Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 345: Invitation from Doomsday (1/2)


Two days later, on an afternoon when the sun was gradually setting in the west, Jenn Zell visited again with wine.

Just as Jenn Zell expected, Li's body has almost recovered. Apart from occasionally feeling a sense of fatigue from the depths of his soul, physically speaking, Li has fully recovered. His best. [Search for the latest updates here..]

When Jenn Zell walked up the cliff with the wine, she had already smelled the wonderful aroma wafting in the mountains. Just smelling this smell made her feel her index fingers move and she couldn't help but swallow. of spit.

"I didn't expect you to actually make delicious food for me," the Phoenix Lord twitched his nose vigorously and asked loudly from a distance away from the wooden house: "What on earth does this smell like? It's so fragrant?"

Li walked out of the cabin wearing a chef's outfit. At this time, Li held a large iron stick in his hand. On the iron stick were two large legs of lamb. The leg hair had been peeled off, revealing a large A large piece of fresh meat, the lamb leg has been smeared with various sauces. Li smiled and put the iron on the fire pit outside the wooden house, and then said to Zhan Zell who was coming: "The aroma is like the "venison stewed in red oil" in the kitchen. I was lucky. Yesterday I caught a three-month-old deer in the jungle. The meat is so tender and tender. You'll know when you eat it later."

"Is this a leg of lamb you are holding in your hand? Are you just roasting it on the fire pit?"

"Yes, barbecue," Li said with a smile: "You know I once led a team to fight against the Chaos Legion above Eden for a period of time. Do you know what I wanted to eat most during that time?"

"It can't be dry food."

"Ha, although there are many differences between humans and the Eldar, the Empire and the Eldar are surprisingly the same in this regard, that is, military dry food is really terrible. In the days above Eden, The most energy-consuming thing is to digest the things of you Spirit Tribe people first, and the second is to fight Chaos."

"When you say that, I'm a little curious. Is the food in the empire also terrible? But I see that you are very particular about your diet. But we will talk about this later. Where to put the wine?" Zhan En Ze I put the box on my back down, and it turned out to be a whole box of mugwort. Obviously, the Phoenix Lord didn't have many drinking buddies. I caught Li this time, but I was going to have a good drink with him.

"Just put it outside, and let's go and lift the wooden table out of the house together."

So Li and Jenn Zell worked together to move the wooden tables, chairs and tableware out of the room. Li then put the "red oil braised venison" on the table, as well as some A vegetable salad made of fruits and vegetables with sauce. Jenn Zell opened two bottles of wine and put a plate full of stewed venison on his plate. Then he sat down at the dining table with satisfaction. Dinner started on a piece of grass in front of the cliff.

"Drink, look at this red and oily piece. Did you cook this piece of food with blood?" Jenn Zell carefully took out a piece of meat with a fork, looked at it, and still couldn't put it down. to his mouth, "Although it smells delicious, it looks a bit scary. Li, what on earth did you add to the pot?"

"It's just chili pepper. Can you eat spicy food?"

"I'm a warrior after all. It's so delicate. What taste can't be eaten? I've eaten poison when needed." Saying this, Zhan Zell put the venison in his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it. Then he said with satisfaction: "Oh my god, what kind of chili did you use? This thing was like a big explosive bomb that exploded in my mouth. It is really a shocking food," and After tasting a few pieces of venison, Jenn Zell picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Li. After both of them took a big sip, Jenn Zell said, "Well, let's go back to before. The topic is, is the empire’s military rations also terrible?”

"Yes, it's scary," Li nodded and said, "I heard that there was a soldier of the Imperial Guard who hated the taste of military rations and decided to use local materials to make some edible food himself. At that time, he was on the battlefield. On the front line, the entire battlefield was in a mess, and there was no living thing. The only food he could find was the corpses of the enemy. At that time, their enemy was the green skin, so he decided to try grilling the green skin's meat. "

Jenn Zell banged the table and laughed. She already knew the result without Li continuing to say anything. Green-skinned muscles are not pure meat, but strange tissues entangled with plant fibers and muscles. This thing is stronger than ordinary psychic armor or the empire's body armor. Some weapons that can penetrate body armor are It may not be able to penetrate the green-skinned muscle tissue, which shows how hard their meat is. The only result of eating this kind of thing is to choke to death.

Li walked to the fire pit again, cut off a few pieces of meat from the skin of the lamb leg, brought it to the table, and then said: "Try it, my secret barbecue. This is what I wanted most when I was entangled with Chaos. It’s really a painful process to walk with the enemy in the dense forest. Only when you can’t make a fire will you miss the hot food grilled by the open fire.”

"Hey, did I read that right? You're using your Lich Sword to carve up a leg of lamb for me?"

