Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 397 The Disappearing Butterfly (1/2)

"I, I absolutely, absolutely..." Li Anjie's lips trembled, but he still couldn't say the word "no". This simple syllable can be uttered by just touching the lips lightly and blowing out the breath.

Li Anjie could never say the word "no"

Facing the pressure of a god, even though Li Anjie had free will, her body had completely betrayed her. Now, all that surges in Li Anjie's body is submission to Slaanesh, just like loyalty. It is like a dog seeing its master, it is a kind of obedience engraved in her body

Li Anjie is trying her best to resist, but she is not Li. She does not have a steel-hard will like Li, and she has never experienced the training of a hellish battlefield. Since Li Anjie was kidnapped, Li and Elizabeth have been She protected her very well. Even if she went to the battlefield, what Li Anjie experienced was not truly cruel.

Li will never let his daughter go to a truly cruel and tragic battlefield.

"Yes, Li Anjie, you are different from your parents. You are a good girl. You understand the meaning of repaying a favor." Slaanesh said with a smile: "The words wolf-hearted and dog-lunged have no connection with you. My good girl, let me wear a collar for you. From now on, you will become my loyal dog, only loyal to me. This is the supreme honor, accept it." While saying this, Nie then stretched out her left hand towards Li Anjie and stretched out a finger. A thin rope formed by a light pink mist extended from her finger and stretched straight in front of Li Anjie. Although the girl's face was full of tears, It was fear. Although she tried hard to struggle and avoid, Li Anjie could only kneel down on the ground tremblingly, unable to move at all.

Under the pressure of the gods, the powerful power surging in Li Anjie's body, the terrifying power that allowed her to hypnotize the entire planet in an instant and make everyone live in their own spiritual world, instead became a burden to her. Not only were these powers unable to resist Slaanesh's divine pressure for Li Anjie, but they also made her spirit and mind defenseless. Li Anjie was unable to even perform the most basic resistance in front of Slaanesh.

But at this moment, Slaanesh's right hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed her left hand, and pushed her left hand away. The scene looked like Slaanesh's right hand was fighting with his left hand.

For a moment, everyone was stunned. Li's expression was full of horror, and then it turned into determination. In the end, all these expressions disappeared and finally turned into indifference.

Li Anjie's eyes were filled with tears in an instant, and even Slaanesh's face showed surprise. Then the true god narrowed her eyes, and her right hand lost all power in an instant, as if it was dead. , hung down weakly, "You have become a dissipated soul, and even your will has disappeared. Do you still want to protect your daughter? What is the reason for this? Is it the consciousness remaining in the body? "No, no, Elizabeth has already completely dissipated, so is this a natural reaction of the body?" Slaanesh sighed: "What a great emotion, this is great selfless love, it is a pity that I am moved. , In the face of absolute power, such a struggle is meaningless. Li Anjie, your parents just don’t understand. They don’t understand that serving me is a supreme honor. They don’t understand how generous I am. I will give you everything you have. Whatever you want, money, honor, emotion, everything, I can give it to you, Li Anjie, become a part of me. This time, no one will be able to stop me." With that, Slaanesh stretched out his hand again He lifted his fingers, and the rope formed by the pink mist was once again pulled towards Li Anjie.

This is the power from the gods. It will completely distort Li Anjie's soul and will, and completely conquer her. Faced with this power, Li Anjie cannot resist and is unable to stop her.

Who would have thought that this would be the result? I thought that after Elizabeth’s self-sacrifice, things should have ended, but who would have thought that the gods would come in person?

Facing the gods, even the powerful Li, who came from the dark side, could only feel despair, but at this moment, he still made a decisive decision

He shouldn't be like this, because he is Dark Li. If you want to draw a picture to express the interpersonal relationships in Dark Li's heart, then the final shape of the picture will definitely be a number of concentric circles like tree rings forming a The shape of a ring within a ring. In the center of all circles, the core circle should always be "I", that is, myself.

