Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 389: Hard Fight (1/2)

"Oops, it seems that the attack of this crossbow is not enough," Elizabeth sighed, then turned to Li beside her and said, "Then it's up to you to pierce this membrane. , let us kill these evil creatures completely."

Li and Elizabeth naturally changed their positions. Li changed the angle of the bolt pistol in his hand and started shooting in the direction of the sacrifice and in the center of the hall. The light blue psychic light shield was in the attack of the bolt pistol. It continued to flash, and soon Li could clearly see the true appearance of this thin light shield.

This light shield is powered by a huge magic array on the ground. The core of the array should be five purple crystals protected in the center of the array. The entire psychic shield is like a huge blue inverted crystal. The colorful transparent bowl protected the entire ritual place. Neither Elizabeth's special crossbow arrows with holy power and runes nor Li's bolt bombs could penetrate this transparent wall. protection

"Ha, really, I was shocked. How arrogant, stupid, and ignorant. You broke in like this? You desecrated such a sacred palace, you two..." Xishan looked at Li who was not far away. And Elizabeth, with a stiff face and gritted teeth. Not long ago, she was confident that she would kill these two bold intruders halfway, but the next moment, these two people rushed in like this. In the sacred hall, the door of the temple was completely blown away. Xishan seemed to have been slapped in the face. The beautiful face was twisted with anger, and then Xishan turned out like this. He laughed twistedly, "You will definitely be punished by God. You two people who don't know how to respect the gods, but you don't have to worry. God's punishment will come soon, and you won't be kept waiting for too long. Now, right now, right in front of you, your punishment is about to begin. Angie Lee will become a succubus, a member of Slaanesh, and my loyal servant. She will fight for me. , even if I asked her to kill you two, she would hesitate to do it. Do you know why? Because at that time, the lovely Li Anjie only had me and the true God Slaanesh in her heart. What did she do to please me? You can do it all, but in the face of everything happening in front of you, you can only watch and do nothing."

Elizabeth turned her back to Li, using crossbow arrows in one hand to kill the demons that kept coming from the Void Gate, and holding a sharp blade flashing with electric light in the other hand, walking easily behind Li, and the killers kept appearing. The demon said, "Li, did you hear that? She said you can only watch, but you can't do anything." At the moment when Elizabeth was distracted and talking, a sudden light suddenly bloomed in the hall, and a large number of demons emerged from the hall at the same time. The walls emerged from the corners of the hall and from the dome overhead. Obviously, this was a long-planned attack. This time, the demons gathered enough manpower to attack Li and Li in the wide hall. Elizabeth launched a siege

Li didn't even look at the massive demons that appeared from all around. He put away his bolt pistol, pressed the scabbard with one hand, and held the hilt with the other. He walked forward with the sword until he reached the psychic protective wall.

Through the transparent wall, Li looked at Xishan's face that was mixed with fear, pleasure, hatred, and longing. Why did the dark side of himself let this succubus go? Li didn't understand what he was thinking at that time. He immediately shook his head, and then suddenly pulled out the sharp blade from his waist. The long sword turned into a stream of light and passed through it instantly. The sword light cut through the psychic protective wall.

"Hahahahahaha" Xishan was standing inside the protective wall. She saw Li's actions and laughed wildly. "It's so stupid, so stupid. He actually used his sword to cut down such a protective wall. Tell him You, this is the strongest protection of the temple, even the main gun of the Tai Kuai battleship..." Before Xishan could finish her words, her voice suddenly stopped, as if someone suddenly choked her with one hand. She held Xishan's neck, but that was not the case. No one hindered Xishan from speaking, but suddenly, she heard a crisp sound.

"Plop" is such a sound, crisp and clear, like the sound of glass or crystal breaking.

Xishan turned around slowly with difficulty. Sure enough, one of the five purple crystals had broken into pieces.

At this moment, Xishan only felt that she was going crazy. How could it be possible that the common sense in her mind was repeatedly shattered by these monsters? How could such a thing happen? This could be precious knowledge given by the true god of Slaanesh. , relying on the powerful power of God and carefully crafted magic protection, this protection is responsible for the last layer of protection of the temple. Although it is only such a thin and transparent layer, it can definitely resist all physical attacks and most The ultimate defense against psychic attacks, this is a fundamental reversal of the rules from the lower level of physics, and the ultimate defense created through magic and psychic energy. Ordinary physical common sense is in this thin, membrane-like wall. It doesn't work at all in front of you

Even if the battleship's main gun blasted over, the inverted film wall would only be a flash of knowledge, and the wall would not be affected at all. But now, Li actually broke a corner of the wall with just a simple sword, So he only needed to swing four more swords, and then such an ultimate protection was pierced by him so easily?

