Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 72: Screaming Banshee

"It seems there is nothing left to talk about between us," Siluf put on a banshee mask and pulled out the two swords that had been straddling her waist.

They were a pair of mirror swords. These were two extremely elegant and beautiful weapons. They were like exquisite works of art placed in an exhibition hall. If Li saw it, he would definitely feel it was very strange, because the appearance of such weapons looked very strange. It looks slender and beautiful, with a beautiful hilt engraved with complex patterns, a slender microcrystal blade that shines with light and hidden beautiful lines, and just like its name, the translucent and spotless sword can be used as a mirror. , and the sword blade clearly reflects the user's face. Of course, the reason why the Mirror Sword is called the Mirror Sword is mainly because they are two identical weapons, with no difference in every detail. Except for the left and right swapping, it is as if a sword is placed in front of a mirror, and then from behind the mirror. He took out another weapon.

But Rosina and the other Eldar present would not think so. They could also see the beauty of the Mirror Sword as a work of art, but they were also very aware of the danger beneath this beauty. The seemingly slender sword was filled with beauty. The shimmering lines are a manifestation of the spiritual energy flowing on the sword. The restrained spiritual energy can ensure that these two weapons can pierce all armor. No matter how thick the armor or composite steel plate is, it will be the same in front of the mirror sword. Cream makes no difference.

Moreover, not everyone can pick up the Mirror Sword. If you want to use the Mirror Sword smoothly, you must first learn a deadly sword technique. If you don't know this sword technique, you may hurt the enemy before you hit it. Own.

"The Way of the Screaming Banshee, Double Swordsmanship," Rosina's face showed an expression of astonishment for the first time, "It seems that during the time I left, you still worked very hard, but I don't understand. Isn't it a swordsmanship that is only passed down among martial arts masters? How did you learn it? But it doesn't matter. As long as you work hard, there will still be many martial arts masters who are willing to do it. After all, your talent is very good, but why did you choose the way of the Screaming Banshee?"

"Don't you know?" When she said this, Siluv's eyes showed deep sadness, just like her banshee mask. On the mask, a crying face was drawn with simple exaggerated lines.

The Banshee is the messenger of sorrow and death in Eldar mythology. Her cries portend bad luck and can even separate the soul from the Soul Stone.

"Ah, you asked a stupid question." Rosina said in a provocative tone: "It's just that I didn't expect that you would be so stupid. Who are you sad for? Me? Hahahaha, because you want to kill You don’t have to feel sad, because you will hate me, hate me very much, because now, the unfortunate party is not me, but you.”

"It's useless to talk more, Rosina. There is no need to waste time with words. You are also proficient in all paths. Pull out your sword handle and let the sword speak. Let us see who is stronger."

"That's right," Rosina stamped her foot, her spiritual energy surged, and a long knife jumped up from the ground. Rosina quickly reached out to catch it, the smoke dispersed, and the long knife hung on Rosina's waist, and in her hand It is a more terrifying weapon.

Rosina did not pull out the long knife, but hung it on her waist. She chose to fight with another more terrifying weapon. She held up a heavy firearm in both hands, which was a Death Weaver!

Siluf cursed inwardly for being shameless. It was like two swordsmen dueling. One swordsman asked the other swordsman to draw his sword, but the other swordsman suddenly took out a machine gun from his waist. It was so against the rules.

Although Silufu herself had no intention of following the rules.

Facing the Death Weaver, Silufu jumped sideways without hesitation and rolled in the air to avoid the Weaver's gun. What she said at this time was nonsense. The only way to avoid the Death Weaver's attack was to avoid it. Made. Rosina, on the other hand, gave a ferocious laugh and pulled the trigger at another empty corner.

In an instant, a ball of blue light erupted from the muzzle of the Death Weaver's gun. The ball of light flashed past and hit a transparent humanoid object in an empty corner. An Eldar Ranger was killed miserably. The figure emerged from the void with a cry, the blue ball of light flashed away, and the screams of the Eldar Ranger also disappeared in an instant. Except for the Eldar Ranger who suddenly showed up, it seemed as if nothing had ever happened, but Siluf knew that the named Ranger was dead.

After about one breath, the Eldar Ranger shattered and collapsed, with blood splattering everywhere. This was a real fragmentation and a real collapse. The Eldar Ranger collapsed like a building block that was piled too high. His body was finely cut into many small pieces, and the small pieces of flesh were scattered on the ground with blood.

This is exactly the attack method of the Death Weaver. What is ejected from the firearm weapon called the Death Weaver of the Eldar is not the bullet familiar to humans, or the star dart commonly used by the Eldar, but a complex organic metal The polymer generates a dense network of single-molecule filaments, which pass through the injection tube invisible to the naked eye and are woven into a network of single-molecule filaments by gravity spinning pliers. The victim's own struggle will destroy him or her, for the razor-like web is so sharp that the entangled enemy will turn into a pile of bloody flesh in seconds.

