Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 306: Gorgeous

The Samurai Hall is a building built into a giant tree. This palace of the Eldar people takes into account both beauty and practicality. It not only has a streamlined and gorgeous feeling as always, but it also has strong concealment, at least from high altitude. From the above, it seems that there is nothing different about this big tree except that it is larger.

Inside the big tree is an extremely wide hall, which is completely different from the buildings of the empire. There is not a single column in the hall of the Eldar people, but the hall has a height that makes architects stunned. The high dome network extends into the dark depths. There was only a faint light shining on the dome, like a starry sky in darkness.

Around the hall are placed various statues of martial arts, including the wailing banshee, the fire dragon, the swirling eagle, the black god of death...these statues are nine meters high, and ordinary Eldar people seem to be standing in front of these huge statues. , like a small insect standing at the feet of a giant, it needs to look up. These statues are holding weapons, with graceful postures, and making attacking gestures. It is unknown who made them. These statues are lifelike and meticulous. Even the patterns on the ferocious masks on the faces of the statues are clearly visible. Every time I see these statues, The statues will give Li an illusion. These static statues seem to be moving, as if these statues will jump up and launch a fatal blow at the next moment.

In the center of the hall is a huge circular high platform. On the high platform, many warriors are already doing daily exercises, some are wielding swords, and some are sparring. This is the place where the Eldar people train their melee weapons. The Eldar warriors who embark on the path of warriors need to receive training and training in halls similar to this. Even after they leave the army, they still need to spend time to continue to study and improve their skills. Martial arts.

When Li and Zhan En Zell walked into the hall, they attracted some people's peeps. Zhan En Zell was the Phoenix Lord. No matter where she went, people from the Eldest tribe would look at her with admiration, and Li What was noticed was that the famous master of Oak Pavilion had never been to this warrior hall.

For the Spirit Tribe people in Oak Pavilion, both their Oak Pavilion master and the Phoenix Lord are unattainable legendary beings. The Oak Pavilion master is just a war wizard, but he is a hero among ordinary warriors. , on the battlefield at the other end of the starry sky, this war wizard who was not good at communicating saved the lives of more than three hundred Eldar warriors with his miraculous fighting ability and great spirit. This was not one, not two, but three hundred There are so many, and this shocking number is gradually increasing as the rumors spread, but no one can question its authenticity. There are many people who have been saved by him in Oak Pavilion. Li would swore to tell what happened that day. The recent achievements are even more impressive. The little War Witch led the Spirit Tribe people in this area to achieve a huge victory at a very small, even negligible cost, although more troublesome enemies arrived later. , but this is a long-term war after all, and the enemy will never be short of supplies.

The only thing that makes the Eldar people in Oak Pavilion regretful is that this war wizard doesn't like to communicate with other people. He will neither go to the warrior hall to practice his martial arts nor discuss battle strategies with other captains. It seems that he does The most common thing is to stay in your own small room or in a tower, sit and meditate, wait quietly, and then suddenly burst out with a dazzling brilliant light when needed.

Not to mention the Phoenix Lords. Their legend is known to everyone in the Eldar tribe. This is the favorite bedtime story of the Eldar tribe when they were young.

Now, these two living legends have come to the Samurai Hall together. Everyone is secretly looking forward to it. Is something good going to happen?

Li noticed that someone was already calling someone using a psychic communicator.

"Everyone, can you step back a little?" Zhan Zell smiled and started to chase people away, completely ignoring the eyes of others. "Yes, farther away, preferably further away. I hope you can give me and Zhan Wu Ruien Leave enough room for movement, because we are going to have a friendly exchange. I heard that the owner of Oak Court, Ryan, has amazing swordsmanship, so I really want to see it."

As soon as these words were said, the soldiers on the round platform immediately withdrew completely, and they all retreated under the round platform, waiting for what was about to happen with their eyes wide open.

"Well now, Master Ryan, do you need any preparations?"

"No need," Li pulled out the Lich Sword. The runes on the sword were activated by spiritual power, and suddenly floated up from the sword, spinning around the sword, and made an awkward movement. After the sword salute, Li focused all his attention on his opponent, and then said: "Please!"

Li has allowed himself to fully enter the state, and he is also eager to see the Phoenix Lord's combat power.

