Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 277 Chaos Arrives

Just as everyone was excitedly imagining that the messenger of God would descend from the sky with the glorious petals and sacred music, a light suddenly flashed in the sky.

It was like the stars that had disappeared into the sky during the day suddenly lit up. It was just a flash, but now most people were paying attention to the sky, so this flash quickly attracted the attention of many people. Following the gazes of these people, more people raised their heads and looked at the sky.

A meteor with flames suddenly appeared from the depths of the sky. What is this? Is it a comet? Didn't they say that a messenger of God would descend? How could such an ominous sign as a comet appear? For a moment, everyone looked up at the sky.

The comet fell from the sky without stopping. At first, it was just an inconspicuous flash in the depths of the sky, and then it became a small flashing point, but soon this small point turned into a ball of fire the size of a fingernail. The small fireball became bigger and bigger in the eyes of everyone, and soon it became the size of a ping-pong ball, and then the size of a basketball, and it became bigger and bigger, with a rumbling roar, and it continued to grow in the eyes of everyone.

Suddenly, a cry of surprise rang out among the knights, and a timid knight turned around and ran away. This was considered quick, because now everyone could see that this comet fell from the sky above their heads, and it was afraid that it would fall on their heads.

But is it too late to run now? And more people were frightened by the comet that suddenly appeared from the sky and fell from their heads. The knights had never seen such a scene before, and many of them even had weak legs. They wanted to run, but they had to take steps.

Just as the comet was falling rapidly and was about to hit everyone in front of everyone, the head of the comet suddenly sprayed flames in the opposite direction. The speed of the whole comet's fall suddenly stopped, and it was suspended in the air for a second, slightly changing its angle, and then it fell again obliquely under the action of gravity, and suddenly hit the ground. With a loud bang, the whole ground began to tremble.

A comet fell from the sky, and it landed in front of everyone, smashing a deep pit in the hill not far in front of them. At this time, even the dumbest people knew that the messenger of God had descended from the sky.

But this method was a bit special. The messenger of God did not seem to fly down from the sky lightly and calmly, but seemed to fall from the sky.

Of course, only a very small number of people could have such an idea in their minds under such circumstances. This idea only flashed in their minds for a moment, and then they continued to fall into great shock. A comet fell from the top of their heads with flames, and then it hit them in front of them. This shocking appearance was too avant-garde for the natives living in the Middle Ages. They were all stunned by this terrible scene.

The people here, whether they were knights, popes, or those cardinals, high-level secretaries, all dared not move, half raised their heads, and looked at the hill. When the earth stopped shaking and the diffuse smoke gradually dissipated, they saw the sound of steam, and the metal shell of the comet unfolded in the steam and smoke like a blooming flower. With the sound of footsteps with steel collision, a huge figure slowly emerged from the smoke.

From the white steam and smoke, a giant who could only look up walked out. He was more than two meters tall, no, maybe more than three meters tall. Is this still a human? Could it be the legendary Titan? Anyway, this humanoid creature was wearing heavy black armor that no one had ever seen before. There were all kinds of gorgeous decorations on the black armor that made the knights feel dazzled, but what made people tremble was that there were hideous golden skull decorations on the knees, elbows, chest and abdomen of the armor. But of course, when the smoke dissipated and people saw the face of the giant clearly, there was only the sound of uniform inhalation in the air.

What face was there? This terrifying giant had a skull face, which looked like a skull in gorgeous heavy armor.

"Hehehe...what kind of monster is this?"

"Holy, Your Holiness, this, is this the angel you mentioned? No, it doesn't look like it."

"Yes, is there something wrong?"

The knights of the Holy Shield Knights had already put their hands on the hilts of their swords, but for a moment they didn't have the courage to draw their swords at this terrifying creature. With such a huge body, who can be stronger than this terrifying skeleton creature? With such a solid armor, how can their swords hurt him? Moreover, who in this world dares to disrespect Vatican? Even the king's crown must be granted by the Pope. The Holy Shield Knights who guard Vatican have not fought with real guns for too long, and they have long lost the courage of warriors.

"What's wrong?" The skull-faced giant said, "Why do you all have this expression? I thought they would welcome us."

