Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 260 Seeking Answers

"Besides those Spirit Tribe people, what else can happen?" Elizabeth sighed, and then told Li the general process of the incident. She knew very well that the man in front of her was a soft-spoken man. If she wants to get Li's help, the best way is to make things clear.

"So that's it," Li nodded and said, "No wonder the attacks of the Spirit tribe are so weak. It's pretty much what I expected, but your speed is a little too fast. We poor warriors are here. Fighting for life and death, on the other hand, you have already begun to negotiate for peace. Elizabeth, you have done a great thing, and peace will soon come to the Far East."

"Don't be ridiculous, there is no peace there, it's just a gap between wars." Elizabeth said worriedly: "Besides, I feel like something is very wrong."

"What's wrong?" Li said nonchalantly: "Just stay here for a few days, and things will go on a good path in the future. It should be more than ten days later. Those Spirit Tribe people should come to attack seriously. But they will find that it is in vain, after which they will withdraw, and then it will be over, my Templars will be rewarded handsomely enough, the Chapter will get more resources, little girl lord I will return to the circle of the solar system with victory and honor to play her political games, and then with your efforts, everyone will usher in peace and everyone will be happy, so there is nothing wrong with it.”

"This really surprises me. This is the first time I have discovered that you are such an optimistic person." Elizabeth sighed and said, "Forget it, I won't talk nonsense to you. To be honest, how things are going. If it is half as good as what you said, I will be satisfied, but the problem now is that there is obviously something wrong with the Eldar people. The Eldar people of Alaitok have been sneaking around in this area of ​​the Far East. Among them, although the empire has always had frictions with the Eldar people of Alaitok, they are all local conflicts. Small-scale battles can be resolved quickly. It is more about cooperation and careful mutual testing. After all, the Far East is still A wild area, this place is too big, enough to accommodate the small bean sprout-like figures of the Eldar. On some planets, immigrants can even treat the rangers of Alaitok normally, treating them as foreigners. Same. But you also know the current situation, as it is now, a battle has been fought for ten years to fight for a planet, and the war has spread to four worlds, and the war is burning in four galaxies. Such things This has never happened before, at least in the thousands of years of documents and information I have read. As a result, we still don't know why those Eldar people must obtain that 'Eden' for defense. The army was just passively led by the war situation, and the Eldar people just asked for Eden and didn't mention anything else. The Inquisition has not found the reason until now, and even most of the Eldar people don't know the true meaning of it. The reason. This matter is full of strangeness, it is really weird. I feel that those Spirit Race people must be planning something big, an amazing conspiracy that makes me extremely curious. "

"Oh? Now that you say that, I'm a little interested. So what kind of conspiracy are the Spirit Tribe people planning?"

"I don't know. This is exactly why I came to you. I hope you can help me find the answer."

"What is your motive for finding the Spirit Tribe?" Li shook his head and said with a smile, "Don't you think it would be tiring to live like this? If the other party is a human being, it would make sense for you to do this, because apart from lunatics, The behavior of others always follows a pattern, and they always have a purpose and a motive, but they are not humans, but people from the Spirit Race!"

"The Eldar are also intelligent creatures, they are not crazy."

"But they are elusive magic sticks! And their top leader is an out-and-out high-level magic stick. Who knows why they want to get Eden? Maybe it is because of an unpredictable prophecy. One night, among those being Some kind of hallucination that occasionally occurs in the minds of the Eldar people who are disturbed by psychic energy during the complicated rituals? Then he says, 'Oh, we have to get rid of Eden,' and then he sends a large number of people. Here it comes." Li spread his hands, shrugged, and said nonchalantly: "Look, although it seems impossible, maybe this is the truth, so I think your behavior is in vain. Why can't we do it. Just do your own thing and let go of the things you don’t understand, can’t you just pretend you don’t see it?”

