Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 283 Accident

Meyer closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt a slight dizziness. The smell of blood, as always, intoxicated him. Of course, this is not enough, far from enough.

Killing is a good way to vent. The tragic death of the slave in front of him calmed him down a lot, and the blood temporarily extinguished his anger. Now, it's time to do something. Meyer longed for more blood, the blood of the enemy!

Meyer summoned a soldier from outside the door, and then he began to give orders: "Send out a patrol team. I want to completely control the surrounding fifty miles. Not to mention the elves or anything else, even if a fly wants to fly into the camp, it's not allowed. Behead and skin all the living things you see that can move! Especially friendly forces. If you meet friendly forces, you should know what to do, right?"

"I know, my lord, you have told me many times that if you meet friendly forces, kill them, chop off their heads, and feed their bodies to dogs."

"Yes, all Don't let any living creature go, we want to fill this place with blood. At the same time, we have to send out scouts. I want to find the enemy's base. Playing hide-and-seek with the Eldar in the forest is not our style. I want to kill all the mosquitoes that dare to provoke us at once! "

"However, if the enemy is a friendly force, then things are easy to deal with, but if the enemy is really an Eldar ranger, then I'm afraid there will be some trouble."

Meyer frowned, and then he thought of where the trouble came from-their warriors couldn't see the Eldar rangers.

This is really a headache. The only way to expose the Eldar rangers' positions is the gorgeous light effect of the psychic bullets fired by their psychic rifles. Such a ballistic trajectory is really too gorgeous and too conspicuous. However, even so, the bullets can only help the warriors roughly determine the position of the Eldar rangers. The enemy only needs to change its position to continue lurking. It was too difficult to get the warriors to aim at an invisible enemy and shoot accurately. Even Chaos warriors could not do this. Even with heavy weapons, it was difficult to be effective. After all, it took time to set up and aim heavy weapons. By the time the heavy weapons were aimed and fired, the Eldar rangers might have long been gone.

Even if the true god Khorne blessed the warriors, they could not fight against invisible enemies. After realizing this, Meyer suddenly had a headache. This reality made him feel irritated.

He was fighting, using fierce battles, the blood and death of the enemy to compose glory and praise the true God on the epic battlefield. And what was he doing now? He was catching rats in the gutter! Why couldn't the enemy stand up like a real man and face their miserable fate? Of course, complaining like this was useless. Now Meyer could only return to reality and focus on thinking about one question, that is - how to pull these rats out of their holes one by one and skin them?

Fortunately, Khorne is a true god, the god of war. Although he and his followers like to face the fight directly, the real confrontation, the Khorne Legion has also experienced other war scenes, and they also have ways to deal with them.

To deal with these rats, the Khorne Legion naturally has their own way, "How many hellhounds do we have?"

"There are only three hellhounds in the camp now. According to the adults' opinion, the ones who are passing through the space gate now are the most elite warriors in the regiment."

"Let our warriors stand aside and get more hellhounds first. What if they can't see it? Can they completely eliminate their own smell?"

The hellhounds twisted by chaos are just like the mythological legends, with three heads, crazy flames burning between their eyes and throats, and the saliva dripping from the mouths of these terrible dogs is like Like magma, the land was burned with green smoke. Judging from the appearance, these hellhounds and so-called "dogs" really don't have much in common, especially in terms of body size. The hellhound is as strong as a calf, with well-developed muscles bulging on his body, showing his strength. His tail is a high-standing barb like a scorpion's tail. Dark green liquid occasionally drips from the tail, corroding the ground into small pits. There is no doubt that the hellhound's scorpion tail contains terrible venom. This terrifying creature shows its powerful aggressiveness all over its body. The only thing that can make them called dogs is that the three heads of the hellhound are dog heads.

