Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 286 Assault

In the eyes of No. 5, this war wizard has always shown a kind of confidence that ordinary people cannot understand. The extraordinary calmness and confidence can naturally infect others easily, and coupled with the power he has shown, it is easy for people to trust him.

It was under this circumstance that No. 5 decided to trust the war wizard, but now she regrets it.

In No. 5's opinion, the mission is not impossible to complete. Although it is impossible to win by strength, it can be completed by wisdom. After all, what they need to do is to attract the attention of Chaos, not to fight with Chaos and fight for life and death; on the contrary, just for the mission, they need to try their best to avoid this situation. Fighting is a simple thing. The worst situation is nothing more than failure, at most it is just a death, but once a large number of people on their side die, it also means the failure of the mission.

So in her thinking, the confident war wizard in front of her should have a perfect plan and unexpectedly profound strategies, and only this reason can explain why he is so confident.

"Don't we have any special plans? Don't we have any unexpected and brilliant strategies?" Number 5 asked in panic, "Don't we have any of these? We just turn around, kill a group of Chaos, and then retreat?"

"Yes," Li nodded and said, "You are right. There is no strategy. Our plan is very simple. All we have to do is turn around, find a Chaos patrol, rush up to kill them, and then quickly evacuate and stay away from danger. It's that simple."

"Although the enemy's patrol team has only more than ten Chaos warriors, there are probably more than ten such patrol teams, distributed in a straight line vertically. If any patrol team is attacked, the other patrol teams will respond quickly and respond with a four-sided encirclement. In other words, as long as we come into contact with any patrol team, we are actually in contact with a Chaos army of more than 100 people. Of course, this army of 100 people does not enter the frontal battle all at once, but gradually enters the battlefield according to the distance." Number 5 was afraid that the war wizard in front of him was not clear about the current situation, so he explained: " So if we want to achieve your request, "launch a thunderbolt with a one-hit kill attitude and then quickly withdraw", we need to use a small combat force to eliminate a Chaos patrol within five minutes. If we don't have Chaos Dogs, our Rangers are capable of completing this step. Lurking and sneak attacks can allow us to take the initiative in the war and instantly disintegrate the enemy's combat effectiveness, but now this has become a luxury. In the absence of an ambush, we can't instantly eliminate the Chaos Warriors who have been prepared. "

"I completely understand what you said and understand the difficulties you have encountered." Li sighed. This is the trouble of not having an assault force. Leading a group of Rangers who are all long-range soldiers is a bit like leading a team to play CS in the university on Earth. Both sides of the battle have only 100 HP. No matter what gun, as long as they are swept by a shuttle, they will become a sieve. In this case, the most needed thing for both sides is always "first move", that is, to find the enemy earlier, shoot earlier, and be discovered by the enemy later. Of course, accurate shooting is a must. In this situation, the one who shoots first can naturally cause greater damage to the enemy, thus causing greater casualties to the enemy. This is a fair game, but the reality is that on a completely unfair battlefield, the rangers' equipment has almost no defensive power, and the Chaos heavy plate armor on the opposite side even covers the knees. It is impossible for the Chaos warriors to be stabbed in the knees. Without the first move, the two sides are fighting with guns, and the result can only be that the Eldar rangers are completely defeated.

Number Five didn't say much, but her eyes have expressed her meaning. Since you know, why do you still do this?

The ranger with a soft voice couldn't understand it at all.

Li sighed and decided not to explain anymore. He directly issued an order, ending this unsuccessful conversation: "Anyway, there is only one thing you have to do, that is, listen to my arrangements and do your job well."

Then Li arbitrarily issued combat orders and arranged tactical positions.

Li didn't spend much time on this, so the tactical arrangement was very simple. The six people stood in the shape of a flat parachute. The five rangers were far behind Li, forming an arc to ensure that their firepower could support this crazy war witch at any time, and Li was the front of the formation.

"Your task is very simple, which is to cover the shooting. Once you encounter the enemy, don't make any moves. I will be the first to contact the enemy. I will quickly cut into the enemy's line and fight with the enemy. If everything goes well, I will give priority to killing the enemy's exploration unit, that is, I will give priority to killing the enemy's hellhound. Then it's your time. Five rangers, make sure that each of you kills a Chaos Warrior without anyone interfering with you. You five rangers, shoot five enemy Chaos soldiers, and then I will take care of the rest. The most important thing is not to let any of the enemy run away."

