Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 338: The Rising Lighthouse

Li was stunned for a moment, and then he understood. He first picked up the 'Ancestral Sword' that had fallen to the ground, hung it on the leather buckle at his waist, then bent down and placed the body of Zhan Siweisen. He gently lifted it to the corner of the room and laid it flat. Li noticed that the face of the corpse of Wesen, who had been angry and desperate, had a calm smile that was touching.

Li had never seen the smile of this war chief. Apart from the sneer, he showed how rude and sharp and manic he was in front of Li, but now the smile on his corpse was unexpectedly calm.

"He is indeed a warrior worthy of admiration," Li sighed: "It's really a pity."

"This is the ending he longed for. Compared with the previous despair, this outcome couldn't be better for him." Zhan Enzel said with a sigh: "He can implement his beliefs and burn for victory. It should be a blessing for Wesen to die in such a shining way when he reaches the end. Besides, it is still too early to say this. After all, Wesen has not died yet. He will stand with you and fight until the end."

The reason why Si Weisen wiped his neck and committed suicide in front of Li during the war was not because he suddenly couldn't think of anything and wanted to die, but because he just wanted to do what he promised Li.

He wants to achieve the third step, which is to unite the spirits in the Sword of the Ancestors and turn them into an orderly and powerful force.

Wesson himself does not have any special psychic abilities or magic that can do this. He has never heard of similar abilities, so the only thing he can do is to use his own expertise.

Weisen is a war commander. His specialty is commanding thousands of troops to fight on the battlefield. He can hold the army in his hands like a chess piece. He can even control the direction of the entire battle. And now, he wants to let his soul enter the sword of the ancestors. He is fully prepared to fight the last glorious battle in his life. It is slightly different from the previous one. In this battle, Si Weisen will be commanding the souls that will later pour into the Sword of the Ancestors. He will turn these scattered and disordered souls into an army and an indestructible force. Wesen had no fear about this, he was just a little nervous and even a little happy. There is no doubt that this will be the most powerful army that Wesen has mastered in all the years from birth to now. He will also face terrifying enemies that he has never seen before. At a critical moment, all the warriors They will fully burn their souls. Even if they completely disappear, they will completely destroy the enemy!

So Wesen borrowed the Sword of the Ancestor from Li's hand and used it. The moment the sword edge passed Wesen's neck, Wesen's soul had already left his body and was sucked into the sword.

The war department behind the blade of the Sword of the Ancestors quickly fulfilled his duties. After a while, the light of the Sword of the Ancestors around Li's waist dimmed, and finally became only a layer of Yingying, slightly floating. On the sword body.

"I understand this. For a soldier, this is a gorgeous curtain call and a good home." Li shrugged and continued: "By the way, will he have a grand funeral?"

"I'm afraid not." Zhan Enzel sighed and said: "This is not popular here. If there is a stone, there may be a good memorial service, but if there is no stone, naturally..."

Of course there is nothing left.

"Wouldn't you bury the body or do something to it?"

"Usually I don't do this intentionally because it's meaningless, but some Ark tribes like this process. But as far as I know, Alaitok is not an Ark that advocates this custom."

So just let the warrior's corpse be exposed in the wilderness like this? And more importantly, Wesen will probably not get a good reputation after his death.

Even though they won the victory, the Spirit Tribe paid a huge price for the victory. An entire Eden's soul was drained and consumed. Such behavior would probably be called crazy. Don't even think about it, there must be someone there. The one who poured sewage on Weisen's body after his death.

Weisen probably knew this a long time ago and took the initiative to take all responsibilities.

"After the war is over, I want to build a grave for Wesson. Although we are not the same people after all, we still fought side by side, and we really can't just leave it alone." Li asked: "Is that okay?"

Zhan Enzel said nonchalantly: "I have no objection."

Noziasa solemnly expressed her gratitude. Although she was working nervously, her voice still came through, "Thank you very much."

The room was still shaking. In fact, the whole room was moving inside Eden at a very high speed, rising rapidly. After about ten minutes, the whole room made a dull roar, and then the walls of the room seemed to bloom. Like the petals of flowers, they stretched out all around. Under the dim light, the soft night wind blew across Li's cheeks.

