Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 352: The Far East Robbery (1/2)

Of course, it was impossible for Li not to be angry. The political commissar across from him dared to shout and kill in front of him. For Li, this was undoubtedly a naked provocation.

But at this time, he couldn't take action, at least not on his own initiative. The Defense Force can be said to be the most powerful fighting group in the empire at present. To rashly take the initiative to offend such a powerful group can only be said to be a sign of impatient life. . So Li squinted his eyes, smiled and replied: "Shoot me? You may not have that ability yet."

If the other party expressed a desire to give it a try, Li naturally wouldn't mind giving the political commissar a chance to try his marksmanship, and then he could go back and lead the war group to start filming openly. As long as Instead of a full-scale war, defining the battle based on personal grudges with political commissar Yegorov, he can lead his people into the wilderness openly, launch a small military coup, kill the political commissar, and then take the opportunity to During the war, the defense army's warehouse was looted.

In this way, a long-planned robbery became a self-defense counterattack. The Elders of the Space Marine Corps and the generals of the Imperial Guard Headquarters would thank Lee from the bottom of their hearts, because they used it to argue. There is one more topic. This topic will be gradually forgotten in the endless saliva, and eventually it will be left alone. This process may take fifty years.

But Yegorov, who was standing opposite Li, didn't seem to be an idiot. He was not aroused by this question. Instead, the corners of political commissar Yegorov's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a cold and mocking smile, "Yes. Yes, I may not have the ability to shoot a soldier who is better than me. Maybe there are no less than ten people in this military camp who are more skilled than me. But if I want to shoot them, then they will never be able to resist. Yes, it’s not that they are powerless to resist. Maybe they only need one action to seize my gun, but they cannot do so because they know very well that I do not represent personal violence. Here, I represent the Holy Spirit. The emperor, behind me is iron discipline. This is the iron law that the defense army relies on and is proud of. The soldiers understand this and are deeply afraid of it. "

"Alstadt is nothing to be afraid of!" Li narrowed his eyes. This sentence came out of Li's mouth at this time, more like a hidden threat.

Li clearly conveyed his meaning in his words, you are just a political commissar of the Defense Forces, and everything behind you is meaningless to me, because Alstadt has nothing to fear!

"It is far better to know fear than to know happiness!" Yegorov suddenly raised his voice and quoted the words of the Holy Emperor.

The reckless things he did in the pursuit of temporary pleasure were not smart choices.

"Because happiness is just an illusion of the weak. Real happiness is rooted in responsibility." Li also counterattacked with the words of the Holy Spirit.

Political Commissar Yegorov looked at Li carefully with surprised eyes, then nodded and replied: "You are right, you are far smarter than the rumors say, I just didn't expect it. , a warrior who wakes up from that era will understand the words of the Holy Emperor so well."

"I have been in the 40th millennium for a long time, so I naturally know the emperor's sayings by heart."

"I must say, you are a bit beyond my expectations and completely different from what I imagined."

"So in your imagination, what should I be like?"

"Like all so-called heroes, they are arrogant, arrogant, have serious personal heroism, like to be in the limelight, like to express themselves, have high self-esteem, and are unruly, just like the cowboys in the old western movies." Yegorov The political commissar paused and then continued: "Then if my guess is correct, you are Captain Li of the Knights Templar, that short space warrior with weak limbs."

Li wished he could punch this damn Yegorov's head on the spot, but he couldn't do that. So he just took a deep breath, and then asked: "I don't quite understand. It seems that this is the first time we have met. There shouldn't be any conflicts between us, but you seem to have a lot of feelings for me." Opinion, have we ever had any grudges?”

"There are no personal conflicts between us, and we have never met before," Political Commissar Yegorov said frankly: "I am just unhappy with any fighting group that is not under the leadership of the political commissar, and I also know that you You have the same intention as your subordinate, right? "

"Yes, the people on this planet are facing the threat of hunger and cold. My chapter brother and I have the same intention. We hope that you can open the door of the defense army warehouse and provide the residents with the most basic The food and tents helped them get through the difficult times.”

"This is impossible. The warehouses here are all combat readiness resources. Without a written order from the Supreme Command, I have no right to open the warehouse door privately, no matter what the reason is." Yegorov The political commissar said coldly: "Besides, even if I have the right, I will not do this. This is a combat readiness resource that can only be used by soldiers of the National Defense Force. Without military orders, anyone, for any reason, can , using the supplies is stealing military supplies, which is an unforgivable crime! "

"It's not stealing, but borrowing," Li tried to convince the other party. "The war group will guarantee this batch of materials and be responsible for them. After you helped Golden Fields overcome the difficulties, we will do it in the second year. This batch of supplies will be returned in full, and I will never make it difficult for you, the person in charge.”