"Why, can't it? It's just a Lich Sword. For you Spirit Tribe, this is just a standard weapon." Li put the Lich Sword on the corner of the dining table and said, "To be honest, this sword It can only be regarded as average. Remember our cooperation that time? This sword couldn't cut through the opponent's skin. It was really ugly. "

"At that time, this sword was just an ordinary Lich sword, and don't be too greedy. The opponent is a rare demon prince, but a high-ranking demon who can determine the outcome of the battlefield. If you can kill him casually, Then the Demon Prince has nothing to be afraid of." Zhan Zell took a sip of wine and continued: "The sword of yours is different now. The sword in your hand is, well, how should I say, already considered a sword? It is a legendary weapon. After being washed away by the power of so many souls burning, the essence of this sword has been changed. It has fully possessed the power of a legendary weapon. As long as you experience it carefully, you should be able to feel the sword. The power in my body, when I discovered this, no one told me, I brought it back to you secretly, so don’t be ignorant. "

"Is that so? Thank you very much for this. It seems that you can't use this sword to cut meat. I will study it carefully when I have time later. What's special about this sword? Anyway, thank you very much. I won't talk about it anymore. I have another question," Li paused, then asked aloud: "Although it's not a good time to bring this up, I still have to ask, has Weisen's body been recovered?"

"Oh, um, no, we don't have such a habit here, and it was not convenient to bring a corpse with us at that time. However, Wesen was cremated according to your human habits," Jenn Zell said casually He said: "You even asked No. 5 to steal a few urns and bring them back. The small jars are placed under your bed. What are you going to do with them?"

Li suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. This kind of thing was placed under his bed so casually, and he actually slept on Wesen's ashes for a whole year. He didn't know if it would have any adverse effects. , but he also understood that the other party had no concept of this at all, so he simply didn’t mention it, and followed Jenn Zell’s words and continued: “Oh, it’s nothing, I’ll probably look for it in the valley behind here. Let’s bury Weisen in a place with better scenery.”

"Is there any practical significance?"

"Of course it can't have any practical significance, but it's just a kind of remembrance. You can't let a real warrior die like this. He will have nothing after death and have to bear such infamy. He should be left with some thoughts. "

"Oh, it's pointless to do this," said Zhan En Zell: "Lee, you don't understand us. Although I understand that you decided to do this out of good intentions, it is pointless for you to do this. I don’t understand the sorrow that weighs on our people, the kind of sorrow that even sad songs can’t sing.”

"There are fine wines, delicious food, and friends. What is there that cannot be said?"

"That's true. Apart from you, I really can't say this to anyone else." Zhan Zell drained the wine in his glass in one gulp, filled another glass for himself, and then continued: "From now on From beginning to end, you may not quite understand Wesen and Noz Aisha, and you don’t quite understand all this. If you humans, the descendants of the earth, fight hard on the battlefield, can it be for the sake of victory? , is to fight to the death with the enemy. Then the battle of our spirit race is just a death struggle. This is the case in any battle. Even if we win, it is just a death struggle. How sad. "

"This is strange. We have obviously won, so why is it a desperate struggle?"

"That's because of the damn prophecies!" Zhan Zell drained the wine in his glass again and said angrily: "Li, you know, stay away from those prophets forever, even though they can bring easy victory , but it can bring the deepest despair, the more powerful the prophet, the more so. The reason why these people are not interesting is because there is a supreme prophecy, which is said to be passed down by the gods. The ultimate prophecy that states all the rules and the final result. This prophecy also predicts the end of our race. It is an extremely cruel ballad. I will not sing this ballad to you, but I will. I can tell you that this is our clan’s doomsday battle, a grand end for the Spirit clan in the galaxy. It is said that after the last Spirit clan member dies, the fifth god, the God of Death, will be born from the spiritual bones. All the Phoenix Lords, including me of course, will gather. The heroes will surround the God of Death and participate in the last battle. The enemy will naturally be our biggest enemy. It will be a battle between the gods. The battle. And now, every soul that enters the spiritual bones and enters the endless circuit will enhance the power of the fifth god. Do you understand? Li, you will take over the souls of our people on Eden. How terrifying it is to fight as a force. You once delegated divine authority, but the influence has already appeared. Some people see you as the incarnation of the God of Death in the world, while others see you as a dangerous existence behind the enemy. Fortunately, they are unable to do so. It affects you, because those people can’t imagine that you can be a human being.”

"It seems very much like a deified legend."

"It would be fine if it were just a deified legend, but this is not only a legend, but also a prophecy. Many excellent prophets have already seen fragments of the Doomsday War. The most important thing is that this prophecy foreshadows a An unacceptable fact.”

"Does that mean the Eldar race will perish?"