Who knew that Zhan En Zell frowned and said displeasedly: "Looking at you, it seems that you haven't had much experience with each other? Why are your etiquette so rough?"

Under the high platform, Elizabeth touched her forehead with her hand, her heart filled with regret. How could she forget this? If I had known that I should have given my child's father a proper etiquette lesson, this was simply an unforgivable mistake.

"Well, I practiced my swordsmanship on the battlefield and didn't have much competition."

"Really?" Zhan Zell nodded and said, "That's it, I understand, then let me start."

As she spoke, Zhanen Zel's body suddenly disappeared from the spot. Almost without any warning, Zhanen Zel suddenly jumped up. Unlike ordinary people who need to squat, use their legs to exert force, and then jump up, Zhanen Zel's jump almost had no warning. She just stood there straight and said this unhappily. As soon as the voice fell, she disappeared from the spot. In the blink of an eye, she used her feet to exert force and jumped high. In the air, she gently rotated her body and pulled out the long blade executioner!

The distance of more than ten meters between the two was easily jumped over, and the executioner instantly chopped off from Li's head.

Zhanen.Zell used the usual tactics of the wailing banshees. Almost all wailing banshees know this move. When encountering an enemy, they will choose to leap up, and their bodies will flip directly in the sky like a light swallow, and then directly insert into the center of the battlefield, approaching the enemy in the fastest way. At the moment of falling, the banshee's howl will be launched at the same time, and the sharp infrasound will attack the enemy's brain through the hearing, making it instantly lose its resistance, and thus being easily chopped into pieces by the banshees wielding sharp blades.

This is the most commonly used and most basic attack method on the Banshee Path, but no one uses it better than Zhanen.Zell, because Zhanen.Zell is the creator of the Banshee Path. Now all the Eldar banshees holding sharp blades and screaming on the Eldar battlefield are her students. At this moment, Zhanen.Zell showed her unquestionable master-level strength in front of everyone.

Leaping up, drawing the sword, falling, slashing, this most common attack became a perfect art in the hands of Zhan En Zel. Her figure in the air, her ghostly speed, the fierce slash of the sharp blade that suddenly flashed out of the sheath like thunder, all of this was so perfect and smooth. Almost in the moment when people were still stunned and blinking, the long blade of the executioner in her hand had already chopped in front of Li.

The spectators under the round platform and the excited warriors who had just entered the warrior hall were all shocked by this perfect sword at this moment. The flashing blade almost shocked their souls. The idea of ​​being unmatched almost completely subdued their hearts. Is this a sharp blade that mortals can resist? Such a swift and perfect attack, I am afraid that the person being attacked will be killed by the sharp blade before he understands it.

But Li's reaction was beyond everyone's expectations. In an instant, he took a step back. This step back was useless in the eyes of Zhan En. Zell. The executioner had a super long blade that was longer than ordinary cold weapons. It was impossible to avoid the executioner's blade by just retreating like this.

In an instant, a trace of disappointment flashed through Zhan En. Zell's heart. Is it over?

Then what happened in an instant was magical. Li's body suddenly turned into a shadow in front of Zhan En. Zell. Just a flash, he suddenly disappeared from under Zhan En. Zell's blade. The executioner's blade didn't cut anything. The long blade was deeply cut into the rock of the round platform in the great force of the slash.

In an instant, Li suddenly used the leg that supported him as the center of gravity, and the whole body suddenly exerted force, spinning like a gyroscope. While dodging the blade of Zhan En. Zell, he turned around and swung a sword to the back of Zhan En. Zell's head.

If there are comic lovers who travel through time and space who see this scene, they will definitely curse. Isn't this Kenshin's Tornado Flash?

Of course, Tornado Flash and Flying Sword Style are just imaginations in the comics, but there are masters who are bored and willing to turn all kinds of imaginations into reality. Li used to use either Crow Claw or sniper rifles, or at least Bolt Pistol and Chainsword. Naturally, he didn't have the time or opportunity to use these swordsmanship against the enemy. It would be so refreshing to just shoot the enemy with a long-range weapon, or it would be pretty good to saw the opponent to death with a Chainsword. As for the use of these swordsmanship full of artistic atmosphere?

But now, these legendary swordsmanship in various worlds are awakening in Li's body, and showing their gorgeous style in the eyes of the Eldar people.

ps: I wish you all a happy new year and good health! ! ! Ulala, it's the new year

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