Li saw the ground, but soon, the ground sank downwards. Li was still rising, and above his head, there were thick clouds.

"I deliberately chose an environment covered by clouds. At least in the beginning, we won't encounter too much trouble. Li, be prepared. The enemy is behind the clouds. You only have three minutes."

Li took a deep breath and said, "I understand. So, where is the spring?"

"Right at your feet." As he spoke, a small round wellhead filled with psychic energy appeared in front of Li. The wellhead was only the size of a watermelon, but it was just right for inserting a sword.


If he had not been forced into a desperate situation, Cathyden would never have walked out of his hiding place at night. Although the hiding place was not a good place, it was not even a cave, it was just a cave. It was just a tree hole left behind after the old bear left.

But at least there is a shield that can block the sight of those with malicious intentions.

But Caisiden must choose to take risks now. He has no food reserves. When the army was scattered, he had already lost most of his armaments. Now he can only rely on hunting to maintain his life. For a ranger, this should be a simple matter, but in the past few days, there have been a large number of Chaos patrols patrolling around, and the danger is less than at night. These minions of Chaos are like chasing Prey animals generally hunt every Eldar they find. If it were just hunting, maybe Cathyden would think better of it, but the problem is that Chaos is not just satisfied with hunting, especially the evil believers. , those people are living perverts.

Fortunately, the sky is cloudy tonight. But what can be considered lucky? It's just a matter of living a little longer, and there doesn't seem to be any change in the ending.

It's just numbness, relying on habit to live.

Then Cathyden felt a vibration under his feet. It was not an ordinary vibration. Cathyden immediately crouched on the ground, motionless, and at the same time carefully felt the vibration. This was not caused by enemy armored weapons or heavy equipment when driving. The vibrations emitted.

The vibrations came from deep underground, and then Cathyden raised his head. He saw a scene that stunned him. Not too far ahead, a large mountain separated from the center to both sides amid violent trembling. In the center, a crescent-shaped pointed arch stretches out, and at the top of the pointed arch is a blooming white flower. Cathyden squinted his eyes, and for a moment, he even felt that he was dazzled, because he saw what seemed to be several people in the center of the flower.

It only took a moment, and then the crescent pointed arch rose rapidly, reaching a height that Caisden could only look up at.

"Are you tired of living? What are the people above doing?"


"Lee, you can start."

"Then," Li held the hilt of the ancestral sword tightly with both hands, pointing the blade downward, "I'm coming!"

The ancestor's sword suddenly penetrated into the 'spring'.

In an instant, it seemed that even the world had stopped for a short while, and then Li felt countless souls rushing madly towards the Sword of the Ancestors in his hand, even under the restraint of Wesen, the huge power of the souls It still emitted that unstoppable brilliance. First of all, the sword of the ancestors once again emitted a dazzling light. The golden light continued to expand. In the blink of an eye, Li's entire body was contained in the golden light. However, the soul that surged in did not stop, and its power continued to grow, reaching a level that frightened Li.

The rising pointed arch soon turned into a lighthouse rising slowly in the darkness, shining with golden light. This lighthouse rose higher and higher, and the light became more and more dazzling. Touching.

When the spirit souls poured in, Li could only feel ecstasy, which was uncontrollable desire and feeling. No soul soul that entered the Sword of the Ancestors could bring him a share of happiness, and in the end all these joys converged It became a huge torrent of pleasure, washing over his spirit.

This is something that even drug addicts have never experienced before, allowing people to reach the ultimate level of happiness, and in the next moment, this extreme will be pushed to a higher level.

Li could only feel that his soul was trembling under such a wash. For a moment, he almost fell into madness, but at the next moment, he suddenly came back to his senses from the torrent of joy. , at this time, Li already understood what was going on.

The reason why I was led here was not because of what plane I was in. The reason was probably because of the gifts of evil.

Evil is one of the four evil gods and the enemy of the Spirit tribe, but at the same time, he is a god born among the Spirit tribe. Evil is always chasing and hunting the soul of every Spirit tribe, and Li has The gift of evil will naturally not feel oppressed by the spirit of the spirit people. Every soul that poured into the Sword of the Ancestors could only make Li feel happy from the bottom of his heart. g@.

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