Rosina already knew what Silufu was planning. It was nothing more than delaying time through conversation so that her rangers could get into the battle position. The invitation of sword-to-sword duel was just a trap. She hoped that Rosina would use the long sword to fight and give up the long-range weapon. In this way, she would be in an absolute disadvantage before the battle even started.

Rosina was not angry at all for this clever trick, but rather a little happy, so she let these rangers calmly choose a good shooting position. She patiently waited for the rangers to complete the arrangement, but this did not mean that she would pick up the sword according to Silufu's idea.

Rosina was not stupid, she just liked these little surprises. She could do nothing before the battle started, but after the battle started, Silufu's temper was out of her control.

Then, the battle began.

"Blood is flowing, anger is rising, death is awakening, war is calling!" Rosina sang the Eldar war song loudly while dodging attacks from all directions. She danced like an elf on the stage, jumping, twisting her slender waist, and raising her feet with incredible flexibility. Beside her, there were sparse and bright beams of psychic energy, like the brilliant lighting effects on the stage. The Eldar Ranger's precise energy arrows shot from all directions, but none of them could touch her body. She dodged every attack in an incredible and beautiful way, as if she had already seen through the trajectory of the enemy's attack. Even the energy arrows couldn't shut her up. Rosina dodged the attack easily while saying, "Rangers who have abandoned the path, do you feel it? The blood flowing on the land, the anger accumulated in the heart, the impending death, and this war that you cannot win! Do you feel your own powerlessness? Do you feel the powerful force from Chaos?"

"Rosina!" Sylph shouted Rosina's name loudly. She was almost mad at Rosina's behavior. A traitor, a fallen, actually sang the war song of the Eldar while fighting with her fellow Eldar. What kind of irony is this? She suddenly jumped up, holding her mirror sword high in both hands and flew towards her. In mid-air, she shouted: "You bastard!"

The voice was sharp and high-pitched. The psychic sound wave amplifier in the Screaming Banshee's mask amplified Sylph's cry. According to Sylph's wishes, the three words "you bastard" turned into a shock wave that could destroy the mind. This sound wave was so terrifying that it could cause serious damage to the central nervous system of the Eldar enemies, produce a fatal sense of terror, and cause temporary paralysis.

This is one of the signature skills of the Screaming Banshee, and it is also the reason why this path is called the Screaming Banshee. The Screaming Banshee is the messenger of death. Their screams are enough to make people tremble and unable to move. When experienced people encounter the Screaming Banshee, they will immediately give up resistance or run away. Becoming an enemy of the Screaming Banshee is an unimaginable horror, because you can only watch the Screaming Banshee walk to your side with light steps, and then cut off the heads of the whole team one by one, while the terrifying screams are still echoing in your mind. Let alone fighting, even moving your little finger has become a luxury. If you are not lucky enough, you will be the last one to be beheaded. Before that, you can only experience the deep sense of powerlessness and wait for death to gradually come.

On the battlefield, let alone standing like a stake, just a moment of distraction is enough to be fatal. For unprepared humans, the Screaming Banshee is the messenger of death. But for Rosina, it is not the case. She knows the ways of all martial arts branches, and she knows the attack methods of the Screaming Banshee clearly. When Sylph took out the Banshee mask, she had already made preparations.

After a short pause, she recovered immediately, but this momentary gap was enough for the Eldar warriors to launch a fatal attack. A ranger seized this gap and shot an energy arrow at Rosina from a clever angle. When she found that she wanted to dodge, it was too late.

This was a tactic that had been arranged long ago. The Banshee Scream launched an attack to paralyze the enemy, followed by precise shooting and killing with the mirror sword. If it went well, even Rosina's death would only take a moment.

For a moment, Rosina seemed to be in a desperate situation. Above her head was Sylph, who was holding the mirror sword high and vowed to kill her here, and behind her, there was an energy arrow shooting towards her back.

The victory seemed to have been locked.

Even the Eldar themselves could not believe that victory would come so easily, but at this moment, Rosina smiled. She easily used the Weaver in her hand as a weapon and threw it towards Sylph. At the same time, she bent down and held the long sword at her waist with one hand. With a "swish!", she drew the sword out of the sheath. This was the Great Sword Executioner, a special sword weapon among the Eldar that was not inferior to the Twin Mirrors.

Sylph did not think about it. She continued to slash down with the two mirror swords in her hands, and the other sword was slashed diagonally. With just a flick, the Death Weaver was cut into two pieces and flew out diagonally, while the sword that chopped down was blocked by the long sword drawn by Rosina. The two swords intersected, and the crystal swords suddenly collided with each other, making a crisp sound.

At the same time, the energy arrow shot at Rosina from behind was blocked by a psychic shield that suddenly emerged from the void.

Facing an almost fatal attack, Rosina was unscathed.

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