Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 372: Layout (1/2)

Beyond the real universe we live in, there is another completely different world. This world exists in the distant material time and space. Due to the infinity of time or the infinity of connection, it is a special plane that ordinary people cannot understand.

This world exists on the edge of dreams and nightmares, and does not exist in material structure or form. Its existence is also beyond imagination. It can be said to be a mixture of love and hate, fear and hope, ambition and despair, no governance, and emotionless mixture. It will constantly change and reborn, and it will also become static through permanent transformation. Unless it causes psychological confusion and hallucinations, it is probably impossible to explain it with any natural phenomenon, let alone see, smell, or hear it.

This is the realm of chaos.

In this realm, there are countless wonders that ordinary people cannot understand. Among them, the most amazing, and the most feared and yearning place for all mages, wise men, and philosophers is undoubtedly the maze of Tzeentch.

Tzeentch is the god of change and the king of mana. Some scholars believe that the energy of this god comes from hope. This hope is not just the illusion and desire of the future, but the struggle and resistance of survival in a desperate situation. Some weird ideas are born with extreme danger. Tzeentch, who was born with this belief, is the most cunning god among the four evil gods.

But cunning, scheming, and fickleness are not enough to simply describe this changeable god. There are countless names that are passed down from mouth to mouth, such as the messenger of hope, the fraudulent counselor, the tamperer of fate, the supreme eagle, and the lord of trickery.

The hometown of this cunning god is on the endless fantasy highlands. It is a country that belongs entirely to Tzeentch, a country that is completely composed of mana, built by conspiracy and deception. It is also the weirdest and most incredible country.

Tzeentch's castle is surrounded by a crystal maze. For example, when you stand in a room, there is a huge mirror facing each other on both sides of the room wall. If you stand between the two mirrors, you will see the infinitely extended world in the mirror, as well as yourself in the world. This weird scene is enough to scare the timid. Tzeentch's maze is made entirely of crystal. The crystal maze is a completely confusing and dizzying world. Light and shadows form the most basic deception elements here, not to mention the dark paths and invisible obstacles in the maze. Such a maze is enough to trap intruders. Moreover, the crystal of this maze reflects not only light, but also thoughts, misfortunes, dreams and many other dizzying interferences. Tzeentch's castle stands in the center of this crystal maze.

On the throne at the center of the immortal fortress wrapped in the power of chaos, the evil god Tzeentch is weaving his grand plan. It is said that this is an extremely huge conspiracy and plan. This plan starts from the birth of the universe and ends with the end of the universe. Nothing is not included in this grand plan.

And on this day, the "Oracle" sitting on the right side of Tzeentch once again burst out with a long and chaotic speech. Eighty-one extremely powerful lords of change held quills and began to write on the heavy book without stopping. They were taking notes seriously.

Tzeentch's oracle is not an order or a password, but a strange demon. In the chaotic world, there is a place called the Well of Eternity. It is said that this is the origin and destination of all space and the world. Even a powerful god like Tzeentch cannot fully grasp the unknown variables of the future, so he needs the records in the well. He dare not stir the well water by himself, which is undoubtedly very dangerous. So he threw several high-level demons into the well, and only one came back alive. This demon finally became Tzeentch's minister, Carlos. However, this demon also underwent strange changes. He became abnormally old, hunchbacked and shriveled, and his originally huge wings shrank into short stumps and turned into two heads. After that, Carlos mastered the knowledge of the future at the same time, but it also made him a madman. At the same time, he also became the oracle of Tzeentch. He would occasionally burst into a long speech, with two heads speaking at the same time. The oracle had the truth to answer everything, but one of the two heads always answered the truth, and the other provided a contradictory answer, which was false but equally credible, thus confusing those who wanted to solve the mystery.

This time, the oracle said something special, but among the many chaotic words, he emphasized two names, one was a mortal in the material world, a Star Wars captain named Li, and the other was Tzeentch's old friend, Slaanesh.

Of course, this was just an unfunny joke. The four evil gods never regarded each other as friends. In the chaotic world, the battles between the gods never stopped, but the four evil gods were so powerful that none of them could destroy each other. In the end, they reached a special balance between them, and now, Slaanesh seemed to want to break this balance.

This is very normal. Every evil god is working hard for this, but the opportunities are limited. They can only try their best to weaken each other at certain specific times. If they want to eliminate any one of them, it will be a long process of tens of billions of years.