What are you welcoming? We are not welcoming you. Are you still a holy envoy in this state? You are a messenger of hell! The Pope shouted in his heart, we are welcoming the messenger of God, the angel, there must be a mistake, the first person must not know the directions and took the wrong way. Yes, it must be, in short, this guy is not the Holy Messenger, this guy is not the Holy Messenger.

Just when the Pope was thinking about it, the skull face spoke, but her voice seemed a little unhappy: "I am a person from the starry sky, an envoy of the Holy Emperor, why do you have such expressions?"

Damn, this guy is really a Holy Messenger! How is it possible?

The Pope almost collapsed.

From behind the skeleton giant, a short man walked out. Of course, the short stature was relative to the giant. In fact, the short man who walked out was of normal height.

The dwarf said easily: "I told you before that you would scare them."

"This is my most formal outfit," Skull Face must have been in a bad mood: "You're scared of me, aren't you? What's scaring me, my height or my body shape? It can't be the mask."

The dwarf shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly: "You negotiate with them, I'll walk around first." Then the man shook his cloak, wrapped his body in his inconspicuous cloak, and actually stood there in full view of everyone. disappeared. Like the invisible wind, it disappeared into the air under the eyes of so many people.

He also said he was a holy messenger, but he was clearly a ghost! Yes, ghost! It's the soul! That dwarf is the soul!

Before everyone could recover from the shock of the dwarf's sudden disappearance, Skull Face continued speaking in a cold voice: "Wait, are you afraid because of my face?"

Some knights swallowed their saliva, some quietly retreated in small steps, some moved closer to the Pope, and more knights and civil servants nodded vigorously like chickens pecking at rice.

Even in broad daylight, this skull face is so scary.

"What a fool!" Skull Face said as he took off his skull face, revealing the face of a young human. "I am Martin Luther. You can call me Pastor Martin. This Skull Face, Just a mask. Skeletons represent the pure sanctity of humanity, don’t you know?”

Pastor Martin was answered with silence.

Pastor Martin sighed. Although he had seen similar situations in books before, he did not expect to encounter them himself.

The universe is so vast, different worlds have different ecological environments, and human beings have different lifestyles. Due to different living habits, their needs for the God-Emperor are also very different. When many preachers spread the teachings of the God Emperor, they will not preach in full accordance with the Holy See's legal code and sacred teachings. They will use some temporary methods to preach and make their own understanding and changes to the teachings. This is inverted on some remote planets. Although people all believe in the God Emperor, they are very different from the teachings of the imperial state religion.

To others, it is a trivial matter, as indifferent as whether morning prayers should be before or after meals. By the same token, whether the skull pattern symbolizes a sacred human being or death and killing is completely meaningless to those who do not believe in the God-Emperor. It is whatever you say. But for believers, this is an extremely important matter.

Some primitive religions are extremely tolerant, even casual. However, a mature religion has very complicated and strict relevant regulations and dogmas. In the Middle Ages, Christianity required ritual props, the size and format of ritual cups, priests' clothing, prayers, believers' answers, etc. There is a set of strict requirements for everyone. After a set of rituals are completed, the rules that need to be paid attention to are no less than when operating dangerous goods in the laboratory. In this world, the teachings of the Royal State Church are even more complicated and strict.

Li didn't care about these things, so he put on an optical cloak and disappeared in front of everyone, but Pastor Martin couldn't help but care. He decided to do his best to put the religion here on the right track.

"It seems that your understanding of the teachings of the God Emperor is not very correct," Pastor Martin shook his head and said: "But it doesn't matter. We will talk about religious matters later. Now let's introduce each other first. Who is the bishop here? ? Well, that’s the Pope of this world.”

The pope in golden robes stood up tremblingly, "I'm here now."

"Pope George III," Pastor Martin nodded, "We have had a good communication before we met. This is the first official meeting. I am very happy to meet you."

"It is also an honor for me to see the envoy." Pope George III finally recovered slightly and said: "Then please come with me, envoy. After all, this place is in the wilderness, not a place for conversation. We have already prepared a place for the envoy to wash and rest. Envoy, please go this way."

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