Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 324 Transformation

Li wanted to kill Ailin.

Rarely, Li had a strong urge to kill the other party. Although Li had killed many people, most of them were enemies on the battlefield. Killing the enemy was just his duty and job.

And now, the killing intent in Li's heart suddenly erupted with anger, and the target was Ailin who was fighting not far away.

No matter what the reason was, Ailin betrayed the war group and his mentor after all.

The feeling of being betrayed was not good, and Li felt a little unhappy, but if you think about it carefully, the source of this unhappiness is a bit inexplicable. After all, although Ailin was nominally his apprentice, Li didn't have much relationship with him now. There was no affection between the two sides, so betrayal was naturally out of the question.

But the strong intention to kill the other party still echoed in his heart. Was it affected by the memory of the mentor? Li didn't quite understand what was going on, but he could only wait until the end of the war and find a quiet room to experience and study it carefully.

Putting the impulse in his heart, Li rationally scanned the battlefield. The eyes of the meatball moon in the sky opened wider. This was not a good omen. Li had to end the battle in front of him quickly.

For now, the fastest way was to quickly kill the two enemies in front of him. Among the demons, the levels were divided by the strength of their combat power. Ailin and the demon in front of him were so powerful that they must be the leaders of the enemy.

"Asshole, you are fighting with me, what are you looking around for?" While speaking, Alastair suddenly chopped with a knife, and Li blocked it with a horizontal sword. The intersection of the sword and the sword made a violent metal collision sound. At the same time, Li tiptoed and the whole person followed the power of the knife and jumped back. The power of the knife was naturally easily removed by Li.

And Alastair wanted such a short gap. The two of them fought with swords and swords for a few breaths. Alastair keenly discovered the strength of the other party, and the sword in the other party's hand was too exquisite. Of course, exquisite does not refer to the shape of the other party's sword, but the other party's swordsmanship.

That was definitely a master-level swordsmanship. After only a short while, Alastair felt extremely uncomfortable. The beast's instinct told the demon that if he continued to fight, he would definitely be in trouble. Just like a shrewd beast, he could often magically avoid the perfect trap laid by the hunter. Alastair suddenly exerted force and pulled the distance between the two sides. Then Alastair took two steps back, stretched out a hand, pointed his index finger at the ground beside the demon, and then his finger trembled in the air and drew. In an instant, a complicated magic circle appeared on the ground as Alastair's finger drew.

Alastair decided to add some changes to the battle.

But Li did not move forward. It was extremely unwise to rush forward at this time. Who knew what the demon was drawing on the ground? Blindly rushing forward might fall into the opponent's trap, so Li continued to walk sideways for a few steps, and at this time, at Li's feet, there were corpses all over the ground.

The bodies of the Banshee and Chaos Dreadnought that died in the battle were right at Li's feet. He lightly lifted his toes, and two sharp blades on the ground flew up. Then Li suddenly kicked his legs, and the two weapons on the ground flew out and stabbed into Alastair's body.

Alastair gritted his teeth and didn't move, letting the two sharp blades fly into his body. He just groaned, then gritted his teeth and kept moving his hands, continuing to chant.

Seeing this scene, Li still had nothing to understand. The opponent couldn't move now, and had no protection against long-range attacks, so he naturally had to take advantage of this opportunity to hit the drowning dog. Li stomped his foot on the ground, and the whole ground trembled and emitted a dull roar. At the same time, more than ten sharp blades suddenly jumped up from the ground like fish. At the same time, Li's hand gently stroked the blade of the Lich Sword, and runes lit up on the blade. In contrast, more than ten small repulsive runes that Li was most familiar with lit up almost at the same time on the raised hilt.

The jumping sharp blades were pushed by the sudden burst of power of the repulsive runes, and suddenly shot out like sharp arrows. In an instant, the sharp blades crossed a distance of just a dozen steps and all pierced Alastair's body. Under the shooting of more than ten sharp swords, Alastair's body leaned back, and he took several steps back to barely avoid falling. At this time, Alastair, whose body was pierced with swords, breathed a sigh of relief, "It was a close call, it was finally done."

At this time, the magic circle beside Alastair also started to work, and a flame suddenly shot up from the center of the magic circle. The flame came quickly and went quickly, and when the flame disappeared, a three-headed hellhound was left in the center of the magic circle.