The oracle finally finished speaking. This time, the oracle gave a very scary future. Of course, it may not be true, but it may also become a part of the future. In such a future, Slaanesh gets what he has been The longing soul, Li's soul was finally captured by him, and then Slaanesh's power increased qualitatively. He was so powerful that even Tzeentch found it difficult to fight against him.

Tzeentch's deep eyes narrowed slightly. His eyes could see through time, and could possibly see through all the secrets. He knew the most secrets in the universe. In just a moment of concentration, he already understood the whole story. The thing is very simple. Slaanesh wants to get a mortal soul. Perhaps this soul has certain characteristics that Slaanesh desires. The special characteristics can act like a catalyst to increase Slaanesh's power to a certain extent. Maybe it's not that complicated. He just longs for such a soul, just like a woman longs for jewelry.

And, Slaanesh has an interesting plan.

Hmm... It's interesting. Tzeentch raised his hand slightly, and the spells were reorganized in the void. Then a plan came into being. Soon, a suitable demon was selected, and then Tzeentch joined the plan. among.

Perhaps Nurgle should also know about this interesting plan. One more person involved will always make things more interesting. Maybe the other party already knows it without having to say it himself.

Gazing into the void, Tzeentch seemed to see something funny in the future scene. His sharp laughter suddenly sounded, and then suddenly disappeared.


“O omnipotent Father God, O merciful Father God, God of all of us, I beg you, I beg you to bless this young man. He will be loyal to your faith and he will move forward fearlessly. Death, because he knows that you, the merciful Father, will give him new life!”

In the Southern Islands, in the secret chapel deep underground in Wind and Waves Castle, a secret family ceremony is being held.

Compared with the Three Islands, the Southern Islands are where the Greyjoy family started, and it is also the heart of the family. The conquest of the Three Islands only made the Greyjoy family the political center of the Iron Islands world. Driving away, this is not an unbearable loss for the Greyjoy family. As long as their hometown of the Southern Islands is still under the control of the Greyjoy family, they will still have power.

The priest of the God of Life stood in front of many Greyjoys, chanting prayers in a mellow tone, praising the glory and glory of God the Father. Finally, many Greyjoys sang in unison, and this was the official start of the ceremony. .

Then the priest of the God of Life ended his prayer. He raised his head and raised his fingers at a girl in the crowd. The girl strode forward with her head held high.

This is Asha Greyjoy, the best longship captain of the Greyjoy family in the past century, and the best fleet commander in the Greyjoy family today. She has followed her father since she was a child. Led hundreds of sail warships across the sea, unrivaled. As a result, when Asha was fifteen years old, during a battle with the rebels, Asha's father was killed by a speeding missile. The shell cut off the lower half of the body, and it looked like only half of the body was left. He was not dead for a while, dragging his intestines and struggling to crawl on the deck. Her father was wailing miserably. Asha didn't say anything at that time. She just walked slowly. She walked up to her father, knelt down, took off the navy marshal's hat that was on her father's head, patted the dust on the hat, and then put the hat on her head. . Then she took over the important task of command without changing her expression, and led the fleet to defeat the rebel fleet in one fell swoop.

In the next three years, Asha has been leading her fleet across the ocean, aiming artillery fire at anyone who dares to look directly at the Greyjoy family crest. Created peace in a world that had become hostile.

Now, Asha is eighteen years old. According to family tradition, her outstanding performance has given her a precious opportunity in the family, an opportunity to become a deceased person. For the people of the Greyjoy family, this is not just a simple matter of glory, it also represents some of the most fundamental and beautiful wishes in people's hearts, such as health, strength, and transcending mortals to become truly extraordinary.

Asha stepped forward with confidence, and the priest stepped aside. Behind the priest of the God of Life was a large natural stone basin, which was now filled with blue sea water.

Asha followed the priest's instructions and walked to the water basin. She was a little confused because she didn't know how the ceremony would develop next. She only knew that she would die without fear.

The priest gently spoke sacred words, and gently stroked the back of Asha's head with his warm hand. Then, with sudden force, he pressed down, pressing the unsuspecting Asha's entire head into the stone basin. into the sea water, and then held on tightly.

Asha panicked, but there was nothing she could do; Asha screamed, but she could only think that she drank seawater in panic; she stretched out her hand, trying to break the pastor's hand holding her head, but she could only feel The stable, rock-solid power in the opponent's hands. After all, she was just an eighteen-year-old girl. She could only struggle hard, but to no avail.

