For the war between the two, the nightmare began from the moment when Noz'aisha shed tears of blood.

At the place where the demon prince Behemoth died, the trembling psychic energy gathered and finally formed a blood shadow. In the blink of an eye, this blood shadow embraced a vague shadow and rushed into the sky with a sharp laugh. At this moment, Weisen's heart almost stopped beating because of fear. He held his breath and looked up. In the sky, the most powerful weapon of the Eldar, the ultimate weapon for victory, suddenly changed.

The crystal clear Spear of Destruction, like a work of art, suddenly emitted a red light that made Weisen feel desperate. And in the next moment, the beams that fell from the sky suddenly disappeared, and those beams that chased the demons and wiped them out one by one suddenly stopped, and the whole world returned to darkness in an instant.

Weisen opened the communication channel in despair, and he quickly found the final control room, which was the control room in Eden, and all the orders for the Spear of Destruction were issued from here.

"Why did you stop attacking?"

"Sir, it's not that we stopped attacking, but it lost control. The Spear of Destruction has lost control."

Wesen was silent for a while, leaving a sentence: "Keep working hard." Then he closed the communication window. When he raised his head again, the moon in the sky changed again. Blood threads like capillaries gradually emerged from the crystal clear shell of the "Spear of Destruction". The blood vessels quickly grew larger and thicker at a speed visible to the naked eye, and crawled on the surface of the silver moon at an extremely amazing speed like a spirit snake. After a while, standing on Eden and looking up, you can also see the changes in the sky. The Spear of Destruction in the night sky seems to be bound by red lines. On the silver-white transparent body are red threads like spider webs. Each of these threads is a giant blood vessel as thick as a skyscraper.

In less than five minutes, blood vessels covered the surface of the Spear of Destruction, and then a layer of flesh and blood began to grow on the outer shell of the Spear of Destruction, like a thick meat blanket that began to spread out. Visen had no way to deal with this. The control room had completely lost control of the Spear of Destruction. For Eden, it has now lost its most powerful weapon.

At this time, Daswesen experienced the feelings of the previous Chaos Demon commanders, which was the despair of being able to only look up but unable to do anything.

The demon prince Behemos took Eden's strongest weapon, the Spear of Destruction in the sky, as his new body, entered it, and eroded everything without hesitation. Under the power obtained from the blood sacrifice, this process went very smoothly. In just ten minutes, Behemos turned the crystal clear and destructive weapon of the Eldar into a blood-red meat ball hanging high in the sky. Then, a series of fine cracks, countless fine cracks, suddenly appeared on the meat ball, and suddenly, these fine cracks opened.

Those were countless eyes that opened.

Many Eldar who saw this scene felt sick and wanted to vomit. The Chaos Demons actually turned their most beautiful moon into an ugly meat ball with eyes.

But the next moment, these Eldars had no time to care about the appearance of this meat ball, because red lasers shot out from the eyes of the meat ball, just like the Eldar did before. Now, after getting his new body, the first thing Behemos did was to copy the Eldar's previous attack. The red laser went straight to the Starlight Castle. Amid the rumbling explosions, the intermittent shooting of the red lasers, and the excited counterattacks of the Chaos Demons, the Starlight Castle completely fell in the early morning. Even though the Eldar warriors made the most tenacious resistance, under the reversed battle situation, their resistance could only be a powerless struggle.

Because at this time, the Eldar's most powerful weapon, the strongest trump card left by the Eldar, has become the enemy's trump card.

The battle situation turned again overnight.


At this time, on the battlefield in the Oak Court area, the Chaos Army and the Eldar army were already fighting each other without distinguishing between friend and foe. Countless Bloodletter Demons holding Hellfire Swords fought with the Eldar on the battlefield. Under the cover of the Chaos Space Marines' bolt weapons, these bloodthirsty demons rushed towards the Eldar like wild dogs.

The Eldar formation was like a petal, scattered in all directions, leaving only a small number of wailing banshees using their sharp whistles to block the charge of the demon army. At the same time, the shooting of long-range weapons was fully launched, and the star darts from the Furious Revenge camp poured towards the Chaos Army like a rainstorm, and the sniper rifles of the rangers in the distance also opened fire at the same time.

