Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 48 Airborne (1/2)

Li's idea is not surprising. In the empire, people who like the Tribunal are incomprehensible. So Jacob just shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "Then what are you going to do?"

"How is Roland doing now?"

"That kid, unexpectedly, turned out to be a very good seed. Perhaps he was born to be a space warrior. The initial chemotherapy treatment has been completed on the road, and several major surgeries have also been completed. The performance tests passed perfectly and he is now being trained to adapt to his new organs."

"Then let me teach him first."

"You want to take him to the battlefield?" Jacob asked with some worry: "Is it too early to let him participate in the mission? He is a complete newcomer. Roland was just a Earth’s nobles, let alone fighting aliens, have probably never done anything like killing people. Besides, the opponents this time are the rangers of the Eldar clan.”

"Of course I know it's more dangerous, but we don't have time to slowly train new people now," Li drank the beer in the cup in one gulp and sighed: "I have read some information about the Inquisition. What we are facing this time The Eldar are Alaitoc, and even among the Eldar, their rangers are the best. If the information is correct, then they are used to using a large number of rangers to penetrate the enemy's defense line before large-scale battles. Harassment and destruction, thereby disrupting our army's arrangement, and then suddenly launching a fierce attack with elite forces. If this is the case, then the harassment of the Eldar Rangers is likely to be just an outpost, and the Empire may be about to face a large-scale battle. . Not to mention the actions of the Inquisition. They make no secret of their purpose, which is to capture the Eldar alive. We all know what will happen to the people they capture alive. What those poor guys are most looking forward to. Just die immediately. Will Alaitok sit back and watch his brothers and sisters suffer and die in humiliation? They won't like the Inquisition."

"You predict a massive war?"

"The storm of war is coming, and I can almost smell the smoke from the wind," Li shook his head and said, "No one knows how big the final scale of this war will be, and whether we will be involved in it. , I hope my judgment is wrong. The universe is so vast that we cannot completely control a war. There are too many unpredictable factors. The only thing we can do now is to strengthen ourselves as soon as possible and prepare for the coming war. . Besides, I won’t be stupid enough to let Roland directly participate in the battle with the rangers. Forget it, how about the location of the headquarters? "

"After selection, I initially selected the Chapter Headquarters in the Zhiyuan Galaxy. Compared with the other two galaxies, the development of the Zhiyuan Galaxy is undoubtedly much better. Within the galaxy, I personally think that the agricultural world of Autumn Star is a good choice. "

"Autumn Star? Why did you choose that place? Isn't it too comfortable? Autumn Star is an agricultural planet, and the climate on the planet is too gentle for warriors."

"There are also some extreme environments on the Autumn Star, which are enough for our warriors to use. If you need a more extreme natural environment, you can start from the Autumn Star and go to the death planet in the Reach Galaxy for training. Considering what you said about elimination Those trainings that are too harsh are used to increase the survival rate of our soldiers. I think Autumn Star is very suitable. And using ordinary soldiers to become a space warrior requires a process. We cannot throw them into hell at the beginning. among.”

"You are right, I have no objection, let's do it. In two days we will pass the orbit of the Autumn Star, where I will put you down, and I will hand over Mechanic Priest Bell to you, and then the construction of the headquarters will be entrusted There you go."

"My lord, you can rest assured."

"Well, that's all. Where is this guy Roland now? We need to pay more attention to the teachings on the road."

"Probably in the church."

Sure enough, Li found Roland in the church. The young man was kneeling on one leg in front of the statue of the God Emperor. It was obvious that he was praying.

"Roland, what are you doing?"

"I, I'm praying," Roland didn't look back. He was still kneeling in front of the statue. He replied in a dry voice: "I pray to the God Emperor to bless me, help me overcome my difficulties, help me gain glory, and let my sins be punished." forgive."

"Don't expect too much, little Roland. The Emperor has given you strong flesh and blood, and the God Emperor will always be your most solid backing," Li said, "But what you are encountering now is your predicament. Not the Emperor's. Learn to overcome it yourself. The God-Emperor needs to look after those who cannot look after themselves, and those of us who can look after ourselves need to look after ourselves. Now, end your prayers and stand up."

"Master Li, I, I can't stand, I can't stand up!" Roland said painfully: "It hurts so much, my whole body hurts. The pain fills my whole body, and every muscle is in pain."

"Pain is just an illusion in your senses. Overcome it." Li said coldly: "Now I order you to stand up."

Roland gritted his teeth and stood up tremblingly.

"Very good, come with me now," Li said, then turned and walked out of the church. Behind him, Roland staggered to follow Li's footsteps.

