Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 370 Fleming (1/2)

Fleming stretched out his hand, and gently stroked the huge culture tank as if he were stroking the skin of his lover. He looked at the giant in the culture tank and sighed, "Such experimental materials are too precious. You can't find me another one."

Dr. Geman naturally knew his ability. He could punish disobedient slaves with some tricks, do scientific research in the laboratory, or negotiate prices with others, buy some knockoffs at low prices, and then take a little kickback from them. These things he could do easily. But it would be too difficult for him to get the body of Brother Alstat.

There are medical nurses in each company of the Star Wars Regiment. These medical nurses are responsible for recovering the precious genetic information in the bodies of the soldiers after their death, and are responsible for guiding the soldiers to recover the bodies of their brothers when the regiment retreats.

For the Star Wars, as long as they didn't lose the battle too badly, they could calmly recover the precious genetic information in the bodies of the Knights of the Chapter and archive it back into the gene bank. While enriching the gene bank of the Chapter, it also made the new recruits of the Chapter stronger. Of course, the corpses of the brothers of the Chapter were also recovered after the war, and they would all have a hero's funeral.

The Star Wars was originally a symbol of the Empire's most elite military force in the galaxy. The commander of the Chapter could judge whether to join the battle on his own. They could make their own battle plans. They had first-class warriors, first-class weapons, and the most powerful mobility among all the legions of the Empire. Whether it was the privilege of arranging battle plans before the war or the powerful strength of the Star Wars itself, it was difficult for the Star Wars to encounter a complete failure. The corpse of a soldier of the Star Wars was a rare treasure for Fleming once in a century.

After Fleming's transformation, the new virus can greatly enhance its aggressiveness and can transform ordinary people into zombies, while those trained soldiers can be transformed into more powerful lickers after careful debugging. These are powerful warriors transformed by biochemical transformation. Compared with ordinary soldiers, the power of these biochemical weapons is even more terrifying. In the city, a licker can easily destroy a small team of soldiers of the Imperial Defense Force. And what can such a corpse of Alstat be transformed into after the virus is debugged? Just thinking about this makes Fleming tremble all over. A monster with super combat power is about to be born from his hands. How can he not be excited.

Li is like a silent ghost, silently shrinking in the corner of the room, the anger is quietly burning in his heart, silently making a deafening roar that only Li can hear.

Human experiments are always the most evil of all experiments, especially the experiments that use viruses to transform the human body, which is even more shocking. If their target is just corpses, it would be better, but these people clearly put living people into the laboratory as raw materials for their experiments. Here, people are no longer human, but logs.

The lives of these people are equivalent to a small white mouse used for experiments, and the Greyjoy family is the supplier of their supply. Under the cruel slavery, no one cares how many slaves are missing or how many slaves are missing, because slaves are not people, they are just property.

Perhaps in this world, the value of a slave's life is not as good as a transparent beaker in the laboratory.

Li really hates Fleming and this evil laboratory in front of him. How can they trample on morality like this? What do they regard human life as?

What's even more outrageous is that they actually found the corpse of a Space Marine. All the soldiers of the Star Wars died in fierce battles. They sacrificed for the Empire. They fearlessly welcomed the glorious death. They were heroes, but heroes should not be treated like this after death!

These bastards desecrated the corpses of heroes. They were trampling on the glory of warriors!

Perhaps, as the assassins of the Assassin Court advocated, for such evil existences, they should not be allowed to have a decent and dignified death. It is the best choice to end his life with a bullet shot from the shadow.

Thinking of this, Li gritted his teeth, took the sniper rifle from his back, deliberately pulled the bolt, checked the loaded bullet, and then raised the sniper and put Fleming's head in the scope.

Without any hesitation, Li pulled the trigger, but the scene he expected did not appear. Fleming's disgusting brain was not blown up by Li's shot, but obvious cracks suddenly appeared in the transparent air. At this moment, Dr. Fleming and Dr. German were stunned. They looked at the location where the cracks appeared, and then they saw Li gradually emerging from the void.

Li was stunned for a moment, then he snorted coldly and stood up. A huge floor-to-ceiling bulletproof glass wall that separated the entire room divided the entire room into two halves. On one side of the transparent glass wall was Li, and on the other side were Dr. Fleming and Dr. German. The bullets fired from the sniper rifle were blocked by this thick bulletproof glass.