"I said that without military orders, anyone who uses the supplies for any reason is stealing military supplies, which is an unforgivable crime! And the behavior you mentioned is not just It’s so easy to steal supplies, but you still try to deceive Shangguan.”

"This is a helpless expedient. Political Commissar Yegorov, you should know the efficiency of the defense army's headquarters. We are all outsiders, so don't use this set of official rhetoric to deal with me," Li Chenken Said: "In non-war periods, a normal transfer order may take two or three years to go through the procedures in various departments. Especially for applications that have little to do with the frontline war, the delay may be even longer. Wait for me People traveled thousands of light-years to the Far East Defense Force headquarters to get the order. If they came back, everyone on this planet would probably be dead! Many people outside are struggling on the line of life and death. You! A single command can save hundreds of thousands of lives from death."

"Captain Li, I know this very well, but no matter what you say, my decision will still not change," Political Commissar Yegorov said coldly: "Because I will never allow a trace of damage, even the smallest trace. Damage to the defense force, because this is discipline. If discipline can be changed at will due to human will, how can discipline exist? How can the defense force exist if I can be shaken privately because of your words today? After opening the warehouse and misappropriating the military supplies of the Defense Force, I will be able to do more betrayal of the Defense Force and the Empire tomorrow."

"Commissar Yegorov, how can you be so cruel? Even if one of your orders can save hundreds of thousands of lives, then your order will not cause any harm to the defense forces!"

"Yes, that's what I am, no, I'm more than that, I'm more than cold, I have no mercy, I don't know how to forgive, I don't have kindness, I don't know how to pity, and I don't have doubts. Because mercy is the sign of the weak, Forgiveness is a sign of weakness, kindness is a sign of weakness, compassion is a sign of weakness, and doubt is a sign of weakness. And I represent iron discipline. I am a political commissar, and I don’t understand these things by nature.”

Li sighed and said helplessly: "How about I make a promise like this? You don't need to do anything. You just need to close one eye temporarily. We can make friends. I will remember you, Political Commissar Yegorov." This friendship, and I will give enough repayment. Please do not refuse my friendship, please do not reject a hand of friendship extended by a Star Chapter leader."

The corners of Political Commissar Yegorov's mouth turned up again. This smile was full of contempt and sarcasm, "It's just a promise that I don't know when to fulfill, so I want to exchange for my betrayal."

"It's not betrayal, it's just silence."

"To remain silent is to express approval! No matter how nice you talk, this is betrayal."

"Okay, then let's make the smallest sacrifice in exchange for the survival of the people of the empire. Such a sacrifice is unnecessary and huge. We can easily avoid it, so why not do it."

"Captain Li, I want to tell you that no sacrifice is too huge, and no betrayal is too small. Moreover," Political Commissar Yegorov said seriously: "I really think your thoughts are very dangerous. If you It's in my army. I promise you that I will shoot you immediately. Although I don't have the right to shoot you now, I will still report our meeting and dialogue. "

"Oh, report it to the superiors and go home to your parents. I know, go ahead!" Li shook his head and said, "In short, there is no way at all? No room for accommodation?"


"Even if I am willing to give you a sufficient reward privately, such as the Throne Coin that many people like?"

"Are you talking about bribery? I really can't believe that such words come from the mouth of a glorious leader of the Star Wars. Please leave immediately. I no longer want to continue the conversation with you, because you are not just... Insulting my character! It’s also an insult to yourself!”

"Okay, okay, I understand, then goodbye!"

"Hopefully we'll never meet again."

"Trust me, there will be a chance."

After Li finished speaking, he saluted, took Luo Lang and turned around to leave.

After leaving the military camp, Roland said: "Leave like this? Captain, are we going to leave like this? That bastard is so arrogant, why don't we do something?"

"Of course we have to do something," Li gritted his teeth and said with a sneer: "But not now, we are not here to cause trouble. That damn political commissar is really hateful. Come on, the emperor's quotations are spoken, which is really the type of model I hate the most. It seems that the way to a peaceful solution is blocked, and I can only implement plan B. Fortunately, no one can say anything to me, after all. , we have said hello.”

"Plan B? Are you calling?"

"No," Li said disdainfully: "Robbery and the like are too low-level, and it is easy to cause trouble for the higher-ups. How long has our regiment been established? There are already enough headaches, and the fewer troubles, the better. This time we have to do something technical, let's talk about it when we get back."

