Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 357 Experiment (1/2)

There are many ways to become stronger, and fighting, continuous fighting, will undoubtedly be the fastest way to become stronger. Even without Edward Jenner's request, Li would take the initiative to accept the mission, join the crusade, and participate in the battle in the Far East. The training of the regiment has been done to the best. Only actual combat can make the warriors continue to rise, and better and stronger weapons and equipment also need to be exchanged for merit points. This time, the rebels are undoubtedly the best place for Li to get merit points.

And Li has a special ability, which also needs to be tested through actual combat. That is Li's characteristic ability, "purification" of psychic energy.

Li Anjie's psychic trait allows her to easily become a thinker, Elizabeth's trait allows her to freely control the violent thunder and lightning, and Li's trait is just purification. Such an ability seems to have little use except for facing enemies like Nurgle who use viral diseases as their main means of attack, which makes Li somewhat unwilling.

Before, Li just buried this deep in his heart. Anyway, for him, even without using psychic power, he can still defeat the enemy. Li has no shortage of attack means and attack power. Especially psychic power is a very dangerous ability, so Li will not use it casually.

But now it is a little different. In a situation full of dangers, Li must firmly grasp every bit of his strength in order to cope with the challenges that will continue to come in the future. Under the threat of the evil god, Li's strength will never be "enough"!

So the question now is, can his "purification" ability be used in other places besides "making it easy for him to drink pure water"? For example, use it in battle?

Li wants to give it a try.

The first thing is to find animals that can be used for experiments, which is not difficult. Li finished his meditation, walked out of the meditation room, and gave Roland a few instructions. After letting the regiment enter the state of preparation, he left the temporary station of the regiment alone. This is an ancient monastery built in the golden wilderness plain.

Slowly leaving the monastery where the regiment was stationed, the tall and heavy ancient buildings gradually disappeared behind Li. Not long after walking, Li came to an abandoned village. Most of the farmers' houses had collapsed, and piles of wood and cleared stones were piled on one side of these houses. It can be seen that after receiving disaster relief supplies, people's lives have gradually become stable. At least the people in this village have begun to rebuild the village.

Not far from the village, there is a tent community. The sky has just dawned. In the tent community, curling smoke is slowly rising. Several farmers are leaning on the wooden door at the entrance of the village and dozing off. Not far away, two farmers holding laser rifles who came to change shifts are walking far away.

"Hey! You, I'm talking to you!" A farmer shouted from a distance: "Stranger! Explain your purpose? What are you doing in Tianshui Village so early in the morning?" While shouting, the farmer deliberately pulled the bolt in his hand to enhance the deterrence of his words.

The Golden Plains had just experienced war a year ago, and the people here still remembered the horror of the Eldar Rangers. They were still very wary of the travelers who suddenly appeared alone in the early morning.

"It's just a passerby," Li raised his hands, showing that he had no hostility, "I came from the monastery over there, don't worry, I'm not an enemy."

Li's words made the farmers at a loss in an instant.

"Did you hear that? He came from the monastery of the knights!"

"It turned out to be a knight, the holy emperor. You bastard, do you know what you just did? You were so rude to a knight."

"Who knows if it's true or not? This man is so thin, he doesn't look like a knight!"

But no matter what, these farmers still put away their guns and walked quickly to Li's side, "Are you really coming from the monastery? Hey, look at my brain, isn't this the road leading to the monastery? Knight, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect to bump into you. Few knights will take this road. Do you want us to call the mayor now?"

"I just passed by here and took a look at what you need!"

"What else can I need," a farmer sighed and said, "Merciful God and Emperor, the knights drove away those goblins and gave us everything, tents, winter clothes, and enough food. I really can't ask for more. More." At this time, another farmer next to him interrupted and said, "It's just that the food tastes a bit terrible, although it's enough to fill you up."

"Asshole, do you have the nerve to say such things? Have you forgotten the taste of being hungry so quickly? If you don't think it tastes good, don't eat it! How can there be such an ungrateful person like you in our town?"

"No, no, I'm just saying it, right?"

Li ignored their dispute and just asked about the situation around him, "Are there any wild animals in the jungle? There are no wild animals anymore. There are many scavengers in our village who have come here and brought me a lot of weapons. Some time ago, everyone had weapons in their hands, but they survived by hunting. The animals around them have all run away, and there is no game anymore. On the other side of the hill, I don't know when a nest of velociraptors moved in, but the weapons they have are not very powerful, so no one dares to cross the mountain now. Fortunately, there are many people on our side, and the velociraptors on the other side don't dare to come over. "

Li nodded, "You guys are free, I'll just walk around here alone. "

At first, a few farmers wanted to take Li home to treat him to a meal, but when they thought of the sticky yellow muddy food at home, they didn't feel like inviting Li home.