"It's very good. It's almost impossible to imagine that you were once a noble. Now I know why Jacob gave you such a high evaluation." Li said as he walked: "Enduring pain and overcoming pain is not what we Asta Brother Erte’s patent is the same for everyone in this world. There is no need to grimace. Seeing that you are doing well, let me tell you some good news first. "

"Any good news?"

"Of course, first of all, I want to congratulate you. You have passed the first and most difficult hurdle. Most people, including me, don't think much of you. We all thought you would fail at this initial hurdle. It's not that little Look at you, because of this initial hurdle, we have lost too many warriors. They either lost their minds and became idiots because they could not bear the pain, or their bodies could not accept this transformation and thus became idiots. Monster." Li comforted and said: "Don't worry about your body. Your physical condition is very good and all the data are perfect. The pain you feel now is just your body adapting to the new changes. It will get better after a while, but I suggest you experience this pain and finally let yourself learn to control this pain. This is a good opportunity. If you can do this, then you will easily learn how to control yourself. It will do a lot of good for your body in the future.”

"Yes, I will try my best, Your Excellency."

"Don't call me Lord Li or Your Excellency from now on, just call me mentor. The teaching has begun, and now I am your mentor. In the next fifty years, you will always be my knight apprentice."

"Knight's Apprentice?"

"This is the hierarchy of our battle group. Newcomers like you who have passed the initial pass but need to learn will be called knight apprentices. After you complete the fifty-year teaching, you can leave the army and become a saint. You are a true knight in the Knights of the Temple, but this is just the beginning, there is still more for you to learn.”

"It takes fifty years to complete the knight's apprenticeship..."

"Don't think it's a long time," Li said with a smile: "Compared with the eternal life you have, fifty years is just a blink of an eye. Okay, here we are, here is the shooting range, let you take a look first Look at our weapons. There are many weapons here that you will either use personally or encounter people who use these weapons, so you must understand them. This will help you judge the strength of the enemy. Identifying the type of weapon just by the sound of the gunfire will be your first goal."

"I'll do it."

"Take a look at this first." Li casually took out a rifle from the weapons rack. "This is a laser rifle, the standard configuration of the Imperial Guard." Li quickly disassembled the laser rifle and then quickly assembled it back together. , picked up the rifle and fired at the target in the distance. Roland only felt a red laser afterimage left in his eyes, and the target in the distance was pierced by a beam of laser. Then Roland heard a mechanical electronic sound, "10 rings."

"It's the best to use this kind of gun for target shooting," Li continued: "The laser rifle uses a small and light energy block to produce a small laser beam, so the gun has almost no recoil, and it can be used for target shooting. A high score is the easiest thing to do. Although one shot can burn or kill an ordinary person without protection, if it is against a strong alien body or armor protection, this shot will be useless. Use it in large quantities, otherwise it will have almost no effect. It cannot penetrate the power armor of our Space Marines. If you encounter this situation in future battles, your enemy is an Imperial Guard, and the poor guy has a handful in his hand. Laser rifle, then you don’t have to hide, you can just walk up to him and kill him, this thing is no different from a flashlight.”

Putting the laser rifle aside, Li took out another weapon from the gun rack and said: "This is the weapon that belongs to our space warriors, the bolt gun. It looks similar to the gunpowder weapons that your nobles usually play. There are too many, but in fact there are essential differences. The main difference is that the ammunition is different," Li explained in detail: "Generally, ordinary gunpowder weapons circulating in the market use ancient brass bullets. It causes the gunpowder to explode, thereby pushing the bullet out, and hitting the enemy's body with the warhead to produce lethality. It is essentially the same as throwing a stone at the enemy, except that the bullet is smaller and faster than the stone. The difference is that it fires explosive bullets propelled by rockets."

Roland looked confused.

"Don't you understand? To put it simply, every bullet in a bolt weapon is a small missile." Li said as he disassembled the magazine of the bolt gun and ejected the bullets one by one. "The warhead It contains a highly explosive high-explosive gun that will explode when it hits an enemy. There is a pusher at the end of the bullet. I will teach you how to disassemble, install, and maintain your bolt gun. , Don't defuse the bolt gun's bullets. If it explodes, you will be dead. Okay, so much for the cultural lessons. Let's go to target shooting first. Pay attention to your shooting posture. The recoil of the bolt gun is very strong. "

Teaching an outstanding student like Roland is also a joy for Li. In such joy, the Silver Wings arrived at its destination.

The atmosphere on the bridge was very tense. At the moment of battle, everyone's heart was hanging. Although Elizabeth has repeatedly assured that there are only a small number of Eldar in the planet "Aion", less than ten digits, and there are no Eldar warships, but who can guarantee that her information is accurate?

