Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 28: Fighting

"Uh, you mean now?"

"Yes, of course the faster the better for this kind of thing. After all, I am facing a brand new Star Wars group. There are still many things that need to be done by me. I don't have too much time to waste on going through the formalities. ”

Jacob was stunned. He didn't expect Li to be so impatient. At a time like this, what else could he do? He has said everything that needs to be said, but this guy still insists on following the procedures regardless of life and death. He has no reason and no right to refuse. "It's true that our time is precious and should not be wasted on the earth." With that said, Jacob clapped his hands, summoned the servants, and then issued the order, "Get ready, this Master Li is going to Participate in a battle in the arena against three standard warriors of the Space Marine Regiment."

The servant did not leave, but whispered a few words in Jacob's ear. Jacob frowned, but quickly relaxed, and he said loudly: "It doesn't matter, hurry up." Go get ready, I will take Mr. Li to the arena right now, don’t keep us waiting.”

The servant then bowed and went down backwards.

"Sir, please come with me. I will take you to the arena. But before that, you need to sign a document to show that you clearly understand the consequences of entering the arena. If you appear, If there is an accident, no one needs to be held responsible.”

Although life and death are not necessarily determined, this is still an old rule. In ancient China, people had to sign a life and death certificate before a life and death contest. The so-called victory or defeat depends on man, and life and death depend on heaven. If you really practice it, you can't even guarantee your own life. , who can guarantee the other person’s life? Li didn't say much, just nodded in agreement.

Jacob then reminded Lee to change out of his fancy aristocratic clothes and into simple soldier clothes that were more suitable for battle.

"That's not necessary." Li said so and walked into the arena without looking back.

The so-called arena is actually a large church that has been cleared out. This church is so huge that it seems to be half built for giants. Even if thousands of people are placed in the vast space, there will be no feeling of crowding at all. At the top of the church is a golden cross, symbolizing the faith of the God-Emperor.

In the church, three sturdy soldiers were already standing there, with their hands behind their backs and their legs spread apart. These soldiers were uniformly dressed, wearing long black military leather boots, blue trousers, and white Vests wrapped around bodies that seemed ready to explode.

Just by looking at it, you can feel the fierceness coming towards you.

Li originally thought he would feel scared. After all, rationally speaking, this was the first time he had faced a real enemy, and it was also the first time he was preparing to really fight.

In his previous life, he was a truly good boy, and he had never participated in such bad activities as fighting.

This is his first time to participate in actual combat, and such actual combat may very well cost him his life.

Li originally thought he would be trembling with fear, and he was indeed trembling now. His hands could not help but tremble, but Li knew clearly that this was not because of fear, but because of excitement.

At this time, even Li's breath was filled with heat, the air became hot, and his heartbeat began to accelerate. Stepping into this arena, it seems as if we are far away from civilization and constraints, letting go of everything, class, kindness, and friendship. Everything that belongs to civilization has gone far away, and people have returned to the most primitive and barbaric world, watching The fierce enemy in front of him, feeling the terror that could endanger his own life, only the most primitive fighting remained.

Li felt that the blood in his body became hot and began to boil.

Even though his body is not as strong as it was nine thousand years ago, it still yearns to fight, and so does Li's soul. Although Jacob made many mistakes today, he was right about one thing. In this world, apart from fighting, there was nothing familiar to Li.

When Li's souls from the two worlds met, the outcome seemed to be doomed. No matter which soul survived, he could only fight and kill. Because this is the only thing he is familiar with and good at.

"Under the gaze of the Divine Emperor, we started this fair battle. Neither side of the battle held weapons. They showed their bravery with their bare hands and under the gaze of the Divine Emperor. May the Emperor bless you." The rustling announcement Jacob's voice came out from the vessel. After a brief prayer, he announced: "Then everyone present, the battle can begin."

As soon as he finished speaking, one of the three Space Marines rushed towards Li with an angry look on his face. Only then did Li notice that the big man rushing towards him was the man named McCain who was standing guard at the door in the first place. soldiers.

Earlier, when Lee wanted to enter, McCain was responsible for standing guard. It was his duty to stop him. As a result, when he stretched out his hand, he not only failed to restrain Li, but was knocked over by Li. He lost all face and had long been holding back his anger. He originally thought that he would never have a chance to take revenge in this life. After all, he would not be able to find it anyway. An ordinary person took revenge, but he didn't expect the opportunity to come so quickly. At this moment, all McCain could think about was taking this opportunity to beat up the hateful young man in front of him in order to save face. After all, as a Space Marine, he ended up being knocked down by an ordinary person. This can be regarded as a lifelong shame. His comrades will make fun of him for the rest of his life.

In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed out. What tactical coordination and fighting techniques were thrown aside by him. He was right. Do you need these things to fight an ordinary person? Not at all! So he rushed towards Li and kicked him at the same time.

The power of this kick was so strong that even a steel plate would be broken by this kick. It would be easy to kick an ordinary person to death.

But his goal and the trajectory of his action were too obvious to Lee. Lee just moved sideways and dodged the kick easily. At the same time, he stretched out his claws to the inside of McCain's thigh. Just a scratch, three fingers were like sharp crow claws, easily piercing the skin, and pierced into the thigh along the veins and gaps between the muscles. Then he grabbed with his fingers and stepped forward, pulling against McCain's momentum, and tore off a piece of muscle on the inside of McCain's thigh. The sound of the muscle being torn was like broken leather, which made people tremble.

In the instant when the battle just started, McCain rushed to Lee. When the two crossed, Lee tore a piece of meat from McCain's thigh. At this time, McCain's cry of pain just sounded, but it was not over yet. The two crossed and their bodies stopped almost at the same time, squatted, and then reflected like a spring.

If it were an ordinary person, then just the blow just now would be enough to completely deprive him of his combat effectiveness. The pain of having his muscles torn apart is unbearable for ordinary people, and one leg would become unable to move because of it. What's more terrible is the psychological blow. Normal people see their muscles being pulled and torn apart, and feel the pain. In this case, let alone continuing to fight, it would be difficult to stay awake and not faint.

But Li was not facing an ordinary person, but a member of the Space Marine Corps. The pain of just tearing a piece of flesh from his body could not break the will of a Space Marine. Every standard member of the Space Marine Corps has been tested for "pain control". For these most outstanding fighters, physical pain is just a sensory illusion, and they can overcome it with their own will. So even if the muscles on the inside of McCain's thigh were torn apart in the last second, the terrible pain stimulated him, and his cry because of the pain was still echoing in his ears, but this would not affect his fighting movements at all. He did not give up the attack because of the injury. On the contrary, his counterattack was more fierce than before. McCain turned around suddenly, swinging his strong arms and hitting Lee.

But Lee knew all this more clearly. He fully understood the strength of the Space Marines, so Lee also turned around at the same time, lowered his body, avoided the attack, and rushed forward, stretched out his arm again, still in the position where he had just attacked. This time, Lee stretched out his fingers and accurately pinched a soft tube in McCain's wound. Lee's body rushed forward, and at the same time, he pinched and pulled hard with his fingers, and blood splashed.

The first time the two crossed each other, Lee tore the muscles on McCain's thigh. The second time the two crossed each other, Lee accurately tore the artery in his thigh.

McCain screamed, and then fell to the ground. Due to the intense exercise before, his two hearts were beating hard, like two high-pressure pumps. Every beat of the heart sent fresh blood to all parts of the body. At this time, the main blood circulation channel had a huge break in the thigh. Blood spurted out from the broken blood vessel like a water gun, and the bright red blood splattered everywhere in a moment.

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