Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 332: Entering Eden

Logically speaking, this should be a better technology than the soul stones carried by the spirit tribe today. The super soul-absorbing stone can ensure that all souls on a planet will not fall into another space, and the powerful absorption The ability can capture all wandering souls on the planet, which should be an extremely convenient technology.

But such a powerful soul-capturing ability has caused another kind of trouble, that is, once the soul is sucked into the super soul-absorbing stone, it is difficult to guide it out. If the ordinary soul stone carried by the spirit tribe is a temporary soul After the Eldar warrior dies, his soul will temporarily enter the soul stone, waiting for rescue, and eventually enter the endless circuit. Then the super soul-absorbing stone is a huge soul cage, which will He will try his best to capture souls and imprison them in the soul stone, and will never let any soul leave easily. If you want to extract the soul from the super soul-absorbing stone, you will need a set of extremely large and complex psychic equipment, which will take a long time and a huge amount of energy. The loss will far exceed the current method of using soul stones by the spirit tribe.

What's even more frightening is that, with the same original intention of building Eden, the entire design of Eden has a strong aggressiveness, which is not only reflected in the world-destroying spear that rotates around Eden, but also this super soul-sucking spear. The same goes for stone.

I don’t know what the original considerations were, but this super soul-absorbing stone was made into a crystal sword and properly placed in the "Between the Ancestors". This is an extremely dangerous and even evil sword. Weapon, anyone who is hurt by this gorgeous crystal sword will only get the tiniest scratch on his finger, and his soul will be sucked into it in an instant, and he will be imprisoned in the blade. . What's even more frightening is that as long as the holder has enough power, he can burn the soul trapped in the sword and turn this ancestral sword into a fantasy weapon with powerful power.

"This is the Sword of the Ancestors, an extremely dangerous and cruel weapon. The person holding the Sword of the Ancestors does not even need to kill the opponent. He only needs to cause the smallest damage to the enemy, even on the enemy's toes. Cutting a shallow wound, the Sword of the Ancestors can capture the enemy's soul in an instant, and as long as the holder is willing, the poor soul will be burned like fuel in the sword body. The burning soul will be consumed and disappear forever, and the Sword of the Ancestors can use the burning and gradually disappearing soul to enhance the power of the sword itself during the battle." Noz Aisha said calmly: "Nothing. There is no doubt that this is a cruel and dangerous weapon, and it should have been permanently banned. But for Behemoth, who has the ability to be immortal and can take the body of the person who killed him through curses, this is the most important thing. We need this weapon to restrain him. Our plan is very simple, that is to enter the ark together, obtain this ancestral sword, and then take the small fast ship we have prepared, and sail on our clan. Breaking into the surface of the 'Spear of Destruction' under the cover of the enemy, you only need to stab the ugly flesh ball with a sword to pull Behemoth's soul out of the Spear of Destruction, and then everything will be over. It's over, we will win, and whether we burn Behemoth's soul in the sword or imprison him, it is just a matter that can be discussed at will after victory. "

"It's really a crude plan, but there seems to be no better way now," Li nodded and said, "Then where do I stand in this plan?"

"I don't know." Noz Elsa said honestly: "The future has always been stingy, and just a few words are already the greatest favor. I just know that without you, we will definitely fail, but if you are with us By our side, we have hope for final victory.”

"Am I the mascot?"

"I don't think so. There must be an extremely critical point in this process. Only you can do it. It's just that we can't harm this key now. But fortunately, we have made all preparations. Next, it’s time to face the test of fate.”

"Then let's get the Sword of the Ancestors now? I'll use it?"