As demonic creatures twisted by Chaos, these Hellhounds are powerful enough. In the Medieval World, just one such creature would be enough to destroy a city. However, the Chaos Legion still added equipment to these twisted Chaos creatures. Thick plates with sharp spikes were nailed onto the bodies of these Hellhounds. The heavy plates gave the Hellhounds more protection, while the spikes turned these terrible creatures into veritable hedgehogs. Not to mention close combat with a Hellhound, just getting close to this terrible monster could result in serious injuries. The steel nails driven into the Hellhound's body caused pain every moment, and these pains made this terrible beast even more crazy and dangerous.

Each Chaos Legion patrol led two or three of these hellhounds on chains when they walked out of the camp. The three heads of the hellhound are constantly sniffing in the air, and the crazy creatures are also thirsting for blood!

"Things have become difficult to handle." The ranger captain sighed to Li in the communication: "After the Chaos Legion is on guard, it will be difficult for our rangers to continue to play a role. We can only rely on the rangers' Harassment is no longer possible. Master Oak Pavilion, although I am sorry, I can only say that the mission has failed."

"Oh? You haven't tried it yet, so why do you say the mission has failed?" On the other side of the communicator, the voice of the war wizard who didn't speak much came over, "It's easy to give up and retreat. For a group of people, For a warrior, it is not a matter of honor.”

"This is not honorable, and will even be a stain on my life, but I still want to say that the mission has failed, and I will not use the lives of my men to prove this," the captain explained: " The Chaos Legion has summoned a large number of hellhounds from other worlds. This twisted creature has three heads and three noses. I suspect that their sense of smell is three times that of ordinary dogs. Our rangers cannot get close to these at all. Creatures, our rangers will be detected within a thousand meters. If the wind direction is wrong, these dogs can detect my rangers further away, and now around Chaos Camp twenty-four hours a day. There are patrol teams equipped with hellhounds patrolling the city, and we can't get close to the Chaos camp at all. And many patrol teams equipped with such beasts have entered the forest and chased my rangers. They are now too busy to take care of themselves and have no more spare time. The ability puts more pressure on Chaos."

"Do you have any liquid to remove body odor?"

"Master War Witch, please believe us. We are rangers and professionals. My people have already used the liquid you mentioned, but it has little effect. The smell can only be masked, but it cannot be completely eliminated. These hellhounds are not ordinary dogs. Not only are they smarter than ordinary dogs, their sense of smell is also more sensitive. No matter what, these dogs can always find my people. It has become more and more dangerous to wander outside the Chaos Legion. ”

"I understand. I understand your situation now, but for now, I still need your rangers to firmly attract the attention of Chaos and continue to irritate them so that they cannot be distracted from paying attention to other things. . If the mission fails, the entire combat plan will be in vain, do you understand?"

"I'm sorry, but even if my people are sacrificed, I don't think we can complete the mission." The ranger leader explained: "Besides, you are just the master of Oak Pavilion, you are not a war commander, so if something like this happens, Under such circumstances, I have the right to refuse to perform the task!”

How could there be such a warrior? Li couldn't understand something in his mind. Can soldiers refuse the commander's order on the battlefield? Regardless of whether the mission can be completed successfully, even if there is only one percent hope, or even if there is no hope at all, as long as the order is given, the soldiers should do their best to do it, even if they sacrifice their lives! This is the duty of a warrior!

But what about these rangers? Seeing danger ahead, feeling the threat of death, and feeling that the task cannot be completed, he dared to refuse his own order. This is really outrageous. If he were in the imperial army, such a person would be shot a hundred times. Or is this the true nature of these rangers? It is simply completely unorganized and undisciplined. If possible, Li really hopes to parachute a few political commissars down to help these rangers understand what battlefield discipline is.

Or is it just because he is not a war commander, so his licensing rights cannot strictly restrict these free rangers?

No matter what the reason is, there is no point in thinking about these things now, if the rangers must say "It's too dangerous, quit!". Then the whole plan will be in danger of failure. They have provoked the Chaos camp, just like piercing a hornet's nest. The Chaos warriors have swarmed out of their camp. At this time, if they not only catch their Line of sight, lead their noses, then after these chaos encounters setbacks in their directional search, they will naturally change the search method to aimless exploration. In this way, the Bonesinger who is hiding in the west and singing shrilly We are about to suffer.

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