Alin first filled a glass of bright red wine for himself. It was a familiar color to him, the color of blood. In the crystal-clear long-legged glass, the red wine reflected the soft light, revealing a soft red color and an intoxicating aroma.

Then Alin sat on the sofa. He sighed comfortably and let his wide body sink as deeply as possible into the soft sofa. Then he picked up the wine glass and shook it at the tip of his nose, letting the aroma of the wine fill his nose. Then he opened his mouth and tasted the wine slightly, letting the soft taste and fragrant taste fill his mouth.

At this moment, Alin felt unprecedented satisfaction, but he knew that this was just the beginning, and the real enjoyment was still to come. Then he picked up a book. It was a normal book. In the mouths of the Space Marines, it was something for mortals.

Ordinary people's books seemed a little small in Alin's hands, just like an adult holding a small picture album for a child. Alin gently and carefully opened the book, and with a focused look like a pilgrim, he began to read aloud in a low voice.

It was a poem,

Every day in early September is blue,

Young, tall trees stretch upward,

Growing luxuriantly like love,

A beautiful and clean sky above our heads,

A cloud moves slowly,

It is so pure and flawless,

And as long as you believe from the bottom of your heart,

It will always be by your side.

After reading it, Ailin closed his eyes and imagined the beautiful and picturesque scene. Through this poem, he was able to find those familiar scenes from the ancient and almost rusty memories. In early September, the weather was refreshing, the blue sky, yes, he knew the blue sky, the sky that was not covered by the smoke of war, the young trees, those were just meaningless things that he once regarded as shelters or covers. At this moment, these green lives suddenly came alive in his memories, with a special sense of beauty.

And the clouds in the sky, which were also pure and flawless, could it really be by his side forever?

A person like himself, a person? No, he can no longer be considered a person. Can a dirty guy like me who sold his soul to the devil still have a piece of white cloud in his heart?

Then Ailin read it loudly and affectionately again. After that, he took out a delicate bookmark and inserted it into the book leaves. Ailin closed the book and stood up to put it back in the bookcase.

After doing all this, Ailin sighed, then he raised his head and looked at Mayer who was standing uneasy at the door of the room, and asked softly: "So, you lost completely, lost everyone, and fled back alone. Is that right?"

The last soft question seemed to pull out Mayer's bones in an instant. Mayer fell to his knees with a plop. This fierce and brutal warrior knelt down like this. He opened his mouth and wanted to explain. Yes, he had to say something, otherwise the ending waiting for him would not be too good.

But Ailin did not let Meyer get what he wanted. "No need to explain, hush!" Ailin stretched out a finger to cover his lips. "You don't have to say anything about the defeat. Although it is a complete failure for you, it can ruin your future. Oh? Sorry, my mistake. You don't have any future. You are lucky to be alive. Then let's continue. For you, this is an extremely important event that can destroy your future life, but for the war group, for me, the commander of the True God Khorne in this operation, this is just a minor setback. Even if it is a setback, it is not a big deal. It's like you find your nail is broken, just break it, it's not something worth noting. Of course, due to institutional reasons, you are still finished, and we must carefully consider the reasons for failure, so later, I will ask you some questions about the defeat. But before that, there is a more important question that you need to answer," Ailin asked: "Do you know what I just did?"

"What, what?"

Ailin asked again word by word, "I, just, was, doing!"

Who knows what you were doing just now, you pervert! But no matter when, such words are not what Mayer can say. Under the pressure of the superior, even if Mayer is a powerful warrior, he can only be as obedient as a sheep and show his greatest gentleness and obedience. He overcame the uneasiness and fear surging in his body, thought carefully, and finally said in a trembling voice: "My lord, are you just reciting poetry?"

"That's good, but not entirely. It can be said that you have completely missed the point." Aylin walked to his bookshelf and opened his hands as if to embrace his huge bookshelf. In front of Aylin, , is a small bookshelf, and behind this small bookshelf is a bookshelf with no end at a glance. Countless books are stacked in it, like an ocean of books. This is Aylin's single-person library. This library is so It is huge. The dome above the head is at least twenty meters high. The walls that can be seen with the naked eye are full of books. Looking into the distance, it is difficult to see the end. It seems that the world of books is endless. In this building belonging to Ai There are hundreds of millions, or even billions, of books in Lin's library. Even the owner Aylin himself has a hard time explaining the specific number. Some Chaos Mechanical Slaves walk among them to maintain the books appropriately to ensure that these Books can still remain intact over a long period of time. Aylin sighed and said: "These are all books here. Most of them are banned books. They are banned by the official propaganda agencies of the empire, the local government in power, or the state religion." , the Incineration Bureau and various other departments, these books should have been banned from distribution, recycled, and burned. Yes, they want to ruin it all.”

"But my lord, you have collected these things very well. Even the empire is unable to destroy these treasures. Facing the powerful you, even the empire is powerless."

"What you said is good, but it is not about praising my strength. Other commanders may like your approach, but here, your rhetoric is of no use, but at least you are right. Yes, these are treasures, the only value of human existence that I can find." Aylin sighed and asked: "Mayer, answer me, do you know why humans exist? ”

"Well, maybe it's because of that false emperor."

"No, that's just the reason why humans still exist. What I'm asking is, is there any meaning for humans to exist in this universe? Of course, you can't find the answer. Even the true philosophers don't have the answer. , or a more realistic meaning is that the existence of the human species has no meaning at all, but if the existence of human beings itself is meaningless, what is the meaning of the existence of our space warriors? Protecting human beings, but human beings have no meaning, why do we? Want to protect?”

"Sir, I don't quite understand."

"Of course you don't understand. You're just a useless waste." Aylin's eyes glanced at Mayer. There was no warmth in his light blue eyes. Just the glance made him feel... Mayer trembled a little, and Aylin sighed and continued: "But I can tell you, when a thing has no meaning of existence, then it at least needs 'beauty', yes, it needs beauty, human beings Existence is meaningless, but the art created by humans is beautiful. But what are the empires doing? They are killing this beauty. They are gradually eliminating art. They are burning and destroying. They are eliminating the only source of human existence. Proof! Those brilliant thoughts, those beautiful sentences, those beating notes are gradually disappearing, and art is being shackled by power and burned by flames. Do you understand how stupid that is?

"Subordinate, I understand, this stupid empire will definitely be defeated by the master!"

"No, you don't understand." Aylin sighed and said: "You are a warrior. The meaning of your existence is to fight and bring me victory. But Mayer, look at yourself, you have done your best. Work? Did you bring me victory? No, you only brought me the shame of failure. You are a thing without meaning, and you really, really lack beauty after all I said. After that, you didn't feel even the smallest emotion of beauty. Remember what I said before? When a thing has no meaning of existence, then it needs at least "beauty". None, so what should we do?”

"I, I, I," Mayer trembled for a long time before saying, "We, we should destroy it..."

"That's right. You should be destroyed like the Empire. But compared to the Empire, you are luckier. We are fighting, so you have another chance. So tell me about your failure first."

Mayer exhaled and began to describe his failure.


After Li led five rangers to completely eliminate a Chaos team, he continued to advance forward and detoured behind the Chaos warriors. After that, they encountered a Chaos reserve team, which was responsible for searching and searching along with the first line. The fighting teams are different, and they are responsible for supporting and replenishing personnel. In short, the reserve team that is not on the front line should be relatively relaxed, and the team is not equipped with hellhounds.

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