For Dark Li, the world should be like this. Compared with himself in the entire galaxy, the most important thing is that if he can bring great help to others with a little effort, then he will not mind this little effort. It's not bad to regard it as an investment, but if he is asked to sacrifice his life or even everything for other people, he will never do such a stupid thing.

Dark Lee should be like this

But now, he has done something that goes against his nature. It may be due to the situation, it may be just an impulse, it may be caused by the guilt for stabbing his daughter to death in his dream not long ago, or it may be because of Elizabeth's Infected by his actions, no matter what, at this moment, Darkness Li lost his mind. He had no interest in calculating gains and losses, and he did not think about the consequences. He just let out an angry roar and flew forward desperately, trying to stop him. In other words, it is to interfere with Slaanesh's erotic behavior. Such behavior must be futile. Slaanesh just glanced at Li's whole body and was immobilized by invisible power in mid-air. At this moment, Li felt like a movie was suddenly suspended. Like a movie, his body was unnaturally hovering in mid-air.

Slaanesh squinted at Li and said coldly: "You don't have to worry, because after your daughter, it will be you soon. When you father and daughter become my slaves, you will enjoy the real life." There will be a very wonderful relationship between the two of you. I believe that you will thank me for it. Your souls will eventually be mine."

Your soul will always be mine

At this moment, this sentence seemed like a bright light in the darkness, which suddenly made Li wake up and made all the anger in Li's mind disappear.

Enlightenment is almost the same effect.

Li's previous anger was due to despair, his own powerlessness, and the invincibility of his enemy. Facing the gods, Li had no choice but to be angry. There was nothing else he could do.

But it's different now, because he has discovered the opponent's flaws. Yes, no matter what kind of opponent it is, as long as it is an enemy, there will definitely be flaws. There has never been an invincible enemy in this galaxy, even gods. Same

Where is Slaanesh's flaw? Because of her desire, she laid out such a plan, set many traps, and finally even God came, just to get Li's soul

"[Fuck] your mother, you've been fooled," Li roared and laughed ferociously. At this moment, Darkness Li understood, "Li, you bastard, I will never forgive you." Darkness Li Gao While shouting these incomprehensible words, he also immediately did something completely unbelievable. He completely liberated the shackles of toxins in his body, completely ignored the poison in his body, and controlled all spiritual energy. He got up and then used his overwhelming strength to use his huge spiritual energy to build an unbreakable spiritual ice in one breath. The ice, which was completely made of rich spiritual energy, was crystal clear and could eliminate all the pressure on Li Anjie. All the threats and threats were blocked. In an instant, Dark Li used his extremely brilliant, almost god-level magic skills, combined with the surging and massive spiritual energy, to build an absolute defense for Li Anjie, and there was also a layer of ice on top of the ice. Runes kept lighting up, and a teleportation formation began to operate.

Even if Dark Li can only use the extremely weak spiritual energy in his body, there is no doubt about his power. He can mobilize the power of chaos to serve him with just a tiny bit of power. That's why Li uses complex The delicate runes build a defense. It's not that he likes this, but that he doesn't have many choices.

At this time, what Li showed was not his powerful power, but just his exquisite skills and amazing methods.

At this time, Li was like using a straw to stir up the violent rotation of the sea water. The difficulty was far beyond the imagination of mortals. If it weren't for the darkness, Li had completely mastered the gifts of Slaanesh and relied on the souls of other worlds. With the continuous in-depth exploration and improvement of these dark skills, he will never be able to reach such a terrifying level based on the mysterious magic skills.

And when Dark Li uses this powerful technique, combined with the surging spiritual energy in his body that has been restrained and rested by Li using the path, the effect displayed is geometrically multiplied.

The high magic skills combined with the rare and powerful spiritual power of the Milky Way, the final result was the ice that completely enveloped Li Anjie in an instant. It was an absolute defense in the true sense, and it also had the function of teleportation. The powerful magic condensed the ice. In an instant, Li Anjie was rescued from the desperate situation. There is no doubt that she will leave this dangerous planet safely and escape the control of Slaanesh.