The captain controlled the ship and cautiously approached the planet "Aion". The crew used various instruments to check all the places they could find over and over again. Fortunately, no trace of the enemy was found in the universe. .

"The planet's orbit is safe, and no trace of enemy ships has been found."

Li nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that our inquisitor's intelligence is correct. The number of enemies is very small, so there are no enemy warships in the planet's orbit. Unless there is a large-scale operation, generally the Eldar will not attack them." Ships come out, and they have their own way of traveling through the stars.”

"It's just that no trace of the enemy has been found yet, my captain," the captain turned to the crew on the bridge and said, "Everyone, please continue to be vigilant. No one knows where those cunning enemies are hiding."

"Then let's act according to the predetermined plan."

"Yes, Captain." The captain saluted with a naval salute, and then issued a series of orders in succession, "The hull maintains a 45-degree angle and slowly cuts into the outer cruising orbit of 'Aion'."

As the order was given, the Silver Wings suddenly raised its head under the control of the helmsman, and like a descending swan, it tilted and slowly slid down towards the planet 'Aion'.

After the ship completely entered orbit, the adjutant reported: "It has entered orbit."

New orders were issued immediately, "Balance the hull, prepare the ejection cabin, and prepare the Sky Eye ejection."


"The Sky Eye is launched. After the launch is completed, the power furnace is turned off and the ship enters a silent navigation state."

"The launch of the Sky Eye is completed, and the Sky Eye has entered orbit. The power furnace is shut down, the light control system is activated, and there is a three-minute countdown before the ship enters silent navigation."

Three minutes later, the Silver Wings entered a state of silent navigation, and the entire ship seemed to be integrated into the dark universe. As long as it was not unlucky enough to encounter an enemy ship head-on, it would be difficult for the ship to be discovered by the enemy.

After the captain carefully checked the data on the control panel in front of him, he turned around and said to Li: "Captain, the initial goal of the mission has been achieved, and the ship has entered the planet's equatorial orbit. But I must explain it again. "The ship cannot provide timely fire support in the equatorial orbit. It is recommended to turn on the synchronous orbit calculation. If it enters the geostationary orbit, above the Brownstone Fortress, the ship can provide the ship firepower you need at any time."

"It is recommended to reject it. We do not need strong firepower support. How is the situation down there? Have you contacted the Brownstone?"

"We have been contacted. Do you need to speak to them?"

"No, tell them to get the coffee ready and we'll go down right away." Li looked at the young captain in front of him and suddenly asked: "I'm sorry, captain, what's your name?"

"My name is Grant, your Excellency the leader."

"Well, you did a good job. Now you take care of our home and I'm going down."

Leaving the bridge, Li went directly to the carrier-based aircraft area on the lower deck of the ship. There was only one "Thunderhawk" gunboat parked in the small carrier-based aircraft area.

The Thunderhawk gunship is the standard aircraft of the Space Marine Regiment. For the Space Marine Corps, no equipment can match the contribution of the Thunderhawk gunship. It can be used as both a gunship and a landing craft. With the help of the Thunderhawk, it can fly in orbit Only the Marines in the cruiser can accurately land anywhere on the surface of the target planet.

Of course, the Thunderhawk in front of Li was not a gunboat, but a transport boat, because it had no cannon and had no attack power at all. If you want to add artillery fire, you have to spend your own money to upgrade it in the mechanical world. This is the Space Marine Corps. They will provide you with some basic equipment so that you can join the battlefield. But if you want good things, you can. First, it depends on whether your meritorious service is qualified, and then you can get money. Of course merit points are fine, but to some extent they are not as useful as throne coins.

Li's comrades were already neatly dressed and sitting in the airship. Elizabeth sat closest to the door and looked at Li calmly. "Have you started yet?" she asked.

"Everyone, fasten your seat belts, we are going down." Then he put one hand on his ear, opened the communication line and said: "Kitty Eagle, this is the King of Knights, everyone is here, let's go."

As soon as Li finished speaking, a response came from the cabin, "Kitty Hawk received it, gentlemen and ladies, welcome aboard the Kitty Hawk. Here are the pilots Peter and Edmund. Next, we will lead you on a heated Please sit tight during the trip and don’t forget to fasten your seat belts.”

As he said this, the Kitty Hawk's hatch quickly closed, and two thick and powerful mechanical arms protruded from the ceiling of the room. With two bangs, they held the Kitty Hawk firmly, and the entire room The red lights inside began to flicker, and a minute later, the floor under the Kitty Hawk slowly opened to both sides like a door being pushed open, revealing the planet under the cruiser. The mechanical arm slowly extended downwards and released the Kitty Hawk.

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