However, the fierce firepower could not hinder the enemy's advance. The demons that were chopped into pieces by the escorts would be crushed to pieces by the following demons as soon as they fell to the ground. The demons that were sniped by the psychic rifles would be blown up and blood mist would be scattered, which would cause cheers in a small area. These demons would only stop for a while when they were within the range of the howling banshees, and then they would continue to advance under the fierce firepower, ignoring the banshees' swords and charging resolutely.

Under such circumstances, the two armies quickly got involved. The battlefield was out of the control of the commanders on both sides at the moment the demon launched its attack. The demon and the Eldar warriors strangled together like two Like snakes that are entangled with each other, tightening and biting each other, they use every ounce of their strength to kill each other.

"Oh, the guy on the other side is really serious. I originally thought he was an intelligent commander. If you go crazy, you will go crazy. In this way, isn't it no different from the ordinary Khorne Legion? This kind of war is really frustrating. People are powerless, the battle line is a mess." Li looked at the red moon in the sky and sighed, "No matter where it is, it's a mess."

"My commander, don't waste time complaining at this time," the Phoenix Lord put his hand on the hilt of the sword at her waist and asked lazily, "What should we do now?"

"What else can I do? As a commander, I can't do more. Why are you standing next to me? Master Zhann, you should have your fighting position."

"Yes, yes, I should have killed demons on the battlefield," Zhan Zell sighed and continued: "But unfortunately, I was already on the battlefield with a very strong The enemy has been hit several times, and I am afraid that he has been targeted by the opponent. This time it is probably the limit. The opponent will probably make some moves. If he rushes out like this, he may die on the battlefield without being able to come back. ”

"Are you kidding? You are the Phoenix Lord..."

"Don't blindly believe the Phoenix Lord," Zhan walked to Li's side and whispered in his ear: "What I'm talking about below is, um, a secret known only to a few people. Don't tell it. It would be terrible if I was killed by the enemy on the battlefield and my armor was taken away by the enemy."

"Will he be killed?"

"Ha, it's a pity, you won't die. The armor of our Phoenix Lord's soul will not be destroyed. Even if you throw the armor into the center of the sun, it will still be cold. But if the enemy takes it to a corner It would be troublesome to bury it. Therefore, generally speaking, the Phoenix Lord will not act alone during the war. He will have to find a servant he can trust before he will embark on a dangerous battlefield. After death, bring their armor back to the safety of the temple to help the lord resurrect."

"I see, then your attendant is."

"You, in terms of combat power, I trust you the most above Eden. There are not many warriors who can push me to that level. You didn't try your best at that time. When will we find someone?" It’s a place for people, let’s have a good fight.”

"Hey, hey, no, this is a battlefield. How warlike are you? Besides, when will I be your attendant?"

"It's not a war, it's just..., what's going on in the sky? Our moon has stopped attacking."

"It's also emitting a suspicious red light. Let me see what's going on..."

Not long after Li opened the communication network, Battle Siwison sent the complete situation he encountered through the psychic network to the communications of the Eldar commanders around the world of Eden.

“The Spear of Destruction has fallen into the enemy’s hands.

Wesen's arrogance and pride have brought all the warriors into an unprecedented desperate situation.

I will definitely take full responsibility and lead everyone out of the predicament.

Dear warriors fighting against the devil, please be careful of the moon in the sky,

Our most powerful weapon has now become our most terrifying enemy.

But there is no need to despair, we can still win,

Prophet Noz Aisha can still see hope, and she will hold up a light in the darkness to illuminate our way forward.

Everyone, please don’t despair and move forward with strength in the darkness. "

After that, there was a detailed explanation of the battle situation. After the explanation, Si Weisen also gave a general strategy for the battle.

Take cover immediately, do not engage in direct combat with the enemy, and do not gather too many people in one place. If we can call for air strike support at any time, we should also be careful of the enemy doing so.

Be especially careful when walking in the dark and don't expose yourself in the wilderness. From today on, as long as the spear of destruction hangs in the sky, the moon will be our enemy. The night belongs to the enemy.

Fortunately, the Spear of Destruction cannot move on its own without the support of Eden, so it is relatively safe during the day. If you want to go out, please choose to do so during the day. Even more fortunately, although it is called the Spear of Destruction, without the support of Eden, it can only send out the light spear attack with the lowest energy level as it is today. He cannot destroy us with one blow. Because of this, we To keep fighting.

Above, I wish you all good luck and may the stars shine brightly on your future.

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