"Are you crazy?" Slaanesh looked at Li in shock. She didn't understand why the man in front of her did this. Could it be that the dark aura permeating his soul was all fake? How could such a person with a dark soul do such a thing?

When Li Anjie gave up using spiritual energy to suppress the poison in his body, and used all his power and all his experience to create a magic that could allow Li Anjie to escape safely, his end was already doomed.

Li sacrificed himself to save Li Anjie. At this moment, death would be Li's only destination. The poison from Nurgle was so powerful that after losing its restraints, he broke free of the prison in an instant and spread throughout Li's body. , in the blink of an eye, Li's whole body turned a terrible green color, and the swelling and boiling water bulged on his body. Captain Li just staggered, and reluctantly faced the ice with his swollen face. Li Anjie showed an ugly smile, fell to the ground and lost his breath.

Slaanesh stared blankly at Li lying on the ground, completely stunned. She didn't expect this at all, and the matter ended like this?

Li Anjie howled and cried in the ice, but her voice could not be heard. Her sadness and her cry were completely isolated in the ice. The next moment, the ice flashed and disappeared. , the teleportation magic has sent Li Anjie far away from this galaxy.

Slaanesh didn't stop him, and she couldn't stop him. The magic Li used at the end was completely out of her control. Unless it was his true form in the chaos, she couldn't stop Li from saving his daughter.

But for Slaanesh, there is no need to stop it.

After all, Li Anjie is just a dispensable character. If he can get her soul, then things will undoubtedly be more perfect and the ending will be more interesting. But even if he doesn't get this girl's soul, it doesn't matter much to the outcome. Change, Lee's soul is Slaanesh's only target

"Then, everything is over," Slaanesh sighed. Yes, Li was dead. He hardly felt any pain. Under the explosion of the evil god Nurgle's poison, Li almost lost it in an instant. She was alive, and then she extended her finger and hooked it. Li's soul was hers.

But at this moment, a faint golden light began to flicker on Li's wrist. It was a rose rosary, a strange item that was said to be blessed by the divine emperor, but had never shown any special effects.

At the next moment, golden radiance and sacred aura suddenly descended. The golden light instantly enveloped Li. At the same time, the sacred aura suddenly spread and spread to the entire world in an instant.

This is the breath of incomparable sacredness and solemnity. This breath gives courage to the weak, hope to the desperate, makes the despicable feel fear, and makes the evil feel humble. This is the breath of the divine emperor.

Slaanesh was really shocked this time, another god coming? How is it possible

Then she watched helplessly as Li's body slowly floated up. A nearly solid shadow floated out from his body that had been turned ugly and rotten by the poison, and floated towards the golden light in the sky. In the sky, An empty palace suddenly appeared. The door of the palace was open, seeming to welcome Li's soul. In the depths of the palace, an emperor sitting high in the palace could be vaguely seen in the golden light. The majestic body on the throne

This is the palace of the brave, this is the final destination of all the heroic warriors under the Holy Emperor. The Holy Emperor used his own flesh and blood to shape strong warriors, and gave these warriors the greatest spirit, which is also the greatest quality of mankind.


It is said that the souls of those great warriors who can truly be recognized by the Holy Emperor will not dissipate after death, but will be welcomed into the Holy Emperor's Hall of Heroes, forever surrounding the Holy Emperor. The warriors who sacrificed their lives for the Empire will not really die. Their heroic spirits will always live in the Holy Emperor's Hall of Valor, where there will always be endless wine, endless barbecues, never-extinguishing bonfires, and countless heroic warriors

"This shouldn't be, this is impossible." Slaanesh's shock only lasted for a brief moment. The next moment, he understood the whole story. He looked ferocious, raised his head and roared loudly: "This belongs to me. "My soul, this soul belongs to me and you have no right to take it away. You are declaring war. He is mine."

"You understand the rules," a majestic voice came from deep in the palace, "He made a great sacrifice. There is no doubt that he is my warrior. He will enter my palace and he will be honored. These are the rules, you can’t stop it.”

