Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 335 Despair

"What else can you do? At this time, you have no choice but to go," the head of a recently dead Eldar warrior corpse suddenly lifted up from the ground and said in a low and hoarse voice. At the same time, this A corpse seemed to be a wooden puppet held by silk threads. Starting from the head, it was lifted bit by bit by invisible threads. It stood up from the ground with a twisted figure. The corpse said in a sinister tone. : "The only thing you can do now is to cry in despair...fuck..."

Jenn Zell reacted in an instant. The moment the corpse made a sound, she squatted down slightly. Her whole body was like a crawling panther, alert to enemies that might appear everywhere. , ready to explode and bounce up at any time, killing the enemy with the sharp blade in his hand. Just when the corpse stood up in a twisted posture, Zhan Enzel suddenly jumped up and started to move. Just as the corpse finished speaking, he ushered in the sharp blade. In an instant, the Phoenix Lord's blade A huge z-shape was drawn, cutting the corpse into four pieces. In the end, the corpse could only curse "f*ck" rather unwillingly, and then lay down on the ground again, completely silent.

The room fell into a strange embarrassment for a moment. The remaining three people in the room glared at Zhan Zell fiercely. The Phoenix Lord turned his back to everyone and waved his long blade handsomely. , and then sheathed the knife. Then he whispered: "Sorry, conditioned reflex, natural reaction."

"No more conditions," Zhan Siweisen looked around and said loudly, "We need to listen to what the other party has to say. There are not many corpses in this room that can be used!"

Although the battle just now was short, it was still very fierce. Once Li and Zhann Zell took action, they used all their strength. The person who was scratched by the executioner's blade in Zhann Zell's hand was naturally cut into pieces. In the ending, not a single corpse was left behind. Li's side was relatively good. A long sword and his occasional palm strikes and shoulder strikes left a few corpses that could be used by the enemy.

Obviously, the enemy used some kind of secret technique and used some evil magic to talk to Li and his party through the dead bodies. No matter whether the other party wanted to simply destroy the confidence of Li and his party, or it was simply about the outbreak of the Great Demon King's disease. After winning a victory, if you want to laugh at a group of heroes, no matter what the other party wants to do, this requires the hero to calm down and cooperate well. He should at least listen to what the other party has to say and get some useful information.

Anyway, the situation has gotten worse now. The only condition for the entire plan proposed by Noz Elsa to be implemented is that the enemy does not know about the plan. With Behemoth in the sky unprepared, this "cold blow" Only the plan of "stabbing the opponent with a knife and killing the opponent with one knife" is likely to succeed.

Once the other party is on guard, this plan is no different than committing suicide. As long as Behemoth hanging in the sky is cautious, keeping an eye on the foreign objects flying around him, and then blasting them all with laser without missing a beat, it will be enough to defeat any conspiracy.

"Cough, cough, don't worry, this is just a harmless sound transmission magic..." This time, the gloomy voice first gave such a harmless explanation, and then used a twisted figure from the corner of the room. Standing up slowly, "This is not an attack magic. You should understand, so be patient. Even a demon king as powerful as me, Behemoth, cannot attack you while we are in orbit." These rats hiding in the core of Eden launched an attack, so you are still safe for now. Of course, you also know that this is only temporary. "

This was supposed to be a very impressive way to appear. The big devil jumped in front of the tiny resisters and laughed at their overestimation of their capabilities, seriously defeating his side's momentum. But Li didn't feel any pressure at all. This was probably Because of his extremely gloomy and strange appearance in Behemoth, it must have something to do with being neatly chopped down just after finishing a line, and then he made a harmless explanation before standing up for the second time.

"Bei, Behemoth!" Among the four, only War Si Weisen reacted fiercely. The silver-haired War Secretary gritted his teeth and slowly spit out the words from the depths of his throat, as if a The beast roared in a low voice: "So, Behemoth, what's the reason for you coming in front of us this time?"

"Of course it brings you deeper despair. Oh, you just got the 'Sword of the Ancestors'. Is it the only weapon you can get that can really kill me? Not bad, not bad, your performance is really good. Yes, but it doesn’t make any sense? Noz Aisha, look, what is this?” The corpse puppet’s arm moved, and then pictures appeared next to the corpse puppet. There are scenes of killings in various places. In the scenes, demons are killing the Eldar warriors unscrupulously. As the background of the scenes, some are the sky illuminated by red beams, some are dilapidated castles, and even more are burning with blazing fire. ship.

