Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 342 Now, I can reach you (1/2)


Faced with the dense attacks coming down from the sky, Li just turned his wrist, and the huge golden sword drew a huge circle in the air, easily intercepting all the attacks. The red beam trembled, and the golden cracks climbed upwards, while transmitting the recoil force generated by the soul attack back to the body of Behemos in the sky. As a result, as the red beam shattered, there was another dense explosion of eyeballs.

"Fuck your mother, are you kidding me?" Such a blow made Behemos's phantom tremble for a while, and then it stabilized after a while. At this time, the facial features on Behemos's face were twisted and wrinkled, "You just moved your wrist, and all my attacks were blocked by you. This is too easy. "Relax!" [Search for the latest updates at..]

Although Behemos looked painful, the attack from the sky did not stop. The enemy obviously understood that such an attack could not hurt Li at all. Instead, it would allow this bastard holding a long sword to use the opportunity of counterattack to hurt his body. However, the attack of the demon Behemos was still uninterrupted. The red beams blasted down one after another, and they naturally shattered when they hit the golden lightsaber. At the same time, one of the eyes of the meat ball in the sky was also shattered.

This attack lasted for five minutes, and hundreds of huge eyes exploded into pieces. Only then did this crazy, breathless and intensive attack stop.

Behemos was not a madman, nor a masochist. On the contrary, he was a very smart He was a demon who knew how to protect himself and cherish himself. In the beginning, he took the initiative to lead the army to invade Eden not for some bullshit expedition. The fight between the Chaos Space Marines in the Eye of Terror had nothing to do with him, Behemos? Would he risk his life for the glory of others? His original goal was the Spear of Annihilation, just to increase his own strength, so he did not hesitate to sacrifice his army, he did not hesitate to send all his legions to the guns of the Eldar, so that the other party could bombard them happily, just to make the Spear of Annihilation a part of himself.

And now, Behemos clearly knew that his attack could not hurt the other party, but would only hurt himself, but he still insisted on five minutes of intensive attacks, causing his eyeballs to explode all over the floor, but because Because he wanted to try and see if his attack could interfere with the progress of the kid below.

After Behemos discovered the other party's intention and clearly observed that the golden sword in the other party's hand was growing continuously, at that moment, Behemos knew that he had encountered the most difficult enemy this time. It was not the enemy's strength, but the extremely tough and even terrifying will. With the support of this will, this will be a group of enemies who will really fight to the last moment. I am afraid that just before the moment of death, such enemies are staring at their enemies with their eyes.

This is a truly terrifying and crazy warrior. And what is more terrifying is that such people will do anything crazy for victory.

This is a group of enemies worthy of awe. Behemos asked himself, if the positions of the two sides were swapped, would he be able to do the same as the other party? The answer is absolutely impossible. Perhaps he had already sought ways to run away and protect himself, so Behemos understood that what he was facing now was not just a group of elves. He was facing a group of determined and powerful lunatics who could do all kinds of incredible things for victory.

Such a madman is the most terrible enemy in this universe.

So Behemos carefully and rationally thought about the other party's crazy plan for the first time, that is, the other party seemed to be ready to kill him with their sword.

As a result, Behemos sadly discovered that such a crazy, irrational, and only possible thing in fairy tales, the other party actually planned it seriously and implemented it step by step, and judging from the situation, the other party seemed to have the possibility of success.

Could the other party really use a sword to chop the moon?

It's crazy!

Well, Behemos decided not to think about this question that would make him stupid. He just made a simple judgment, that is, as an enemy, no matter what the other party wants to do, he should destroy it. Just like what Behemos often does, making others unhappy, so he feels happy.

After changing his mindset, Behemos quickly discovered a problem, that is, this long sword made of light does not seem to be a weapon that can be easily mastered - it is not a weapon like a pistol or a rocket launcher, and it is not a conventional weapon in the conventional sense that only needs to be loaded with ammunition and then pulled the trigger to exert huge damage and completely kill the enemy. Otherwise, the opponent only needs to easily make the long sword long enough, then pull the trigger, and cut it down with one sword.

The Eldar did not do this. On the contrary, the person who used this weapon had a serious face and extremely focused attention. No matter how he teased with words, the other party did not respond. This probably means that to use this weapon, the other party must at least focus on accumulating energy or constructing the form of this weapon.

In short, it is a weapon that is not easy to use.

So Behemoth first used words to shake the opponent's will and belief, but the effect was not great, so he quickly changed his method and turned to using actual attacks to interfere with the opponent, even if his own eyeballs would explode. It will be very painful, but this is not a real injury to Behemoth. The flesh ball as big as the moon is covered with eyes. Behemoth now has a lot of eyeballs and is not afraid of being exploded. .

But the attack that lasted for five minutes only made Behemoth even more desperate. That is, even if the demon continued to attack, the lengthening speed of the golden sword in the hands of the Eldar people did not slow down at all. It didn't appear, no, to be precise, the change of this long sword became faster due to his own attack.

"Okay, I accept my fate. My attacks have no effect on you. I understand. Everything I just did was in vain." After Behemoth sighed, he said to Li with great sincerity: "I I understand, I was wrong. I apologize. I apologize for my harsh words before. This was not my intention. To be honest, I did not actually think about war. Personally, I am a pacifist. I will probably not use violence to solve problems that can be solved without war, but you probably know where the chaotic space is. In a chaotic world, the rules of the world are very simple, that is, the strong get everything, and the weak get everything. I can only be bullied. I just, I just want to become stronger. I don’t want to be bullied. Really, I just don’t want to be bullied. So, how about we discuss it? You put down the sword in your hand and we sit down. Come down and have a good talk, find a method acceptable to both parties, and then solve the problem peacefully. What do you think of my proposal?"

Li couldn't hold it back anymore and laughed. For no other reason, what the devil said was so interesting. Fortunately, after a long struggle, Li had already used his will to erect a dam in his heart, resisting the tide. A violent feeling that usually bombards one's nerves.

Whether it is pleasure or pain, when the feeling reaches a certain level, it is no longer pure pleasure or pain. It has become a flood that can easily destroy consciousness, breaking through everything and destroying consciousness.

But Li has already tried his best to do all this. He has experienced battles in the spiritual world more than once. How to use the spirit to attack the enemy, Li doesn't understand this, but if it comes to how to defend his own spiritual world, then Li has already He is a rare senior expert in this universe.

The moment the powerful, spirit- and consciousness-destroying flood came, Li, who was unprepared, had to use all his energy to fight against it. But after he was able to fight against this feeling and built up a mental defense in his heart, then Everything has become simpler.

As Li said to his apprentice Chang Chang, "Pain is just an illusion, you can control it." Excellent space warriors can perfectly control their bodies and even their own feelings.

Li's expression relaxed for the first time. He looked at Behemoth's shadow with a smile and asked, "Do I look like a fool?"

"How is it possible? I sincerely make this suggestion to you, and it is definitely not a lie." It's strange. As long as you put down the sword in your hand, you only need to delay it for a while, and then everything will be over. As long as you wait until Chaos Swallows Going down to Eden, although he had such thoughts in his mind, Behemoth's tone was more sincere than ever before, "Isn't peace good? Besides, look at it, your warriors are exhausted, even as powerful as you Warrior, tsk tsk, you are already so crazy. Do you think you can really succeed? In fact, this is just madness in despair. You know very well that you cannot extend this long sword. At that point, we are too far apart, and even if you can reach me, can you hurt me? It's a planet, so why should you gamble? What about an ending that leaves everyone hurt? Let’s end it peacefully.”

"Behemoth, are you scared?"

"Ha, what are you talking about? How is it possible that I, Behemoth, the mighty Demon Prince, would be afraid? To be honest, I just respect a strong warrior like you and truly admire you. I don't want to see your tragic ending. "A great warrior like you shouldn't have such a tragic ending. You should know what kind of ending will be waiting for you once you fail and fall into the chaotic space, right?" The tone changed and became extremely fierce, "And it's not just you, your brothers, your comrades, your relatives, everyone you care about, even the animals you like, everything you love, we will We will not let them go, we will destroy them one by one, leaving you to live in regret and pain forever. Maybe some of the people you care about have not gone to the battlefield and are not on Eden, but you should know. What kind of creatures like us exist? Chaos demons can always do things that you seem to be unable to imagine. We will launch cruel and endless revenge on you. Besides, I looked at you carefully. You seem to be the same as those bean sprouts. No, this doesn't seem to be your battle, so why bother? There's no need to form an irreducible feud with the devil for someone who has nothing to do with you, right? You are a smart person and should know how to make choices. Really? Captain Li?”

"Ha, Behemoth, admit it, you are scared!"

Behemoth's smile froze on his face, and then the smile was completely broken. The devil growled viciously: "I have absolutely no fear at all. You idiot, you actually think that I am scared, huh? Okay?" , you asked for it. Look at the distance between your sword and me. Even if your sword can break through the sky, ha, this is amazing, but it is meaningless. If you notice the sword in your hand The speed at which it extends, then you will know how ridiculous everything you do is. Do you know how long it will take for your sword to reach me? Even if the sword in your hand extends at the fastest speed? , it will take at least three full days for your sword to reach me. This is just enough to reach me. Chaos will completely swallow you up in the world in just one day. You really have no chance. No, do you understand now?" The devil asked with a grin, "How does despair feel?"

Li did not make any argument against Behemoth's analysis. He just said calmly: "I will chop you to death."

"What?" Behemoth was stunned, then sighed feebly and said: "Didn't you hear what I just said? Is this crazy? I told you, your deeds may seem great, But it’s meaningless, you can’t possibly…”

After the devil said this, he could no longer continue, because he felt the terrifying majestic power suddenly burst out from Li's body, as if a nuclear bomb suddenly exploded in Li's body. Now in front of him The power in this person's body suddenly had a terrifying explosive growth.

"What, what's going on?"

"It's nothing, it's just," Li let out a long breath. In the golden light, white mist spurted out from his mouth like steam, "it started burning!"

Immediately, there was a soft bang, and the ancestral sword held by one of Li's hands shattered in an instant. The broken ancestral sword turned into a crystal ring, like the halo of the planet, surrounding Li Start spinning slowly.

"I, I don't understand."

"Of course you don't understand. How could a demon like you understand?" Li closed his mouth, took a deep breath, and then the white steam containing huge power flowed from his nostrils again. Jetting out, Li was like a high-speed steam engine inside his body. Li slowly said like a voice singing in a dream: "All the souls have been absorbed. The entire Eden, now Already dead in my hands. Then, it’s you, Behemoth, can you feel the temperature in my body? Do you also feel the soul beside me? Roar? Have you heard their shouts that echoed through the sky? Behemoth, fight like a warrior until the end!" Li held his Lich in both hands and shouted: " Souls of Eden, burn and unleash your power!"

If before, this majestic power was only accumulated in Li's body, then now as Li shouted, the unrivaled terrifying power centered on Li and suddenly exploded in all directions. The visible golden ring suddenly spread from Li's side to the surroundings, and then the dazzling golden light completely enveloped the area.

"Souls of warriors! Use your souls to roar out that unyielding cry! Let everyone hear your battle cry!"

Ho ho ho ho ho! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

This was a silent shout, a vibration coming from the depths of the soul. There was no sound, but everyone above Eden heard such a roar. Whether it's No. 5 staggering between the jungles; or Aylin's face turning pale; or the witch Hishan's legs suddenly softening and sitting on the ground... and the witch who can't contain herself in the mountains, and together with her... The Eldar warriors roared. At this moment, all the Eldar people in Eden roared. This is a roar from Eden. This is a declaration of war that makes the enemy tremble!

After taking a breath, Li held the sword with both hands and used all his strength to shout hoarsely: "Sword! Make it longer! Let us fight!"

The sword of golden light suddenly collapsed, and all the golden light disappeared in an instant. The fear on Behemoth's face had not completely dissipated. He was completely frightened by Li's momentum just now, but now, it seems that something has happened. Question, a smile was slowly creeping up his face, but in the next moment, a gentler, restrained, but more powerful, and even larger super giant golden lightsaber appeared in Li's hand.

One of Li's hands was holding the hilt of the Lich Sword, and the giant sword extended upward from the hilt, getting stronger and bigger, and finally became a sword that reached directly to the sky, so huge that it was impossible to A super giant weapon in imagination, and now, the sword edge of this giant weapon is gently pressing in front of the largest eye of Behemoth hanging on the orbit. The golden sword edge is far away from the largest eye of Behemoth. Eyes are only a little finger away.

"Behemoth," Li raised his head and said with a smile, "now, I can reach you."


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