Riding the Thunder Eagle back to the regiment, Li convened the core combat personnel of the regiment in the office, including the captains of several combat teams including Roland, for a meeting. Li first asked Roland to tell the whole story, and then the office was turned upside down. The soldiers of the regiment said that they could not tolerate it, and they wanted to rush over and fight, and they wanted to let Yegorov, who dared to insult the regiment and the commander, know what pain is and what the consequences of speaking casually are!

In short, Yegorov must die!

For a while, the office was noisy and noisy.

"Quiet," Li said, and everyone shut up. The soldiers sat up straight, waiting for Li to arrange combat tasks, but Li sighed and said, "This time, I summoned you here not to go to war with the defense army. No matter what, we are brother legions that help each other. We can't kill them just because of a little dirty talk. This is not right. Of course, we can't just let our people die like this. This golden wilderness is the first planet that truly belongs to the Knights Templar. We must make this planet better and make it a war planet. The rear of the regiment, becoming an accelerator of the regiment's growth and providing energy for the regiment. In short, we want to make the Golden Fields better, and in the process, we may have to do some things that are not so glorious. This is the sacrifice we must make as soldiers of the glorious Star Wars for the planet that belongs to our regiment. If you have a strong resistance to what I am going to say next, then you can choose not to participate, but you are not allowed to reveal the plan, otherwise it will be regarded as betrayal, do you understand? "

"Understood! Sir!"

"Okay, so the situation now is that the negotiation has been completed. In order to make it impossible, I announced the implementation of Plan B, which I called the "Golden Wilderness Robbery." Li laughed and said, "What we have to do is simple, but not so simple. In short, we have to move out all the things in the defense army's warehouse. This is the simple part. The difficult part is that we have to move out the piles of supplies. It would be best if we can empty their warehouses. And all this is done under the noses of the defense army, and it has to be done seamlessly so that they are unaware. We are going to steal all the defense army's warehouses. "

Roland carefully After thinking for a while, he raised his hand and said, "Captain, I think it's more convenient to rush in and grab everything." He looked at the strong men in the room, "Petite theft doesn't seem to be suitable for us."

"You are talking nonsense. I also know that it is most convenient to kill all the defense forces and then move the things out openly, but I said that I don't want to go to war with the defense forces. Do you want to go to war with the defense forces?"

The soldiers in the office were silent. They naturally didn't want to go to war with the defense forces. They were all human beings. It was really meaningless for their own people to fight against each other.

"Okay, I've said it, go back and think of a solution, and don't tell Pastor Martin about this. You all know what kind of person the pastor is, and he won't agree with this behavior."

"But, what if Pastor Martin asks?"

"You should make a good confession first, but Pastor Martin is a smart man, he won't ask." Li waved his hand and announced the adjournment: "Don't block my office, go back and think of a solution, and you can come to me anytime if you have any good ideas."

After the captains left, Li unfolded a huge map in his office, and then he looked at the map and laughed.

Yegorov, aren't you arrogant? Humph, this time I'll give you a hard time, so that you can't even cry!

Several secret orders were quickly issued. Li already had a perfect plan in his mind. Now he just needs to implement the plan step by step, and first of all, Li needs to gather enough manpower.

After that, the Star Wars Corps temporarily quieted down. Political Commissar Yegorov did raise the defense level of the Wilderness Gate by two levels. He was really afraid that the leader of the Star Wars Corps would go crazy and bring the Space Marines to rob supplies. But after waiting for a month, the other party still did not make any moves. After hearing that Captain Li had purchased food and tents and other emergency supplies at high prices from the surrounding planets through interstellar merchants and some smugglers, he was relieved a little.

The first to receive Li's summons and rush to the Templars' station in the Golden Wilderness was the Black Knight Virgil. Virgil has now become an outstanding Shadow Knight. He carries a modified huge equipment sniper rifle on his back, and a gorgeous ritual sword given by Li when he became a Shadow Knight on his waist. He wears a close-fitting and neat Shadow Knight's exoskeleton gelled clothing and a large optical camouflage cloak. Just like a ghost, he returned to the Corps silently.

The door of Li's office was opened silently, and then it slid open by itself as if blown by a mighty wind, but there was nothing outside.

Li did not raise his head and said, "Remember to close the door, is it Virgil?"

The door was closed silently again. Suddenly, a distorted human-shaped light appeared in Li's room, and Virgil's figure appeared in the air. Virgil said depressedly: "How is it possible? How did you find me?"

"Don't forget, I am your mentor!"

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