Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 26 Tradition

"Please forgive my little hobby," Old Jacob said with a smile on his face: "When people get old, they become weak. When I was young, I didn't care about these things, but at this age, people become weak. It becomes easier and easier to be affected by various things around me, and I feel more happy in such an environment.”

"I think this has nothing to do with being weak, but that after such a long time, we have learned to observe carefully and taste carefully. When we were young, we filled our stomachs quickly and casually, and forgot to taste the food. "I'm in a hurry to do some big things, but ignore some of the things around me that are truly worth cherishing." Li Xiaoxiao said, "Fragrant tea, sunshine and grass, and it's also afternoon tea time. I accept you." The reception was truly wonderful. ”

"Li, you are really good at talking. You are not like an excellent warrior, but more like an excellent diplomat."

"I have always been like this, but most of the time I face enemies of the empire. At that time, I can only use weapons to talk." At this point, Li picked up the tea and let his nose enjoy the overflowing tea first. He took a sip of the red tea and said, "It's really good tea. So about the reason why I came here this time..."

"Yes, establish a brand new Star Wars group," Jacob looked at Li and said with a smile: "I thought you would just chat with me, an old man, all afternoon. That would be great. ”

"Although my resume shows that I am very old, I am still young both physically and mentally."

"So I don't have the patience to chat with an old man like me," Jacob nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. Soldiers loyal to the empire naturally don't have extra time to waste. So before I get to the point, let me make a statement. , the coffee beans and black tea all come from the agricultural world Belis 14, which has the best black tea gene pool in the galaxy for support, so the initial level of the warrior is difficult to guarantee. The Raven Guard suffered too heavy a blow during the Great Rebellion, and the Legion's gene pool also suffered a serious blow. Because of these reasons, the Legion was almost destroyed. When encountering great difficulties, the empire will dispatch think tank curators. These people will swear allegiance to you and manage the gene bank for you. However, the accumulation of the gene bank needs to be completed by yourself, and neither the headquarters nor the empire can help. ”

In Li's understanding, the so-called gene pool is like the initial template for character construction in online games. But online games are different from reality after all. Each character in the game has the same initial points, which ensures that the game can be played fairly, but the word "fair" does not exist in reality. Everyone is born with different preferences. Some people are destined to be stronger than others, while some people are smarter, and some people have some special talents. These differences come from the genes in the human body. The gene pool of the historic group ensures that its warriors will be more powerful than the average Star Chapter, which allows their recruits to start at a higher starting point than others. It's like getting more points when building the initial template of a new warrior.

"I know," Li nodded, "I will find a solution to this problem."

"What I just mentioned is the difficulty for a brand new battle group, but for you, there are completely different difficulties."


"You should know that the Star Wars is not an ordinary fighting group. Each Chapter has its own traditions and rules, and the same is true for us as a whole," Old Jacob said: "We have always had a Tradition, which can also be said to be a bad habit, is that we cannot accept the weak. Our Star Wars Corps is the strongest warrior group and a knight galloping across the stars, so every incoming captain will prove himself through a battle. strength."

Li remained calm, as if he hadn't seen Jacob's sharp eyes. He asked lightly: "What kind of battle was it?"

"It's just a simple hand-to-hand battle, without wearing power armor, and only allowing the use of cold weapons. There are no rules in the battle, only the strong and the weak, victory and defeat. And in such a battle, you are alone He will face the challenge of three standard warriors of the Star Wars. "Jacob sighed and said: "For the general leader of the Star Wars, this is not a problem. It can be said that such a fighting performance is of a great nature. Regarding the fight itself, because everyone who can become the leader of the Star Wars is a strong man on the battlefield. They have strong physical and mental strength and have withstood cruel tests and countless battles. Standard soldiers are like three weak children in front of such warriors. Those who are about to become the leader cannot fail in such a fight." Jacob looked at Li and sighed: "But you don't. Same thing, it's the other way around for you."

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