After Li stood up, he maintained a standing shooting posture. He quickly pulled the bolt of the gun, ejected the cartridge case from the gun chamber, and fired at the same time. Then, he continued to drop the bolt shell cartridges to the floor of the laboratory, making a crisp sound. There was a crashing sound, and after a while, Li used extremely fast techniques to shoot out the remaining four bullets in the magazine, but he could only leave cracks on the glass wall.

"Oh, is this Captain Li?" Dr. Fleming turned around and walked to the glass wall. He pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, "It's been a long time since we last met, but I didn't expect this... The first meeting was under such circumstances.”

Li didn't speak. He put the sniper rifle back on his back, pulled out the bolt pistol on the side of his waist, and continued to shoot at the cracks in the bulletproof glass wall. He shot while moving forward until he reached Beside the glass wall, the bolt pistol in his hand was also out of six bullets.

"It's useless, Commander Li," Dr. Fleming said leisurely, looking at Li who was only a short distance away from him with just a glass wall: "What you are facing is special bulletproof glass with special characteristics. Initially, you considered using it." Against the real 'weapon' behind me, even the frontal artillery fire from the main battle tank can't penetrate this multi-layered bulletproof glass wall, let alone the small pistol. Commander Li, what are you doing? What are you doing? Why do you shoot at me as soon as we meet? I feel happy from the bottom of my heart to be able to meet you again."

"But I regret it. I should have killed you in the first place."

"Oh, I know what you are talking about. The last time we met, at that time I was just a corporal, a big-headed soldier who had just graduated from the academy and knew nothing, but he wanted to save my legion, and he wanted to do something like this. Protecting my comrades in front of the magical germs." Fleming sighed and said, "I was so stupid at that time."

"At that time, you were still an admirable warrior, but now, you are just a bastard who sold your soul to the devil. Look at what you have done. You have completely fallen into the abyss of evil. What are you doing? You conduct experiments on living people, you trample on life, you betray the empire!" Li said fiercely as he walked around: "The emperor's wrath will come to you, and you will be cursed forever!"

"Forget it, my Captain Li, put away your meaningless rhetoric. You are not suitable for this. If it were a presiding judge who said these words, they might have some deterrence, but you, Haha," Fleming chuckled, "You know, Commander Li, what did I learn the most after the last incident?" Before Li could answer, Fleming answered himself: "I I learned the truth, a truth that will always exist in this cruel universe, that is 'power'. Without power, you can't do anything. You can only watch your comrades die one by one. Under the influence of the virus, I stood up and became a terrifying zombie. At that time, I was still too weak, I lacked strength, and my understanding of this cruel and cute germ was still superficial, so I was unable to save myself. comrades, but things are different now. I have found the right path to gain strength, and I will gain real strength.”

"You are using the power you have gained to harm living beings, and you are conducting evil human experiments! You are trampling on the dignity of life!"

"It's a pity that Commander Li saw this scene. If possible, I really don't want you to see this scene. I don't want to antagonize you. You know, our purpose is the same," Fleming didn't care. He shrugged his shoulders and said: "But I can tell you clearly that these people are slaves. According to the laws of this world, these people are just my private property. I can dispose of them in any way. They are in the same position as the pen on my desk. This metaphor may be a little inappropriate, because my pen is very useful and I need it very much, and these people are meaningless even if they live, they are just pitiful people. It's just a shit-making machine, why not let them make some contributions to biology, so that their humble, meaningless lives will have some value. I just make their lives more valuable. I have committed no crime, at least not on this planet ruled by the Greyjoy family."

"You have already committed heinous crimes," Li shook his head and said, "Don't put me and you together. You and I can never be on the same path."

"I have understood this for a long time. You are a member of the war group. You all believe in those ridiculous honors, justice and so on." Fleming said with a smile: "But I don't expect you to understand me, because you If you are not a scholar, you will never understand the terror of these little things. Nurgle, no, it is God the Father. You have never experienced such desperate days, so you will not understand the power of God the Father. What? The most terrifying weapons are not bullets, nor high explosives, nor the array of light spears on the battleship, but these small things that you cannot see with the naked eye. They can easily bring death, and they can also bring death. Come to an incredible new life. At first, I simply wanted to understand these terrifying viruses that made me tremble. But as the understanding became deeper, I understood the greatness of Father God more and more. Finally, I suddenly had an idea, Why try to resist this terrible force? Why can’t we control it?”

"The virus has already corrupted your mind, and Nurgle has also corrupted your soul. Look at what you have done, look at this terrifying laboratory, how many people have died in the horrific experiments, Thousands, or tens of thousands?”