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Slaanesh roared like crazy. He understood that the guy opposite was right. The rules were like this, and even Slaanesh couldn't do anything about it.

Li made a sacrifice. According to the rules, he must enter the sacred palace to receive glory. If it is in chaos and in the territory of Slaanesh, then the rules can naturally be played by Slaanesh's true form. Where, Slaanesh is the rule

But this is a gray world, where the rules of the galaxy also have extremely strong binding force.

Even Slaanesh, who came in the form of a true god, could not do anything about it.

She could only watch Li rise slowly, getting closer and closer to the golden palace, and then she saw Li's soul raising the middle finger to her in mid-air, and she saw Li passing side by side. He raised his face, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and gave her a smile.

At this moment, Slaanesh just felt that she was going crazy. She planned a lot, and finally even risked the arrival of the god. The result was to watch Li's soul fly away from her eyes?

"No, this is not the end. I haven't failed yet. I can't fail." Slaanesh roared crazily, then walked forward quickly, and suddenly inserted her hands into Li's body, and one of Slaanesh's His hand pierced into Li's chest, holding Li's heart, and the other hand pierced into Li's side. In an instant, the power of the gods exploded. At the same time, Li's rising soul slowly stopped. After coming down, Li's soul stopped rising and slowly sank.

Unexpectedly, Slaanesh was using her divine power to treat Li with all her strength. She adopted the most direct method, guiding Nurgle's poison out of Li's body and inhaling it into her own body. At the same time, she used powerful Divine power continued to restore Li's body, stimulating his heart to beat again.

The swelling and boiling water on Li's body gradually dissipated, and the strange green color slowly faded away. On the contrary, Slaanesh's face became worse and worse. Her two arms had completely turned into a necrotic black color, and had a disgusting stench. is emanating from her arms

It only took more than ten breaths for Li's body to recover as before. The poison was completely removed from Li's body, and all the poison was absorbed into Slaanesh's body. Li was already dead. , with the beating heart, he breathed again, and then Li opened his eyes

He looked at his hands carefully and then at his body, "I'm alive again, fully recovered," Li said, "I never expected that it was you who saved me and spent so much strength. , giving so much divine power..."

Resurrecting a man from the dead, repairing all the wounds in his body, absorbing all the poisons in his body, and doing such an unnatural thing in the real galaxy with rules, even Slaanesh I feel very tired, but for this god, no matter how much strength is spent, it is worth it.

Because of Slaanesh's behavior, she successfully restored a losing situation, and now it's still a draw.

"Your soul is mine. It is destined to be mine. Never try to escape." Slaanesh gasped and said, "I am the true god. If I don't nod, you won't be able to die even if you want to."

"But, in your current state, it seems that you don't have the ability to collect my soul." Li smiled and said, "I have been with that poison for a long time. I know the characteristics of the poison very well. For you, this poison should It will be very uncomfortable”

"Cough, cough, cough." Slaanesh said nothing, but now, her face was very ugly, and her body could no longer maintain Elizabeth's original appearance. Spiritual energy was twisting and surging in Slaanesh's body. She moved, changing her form. After a while, Slaanesh appeared in front of Li in the most charming female form that Li had ever seen.

That was what Li had seen before, that was the image that Slaanesh had shown in Li's spiritual world. At this time, she had slender limbs, and her eyes were deep but full of hatred. But even in this situation, She still looked solemn and charming, her handsome face made people addicted, and her elegant behavior made people crazy. Her clothes also changed accordingly. A long black silk dress was draped on her body. The long skirt was thin, You can faintly see the color of flesh in it. Such thin clothes can hardly hide the alluring scenery under the silk.

This is a seductive, crazy, and aloof goddess

But now, the goddess Slaanesh is so weak that she can no longer even control her body appearance and maintain Elizabeth's original appearance.