Of course, this sword was not as easy as Xishan saw. With the help of the power of the sharp blade in his hand and entering a "quiet" state, at that moment, Li used his essence and energy in an instant. , God, completely condensed into a sword. This sharp blade has been washed by the burning souls of countless Spirit tribesmen, and has long since become extraordinary. The blade can not only cut off objects, but even objects floating in the air. Spiritual energy, and even the rules that spread between heaven and earth, will be cut off by the edge of this sword. Under this situation, the process of Li Cha being able to cut such a terrifying sword is naturally extremely dangerous. , at least when Li presses the sword and moves forward, he has no defense at all. At that time, a stray bullet flying over can blow Li's head off.

In the end, the effect of this sword was quite good, and it almost completely caused Xishan's mental collapse.

Li returned the sword to its sheath, flicked his wrist, coughed for a long time, and then sighed and said, "You should worry about yourself first. There are so many enemies surrounding you from all directions. Can you handle it?" Li Xiao Liao smiled and said: "I don't have explosives or heavy weapons to support you this time."

Elizabeth smiled. She understood that Li needed to take a breath, and the surrounding environment was indeed not very safe. He was surrounded by many enemies eagerly. This feeling was quite uncomfortable. Then, her long shawl hair fluttered in the wind, Her eyes were filled with blue electric light in an instant. She gave a soft drink and just stamped her foot. A ring of lightning expanded from her feet with Elizabeth as the center, sweeping the entire hall aside and only seeing a blue streak. Colorful arc light flashed, and in an instant, all the demons that escaped were struck by lightning and burned into carbon slag. In an instant, the hall was completely cleared, and all the demons that appeared in the hall were destroyed in an instant. She was killed by this move

"What did you just say?" Elizabeth then asked Li: "I seem to have heard you say that there are many enemies." Elizabeth looked around, and the hall was empty except for the charred Regarding the demon corpse, Elizabeth shrugged and said, "Are there many enemies? Why don't I feel it?"

"Ha, this move is really powerful," Li then asked, "What's your name?"

"Who would be so boring to come up with names for their own tricks?" Elizabeth looked at Xishan, and then said to Li: "I mean simply venting the anger in my heart. Over the years, I have been Using administrative means to deal with my enemies, in order to enter the administrative sequence of the Tribunal, I have not done much in these years. It seems that some people have forgotten my former nickname."

"How is this possible?" Xishan stared blankly at the demon that was instantly eliminated, her face turned pale, and she said in disbelief: "How could this be true? You are just a person, how could you have such terrifying power? ? You can kill so many demons so easily with one person, you monster..."

"Ah, yes, many people called us psykers and monsters that way back then," Elizabeth said: "But Hishan, you have to know that this is a gray world. It is close to Chaos and is convenient for demons to enter and exit. , also allows them to exert strong strength, but at the same time, the same is true for psykers. In this gray world, psykers will more easily extract the power of chaos, and I will turn it into the power of thunder. , integrate my anger into it, and make it appear in front of you remnants in an even more terrifying manner." As she spoke, Elizabeth's voice became louder and louder, her voice became higher and higher, and she stretched her arms. With her palm out, huge lightning energy gathered in her palm, and countless blue arcs of electricity flowed over her body. Elizabeth slowly raised her hand high, and then suddenly made a fist. The lightning energy in her hand suddenly It exploded and turned into an electric spear in her hand, which was then suddenly thrown out by Elizabeth, "Turn it into a dodged spear, and you scum will be completely destroyed."

To Xishan's surprise, the lightning spear was not thrown at her, nor at the ritual place in the center of the hall, but at one of the many charred corpses in the room. The lightning turned into a spear. With a flash, the charred corpse was completely knocked away, but the corpse just rolled in the air and stood firmly on the floor of the hall, although the body was still pushed backwards due to the huge impact. It slid for a long distance, but obviously, Elizabeth's long-charged lightning spear did not cause any substantial damage to this strange creature.

"Really, there are two terrifying people." This was a sweet and greasy tone. Following this tone, the strange demonic creature slowly stood up straight. The skin on this creature's body was scorched by lightning inch by inch. The body cracked and fell off, revealing the bluish-white skin under the skin. Then the body twisted, expanded, and changed. In a short time, it changed its shape in front of the two people.