"I can only say that it is far more than the numbers you imagined, but these are all worth it. Their sacrifices have brought about great progress in biology in our laboratory. We have been able to initially control this A cute and cunning little virus. He has been able to become one of our forces to defend the empire and fight against the enemy! Just like you, Alstat, we are actually on the same page." Fleming. He smiled and said: "The hell-like experience I have experienced, I will not let it happen again in this galaxy. As long as we continue, sooner or later, the power controlled by Father God will also Under our control, those little things will become the most terrifying warriors in the empire."

He was crazy. Looking into Fleming's eyes up close, Lee already knew that Fleming was crazy. Perhaps he had gone crazy in those desperate days.

Fleming was once just a corporal, a senior medical student assigned to a Stormtrooper team. It was supposed to be a perfect internship, until their army was betrayed by Inquisitor LeRoy. Ruwa had already secretly surrendered to Nurgle. He regarded the entire Stormtrooper team as an experiment to test the power of an extra virus he had obtained.

G-virus, Li decided to name this virus with a name he was familiar with, and the effect was not much different. It was a terrible virus that could turn people into zombies.

At that time, everyone in the army was infected with the virus. Only Fleming was miraculously not infected. Under this situation, he worked sleeplessly without stopping for a moment. Fleming tried to use his poor knowledge to find ways to relieve viral infections. This was a battle of knowledge. Fleming was just a fourth-year medical student, and he was challenging Nurgle's creation. This kind of war power contrast is absolutely disparate. For Fleming, it is an absolutely desperate war, but he has always supported it.

Perhaps until now, this young man who has just stepped out of medical school and embarked on a cruel battlefield still has hatred for himself buried in his heart. He hates his own powerlessness. Because of his own powerlessness, he can only look at his comrades. One by one, he turned into a walking monster, so he wanted to get the strength to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.

He chose the most cheerful method of power, he took refuge in Nurgle, he entered the laboratory, he presided over the ** experiment, and he deeply understood the power of this virus.

Li shook his head and said: "How long will it take to wait until the day you said? How long will it take for you to conduct such cruel experiments to fully master this power?"

"I can't say for sure, the time will definitely not be short. After all, this is the power of the gods, we can't rush. However, every failure we have will be a small progress, and every success will be a Make great strides forward, everything we do will be beneficial to the empire, and as for the cruel experiments," Fleming sighed: "This is only a necessary sacrifice, and progress always comes with sacrifices. Moreover, for these people. , living like a dog is not necessarily a good choice. The life of slaves is very miserable. Many of them have never been without a full meal in their lives. At least I did not let them starve. Maybe living is good for them. It’s going to be a little bit more cruel, but it will get better in the future.”

"There is no future, Fleming, I will put an end to your mistakes today," while Li said, he also walked to the place where the cracks were most dense. He suddenly pulled out the sharp sword at his waist, and the long sword turned into a There was a stream of light, the runes flashed, and the strength concentrated into a beam. The sudden burst of penetrating power suddenly penetrated the multiple layers of bulletproof glass and directly penetrated into Fleming's chest. "Go to hell and repent." Damn it, Fleming!"

Fleming looked at the sharp blade piercing his chest in disbelief, then looked at Li, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything, and then the confused Yang Tian fell down. Dr. Germann, who was behind him, quickly stepped forward and shouted hurriedly: "Dr. Fleming! Dr. Fleming! What's wrong with you? You can't die!"

"Death? Die!" Fleming lay in Dr. German's arms and said viciously: "How is it possible! Die!? My career has not been completed yet. If I die, wouldn't my comrades sacrificed in vain? ? How could I die before this?" Fleming touched the blood dripping from his chest, and then sighed: "But this is a fatal injury. Commander Li found an opportunity and actually stabbed the main battle tank owner. The defense that can't be opened by cannons is really shocking. But I can't die yet. Dr. German, don't panic. The matter is not over yet. I won't fall down so easily. Go ahead and pull the red lever. We have to give Li Tuan Find something to do, otherwise he will dig a hole in the wall, and then take the red potion from the freezer."

Dr. Germann panicked and followed Fleming's instructions. First, the red lever was pulled. Li heard the sound of glass breaking from behind, and the culture tank in the storage room behind him was shattered. Then the sound of breaking glass was heard one after another.

You can tell by the sound that the glass was broken from the inside.

There are hundreds of culture tanks in that place, and each culture tank stores a licker. g

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