Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 301: Immortal Lord

The Phoenix Lord sitting opposite Li coughed slightly, and then asked: "So, what year is it now?"

"Huh?" Li was stunned. This question is really strange. Why does it feel so familiar? By the way, this seems to be one of the lines that must be said after being possessed by the party.

Seeing Li's doubts, Zhan En Zell sighed slightly, and then explained: "No wonder you are confused, how can a powerful Phoenix Lord be like this? Could it be that he is so dizzy that he can't even manage his life? Are you clear? Everyone in our clan knows that every Phoenix Lord is immortal. Long periods of time cannot kill us, and the enemy’s ferocious attacks cannot defeat us. However, only a very small number of Eldar warriors truly know about the Phoenix Lords. The reason for immortality." Zhan Zell said: "To put it simply, I was sleeping deeply. Before I woke up, I was exhausted in a battle and was defeated by the enemy. No need to be surprised, even the Phoenix Lord. He is not invincible. The Phoenix Lord is just a warrior of the Spirit Race. As long as he sets foot on the battlefield, he will fail one day. This is inevitable. After the failure, I fell into a deep sleep until I was defeated this time. Wake up, a lot of days must have passed during this period, so I don’t know the current time and where I am now.”

So Li told Jenn Zell the current time and battle situation in detail as far as he knew.

"It turns out to be Alaitok. I didn't expect to wake up and have arrived in the Far East, but time has passed like gravel..." Zhan Zell pondered for a while, then nodded and sighed: "Every time It's been like this every time. The passage of time has no meaning, but just like in the past, every time I wake up, it's during the war. Thank you for telling me all this so clearly, but I still hide something from you. , which makes me feel ashamed. No matter what, this is unreasonable, so I will also tell you clearly what I have hidden. Although it is not a secret, I still hope that you will not mention it to irrelevant people. , The main reason is that even if other people know about this matter, it will not have any impact, and this matter will affect the reputation of the Phoenix Lords to some extent, so I ask you to listen, knowing is enough, and don’t spread it to others. "

"Don't worry, I'm not a talkative person."

"That's good. To put it simply, this is the immortal secret of the Phoenix Lords. As I said, the Phoenix Lords will still be defeated, knocked down by the enemy, and chopped by sharp blades. I will also be injured and have my head chopped off. , I will also die. In this regard, the Phoenix Lord is no different from all the Spirit Race people, but this kind of death is not a real death for the Phoenix Lord. Even if we die, our souls will still be attached. In this armor, when the next warrior who believes in us puts on this armor, our soul will be resurrected in their body, and the soul of the original owner of this body will completely dissipate. From a certain perspective, it is a bit like some kind of monster attached to the armor, so every time the Phoenix Lord is awakened, there is a huge price to pay. For the original owner of this body, the price is her Her life, her soul, everything about her." Zhan Zell nodded to Li and said sincerely: "This is really not something worth showing off, so please keep it a secret."

"I understand. I will keep my mouth shut. No one from the Spirit Tribe will listen to this information from me," Li replied solemnly. Of course, there was no need for him to share this news with Other Eldar share, just tell Elizabeth. She's not from the Spirit Clan anyway.

"There is no need to be so solemn," Zhan Zell waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's not a secret anyway, I just don't think it's good, so I don't want too many people to know."

Li nodded and then changed the topic, "The past is over, so what are your plans for the future and the present?"

"Speaking of plans, naturally there is no plan at all. I just figured out when and where I was." Zhan Zell said with a wry smile: "I just woke up from a deep sleep and found that I was surrounded by Chaos enemies. There are malicious chaotic creatures in all directions. After killing them all, the entire stronghold has become dilapidated. You can only move closer to your position. You encounter another group of chaotic creatures on the road. You can only do it again. Cut them down. To be honest, the fighting almost never stopped. Such exciting things are not common even for me. Fortunately, I can take a breath now and roughly understand the situation from you. What are your plans for the future? Naturally, I will continue to roam. The Milky Way is so vast and the Webway is so magical. I don’t know if there will ever be a day when I can see it all. As for the present, there seems to be nothing worth planning. As usual, just kill all the enemies."

"This, this is it."