The already huge demon has become even bigger. At this time, even a strong space warrior can only reach the height of his knees when standing in front of such a monster. In comparison, a strong space warrior can only reach the height of his knees when standing in front of such a monster. In front of the monster, he is like a young child

This is a huge, strong, terrifying twisted monster. This weird demon is surrounded by a layer of pink aura. This aura is so sweet and intoxicating. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will be because of it in an instant. Intoxicated by this fragrance, and easily deceived by this devil

This monster has a face that is difficult to identify. She or he has six dense eyes on her face. Under the eyes, there is a face that is dissatisfied with ring decoration. It has a fork-shaped tongue like a poisonous snake, and it is thin. The silk clothes wrapped her twisted body with five nipples. If those who were confused by the fragrance and affected their sanity, they might see a peerless beauty.

This monster has four arms. The front parts of the two arms are not hands, but sharp blades, and the remaining two hands hold huge scimitars.

The monster's eyes shine like gems, and now, this monster's eyes are full of unabashed murderous intent

It is a Keeper of Secrets, a high-level demon under the banner of Slaanesh. On the battlefield, the appearance of these demons most likely symbolizes the end of the war. Such a powerful demon can easily change the direction of the entire war.

"I really don't know how you discovered my existence. I have never encountered such a situation," the secret keeper said softly: "There is no doubt that you are all powerful warriors, and you should also be wise men. I believe you It is already clear who I am. I am the keeper of secrets. To you, I am the supreme existence. I lead the weak to death and bury the fools in stupid ways. Their thoughts and hearts are useless in front of me. I can easily I know what you are thinking. At the same time, I also represent the blessing of the true God to bring the gospel that you have never seen to the world. Mortals, you have no chance of winning against me in a place like this. Pray to me and I will be able to Satisfy you”

The secret keeper responded with another lightning spear. The lightning flashed by, and the spear hit the demon's chest again. The huge impact knocked the huge demon to pieces. Sliding back a short distance, "So weak," Elizabeth said: "You are just a lackey of Slaanesh. To be honest, your ability to confuse people is really weak. I'm afraid even our Anjie Li It’s also stronger than you”

"This guy is difficult to deal with," Li said, "Elizabeth, do you need my help?"

"No, I can deal with such a weak bird by myself. Li, you should focus on puncturing that membrane. Aren't you supposed to be an expert in this area? Move faster, okay, my expert?" Elizabeth didn't He said angrily: "A scumbag like you must have pierced a lot of membranes over the years and made many girls cry?"

"This kind of place is no better than other worlds, and this secret keeper is no ordinary person." Li said solemnly: "Are you sure you have no problem being alone?"

"Nonsense, I'm not ordinary in this kind of world. I can handle it easily."

Li sighed and said no more. He knew very well that Elizabeth was not as relaxed as she appeared. It was not that she could not fight against the enemy, nor was it that she was not strong enough. But, as a psyker, she was here. The more powerful the gray world uses, the more deeply her body will be eroded by the power of chaos. In the end, Elizabeth will be transformed by the spiritual energy surging in her body without even going through a special ritual. Go crazy and become a monster twisted by the power of chaos

In order to fight against powerful enemies, Elizabeth must constantly use powerful psychic powers. Under such circumstances, her body and soul will undergo tremendous pressure and tests. Once the huge power used by Elizabeth exceeds her The limit of what she can bear is when Elizabeth collapses

"What if you die?"

"I will tell you," Elizabeth said without looking back, "I will trouble you then."

"Well, I'll help you."

"Haha, it's better now, devil, you are going to be miserable." As she spoke, lightning surrounded Elizabeth's body, condensing and increasing, and finally formed a blue aperture like a substance. It circled around Elizabeth, and then Elizabeth floated into the air. She glared at the devil and roared, "Come on, you ugly scum, let us have a good time."


In an instant, lightning, spells, and huge sharp blades were constantly waving and fighting. Elizabeth was floating in the air, like a god coming to the world. Behind her was a huge electric giant. The giant was like this in Yili. Under Sha Bai's control, he fought with the devil. Suddenly, thunder rumbled in the hall, lightning flashed, and the two sides fought vigorously.

After Elizabeth went berserk, she showed a power that ordinary people understand. She controlled the lightning giant and almost suppressed the demon and beat it, or it should be said that it was a one-sided beating. Occasionally, she would press the huge demon to the ground. Beat him to death

The battle between these two giant creatures made it impossible for other enemies to be accommodated in the palace. Those low-level demons would be instantly annihilated just by being swept by the lightning. In this case, standing in front of the protective wall But Li was safe and sound, not even a piece of gravel flew past him. At this time, Li was as if he was standing in the center of the eye of the storm, safe and peaceful.

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