"Summoning magic? Just summoning such a puppy? This can't save you." Li said as he inserted the Lich Sword into the soil beside him.

"So what? Do you dare to come over? I might as well let this person see the good stuff I left on the ground." Alastair gritted his teeth, pulled out a sword that pierced his abdomen, and threw it aside. At the same time, a circle of complicated magic runes appeared on his side.

This is a magic mine. As long as you step into it, the magic will take effect. Li didn't expect Alastair to be able to set up so many ambushes in an instant.

"Besides, you don't have long-range weapons, otherwise you wouldn't shoot me with these things," Alastair gritted his teeth and pulled out a sword that penetrated his thigh. "Oh, it really hurts." , Do you still have a sword at your feet? If you still have it, throw it over. Damn it, you, the bastard, almost forced me to use the last move."

As soon as the battle began, Alastair discovered Li's biggest weakness. This war wizard had no long-range attacks. This is easy to see. The opponent had nothing but a Lich Sword in his hand, not even a pistol. Under this situation, Alastair quickly changed his battle strategy, and he decided to Play each other to death.

First force the opponent away, then quickly and covertly make moves on the opponent's path, and finally use an exaggerated way to draw a naughty-looking magic circle in front of the enemy.

In fact, it is just a simple summoning array. Of course, it cannot be said to be useless, and it is not a complete means of luring enemies. After all, this is the last resort to save life. The amplified move also relies on the summoned demon dog.

Unfortunately, the opponent has extremely rich combat experience. After being forced away by him, he did not quickly fight back. Instead, he used the weapon dropped by the deceased on the battlefield to shoot him from a distance. He miscalculated the situation and mistook the opponent. Alastair, who had no means of long-range attack, was stabbed with a sword by the opponent.

Fortunately, there are no more dead banshees around, and there are no swords on the ground, so what else can you do? Did you throw a mud ball at me?

As a result, Alastair watched as Li inserted his Lich into the ground, and then Li bent down and picked up an extremely thick Vulcan cannon from the ground, which was on one arm of the Chaos Dreadnought. Vulcan cannon, this mecha was chopped into pieces by the Phoenix Lord with a sharp blade not long ago, but fortunately Zhan’s cutting blade was very particular. This Vulcan cannon installed on the Chaos Dreadnought mecha is still good. Yes, you can continue to use it as long as you hold it up.

In an instant, Alastair's face turned green. He ducked behind the devil dog in an instant, grabbed the tail of the devil dog with one hand, and with just one twitch, he held the devil's tail and pulled the devil dog from the tail. The entire backbone was pulled out, and at the same time the flesh and blood on the demon's body began to burn. The flames embraced a ball of something, and suddenly jumped out from the demon dog's body and rushed towards Alastair's body. Climbing up, only a skeleton with no backbone left scattered on the ground.

The humanoid demon Alastair howled miserably, and then the flames lingering around his body suddenly erupted, and Alastair transformed in the flames. When the flames subsided from Alastair's body , Alastair has turned into a huge demon prince with bull horns, dog head, goat hooves, huge bat wings on his back, and bulging muscles!

Alastair is now six meters tall, and even the tall Aylin, who is wearing a ferocious black knight armor, can only reach Alastair's waist.

This is Alastair's Daemon Prince form, the ultimate form desired by any devotee of Khorne.

But this should be the highest reward from the Chaos God to those who devote themselves to the cause of Chaos - they will be granted endless life, infinite physical strength and forbidden mana. Most of the demonized champion warriors of the Chaos Chapter are eligible to receive such rewards, but God knows when they will receive them.

Of course, not everyone is content to honestly dedicate everything they have to please the evil god, and eagerly wait for the evil god's blessings. Power-hungry Chaos Space Marines sometimes boldly harness the magic of certain evil gods and pay an unknown and huge price to temporarily gain the power of a Daemon Prince.

Alastair is like this. Although he is not a demon prince in the true sense, this does not prevent him from having a big move. At certain critical moments, he can temporarily transform into a demon prince. In the demon prince form, he can use his Powerful power crushes all enemies.

Alastair exhaled a breath that smelled of sulfur. Then he continued to pull out the sharp blades from his body one by one. The sharp blades that had previously penetrated Alastair's body were now as ridiculous as toothpicks piercing into the demon's body.

"You damn Eldar, are you ready? Accept Alastair's wrath!"

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