Nurgle's poison is very strange. If you can stay calm, the poison will dormant in the opponent's body. But if the opponent has strong desires and mood swings, then these intense emotions will become the accelerant of the poison. causing the poison to spread crazily in the opponent's body

For Slaanesh, this is the most painful poison in the world. Slaanesh is a collection of desires, and her body is always talking about many desires. At this moment, Nurgle's The poison has exerted its greatest influence in Slaanesh's body, and it continues to weaken the clone of the god. At this moment, Slaanesh must devote all her strength to the fight against the poison in her body. The power he possesses is no longer enough to suppress Li, who has returned to his prime.

"They cheated me, those bastards, they cheated me," Slaanesh said painfully: "But this is not over yet, Li, you know, this time, you escaped, but there will be a next time, next time Next time, I can fail many times, but you can't. I still have a chance. The outcome between us has not yet been determined. Don't be too happy. In the end, you will be mine."

"Oh, yes, but those are things that will happen too long ago. I am just a mortal, and I only want to see the present. Now, I know clearly that this time, I won," Li stood up and said He twisted his neck, relaxed his body, and then said: "It seems that I said something like this, 'Whoever wants me to kneel on you? Just be prepared to be fucked by me.'" Li suddenly raised his feet and said, He kicked Slaanesh's abdomen with his foot, and then followed with a set of brutal attacks, beating the extremely weak god to the ground. At this time, one of Li's feet suddenly kicked Slaanesh's lower body. The front end of the leather boot was kicked directly into Slaanesh's body, and Li slowly said: "Now, I will start to fulfill my promise."

"You, you can't do this, Li, you are blasphemy, you can't do this, you can't humiliate me like this, I am Slaanesh"

"You are the one who is fooling me." Li smiled ferociously and leaned down.

He pushed aside those black silk clothes, forced her legs apart, kneaded her vagina unscrupulously, and vented on her body to his heart's content.

For Dark Lee, this was an extremely pleasurable process. On top of the weak body of Slaanesh, Dark Lee found countless pleasures that overwhelm the goddess, making her moan, howl, and suffer under his crotch. This was a journey in itself. It was a great pleasure, and the interesting ideas that kept popping up in Li's mind gave Li a taste of supreme pleasure. He tortured her in different ways. Dark Li knew very well that in this way, he and Slaanesh It's really an incomprehensible grievance.

No one can humiliate a god like this

But these have nothing to do with him anymore

Although Slaanesh should not be resistant to these games, she is a collection of women, but even if she condescends to play with a mortal, this type of game should have a leader

This time, Dark Li dominated everything. He humiliated Slaanesh to his heart's content. This process lasted for three full days. It was not until three days later that Slaanesh lost his breath and life in front of Li that everything was completely over.

Of course, Slaanesh's clone was not ruined by Li. Li just added to the process. Humiliation, pleasure, and the lust surging in the body of Slaanesh's clone, all of these are making Lust The poison in Nie's body exploded and raged. This deadly poison seemed to be specially designed for Slaanesh. In the end, Slaanesh had to give up her clone.

When Li returned to the quiet room on the Black Rose, everything was truly over.

After sitting down on his knees, Li closed his eyes. In the palace of thought, the two Lis met again.

"This time, it's what you wanted." Facing his other self coming out of the mirror, Darkness Li sighed and said, "Who could have imagined that you would be so bold, so cruel, and so heartless? You plotted against everyone, including the emperor you were loyal to, and of course me. I didn’t realize it until the end. It’s such a deep conspiracy. We share the same body, but I can’t see through what you are thinking. It’s really scary to think about it. No matter what, you should not plot against certain people. This is really infuriating. You actually put my daughter in crisis."

"No, it's not as complicated as you think." Another Li in the mirror stepped out of the mirror. There was a trace of sadness in his expression, but his words were still calm. "It's not a conspiracy, it's just that I have to do it." Find something to strengthen my confidence and give me the courage to continue fighting."

"Oh? We never give up, and Commander Li, who never gives up, does he ever get discouraged?"

"This galaxy is too dangerous for humans. It's just the space aliens, evil gods, ghosts still sleeping deep in the planet, and the huge shadow that the Eldar prophets predicted will come in the future to extinguish the galaxy. , but the empire is in a state of rampant bureaucracy and unbearable corruption. Under this situation, I really don’t know what to do to win. It’s not scary to have a strong enemy. What’s scary is to be shrouded in despair and have no hope. So we must have a belief, a confidence that we will win. We once had this belief. We believed that under the leadership of the Holy Emperor, we would be able to win. But now we have lost this belief because the Holy Emperor fell. "Li sighed and said: "The holy emperor is gradually rotting on the golden throne. Some people say that his spirit has been sublimated and become a god-like existence. Some people think that this is just a way for the church to unite people's hearts and deceive the world. Who can know the truth?”

"I see, so you are testing the God Emperor to see if he has really become a god who protects mankind? You are betting with your own life."

"That's all I can do. If I don't die, I won't be able to see that palace. If I don't sacrifice, I won't know the secrets and rules hidden behind death." Li helplessly said, "I have to figure out what's going on there." What is above the throne is just a decaying body, but also a saint who is heading towards the throne of the gods."

"But you shouldn't have involved Li Anjie"

"I don't know." Li closed his eyes and said painfully: "To be honest, I didn't know that my daughter would be involved. Not everything goes according to plan, but the final result is pretty good."

"Yes, you and I finally merged into one, to be precise," Darkness Li said with a wry smile: "You plotted against me."

When Dark Li made the decision to sacrifice himself to save his daughter, his end was doomed. He made an act that went against his fundamentals, which would directly lead to the collapse of his independent personality.

"It's your own choice, it has nothing to do with my calculations," Li said. "I'm proud of your behavior, and of course, proud of me."

"What's there to be proud of? Is a person who can sacrifice himself for others still considered a bad person?" Dark Li sighed and said: "I am really a failed bad person. I will disappear, you get everything, your daughter is safe, and you Have you seen how perfect the God Emperor is?"

"No, not perfect because you raped Slaanesh"

"Actually, I think this is the most perfect part. I'm going to die. Can't you let me be happy before I die?"

"Same as last time, you were happy and left me endless trouble."

“This is how life becomes interesting”

When Li opened his eyes again, the two souls in his body had merged into one. He felt the full power in his soul, and he felt the surging spiritual energy moving at will according to his will. has become stronger than ever before, and the world is becoming different

Then Li felt the surging psychic storm

The emperor's wrath surged once again. The arrival of the true god's clone finally caused the counterattack of the galaxy. The strong psychic storm surged and instantly caused the Black Rose to lose its way in the alien space.

The storm suddenly blew up, taking away the little butterfly that flapped its wings for the first time. Who knows what kind of wind and rain it will bring when it appears next time?


Postscript: I haven't recently, because I'm not satisfied with the ending. I originally wanted to tell a lot of stories, such as the story of Li Anjie becoming a gray witch who can roam in the gray world and the real world, the development of the war group after Li left, the story of Roland being crippled and then put into the fearless, etc. But after thinking about it, forget it, let the story end like this

Finally, I would like to thank my Teng friends who have always supported me. Without you, this Teng book would not have come to this day. Maybe everyone who knows a little bit about Warhammer knows that this is a very niche thing, and the world is very gray, which does not conform to the mainstream readers. Writing this Teng book is destined to lack commercial Value, being able to persist in writing is also a test for me. Fortunately, I finally finished this Teng

Of course, this is inseparable from your support. Thank you Zoz, Kathuran, yfz April, I am a good person 1225, heavy-installed rookie, Gemini Aquarius, silent bug, hug rabbit, Biaohan Wuxian, three-legged crow, Nanali... and so on, and there are many readers who spoke enthusiastically in my Teng comment area. Thank you, bow

PS: Advertisement, the name of the next Teng has been decided on "Xian Qin", which will be a very interesting story about the immortals of various schools of thought. I hope you will continue to support it. I hope you will enjoy reading Teng and be healthy.

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