Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 377 Monster (1/2)

After obtaining enough information, Li and Jess left the underground prison. They first walked around the castle and scattered all the bags of RDX explosives that Li had brought to various hidden places in the castle. After placing the explosives, the two of them walked towards the Lord's Hall of the castle. They were lucky. Just recently, almost all the Greyjoy senior officials gathered in the Castle of Wind and Waves. At this time of crisis, there are too many important things that need to be discussed carefully by these senior officials.

After planting the bomb, the two of them walked past the heavy defenses and rushed directly to the Lord's Hall. Only at the entrance of the hall did two deceased people block Jace's way.

"He who comes, stop here," the two young dead people stretched out their hands and said in a blocking gesture: "The lords are discussing important matters in the room, and no one is allowed to enter."

"Are you blind?" Jace said in a deep voice, "It's me, Maud! I have something important to report to you adults!"

"Even you, my lord, can't go in. This is our fate." The two deceased people guarding the door did not take a step back, but their faces were quite embarrassed. "You should know that this is the order, so please be considerate. Let’s take a look at our difficulties.”

"You want me to be considerate of you? Who do you think you are!" Old Maud roared angrily, strode up to a guard, almost face to face, and yelled at the other person: "It's a delay. Military information, can you afford it?" Before the guard could answer, Old Maud suddenly took action. With agility that was totally out of proportion to his stature, the old man suddenly pulled out a dagger from his sleeve. Before the guard could wait, the old man took action. After reacting, the long blade of the dagger was completely immersed in the guard's body, and the blade directly penetrated the heart. At the same time, before a guard standing on the other side had time to shout, his head was twisted by a sudden burst of force. At a strange angle, in an instant, his neck was twisted from behind, and Li's figure emerged from the transparent shadow.

Jess tore off the wrinkled skin from her face with her hands, revealing her original appearance. She shook her hair, and then pulled out a phase blade from her clothes, holding it with the other hand. The dagger, Jace now held both blades in both hands, standing majestically on the side of the door, then she lowered her body towards Li Gong and made a gesture of invitation.

Li walked forward unceremoniously and kicked open the door in front of him. Behind the door is a huge hall. In the center of the hall is a round table. A group of old men in gorgeous clothes sit around the round table and are having a heated debate. At the door of the hall, sitting by the fireplace, There are three strange people, they are all doing their own things attentively.

Li entered the room so suddenly that everyone in the room was stunned. An old man in front of the round table in the center of the room stood up, glanced at Li displeased, and then said in a condescending tone: " What is going on? Are there any rules? Is there any order in the Wind and Waves Castle? This is where the big guys discuss things, how can someone just break in like this?"

"Old Donald, I'm afraid you've made a mistake this time," Beren XVI, the patriarch of Greyjoy's contemporary family and the consul of this world, said with a smile: "These two people are not from our castle. Judging from the way they opened the door, I'm afraid they are not here to inform us. If my guess is correct, these two people should be killers sent by the rebels. "

After Belen said the word killer, the room suddenly fell into a strange silence. This silence did not last for three seconds before it was completely broken by a sudden burst of laughter. The old people on the round table laughed and leaned back and forth one by one.

"Hahaha, oh, no, the rebels actually sent a killer..."

"What an amazing plan, actually sending assassins to the Greyjoy family? I really want to meet the person who made this plan. What kind of brain does this person have? Ouch, my stomach hurts from laughing."

"These two killers look pretty powerful. It's not easy for them to be able to sneak into our conference room without making a sound."

"Okay, everyone," Belen XVI said with a smile: "You are all elites of the family, and you are all people who can sit on the round table. Needless to say, you are strong. Of course, there is no one who can assassinate you. , but now we are in a meeting, and we still have this important matter to discuss, so the entertainment ends here. Three ancestors, please clean up these intruders quickly. By the way, finally It’s better not to use a sharp knife, I don’t want the blood of these low-life people to stain my carpet.”

The three strange people sitting by the fireplace at the entrance of the hall slowly stood up. One of the women was wearing a classic pleated palace skirt. The black skirt had complicated and fancy decorations. Li visually inspected it. The skirt has a history of at least more than a hundred years. The old skirt is in tatters, revealing the black suspender stockings under the skirt. This woman's skin is as pale as a death, and her long black hair is curly. Casually placed on the shoulder, her eyes were dull, and she was looking into the distance in the void without focusing. This woman in an ancient tattered dress moved like a ghost. She was not walking step by step like a normal person, but more like she was floating. .

