowly rising in the distance in the sky. He turned around and saw the face of an Elf tribe member. If the war witch Marlan was here, she would definitely be horrified. She screamed in surprise, because this person was clearly the battle commander Arthur Xingren. The battle commander who was supposed to lead her and the brave warriors on the battlefield, Arthur Xingren faced the person who came and said sternly: "You It's too late, Elizabeth."

"I shouldn't have come in the first place," Elizabeth smoothed her long golden hair and said coldly, "If you hadn't gone so far, how could I have..."

"Okay, there is no point in talking about this now. At this point, let's be more realistic and talk about the future." Battle Secretary Arthur Xingren said: "I guess you only know me as the person here. Let me introduce it to you first.”

"No need," Elizabeth stopped Arthur Starblade's words and said with a sneer: "Although you Alaitok clan claim that no movement in the galaxy can escape your scrutiny, these words will not be heard in the Inquisition. What’s in front of you is just a joke. Sir Arthur Starblade Warlord, the woman next to you should be Maya Wind Wail. ​​As a Warlord, you are good at using banshees to attack, and you also like to use sharp blades to kill enemies. Cut with the sword."

"Blades and swords are our language," Maya Wind Wail pulled out the long knife from her waist, raised it in salute and said, "I passed by like the wind, leaving only blood and stumps. This is even if The low-end is like information that humans can understand.”

Elizabeth just smiled without arguing. She turned to another person and continued: "The man wearing black armor is probably Your Excellency Anton Zhan. I have heard the name of Death Roar for a long time. This time it is amazing." I finally met someone. It is said that the Black Deaths you led are as irresistible as the raging waves. Under your leadership, the barrages fired by the Black Deaths can even block the midday sun. It seems that this time I am Got a chance to see it.”

"We are just the embodiment of the Destroyer on this planet," Anton bowed and saluted, "But you are right, it is indeed extremely difficult to see me. Most of the enemies You won’t be able to see me even in death.”

"In addition to the all-round war commander Arthur Starblade, there are three war commanders. One is good at surprise charges and heroically destroying the enemy's morale from the front, and the other is good at launching precise suppressive bombardments from a distance. Plus you, Arthur. Star Blade is good at overall deployment and control. Your personnel are really neat this time. And this old man must be the prophet Alex. I heard that even the trajectory of the stars in the sky is with you. The stars stored in my mind are dim compared to your wisdom." Elizabeth spread her hands and sighed: "What can I say with such a powerful lineup?"

"Elizabeth, you think too much."

"Really? Haven't you ever thought of putting on a fake show and simply knocking down the Golden Fields to give the empire a good look?"

Arthur Xingren smiled awkwardly, nodded and admitted, "I really didn't think so at first."

"What do you think of the agreement? If you want to do this, why do you contact our Inquisition? Why do you let me come to this place to talk nonsense with you?" Elizabeth frowned and said, "As expected of the Eldar, you are not trustworthy. But if you want to fight, I naturally have no objection. You can think of the Gate of the Wilderness as an egg, waiting for you to break it. You can just try it. I will be happy for you to get your head broken and bloody in front of the solid fortress."

"A solid fortress? It may have been like this in the past," said the prophet Alex, touching his silver hair, "but it doesn't seem to be the case now. As far as I know, a coup has occurred in the Gate of the Wilderness. The supreme commander of the local defense force was suddenly assassinated by a little girl and died. Now it is this little girl who leads the local army. Not only does she have no military ability, she can't even gather the army in her hands. Such a fortress, even if we don't do anything, it is just a castle on the beach. It seems that it is not the case. It's not solid at all. "

"Under normal circumstances, I might agree with you," Elizabeth sneered, "but now things have changed. The Wilderness Gate has received support, and a Star Wars regiment has arrived at the Wilderness Gate."

"Indeed," Prophet Alex said slowly, "The Knights Templar, although they are called the Star Wars, are a new regiment that has been established for less than 50 years. Let alone 50 years, it seems to be only more than 20 years. Twenty years? Forget it, it's meaningless to say this. They are just a group of new recruits. Whether in terms of number or quality, they are not a threat. It's just that the title of the Star Wars is a bit scary. "

"Is that so?" Elizabeth smiled and said, "Forget it, there is no point in talking about this. You can try it. After you experience it yourself, we can discuss it. "

When she said this, Li's face flashed through Elizabeth's mind. I believe that guy will not let her down. Although there was no trust in other aspects, Li's performance in terms of combat power alone amazed her. If that incident had not happened, the two might have become good friends fighting side by side.

"War is easy to start, but difficult to end. Both of us understand this," said Arthur Starblade, the commander of the war, after a sigh, "So even if the Gate of the Wilderness is like a flower on a branch in our eyes, light and weightless, we will not pick it easily."

Yes, this is playing the good cop, playing this trick with me, these greedy and damned Eldar people, Elizabeth gritted her teeth and sneered, "What do you want?"

"We will not attack the Gate of the Wilderness, but in return, we will no longer provide that list. In this way What do you think of the treaty? "

"This is impossible! We, the Inquisition, cannot accept such a treaty. You should attack the Gate of the Wilderness."

"Woman, how can you be so cold-blooded? Don't you care about the lives of your compatriots?" The prophet Alex shouted angrily: "It's not the lives of a dozen people, nor hundreds or thousands of people, or even tens of thousands of people. Once the Golden Wilderness is occupied, you should know the consequences. Hundreds of millions of soldiers will lose their lives because of such a failure. How can you sit back and watch these innocent soldiers die in battle? On the battlefield, they could have returned home alive to enjoy peace. Elizabeth, this is a big deal after all. You shouldn't make a decision so rashly. Can you bear so many lives? "

"Don't play this game with me." Elizabeth, with a sneer on her face, looked at the four people present, "Do you really think that you can scare me by putting up such a lineup? It's just a joke. You even told me about the lives of compatriots. Do you know what the government agency that cares least about human life is called?" Elizabeth said slowly in the tone of telling a story to a child: "In the empire, the agency that cares least about the lives of the people is called... the... Tribunal. There is an order in our Tribunal called the Extermination Order. You should have heard of it. Any signed extermination order will lead to the death of millions or hundreds of millions of people, but how many people will die? Who knows? No one has counted it, because the Tribunal behind me doesn't care about this at all. Even the vegetable farmers in the empire know about this kind of thing. As a result, you actually want to threaten the Tribunal with the lives of the people of the empire. It's really a bit ridiculous. "

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