Li ignored these people and walked into the empty village alone. After a few steps, a skinny field mouse ran past Li. Li glanced at it and a faint rune flashed under the field mouse. A force suddenly burst out from the field mouse's abdomen and bounced the field mouse in front of Li. Li just stretched out his hand and grabbed the frightened field mouse's tail. The field mouse's two front paws waved in the air in panic, trying to catch something in the void.

"Poor guy, let's start with you." With this, Li walked to a sheltered corner, letting the spiritual energy in his body begin to flow slowly, and at the same time began to feel the situation in the field mouse's body.

It was a very simple thing for Li to restore a cup of turbid sewage to a cup of pure water, because everything happened in front of his eyes, clearly visible, and the whole process was simple and clear. Stains were unnecessary things. He only needed to make the water clear and transparent. The various stains and unnecessary ingredients in the cup would shrink and concentrate under Li's ability and will, and finally turn into a small black ball under the power of psychic energy, and then float in the cup. It was not that the ball was less dense than water, so it floated on the water, but the residual spiritual power was still working, and the pure water in the cup was still repelling those impurities.

What if I think that blood is an impurity in the body of this vole?

Can it be done?

Li looked at the panicked vole and began to concentrate his consciousness.

Blood is an impurity in its body. Its body does not need blood. Blood is unnecessary for it, and I want it to become purer and purify this vole!

The powerful will was instantly stimulated with the psychic energy, and the power of psychic energy flashed and acted on the vole.


In an instant, the body of the field mouse completely shrank down, it was like a balloon filled with red blood, and then an invisible hand suddenly squeezed the balloon to burst. Blood suddenly gushed out from every hole of the field mouse, from its mouth and nose, from its ear holes, from its pores, and splashed on Li's body. In the blink of an eye, Li's life was stained with an amazing red.

It works!

The clothes were dirty. I didn't expect that this thin field mouse would have so much blood in its body.

However, in this way, the attack method changed from a pure burst of power to a psychic attack. For most ordinary enemies, this attack method is undoubtedly more weird and terrifying, but for those who are good at fighting psychics, the impact of such an attack should be limited. After all, Li is not very good at using his psychic power as a means of attack. In any case, he must be familiar with it as soon as possible. The effect of "purification" is far beyond his expectations, and it is extremely useful even in battle.

It should be replaced with some larger creatures and more creatures for experiments.

However, in terms of visual effects, this killing method is a bit too weird. It instantly turns the enemy into a mummy and lets the enemy's blood spurt out of his body. It doesn't look like a proper way. Of course, it has a good deterrent effect. Killing people like this on the battlefield may scare some timid guys.

Can we change another way?

Thinking of this, Li further exerted his power on the shriveled body of the vole in his hand. This time, the bones in the vole's body became unnecessary parts. If there were no bones in the body, the vole would inevitably become perfect and pure.


In an instant, a complete skeleton suddenly broke out of the vole's body and rushed out. It was as if the vole's bones tore off the flesh wrapped around him in an instant, and then rushed out like this. In Li's hand, there was only a shriveled flesh.

It seems to have become even more weird. Fortunately, it was in the Far East. If it was caught doing this in the solar system star region, I'm afraid it would be caught and barbecued by the nuns.

Then Li threw away the skin and flesh of the dead field mouse in his hand and walked along the path of the village to the other side of the hill. The velociraptor is a powerful and smart predator. The laser rifle on one side can cause damage to it, but it cannot kill it instantly, so ordinary people will not take the initiative to provoke the velociraptor. The velociraptor is also very aware of the horror of human beings, so the velociraptor will never attack groups of humans, but if a lone person walks alone on the territory of the velociraptor, these smart predators will naturally not let go of the dinner delivered to them.

So at noon, Li ate barbecued velociraptor meat. The meat was relatively hard. If Li did not have good teeth, it would be really difficult to bite, and it lacked seasoning, so this lunch was not really delicious, but as a game, it was still unique.

Of course, lunch is only secondary. The important thing is that the battle that took place when the group of dragons was destroyed before is very telling.