This plan is simple and crude. To put it simply, when encountering an enemy, the war wizard will rush up and chop the enemy's two dogs to death, and then continue to chop to attract the enemy's full attention. The ranger on his side will shoot and kill the enemy, one person and one shot, one shot. In this way, the ranger only needs one accurate shot to kill most of the enemy's military force, and the rest will be left to the war wizard. If the chaos is scared and flees, the rangers will also call out their names one by one and let them all lie down honestly.

It seems to be very simple, especially the rangers, they just need to hide behind and shoot safely, and the biggest problem is that the war wizard is very confident that he can handle it all.

It's just a bastard! What kind of battle plan is this? Is the opponent a pet at home? The war wizard actually said that he would cut into the enemy's line alone, and when he was alone against a group of enemies, he still said that he would give priority to killing. What a joke, the biggest possibility is that he will be beaten into rags by the enemy halfway! What is even more speechless is that this plan is very comprehensive, even taking into account what to do when the enemy flees. This is simply like a battle plan made by a madman who can still think calmly on the outside but has gone completely crazy on the inside.

How could they be so unlucky to encounter such a top-notch person? But at this time, the rangers could no longer turn back. Number Five was getting more and more depressed. The worst thing was that there were two other ranger companions who liked this simple and crude plan very much. These two idiots had already begun to look forward to the scene of slaughtering Chaos soldiers, while Number Five began to worry about how to escape.

After the war wizard fell under the enemy's firepower, it should be the time for them, the rangers, to escape. The enemy's hellhounds should only be two, at most three. At that time, as long as they fled separately, there should still be a chance.

No matter what mood they were in, Li led the ranger team to move quickly in the jungle. In less than half a day, they met the target.

They didn't go looking for them on purpose. The rangers had been driven around by the patrol teams these days. Both sides knew the approximate location of the enemy. Besides, Li would not choose prey in particular, so when he met them, Li didn't think much about it. He told the rangers in the psychic communicator to wait for orders, and then he accelerated suddenly and rushed into the depths of the jungle.

In the distance, loud and fierce dog barking suddenly sounded.

"Haha! There are enemies!" The captain of the Chaos Legion shouted excitedly while pulling the bolt. A crisp metal collision sound came. The bolt machine gun in his hand was ready and could spray fierce firepower in any direction at any time. "Brothers, get ready, the prey is here."

As the captain spoke, the entire Chaos team automatically stood in the front arrow formation. Next, what these people had to do was to quickly protrude under the guidance of the demon dog, catch up with the enemy before the enemy escaped, and bite the enemy's tail tightly.

"I see, Captain. I didn't expect our luck to be so good that we could encounter prey like this."

"This time it's up to our fourth team!"

The Chaos Legion's soldiers have been holding back a fire in their hearts these days. The sudden sneak attack made them a group of Chaos warriors. If they continued to fight, it would be fine. At least they could fight painfully. But the enemy turned around and ran away after firing a few shots. They chased them out and didn't find a single ghost. As a result, they formed a search team to search and chase the enemies hidden around the camp, but the dogs kept barking. The enemy was clearly not far away. After chasing for a day or two, they still didn't get anything.

This made these Chaos warriors even more anxious, just like a cat that wanted to eat fish, smelled the fishy smell under its nose, but couldn't find the fresh fish that should be right in front of it. It was like a fire burning in their hearts.

"I hope they can have a little dignity as a soldier. I hope it can be a good battle." The soldiers accelerated their steps, kept preparing weapons in their hands, and their mouths were also busy.

"I'm tired of wandering around in this ghost forest, but I didn't even see a ghost. Now prey finally appears. Hey, these dogs are not barking randomly! Are they enemies?"

One of the three heads of a demon dog turned around and glared at the Chaos soldier who spoke last. At the same time, evil thoughts sounded directly in the minds of every Chaos soldier, "You idiots, be careful, or I will bite your bones! Although there is only one enemy this time, he is very strong!"

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