For a moment, Noziasa's face turned pale, as if nothing could move her. Her thin body swayed for a moment, and then she stood firm again.

But Zhan Siweisen was stunned, as if he was instantly petrified. Even the Sword of the Ancestors in his hand slipped from his hand, and he didn't feel it at all.

The corpse puppet showed a weird smile, "You can see it, Noz Aisha, you are worthy of being the prophet of the Eldar race. I can see it at a glance. Your expression is really good. This feeling of despair is really... It's so beautiful. Do you really think that I don't know what you are doing? You are wrong. I know far more about Eden than you do. I already know everything about Eden, otherwise I wouldn't know it. Targeting the world-destroying spear in the sky so early, I already knew the function of this 'Sword of the Ancestors'. Yes, I know everything you have. I have already seen all your trump cards. , how can you still play? Do you think we are fighting on equal terms? Wrong, I was just teasing you from the beginning. Now that the war is over, you should despair. "

The atmosphere was not right. Li frowned and asked, "What happened."

"Oh, there is also Mr. Destiny here, the only person who can reverse the fate of these poor Spirit Tribe people. What are you going to do? Mr. Destiny, under this situation, how are you going to reverse the fate of these miserable people hiding in the dark? What’s the fate of the cowardly reptiles in the depths of the universe? How are you going to stab me with that pathetic little toothpick after all their ships are destroyed? Hahahahahaha!”

"Ah, I really can't stand it." Li stepped forward, kicked the corpse to the ground, and cut it into eight pieces. Then he stamped his foot violently, and a burst of spiritual energy suddenly exploded with Li as the center and spread out in all directions. The violent burst of spiritual energy dispersed the surrounding chaotic energy, completely cutting off the connection with the outside world. Li then asked: "What's going on? Look at your appearance. Each of you looks like your whole family is dead. Where is the appearance of a warrior?"

"You can't blame them, alas..." Zhan Zell sighed and said in a low voice, "Even the hardest steel will melt at this moment; even the strongest warrior will melt at this moment. At this time, everything will become powerless; the strongest determination will be shattered. This is the darkest moment, this is the moment of complete despair, this is the moment of announcing the end... Everything is over, Li, you are still here. Don’t you understand? Everything is over, the army is defeated, and all our ships that can take off are found and destroyed by the enemy.”

"All of them?"

"Yes, all of them."

Li was at a loss for a while, then frowned and asked, "So, is this the end?"

"What else can we do? What else can we do? We can only end it now. There is no other way. We can't even lift off now. Eden is a prison. We can't break through the atmosphere!" Battle Si Wei Sen was already in tears, and he shouted excitedly: "Distance is our biggest obstacle. We have played, and we are completely finished. Even the most trusted legion has a traitor, not to mention the others. Without being able to activate Eden to fight against the erosion of Chaos, we have no chance of winning. This is, this is a desperate moment..."

For the Eldar people, Eden at this time has become a real killing field. The betrayal of comrades, the disadvantages of the army, and the loss of the most powerful weapon, all of this has dealt a fatal blow to the Eldar army. For all captains and war divisions, this is their darkest day. They have never seen the morale of their army be so low.

For the warriors of the Eldar Tribe, this is also the most desperate moment. The world around them is gradually being eroded by the power of Chaos. Behind them are Chaos enemies that may appear at any time. However, those standing with them cannot be defeated. Trusted comrades, in the sky is the biggest nightmare of the Eldar warriors - that terrifying flesh ball with eyes.

At this time, the Eldar people can only be hunted like wild beasts, and they can only flee. In sad moments, they can only hide in caves and cry secretly.

Just as Jenn Zell said, when the war commander couldn't hold the "Sword of the Ancestors" in his hand, when the war commander who still didn't give up despite the many defeats collapsed and cried, he was like a little boy. When children were wailing and helpless, for the Eldar warriors on Eden, the darkest and most desperate moment came.

"No, it's not the moment of complete despair yet," Li's voice was as hard as steel, "We still have hope.

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