"Is this the Witch Lilith!?" Jace looked at the two people behind Lilith in shock. One of them was wearing a pirate captain's costume and a three-cornered hat on his head. This person was limping while walking. Lame, he has an intact leg, and the other foot is a sharp sword, but no one dares to underestimate this man, because he carries a huge steel anchor on his shoulders. It seems that this is This man's weapon. The last person is a skeleton wearing a blood-red noble costume. After this skeleton stands up, its body is as straight as a javelin. This meticulous aristocratic atmosphere is reflected in every move of this skeleton. He holds a sword in his hand. The long and large bayonet clearly revealed their identity to Jace.

"I didn't expect you have quite a lot of friends," Li said, "Do you know them?"

"Is this the Witch Lilith, the Crippled Captain Jack, and the Bloody Baron? Your Majesty the God Emperor," Jace said in disbelief: "I thought these people were just scary fairy tales, but I didn't expect them to be true."

"It's not a fairy tale, it's just a terrifying legend," the cripple Captain Jack said with a smile: "Witch Lilith, I, and the Bloody Baron are all Greyjoys. The ceremony will unite all our outstanding Greyjoys. They have become deceased, but only a few outstanding ones have become special beings.”

"In the story, the three of them were all demon king-level figures who once slaughtered a city with one man's power. I didn't expect that these terrifying monsters were also Greyjoys," Jace said cautiously: "Lee, be careful, these This person is at the legendary level and is not easy to deal with.”

"So that's how it is, then let me see if the legend is exaggerated." While saying this, Li had a sinister smile on his face and casually took a step forward. The witch Lilith instantly She reacted like a frightened kitten with its hair exploded. Lilith's long hair flew away in an instant. At the same time, her whole body suddenly flew backwards, and the bloody baron also slipped. Stepping back, with his sword across his chest, only the lame captain Jack smiled, suddenly jumped forward, and using the momentum of falling from above, he stabbed Li with his other prosthetic foot equipped with a sharp sword, and at the same time He raised the giant anchor high on his shoulders, and then smashed it with his sharp sword.

"Ha, should I say you are brave, or should I say you are stupid?" Li chuckled and took another step forward. At the same time, he suddenly pulled out the sharp blade on his waist with his right hand, and the long sword was suddenly swung out by Li Yi. He took off the scabbard, and in an instant it turned into a stream of light, passing between Jack's knees. Then, Li's left hand suddenly punched out, and in an instant, runes surrounded Li's The fist flashed and flickered, and the fist collided with the anchor that Jack had smashed down. Even Jace couldn't help but feel a little frightened at this moment. The huge and heavy anchor was held high and smashed down from the air. How big must it be? The power? Such a huge and heavy thing can easily smash an iron block into pieces, let alone hit people.

But Li just met him with his fists. Even if his fists were made of iron, they couldn't withstand such a sudden blow! ?

The violent collision made a dull sound, and the ground beneath Li's feet sank softly. The soft carpet was shattered inch by inch, revealing the stone floor that was as cracked as a spider web under the carpet. However, Li was unharmed, but the heavy The giant anchor weighing 10,000 kilograms was knocked away in the opposite direction by Li's punch. In an instant, the huge anchor was blown away in the opposite direction by Li's punch. It separated from Jack's hands and flew directly into the air. It flew up high in an arc in the opposite direction, and then crashed down in the middle of the round table with a huge force. It landed in front of many Greyjoy old people, smashing the round table in the middle of the room to pieces. There was only a circle of stupid old people sitting around the round table.

Only then did Lame Jack land. As soon as he landed, he suddenly dropped a little lower. Li's sword passed through Lame Jack's knees and directly cut off his two feet. Lame Jack suddenly became He became Legless Jack, but even so, Lame Jack still gritted his teeth, endured the pain and supported his body with the uncut knee section, waved his hands, and lunged towards Li with a grin on his face. He just snorted coldly and put the sword back into its sheath. When the sword made a "crack" sound and was inserted back into the scabbard, Jack's head was already flying high and fell to the ground. After rolling for a long distance, the blood in his body spurted out from his neck. The body flew past Li's side feebly, and then fell to the ground helplessly.

Li looked at the patriarch of Greyjoy's contemporary family who was sitting in the middle of the round table, smiled and said, "Is it Beren XVI? I'm so sorry, I accidentally soiled your carpet. I didn't mean to do that either. Yes, but I didn’t expect that the so-called legend-level characters would be so weak. It seems that the so-called legends are nothing more than that..." While saying this, Li glanced at the remaining two people, " Witch Lilith and Bloody Baron, why don’t you go up together.”

Witch Lilith's body trembled, and then she quickly recited a spell, and at the same time stretched her hands behind herself, opened a door from the void behind her, and then jumped back into the void. In the door, this ghost-like woman disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. At the same time, the huge stabbing sword in the Bloody Baron's hand pierced directly in front of Li like lightning. Before the sword arrived, Li felt it. The smell of blood rushed towards me.

The sword in the Bloody Baron's hand has taken away countless lives. Countless people have been pierced by his sharp blade, nailed to the ground, and died in twisted pain. The Bloody Baron's stab is comparable to lightning, accurate, vicious, and fast. So far, no one has ever survived from his stab, but this attack just stabbed into the air, because the speed of the man standing opposite the Bloody Baron is faster than lightning.

Li just turned sideways and let the long sword pass by his side. Then he stepped forward and stretched out his hand to the Bloody Baron. He directly pierced through the Bloody Baron's noble clothes and stabbed into his body. Then Li twisted hard and removed the Bloody Baron's ribs from his body. The Bloody Baron howled and waved his hand to hit Li, but was easily blocked by Li, then kicked the Bloody Baron's chest with one foot, grabbed the Bloody Baron's arm with one hand, and pulled hard to remove the Bloody Baron's hand bones.

Witch Lilith then walked out of the hidden door not far behind Li. She stared blankly at what was happening in front of her, but she couldn't believe what she saw.

Is this man still a human? Witch Lilith couldn't believe it. She, the Bloody Baron, and Jack with Sloped Feet were all demon kings in this world. They didn't know how many people they had killed, and eventually their names became a symbol of terror. In this world, almost all children had heard the legendary stories of these three people. But now, in front of everyone, these legendary demon kings were as fragile and helpless as children in front of Li. The huge anchor that Jack with a huge strange power carried on his shoulders was easily killed by this weird man in one encounter. He drew his sword, slashed, and sheathed the sword. In an instant, this man cut off Jack's legs and then cut off his head. A terrifying figure who could stop children from crying at night was easily killed in the process of drawing and sheathing the sword. The giant anchor that looked very stressful was blown away by a punch. Even if Lilith saw it with her own eyes, she was still deeply shocked. It was simply incredible!

Then what happened now was that the powerful and terrifying Bloody Baron was being bloodied. Although the skeleton had no blood, now he saw his bones being removed, broken, and crushed one by one. Under such a violent attack, the Bloody Baron had no power to fight back. He was like a toy. Being disassembled bit by bit, the skeleton couldn't even escape. After a while, Li got tired of playing. He directly grasped the Bloody Baron's cervical vertebra, and then pulled it out of his body with his skull with a strong pull. Then Li held the end of the spine, rotated it twice on the top of his head, and smashed it down suddenly, smashing the Bloody Baron's skull to pieces.

Li then turned around and looked at Lilith. The witch Lilith shuddered, then took two steps back, knelt down on both knees facing Li from a distance, and then bowed her head respectfully, with her head against the ground, trembling and not daring to move.

Lilith was originally going to pass through a short-distance portal, appear behind Li to block the opponent's retreat, and launch a sneak attack from behind. Together with the Bloody Baron who was fighting Li head-on, the two of them just launched a two-sided attack.

But whether it is chanting a spell to summon the portal or the portal disappearing and reappearing, it takes a short period of time. For normal times, this period of time is not long, but only a few seconds. But now Li ended the battle in just a few seconds. When he eliminated Lame Jack and Bloody Baron with his strong fighting power in a short period of time, Lilith realized the gap between the two sides. She no longer had the intention to fight at this time. She was completely conquered by the opponent's strength. At this time, Lilith could only kneel on the ground trembling, waiting for the opponent to arrange her fate.

Li just glanced at Lilith, and when he saw the other party kneeling, he didn't say anything more. He turned and walked to the center of the room. There were thirteen sluggish old people sitting next to the broken round table.

These people were completely dumbfounded. These old men were the elites of the Greyjoy family. They were all powerful dead. They had experienced countless storms, but they had never seen such a powerful person. Now these old men were filled with horror. They could hardly think. The only sentence echoing in their minds was, "How is it possible!?"

Yes, how is it possible? How could humans be so powerful? The dead themselves were humans who had been transformed by the blessings or curses of the gods. They had reached the pinnacle of humans. Whether in terms of speed or strength, they had reached a peak that ordinary people could not reach. However, the man in front of them smashed all the common sense in the hearts of the old people and easily stepped on those legendary strongmen. Is this guy still a human?

Compared to Greyjoy, this man is more like a monster!

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