"I'm afraid it won't work this time," Elizabeth said seriously: "We all know that if the Eldar really attack a planet and station themselves on it, it will be a great thing for the empire. You You know, the home base of these Eldar people living in the Ark world is not within the galaxy at all. No one can find them. Only the Eldar people have been looking for me. We don’t know where to find these Eldar people. If they suddenly want to seize a planet we know and build a settlement area or a sub-base on it, that would be a good thing. At least if the Eldar commit trouble in the Far East in the future, we will know where to look. People. Or if the Eldar have done something unfavorable to us, the army can find a place to carry out some massacres. You see, the benefits are here, and it only costs one planet. We are so willing. , but why are the Eldar people so active? They are not idiots, and it is impossible not to see this. Then there is only one explanation, yes, the planet Eden should not be what they want, what they want should be Eden. What is above, some ancient relic? Or some kind of holy object? But even if you think so, it can't explain the behavior of the Elf people, but they want something above Eden. They have been on Eden for a long time. Ten years is enough time for them to search the planet. Why do they have to drive away the defense forces? There is a contradiction in this that cannot be explained. "

"Perhaps this thing is buried under the defense force's base?"

"Oh, the Tribunal has thought of this a long time ago, and we spent a lot of money on this guess," Elizabeth explained: "The Tribunal commissioned a battlefield builder, sponsored and led an engineering team to build the The Eden Defense Force's station was rebuilt once. Yes, it was completely demolished and a new one was built. If nothing happened, they would repair sewer pipes and other things for free. For a period of time, the Eden Defense Force had a garrison. The headquarters was under construction every day. The land was buried and dug up, and the ground was almost turned to pieces. In the end, there was nothing. Our efforts were in vain. We just made the Eden Defense Force control area very complete. The sewer system, the non-commissioned officers are all living in new houses. I can say with certainty that there is absolutely nothing under the Defense Force garrison in Eden. In short, there are many questions, and I don't have a clue yet. We are going to try to figure this out. Answer."

"It seems that you are determined to follow up, but why do you have to involve me? If you want to figure out what the Spirit Tribe people are going to do, you think you need more staff and stronger intelligence analysis capabilities. More agents and more Eldar prisoners seem to be of no use to me."

Theoretically speaking, for a sufficiently powerful intelligence organization, there is almost nothing in the world that can truly be called a secret. As long as there are enough people to collect all kinds of intelligence and then analyze it one by one, as long as the power is enough, not even gods can do this. Hidden from intelligence organizations. It's just that such behavior requires a large enough amount of information, even the most trivial information, and then gathering a massive amount of trivial information, and then letting professionals get what they want from the huge information, which is similar to ancient times. The general's method of analyzing the number of enemies from the amount of feces in the enemy's camp is similar. He starts from the details and then finds the truth of the matter. This method only refines the method and makes the division of labor clearer. The entire system It is also larger. Of course, to achieve this step requires sufficient power and a lot of manpower, and the Inquisition does not lack this.

"Intelligence collection and intelligence analysis, what you mentioned are just conventional methods, but..." Elizabeth said helplessly: "You just said that the other party is not a conventional enemy. They are not even human. Our agents have not There are ways to sneak into the Eldar tribe, but the behavioral analysis effect is also extremely limited. After all, the way the Eldar people think is more, well, difficult to predict. Ordinary intelligence collection and intelligence analysis methods will not be of much use here. The Inquisition has tried many times in this regard, but unfortunately it has never succeeded.”

"In this case, there is nothing I can do. I am just a soldier. You are professionals after all. If you can't do anything, there is nothing I can do."

"No, no, no, the fact that you can say these things proves that you are not a layman in terms of intelligence. You must know that even if you don't care about what you say, it is considered confidential in the Tribunal. Of course. , this time the old methods didn’t work, so we had to use some unconventional methods.”

"Unconventional methods?"

"Yes, we have to sneak into the territory of the Spirit Tribe to find out what they are going to do." Elizabeth said calmly: "The Spirit Tribe will not bring the answer to us, so we can only go to their territory. I went to look for it at home.”

Li was stunned for a moment, and then said in shock: "You are simply crazy. Do you want to go to the territory of the Spirit Tribe to collect intelligence?"

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