This is the first time I have encountered this kind of thing while writing a book.

For no reason, I was suddenly attacked by a group of people. Around noon on August 3rd, a group of people suddenly appeared in the book review area to attack my book friends, my family and I. One scumbag even took an insult. My mother's ID is even more scumbag. She posted a message to scold my newborn daughter. My daughter is only four and a half months old. Are you still a human being? How can you be such a scumbag to attack my daughter so viciously?

What kind of behavior is this to mess with my whole family and also attack my innocent book friends?

On the day of August 3rd, the IDs I blocked in the book review area were ten times the IDs I blocked now when I published the book. Since I serialized the book Far East Storm in Zongheng, I have only blocked two IDs in total, and one of them is still Posting pornographic advertisements.

Obviously, this is a deliberate and malicious attack, and the target of the attack is directly at the author myself.

What’s even more incomprehensible is that I have no idea why this group of people attacked me, and I don’t know where the attack came from. It seemed that a group of people suddenly didn’t like me, so they formed a group to attack me.

It’s so fucking baffling, I write books honestly, lk has gossips, and I don’t mess around with them. My friends all know that I like to read gossips the most, but now I don’t care about anyone. Provoking, writing books honestly, raising children happily, occasionally sc2 being abused, how come this group of people suddenly appeared and wanted to form a group to mess with me, forget about fighting me, directly insult my family, and mess around We all know that it will not bring harm to our family. These scumbags are worse than gangsters and have no moral principles at all.

The banner of this group of people was quite righteous. They said that the jokes I wrote were too silly and heavy-handed.

It’s even more incomprehensible to me. If you have any opinions on my writing methods, you can raise them. If you have any differences, you can discuss them. What does it mean to just attack my whole family?

Besides, the so-called heavy talk, isn't it just a joke about a demon eating people? Yan Leisheng asked the protagonist to eat human flesh in Tianxingjian. This was to show the difficulty of defending the city. It was clear how the meat was chopped, how it was cooked, how it was eaten, what it tasted like, and how disgusting it was after eating it. Everyone who saw Wu Song fighting tigers on Jingyanggang knows why Wu Song fought tigers because tigers eat people. Sun Erniang was even more evil, and she directly opened a black spot and made human meat buns. Are these all weird? Is it possible that readers who feel unhappy will be harmed by it?

The monster Ha Shisan in the Fairy Gourd swallows beautiful women alive; people can eat people in Yanleisheng; Sun Erniang in Water Margin chops people up and makes them into steamed buns for sale; the tigers on Jingyang Gang can also eat meat and eat a lot of people. How come in my book, if a demon eats a person, it will become a monster, it will be harsh, and the world will be in chaos, which is unjust!

Besides, the devil in my book is not a good thing. Devil, the enemy of the protagonist and the enemy of all mankind! Moreover, he is just a part-timer and has nothing to do with the protagonist P. He is just a passer-by as soon as he appears on the scene. What kind of outburst of justice do you have? Fifteenth Brother, Dark Night Flowing Wind, Foodie, these names clearly don’t match up with the names in the book. These are all stooge friends in the group, Fifteenth Brother is still the leader of lk. I wrote about one of my friends eating another friend, and some righteous people jumped out and said that I was too evil. Why is the love of the famous little white lady so embarrassing? She has been castrated in countless books, and why doesn't anyone with justice come to cry out?

Warhammer is inherently a cruel world, and some righteous friends can't stand it, and I understand.

And I really want to restore its authenticity and let you see its cruelty. Why are the nuns desperate and crazy to burn the humans they think are demons? As women, why can they kill civilians? Just saying that they are fanatics is too frivolous. I am trying to describe the heavy side. If there is no evil cruelty, how can there be the madness of nuns? If we are not cruel to ourselves, then even crueler things are bound to happen. There will be many cruel choices of this kind in Warhammer stories. War can best test a person's authenticity and torture his heart. In the later stages of Warhammer, there was a judge who gave up countless worlds and tens of billions or more in order to fight against the Zerg. Many Imperial civilians died because of him. Tens of billions, how many people are there in total on earth? What kind of cruelty is this, and what is the purpose of such heart-wrenching madness? Can you understand this person without writing about the cruelty of the Zerg? The Zerg not only eat people, they also eat planets!

Cruelty is the truest character in the dark universe of Warhammer. I just want to write about its nature, and it is only a limited expression. In other words, if the enemy is not cruel, then why should we fight against him? Wouldn’t resistance become a joke? As I said in my introduction, if we don’t resist, humanity will be destroyed. How to perish? Is it easy to be destroyed? No, this is not easy at all, it is cruel. The Zerg will treat you and your planet as food, but the things the demons can do are a hundred times crueler.

Last Justice, please stop messing with me. If you don't like my book, don't read it. I write about the world of Warhammer 40k. The basic feature of this world is "Gothic". When it comes to Gothic, no one should imagine a harmonious and warm scene. I personally want to write a flavorful Gothic style article and a high-quality good book that I agree with. I like the cruel world of Warhammer 40k very much and want to write a warrior who knows how to torture his heart. Those who are used to reading Qidian upgrade articles may not be used to my books. It's nothing. Reading is just a pastime. There are many books of various types on the Internet. Even if you want to read about opening a harem in the Warhammer world, there is one in Zongheng. Find the books you like.

The storm of harmony is blowing fiercely, and I want to write something in the Gothic style. Some people say that I am a literary youth. The editor said that we are just writing commercial novels. Don't do this. I just want to write a good book that is worthy of readers and myself.

I beg all the righteous people, please give me a way out, stop making trouble, and go away.

I just want to write a good book so that my readers can read smoothly. I rarely ask for votes in my articles, and I don’t play this trick when I come to Zongheng. I am also a reader, and I am quite disgusted with this trick, but I also know that there is no way to do it in a competitive environment, so I can only ask myself to try to do less similar things, because I think it will interfere with the readers' reading experience. Now it’s good, the righteous people have done this to my chapters, and large paragraphs have been deleted. In order not to be too abrupt, I can only let the Imperial Propaganda Department appear, but this thing makes me upset. After that, when I write cruel things, I have to think about your righteous eyes looking at me. The previous persistence seems to have become a joke. This thing makes me sick when I look at it myself. How can readers read smoothly?

Insulting my family made my head big, and forcing me to dismember my own articles is trampling on my hard work. Now it’s good, righteous people, you won. You should be satisfied.

Really, please spare me. I am just a useless writer who wants to write a good book. Go and judge those books that are worthy of your power. Don't bully me.

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