Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 75: The Messenger of Hell

Instantly, the red-haired witch almost collapsed. The pure, clear, natural blue sky became extremely terrifying in her eyes. Many thoughts flashed through her mind in an instant, and the most conspicuous and reasonable one was a conspiracy against herself.

Her rise was so fast that it was jaw-dropping. There were countless enchantresses and succubi who envied her. She knew very well that some bitches who only twisted their waists and relied on the hole below to seduce men had been unhappy with her for a long time, so most of the time, she was careful not to conflict with these old guys.

Is this a trap? She almost suspected that countless bullets would whiz in the next moment, piercing her and then tearing her into pieces.

She waited for a while, and no bullets or other deadly or strange things shot at her. There was only bright sunshine, blue sky, white clouds slowly floating in the sky, and gurgling streams not far away. This planet was pure and natural. There was no hidden murderous intent around the red-haired witch, only tranquility and peace.

It was a good day, but the red-haired witch was in a worse mood. What a damn place, what a damn unlucky mission!

Something must have gone wrong, but fortunately, she had come here.

The red-haired witch waved her arms and changed her body shape. Her black armor turned into a close-fitting black silk dress under the power of the devil. The long horns on her head also disappeared, and other organs with devilish characteristics on her body gradually disappeared. In the blink of an eye, the witch turned into a sexy lady with flaming red hair and infinite mystery in her body.

This is the most inconspicuous of the many incredible magic and witchcraft abilities of the devil. The appearance of a devil does not have much meaning. The devil can come to the world in any form. This is especially true for devils who are good at charming people. They are especially good at changing their image. A succubus can always appear in front of the world in an image that others like. But for the demons of the Red-haired Witch's class, it was a little different. As a commander who had already led a legion, the Red-haired Witch would appear in the world in a tight black silk dress in most cases. She disdained to hide her identity.

The Red-haired Witch leisurely took out a small mirror, looked at her face, and then combed her fiery red hair. Then she waved her arms and began to attract the spiritual energy in the air. After a while, the spiritual power hidden in the void was attracted by her. The space in front of the witch was briefly torn open by a small crack. The Red-haired Witch did not hesitate and stepped in. She easily crossed the distance of the space in one step. The next moment, she came to the entrance of the dungeon.

In front of the Red-haired Witch was a long trench, many laser rifles facing her, and three to four Vulcan gun towers.

The witch and the soldiers in the trench were stunned. Neither side expected this situation to happen.

The red-haired witch was first shocked, and then furious. There was actually a team of human defenders here! Could it be that the running dogs of the false emperor also discovered the secret of this place? No, it's impossible. Even the rotten emperor couldn't guess the thoughts of the true god, let alone those running dogs of the false emperor.

At the same time, Marlborough opened his mouth wide, and couldn't recover from his shock for a long time. The moment the black arch opened, almost all the soldiers were shocked by the huge evil door. If the political commissar was still there, he might shoot a few soldiers to boost morale, but the political commissar was not there, so the soldiers' morale, which was not high to begin with, fell to the bottom in an instant. When the black door opened, the momentum of the moment it opened made the soldiers tremble. How many enemies would there be in such a big door? It's unimaginable. Even Marlborough almost fell into despair, and then fortunately, the door suddenly disappeared.

Before the soldiers could relax, a lady with long fiery red hair and a sexy black silk dress suddenly appeared in front of the defensive position.

This scene made people feel very strange. Suddenly, a beautiful and sexy woman in a gorgeous evening dress appeared on the battlefield. It felt like a penguin suddenly appeared on the African savannah. Even a brave lion would stare at the sudden appearance of a penguin and be unable to move for a long time. This scene was too weird.

However, Marlborough was still the deputy commander. He first recovered from his astonishment and made a decision in an instant!

"What are you all standing there for! Shoot! