Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 382: Guardian (1/2)

When Li returned to Reach, the entire Reach system had completed war mobilization, major media had entered a state of control, and soldiers were ready for battle. Whether it was the fleet cruising in the star system or the fleet cruising in the ocean, the gun covers had been removed and live ammunition had been loaded.

Even ordinary people could feel the smell of gunpowder from the battle array floating in the air.

Li had already made a bad plan.

On Li's way back to Reach, the Inquisition had assassinated Li Anjie three times, all three times by the Vindicare assassins, but Li had already made arrangements for this, so the death process of the three Vindicare assassins was the same. Before these assassins pulled the trigger, they were killed in the way they were good at. A sniper bullet shot silently from the dark blew up their heads.

All Vindicare assassins are sniper masters. They firmly believe that all enemies of the emperor should die shamefully, through a sniper rifle bullet. For these assassins, the most important thing is patience and position. A Vindicare assassin can often lurk for several days just to get a good sniping position.

However, Li's regiment is also familiar with this set of fighting methods. The training received by the shadow knights is even more rigorous than that of the Vindicare assassins. Therefore, for the members of Li's regiment, as long as they think about it a little bit, they can find the possible position of the enemy in advance, and then set traps and wait for the enemy to arrive.

Li Anjie does not live in the officer area. Her residence is just an ordinary residential area. Of course, it only looks ordinary. In order to reduce the sniping angle and construct traps, advertising merchants have been installing large commercial advertising boards and various commercial signs commonly seen in cities in Li Anjie's community for a period of time. These advertising boards limit the shooting angle to a certain range. If someone wants to use sniper bullets to blow up Li Anjie's head, then he has not many places to choose.

In fact, after Li gave the order through the psychic network, the entire residential area around Li Anjie became a huge trap centered on Li Anjie. The huge spider web was woven in an instant, and then quietly hidden in the light and shadow, waiting for the prey to come to the door. Whether it was the aunts quarreling on the street, the old grandfathers taking a walk in the morning, or the street vendors selling fruits, almost every pair of eyes was filled with the meaning of exploration. Under such strict protection, it was not unimaginable that Vindicare's three assassination attempts failed.

Not to mention the cameras throughout the city, the monitors faithfully transmitted all the captured images back to the terminal, and then the large computer hosted by Vivien screened and identified them. The city was full of vigilant eyes. Under such strict defense, no assassin had a chance.

"You did a good job." Li sat on the sofa, nodded, praised, and signed his name on the document. The document will be filed by a special copywriter. After carefully reading the report submitted by the intelligence personnel, Li understood the whole process and details of the incident. During this period of time, some shadow knights of the remaining regiment cooperated with the intelligence personnel of Reach Star to easily kill the assassins who infiltrated the enemy. The whole process was written in detail in the report. Li had expected this result.

I am afraid that the assassins had already been sent out when the Inquisition greeted him. But they did not expect that they would encounter such a disastrous failure. The death of three consecutive Vindicare assassins should be able to clearly express their meaning.

"To be precise, the assassination occurred four times in total." After the intelligence personnel withdrew, No. 74, who had been standing next to Li, said in a special voice.

"Hmm? Feiwen, is that you?"

"Yes, it's me."

"When did you land? I said I landed in the body of No. 74."

"You just returned to Reach, and I came." Feiwen sighed and said, "Brother, what happened to you? How did you get yourself into this state?"

"In war, there are always injuries. Ahem, I, ahem," Li coughed for a long time, and then said, "I'm actually still doing well. Soldiers sacrifice for the empire every day. Let's talk about the fourth assassination first."

"A recently registered airship suddenly deviated from its course. It seemed to be passing through the urban residential area, of course, the area where Li Anjie lived. After the warning was ineffective, I activated the missile and shot down the spaceship. As a result, our people found a freezer in the spaceship. A soldier was frozen in the freezer. There was a micro-bomb in the soldier's body."

"It was the assassin of the Iverson Temple. The secret assassination failed. Are they ready to use force?"

The behavior of the assassins in the Iverson Temple is completely different from other temples. If other assassins kill secretly, then the assassins in the Iverson Temple behave by rushing over to kill. Every Iverson assassin is an irrational killing machine. They are usually frozen in a freezer, and then instilled with targets when needed, and then released into the war zone. The Iverson assassin who wakes up from the ice will automatically find the target and launch an attack. Even if the attack fails and the Iverson Assassin dies, the bombs buried in their bodies will explode in an instant, causing damage to the enemy. So this is a dangerous human self-explosion bomb, and the attack power of this human self-explosion bomb is very strong. The soldiers of Lee's Star Wars may not be the opponent of the Iverson Assassin in a one-on-one duel.

"We're lucky," Vivien sighed, "Fortunately, I knocked it down, otherwise God knows how much damage it would have caused. But our luck can't be so good. It's unreasonable to blatantly go against the people above. Yes, now they will choose assassination due to cost considerations. When they find that this road is not feasible, they will naturally choose war. "

"Then let them come, I am not afraid."

"Li, my brother, you said before that soldiers sacrifice for the empire every day, and countless people have sacrificed for the empire. So why can't there be more of your daughter among those who sacrificed?" Vivian said coldly: " You should know how she feels. She won't refuse as long as you say a word. You don't even need to say it, just a hint from me is enough. Her sacrifice will be valuable, not only. It’s for the empire, it’s for our homeland.”

"Is that what you think?" Li's voice turned cold.

"I just want to know what you think," Vivien said: "The soldiers are executing your orders without hesitation, and I am doing my best to cooperate, but even if you don't say it, I know clearly. , if the result is like this, we will definitely lose. Once they get angry and send legions, we can't stop them. Even if you win through tactical arrangements, you can't change the strategic disadvantage. , it is not a disadvantage, we are completely defeated in terms of strategy. They can constantly recruit armies to come over at any time. They can fail countless times, but we cannot fail once. They can easily bring down the Reach Star by just delaying it. ”

"Vivien, there is no room for negotiation on this matter. I will never surrender. There is no room for compromise." Li said: "Countless soldiers have sacrificed for the empire, but those people are soldiers. Li Anjie is not a soldier, she Just a kid."

"You are neither cold-blooded nor ruthless enough," Vivien sighed: "Li, you don't look like the leader of a Star Wars regiment. Dragging so many people into the flames of war for one person is not called justice."

"Is bowing your head obediently and offering your daughter something that a chapter leader should do? There are some things we should make a balanced choice, but for some problems, we can only choose the right one, no matter how difficult the choice is, cough cough cough , I, I have to choose the right one, this is my justice, this is the bottom line!”

"That's really good," Vivien smiled. "I'm proud to have a brother like you. I can pursue your justice. Even if I die in battle, I'll be happy."

"You, ha, don't sound so bleak, we don't necessarily fail."

"Anjie Li, did you hear what your father said?" Vivien smiled and shouted to the door. At the same time, the ajar door was pushed open, and Anjie Li was standing behind the door with a embarrassed look on his face.

"Hug, I'm sorry, father, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. It was Aunt Vivien..."

"Hey, has your strength dropped to this point? Even if you were standing at the door, I wouldn't notice it. Forget it, cough, cough, you heard it?"

"I heard it," Li Anjie nodded vigorously, "But father, I am no longer a child. I have stopped being a child for a long time. I have my own ideas on this matter. I can..."

"Fart, fart! What nonsense are you talking about, little girl? Do you really want to die that much? Ah, you really want to die that much!" Li suddenly stood up angrily, roaring and throwing everything he could find at Li Anjie. , and Li Anjie just stood still, not even making a dodge move, causing a teacup to hit Li Anjie's head. After a while, blood flowed down from Li Anjie's head, and Li Anjie suddenly suddenly Stunned, he looked at the blood flowing down Li Anjie's head in shock. For the first time, Li felt that the bright red color was so dazzling. His mouth trembled as if he wanted to apologize, but in the end, Li just He coughed twice, then waved his hands and said, "There's no need to talk about this matter. Just stay here. This is an adult's matter, and it's not something you can interfere with."

Tears kept rolling down Li Anjie's cheeks. She wiped the blood on her forehead and the tears on her face, strode behind Li, pinched Li's shoulders carefully, and said softly but firmly: "Father, you don't have to be like this, have a good rest, daughter, wuwu, my daughter has grown up, you and mother are already too tired, you two have paid too much for me, in fact, it doesn't have to be like this, from now on Let your daughter protect you and your mother."

"Haha," Li shook his head and smiled, "You girl, why did you suddenly say that? What do you know?"

"I know that you have been anxiously increasing your strength, not only your personal strength, but also your combat effectiveness in all aspects, the battle group's and the galaxy's. You have been on guard; and the same is true for your mother. She is in the Tribunal. I have been working hard to develop towards the top. My mother is not this kind of person. She is not a person who longs for power. You are not this kind of person either. You are not a person who simply longs for power. You have long known that such a day would come. ”

"Power and strength, only by possessing these two things can you protect your precious things," Li sighed: "You are our child, if I don't protect you well, who else can protect you. Your mother, It's hard for me to say anything about him. Power can make people corrupt and change. I can forgive her once, twice, but not the third time. I don't believe her. I don't know if she still remembers her original intention, but I don't care. No matter how you think about it, I think she may have made a mistake this time.”

"My mother loves me! I know."

"Forget it, let's not talk about her. If she is still in the Far East, she might be able to help, but now, we can only rely on our father and daughter," Li patted Li Anjie's hand softly and said softly. : "Li Anjie, you have to be obedient this time. For you, this may be a great disaster, but after your father saw it, it was just a small storm. I have seen too many such dangers. They, Ahem, ahem, they are definitely no match for your father. They are just a bunch of cubs."

"Dad! Wuwuwu, Wuwuwu..." Li Anjie knelt behind Li, hugged Li tightly with both hands, buried her head on Li's shoulder, and just buried her head and cried. I got up, and finally turned into crying loudly.

"Silly girl, why are you crying? Our enemies should be crying."

The father and daughter had no choice but to sigh again, until Li was exhausted and had no choice but to let Li Anjie take care of Li to sleep. She quietly exited the room, while Vivian had already been waiting at Li's door for a long time.

"What happened to my father? How could he be so weak?"

"Come here, let's talk in another place." After guiding Li Anjie to a lounge, Vivien and Li Anjie recounted Li's previous battle in detail, and then concluded: "Although what I read is the battle record. , but it’s still scary. Your father almost didn’t come back this time, but he was lucky. This incident didn’t make him fall down. Even the poison in his body couldn’t do anything to him. He only needed to rest for a while. , you can recover.”

"But because of me, he can't recuperate."

"Anjie Li, what are you thinking about?"

"I want to protect my father."

"It's a good idea," Vivien patted Li Anjie's head and sighed: "It's great if you can think like this, but the first thing you have to do is to stay at home honestly, and then listen to your father and be good. , you should know that this matter is not something you can interfere with."

Obviously, neither Li nor his sister Vivien took Li Anjie's words seriously. Although Li Anjie was already in her twenties, let alone an adult, in some countries she was already an old girl and was gradually approaching the stage of being an older leftover girl. , but in the eyes of the two old monsters Li and his sister Vivien, Li Anjie is still the child who has not grown up, the young, lively and lonely girl.

"Auntie, do you really think what you said is that we will lose?"

"You believe it too?" Vivien said with a smile: "I'm just testing your father's will. If we really have to fight, it's hard to say whether we will win or lose. As long as your father is determined, we won't fail easily. Anything can happen on the battlefield. Don't worry, stay here for a few more days and spend some time with your father, he will be very happy."

So Li Anjie stayed on the Silver Wings for three days, but she still didn't spend much time with Li. Li had too many things to prepare, and the entire Reach Star was gradually entering a state of war under his orders. The war machine began to operate, and there were too many things that required his attention, but even so, Li still tried his best to spare time to accompany Li Anjie. During this time, Anjie Li also met Daenerys, a girl about his own age.

Of course, without saying much, her only feeling towards this girl was that she hated her. If it weren't for her and her planet, her father wouldn't be so weak.

Three days later, Li Anjie followed the arrangement and returned to her room. He deliberately closed all the curtains and used psychic energy to create an isolation barrier. She then turned on the TV.

After a while, Hook walked out of the TV, the devil scanned around, and then said: "Is the wind sound tight near you?"

"What you said has already happened," Li Anjie said: "I saw my father. He was so weak that it was unbelievable. I couldn't, couldn't let him continue to fight for me like this. I am already an adult. I want to fight for me." What does my father do? I want to protect him, not the children he protects.”

"It's a good ambition, but it's very difficult to implement it." Hook said unceremoniously: "After all, who is your father? He is a man who can restrain evil and be helpless. He is a man who is expected and elusive. Such a man Not too much."

"I know, so I need strength! Are you ready with all the things I want you to prepare?"

"It has been prepared for you," Hook bent down and took out a stone engraved with complex runes from his arms. He held the stone with both hands and said, "But can I ask, what do you need these things for?"

"The Oath-breaking Stone," Li Anjie took the stone, looked at it carefully, and then asked, "Is it useful?"

"You can't find an oath-breaking item better than this in the entire galaxy," Hook said, "Do you want to use this to violate the oath you made with the sinner? Such behavior is not the way of a wise man, you will become the enemy of the true God."

"Since she decided to hunt my father's soul, she and I have become enemies."g! .

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