"Yes, that's it," Zhan Zell shook his head and said with a smile: "How ridiculous. After the last Eldar person dies, the gods who can destroy the enemy will be born from our bones to avenge our clan. Leading our tribe to victory. But what’s the point of such a victory? The last Eldar has died, and the Eldar have perished in the galaxy. What’s the point of the victory you achieved now in Eden? What we did above also has a very good meaning. After the dead made huge sacrifices, we won the victory and saved countless living people. As long as there are still people alive, they can continue to fight and there will still be unlimited hope. , but what if such hope didn’t exist at the beginning? Could it be that our family is struggling to survive just to sacrifice a few more souls to the God of Death so that he can stand up from our bones after eating and drinking enough? , to defeat our great enemy? This is so ridiculous, even I often feel despair."

Just like a certain Polish writer during World War II who saw Soviet tanks in a Nazi concentration camp, he thought that justice had been upheld. Justice finally defeated evil and the country was rescued. But later he realized that this was just evil defeating evil. From beginning to end, there was no justice.

Zhan Zell's current mood is probably the same.

Li could only drink silently at this time without speaking.

"I understand Weisen's idea very well," Zhan Zell took a sip of wine, rested for a while, and then continued: "In fact, most of the radical thinkers among the Eldar today are young and middle-aged people. There are not many lower-level samurai and those at the top who can be as strong as Wesen after learning the truth. Wesen doesn't believe this. He always feels that the future can be changed artificially, as long as he fights unremittingly. , As long as we work hard until the last minute, we will eventually get a good result. As long as we pay enough, there is still hope for the spiritual race to revive. As long as we understand enough about subspace and understand demons deeply enough, then. We can find a way to stop the demons, or even destroy them. As long as we progress step by step like this, one day we will be able to defeat the enemy instead of waiting for the gods to come to us from the corpses of our clan. Revenge of the clan.”

"Many times, I envy your warriors. No matter how strong or weak they are, as long as they fight with all their strength, it still makes sense in the end. But what about us Eldar people? It's like some kind of food. It's really ironic," he sighed with a wry smile. After taking a breath, Zhan Zell said: "Seriously, there is no prophet in your empire, which is really great."

"No, there are many prophets in our empire," Li said solemnly: "It's just that prophets are a relatively difficult profession in the empire. Most people who engage in this profession are burned to death by the people of the Tribunal."

"Hahahaha," Zhan Zell laughed wildly again, "Really, we should also set up a tribunal and burn those nonsense prophets to death, so as to relieve our anger."

"Zhann Zell, have you ever thought about it this way? Maybe you just think too much?"

"Huh? What do you say?"

"You know, even the Milky Way will one day perish, and the race is so small among them. Since there will be one day of perdition no matter what, maybe the future will not be as desperate as you think. Maybe the Spirit Race people can How about living until the end of the galaxy?"

"You are really good at comforting people," Zhan Zell said sarcastically: "Do you think we Eldar people are cockroaches? Our vitality is too tenacious to live until the moment before the destruction of the galaxy."

"Anyway, it's impossible for me to wish you a group of revival."

"You are quite vigilant." Zhan Zell laughed, "But let me tell you, you are right to think so. Even if our clan is not revived, if we really think about it, well, a full-scale confrontation is unlikely. , but it is still very easy to kill you. If you really meet me on the battlefield, you will be in bad luck. I had a hand in the last confrontation in the martial arts hall. If you really want me to let go , you don’t think you are an opponent.”

Li just smiled and filled up Zhan Zell's wine without saying much.

"But to be honest, your skills are quite good. On the battlefield, if you are on my side, I will be very happy. Let's put it this way, if there is such an opportunity, let me participate in the Doomsday. Go to the middle of the battle and join me to destroy Slaanesh, will you go?"

"Is this a formal invitation?"

"Yes, this is an invitation I send to you as a friend, asking you to come and participate in the Doomsday Battle. Will you come?" Before Li could answer, Jenn Zell said loudly: "Ah, these are all Bullshit, you will definitely come. You are such a good friend and a good person. You will never leave your friends alone. Besides," at this point, Jenn Zell smiled secretly: "Besides, the enemy is a pervert. "Nie, you must know how to do it."

"The previous reasons still make sense, but the last reason is a bit too strange. Why will I definitely arrive if the enemy is Slaanesh?"

"Why are you bumping into me, idiot? I don't believe you don't have any feelings. Slaanesh is the enemy of my race, isn't he your enemy? Slaanesh is always hungry, she is always hunting the souls of the Eldar, but your soul is also on her hunting list. Maybe she has been coveting you for a long time, your name may be ranked higher than mine, no, it must be ranked higher than mine. I am going to participate in the Doomsday War, and Slaanesh can't do anything to me for a while, but you are different.

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