"Yes, that's it. If I knew I couldn't win, then I should be planning how to take you to escape. But now it seems that your war commanders and prophets are obviously prepared. Since there is such a plan, then victory is It can be expected, in this case, of course we have to play well. "

"Then could you please Lord Phoenix tell me about the two battles we experienced before?"

"Of course there is no problem. Oh, by the way, you don't have to call me Phoenix Lord. Just call me Zhan En." Then Zhan En. Zell told Li in detail about the abilities and appearance of the enemies she encountered, as well as the general course of the battle.

Zhan En. Zell's personal account is naturally much more detailed and vivid than the written report submitted by a lieutenant in the Phoenix Lord's team.

Along the way, under the leadership of Jann Zel, this team, which was like a defeated army, defeated two Chaos armies in total. The first was a group of Chaos vanguards that surrounded the Elven Forest stronghold. Unlike the Chaos legions that believed in Khorne that Li encountered, the Chaos vanguards that attacked the Elven Forest believed in the evil god Tzeentch. This god of conspiracy and trickery was also the supreme master of magic and psychic control. His believers could naturally get the power bestowed by Tzeentch in this regard. Therefore, the defense of the Elven Forest was vulnerable under the strange magic attack. The strange effects caused by the spell attack and its unpredictable characteristics quickly brought the Eldar army into a desperate situation.

In desperation, a wailing banshee decided to devote everything she had to awaken the sleeping Phoenix Lord. When the banshee put on the armor, her soul quickly dissipated like sand floating in the wind, and Jann Zel, the immortal, the demigod of the Eldar, the Phoenix Lord, opened her eyes on Eden.

The Chaos vanguard that surrounded the Fairy Forest was quickly counterattacked. At first, the Chaos commander did not care. In the commander's view, such a counterattack was just a crazy struggle before death, because the counterattack came from only one person, a madman who tried to fight against an army alone, or a demeanor who only wanted to die in despair. No matter how brilliant this person burst out after the collapse of his reason, he would eventually fall under the defenseless magic attack and the surging enemy.

But what happened next completely surprised the commander of this legion and finally felt despair.

All magic attacks had no effect on this Eldar. When the psychic-driven lightning struck her, it would strangely pass by her, like water passing by the feathers of a swan. If only the lightning attack was ineffective, it would be acceptable, but all the magic attacks were ineffective, which was terrifying. Fireballs, ice cones, wind blades, invisible stance forces, direct impacts of chaotic energy, arrows with corrosive power, all direct magic attacks would pass by her, and later they would directly rebound back to the attacker's position. And those horrible magics that acted directly on the mind and soul level were also completely ineffective. All the psychic fluctuations would be absorbed by the vast and calm psychic energy around her when they approached her, just like a drop of water falling into the ocean, without even a splash, and disappeared without a trace.

Long-range magic attacks were completely ineffective against the Phoenix Lord, and those who launched close-range attacks on the only enemy with cold weapons were quickly caught in a bloody storm. Zhanen Zel held the Executioner and used the sharp blade flashing with psychic light to set off a bloody storm. No one could resist the wind force of the blade, and even delaying time became a luxury. They only saw the blade flash and the psychic light flash by, and then the enemy rushed to other places like the wind, and on the road she walked, only pieces of meat, blood and corpses were left on the ground.

Like mowing grass, Zhanen Zel harvested the lives of the Chaos Legion. No one could stop her wherever she went. The commander went from disdain at first, to surprise later, to horror at last. The commander of the Chaos side made many attempts, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not stop this terrible enemy, even for a moment, which became a luxury.

Facing an invincible enemy, even the Chaos Army soon fell into the brink of collapse. Wherever Zhanen Zell passed, the Chaos Army soldiers retreated like the ebb tide. Discovering this situation, the Eldar warriors of the Fairy Forest rushed out of the stronghold, which accelerated the Chaos Army's defeat. The battle soon turned into a one-sided pursuit. Occasionally, some Chaos sergeants tried to gather their soldiers to form a defense, but with the arrival of Zhanen Zell, such a formation would quickly collapse.

So Zhanen Zell defeated the enemy with his own strength, and led the warriors in the Fairy Forest to chase the enemy, and finally wiped them out.

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