"I don't know, but in my opinion, this is probably not possible," Noz Aisha said: "Of course I understand that such a terrifying weapon has a fatal attraction for all warriors. But the ancestors The sword is not an ordinary weapon. Just holding the sword of the ancestors without doing anything will already cause a certain burden and damage to the soul of the holder. The power is always mutual. When the ancestors When the sword burns the soul in the sword body to enhance its power, the soul in the sword body is also oppressing the sword holder. Every soul absorbed into the sword of the ancestors will attack the sword holder. It puts a heavy burden on the soul. Even the Eldar people with strong souls can hardly hold the sword of the ancestors for a long time. When the sword body can accommodate three souls, it is already the limit of the ordinary Eldar warriors, and we Si Weisen in the battle has an extremely strong soul. He can bear seven souls. This is also the reason why the Sword of the Ancestors is an evil weapon, because it forces the holder to continuously burn the energy in the sword body. Soul, every time the long sword absorbs a soul, it is a heavy pressure for the holder. Only constant consumption can keep it balanced, so this is not a simple sword, but a soul crusher. People with strong Soul Moon are more suitable to hold the Sword of the Ancestors. As we all know, compared with the spirit tribe, the human soul is fragile and can be dissipated by a breeze. Therefore, Mr. Li, you are not the one who holds the Sword of the Ancestors. Best Holder."

"I thought I was the savior," Li shrugged indifferently, "Forget it, no matter what, as long as the plan goes well."

"Master Li, please don't think too much. Although for the time being, there are not many twists and turns, and you do not hold the most important position in the current plan, I also ask you to cheer up and do your best. Be prepared, because the test of fate may come at any time, and you are our only hope, I have no doubt.”

"Hmph, he's just a human being. Even if he's the one in the prophecy, he actually wants to hold the Sword of the Ancestors." Zhan Siweisen, who was standing in the corner, said coldly: "It's simply ridiculous. Your dirty Don’t even dream of touching our clan’s sacred weapon!”

Li ignored the War Secretary who was obviously acting abnormally. He just reviewed the entire plan and then said: "Then there is no problem now. The only questions are, first of all, can we successfully obtain the power of the ancestors?" Sword, then, can we successfully reach the moon, no, the surface of the flesh ball. "

"There is no problem with the former. My people have opened the seal, and the ancestors are already under the control of our clan. All we have to do is to take a trip and take it out. Then, we can only rely on the decision of fate. , although the prepared airship has perfect optical camouflage, and although a series of actions have been arranged to attract Behemoth's attention, I am still not sure that Behemoth cannot detect us. It is a long A huge planet full of eyes, only one eye is needed to see us.”

"Bang" Li let out a long breath and said, "Is it like the fireworks of the Chaos Fleet that you set off in space before?"

"Yes, the same. At this time, the only thing left is to pray." Noz Aisha sighed and said: "Master Li, you might as well pray to your God Emperor. We need more gods to protect us now. One point is also good.”

It's obvious that Noz Elsa doesn't have much confidence in her own plan, but as she said, there is no better way now. This is the only feasible way now, to defeat Behemoth. Sri Lanka's method.

Everyone is a warrior. After fully understanding the plan, the next thing is very simple, that is to execute the plan quickly and most effectively.

Naturally, the door to enter the interior of Eden cannot be just one of the Starlight Castle. In fact, after the failure of the Starlight Castle battle, the Starlight Castle was actively blown up by the Eldar people. Under the violent psychic explosion, the entire ridge was destroyed. Collapsed, and even the local landscape was changed overnight. The entrance that attracted demons to gather was naturally destroyed in the explosion. Without the help of engineering machinery, it was difficult for the Chaos Legion to survive in a short time. A path has been cleared over time, so for the current Eldar people, the war has not spread to the interior of Eden yet.

The Eldar people had already set up several secret places on Eden to enter the interior of Eden. After leaving the hiding place in the grass, everyone stayed at night and came out by day. They walked quickly without leaving any traces, especially in the Under the guidance of the prophet, everyone did not even encounter the enemies of the Chaos Legion once. They walked south for a day without any danger, and they arrived at the entrance safely.

It was a seemingly natural cave. Entering the cave, the warriors let the psychic runes on their bodies shine with a faint cold light. Under the radiance of psychic energy, the group continued without saying much. After rotating downward in the darkness for about twenty-four hours, they finally entered a square.

A small red room stood alone in the center of the square, looking out of place with everything around it.

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