First of all, the battle was not smooth and exposed many problems, which is a good thing for Li. Now that the problem has been found, he can find a way to overcome and correct it. It is always good to be able to find problems.

The first problem is that, at present, this purification ability seems to be unable to be activated remotely, but it is not absolute. To purify the water in the cup, Li can do it without touching it, just by sight, but to use this ability to attack creatures, it is impossible to do it with sight. During the battle, Li stared at a velociraptor for at least half an hour, and the result was only a yawn from the opponent.

The second problem is that the time for the ability to take effect is significantly extended. When using the ability on a weak creature like a vole, the effect occurs in an instant. Almost as soon as the mind moves, the opponent is affected by the psychic energy. However, it is different when dealing with a velociraptor. After Li pressed a velociraptor to the ground, the ability took about three seconds to take effect after being used, and the effect was far less obvious than that on the vole. The blood did not spurt out of the holes in the velociraptor's body, but only flowed out from its seven orifices.

These two problems make the ability of "purification" completely useless in battle. First of all, the ability can only be used by contact, but if Li can touch his enemy, then his enemy is estimated to be dead. Now the rune that suddenly burst out from Li's hand can flatten a nine-meter-high boulder. When the rune and his own power burst out at the same time, the force of Li's palm push is equivalent to the force of a high-speed Mercedes-Benz full of cargo trucks suddenly hitting. If it weren't for the fact that even with the help of the rune, his body could not withstand a stronger recoil force, the force would be even stronger.

Not to mention the long duration of action, just a stronger velociraptor has such resistance to the ability. If the opponent is a human with a strong soul, then the duration and effect of the action will be longer.

The specific time and situation require more experiments to determine. It's a pity that the serious criminals on the golden plain have been thrown into the death camp during the war. It's a bit difficult to find someone to test it now, but fortunately, we are about to go to the battlefield, so there is no need to rush.

Of course, this problem can be solved by outputting Zeng Qiang's psychic energy, but it is still a bit of a loss after all. It is far less refreshing and neat than pushing out with a palm with great force to completely crush the enemy into minced meat.

But it is not completely useless. No matter what kind of psychic, there are always problems with the ability at first. It's just that these deficiencies have been made up through practice or the use of certain props later. So Li believes that as long as there is a chance to systematically learn psychic energy in the future, he will naturally be able to make progress in the operation of his own psychic energy, thus making up for these defects.

Li returned to the battle group at night. Under the strict work and rest system, the knights of the battle group had already returned to their rooms. After greeting several sentinels, Li returned to his quiet room. Both the force side and the psychic side are extremely powerful. Li needs to gradually adapt to his ability and make it stronger. For this, he still needs a lot of thinking. After all, Li still has zero experience in the use of psychic energy.

In this respect, the path that the Eldar people took was completely different from what Li had learned. The Empire's understanding of psychic energy was completely different from that of the Eldar people. It can be said that they were on two completely different paths.

Everyone in the Eldar people has psychic energy, and each of them can sense psychic energy by nature. This has led psychic energy to fully utilize psychic energy to develop their civilization. Eldar people's weapons need to be stimulated by psychic energy, and armor also needs psychic energy to operate. Psychic energy is needed in all aspects of life. The Eldar people have embarked on a popular and universal path. Psychic energy has become the foundation of Eldar civilization. Just like the runes used by Li, in essence, it is not Li's psychic energy that is at work, but psychic energy as a simple fuel, stimulated by runes, and finally turned into power. Runes here are like weapons, and Li's psychic energy is the ammunition filled into the weapons.

The Empire is different. Every psychic in the Empire is rare, precious, and one in a million. Those psychics who know how to control their abilities, have talents, and are willing to serve the Empire will become precious talents; those who do not meet these conditions will become precious fuel.

In any case, the psychics of the Empire cannot follow the path of the Eldar. They cannot regard psychic energy as the most basic and universal substance, and develop a new civilization based on it. The path of specialness they take, every psychic is special. In addition to some common abilities that almost all psychics can learn, these psychics begin to deeply search for their own specialties, give full play to their strengths, and become more powerful psychics.

For the time being, Li cannot go further on the path of the Eldar. The Eldar are not trustworthy characters. Looking at the chaos in the Far East now, you can know that this is a cunning and changeable race, and they can stab you in the back at any time. Li couldn't completely trust the elves, and it was unrealistic for him to go to the elves' society to study alone now.

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