The priest held Asha down with one hand, and took out a small transparent medicine bottle from the secret pocket of his robe with the other hand. A colorful pill was flashing with gorgeous colors and stood quietly in the bottle. Almost all the people in Greyjoy's family held their breath when they saw the medicine bottle.

"This is the embodiment of the Father's mercy, this is the proof that the Father cares about me Greyjoy, this is the miracle that the Father has given us, the Father has given us health, and given us strength. Under the blessing of the Father, the drowned will not die, and the dead will live forever."

The people in the room chanted in unison: "The drowned will not die, and the dead will live forever."

Amid the uniform blessings of the crowd, the priest poured the pill into the pool. The pill dissolved in the water and turned into a faint breath, which entered Asha's body along the turbulent water flow. But this could not prevent Asha from dying. Her struggles became less and less, and she eventually reached a balance. After a while, Asha's whole body stopped struggling like a corpse, and she hung powerlessly on the edge of the stone basin. The priest then released his hand on the back of Asha's head and let her body slide powerlessly to the ground.

"The drowned are immortal, and the dead are immortal."

"The drowned are immortal, and the dead are immortal."

"The drowned are immortal, and the dead are immortal."

At this moment, the room was filled with the prayers of all the Greyjoys who were qualified to enter this secret place. The priest raised his hands and shouted, "She is dead, without heartbeat, without breathing, but I will give her the kiss of life, which will be the blessing of the Father! The drowned are immortal, and will rise again, with greater power, and the dead are immortal!" Then he bent down, lifted Asha's neck, kissed her lips, and blew the breath of life into Asha's body.

This is a miracle granted by the God of Life. After a while, Asha coughed and spit out the seawater in her lungs. She came back to life amid the exclamations of many Greyjoys. Even though many Greyjoys have seen this scene more than once, they are still shocked every time they see it. The resurrection of the dead is the most magical of all miracles. Now, this miracle appears in front of them. No matter how many times they see it, they will sincerely sigh at the greatness of the Father God.

Asha came back to life again. She became a deceased person. She will become immune to all diseases, and her body will become stronger. She can even reach the extreme of human beings without special training. Soon, Asha will become a first-class master in the world, even if she is a girl who has just turned 18.

"My child, congratulations, you have returned from death, you will be fearless, you have become a deceased person!" The priest bent down and lifted up Asha, who had just woken up and was still in a state of confusion. But at this moment, something strange happened. The priest suddenly twitched and fell to the ground. After a while, the priest was already twitching and rolling his eyes. It seemed that he was about to die. But at this moment, the priest suddenly floated up, and then his hunched body suddenly straightened in the air. The priest ignored Greyjoy who was in horror. He turned around, stirred the stone basin behind him for a while, and then took out a black pill, and then put the pill into the bottle.

"I know your plight," a majestic and kind voice suddenly said. Although it came from the mouth of the priest, everyone present knew that it was not the priest who said it. "I heard your appeal and felt your resentment. This is also my anger, so I will give you weapons." Then, the priest fell to the ground again from the floating mid-air, but when the priest woke up, he immediately woke up. He knew what had just happened, and then he saw the small medicine bottle in his hand. In the bottle, a small black pill lay quietly in it. In an instant, the priest's hand seemed to be stabbed by a poisonous scorpion. He screamed, threw away the small medicine bottle in his hand, and crawled back with his hands and feet.

All Greyjoys were stunned. What happened just now? Did the Father come and give them weapons?

"This is poison," the priest screamed like a frightened little woman, "This is not a weapon, it's a terrible poison!"


The changes in the chaotic world are like undercurrents hidden under the sea, almost imperceptible, but the bureau has been set up, the stage has been built, the gods have done what they can do, and next, it's time for them to appreciate.

All this is not something that ordinary people can feel, and who can accurately predict what will happen in the distant future?

So Li, who is at the center of the incident, still performs his duties step by step. First of all, it is natural to build an isolation zone from the mountaintop outpost. The mining area was completely blocked, and several towns behind the mountaintop outpost were also isolated by soldiers. Then Li spent a week alone, walking through the entire mining area. After confirming that the virus floating in the air had all died, Daenerys's main armed forces gradually entered the mountainous area and launched a siege and hunting of those stupid zombies. g! ~!

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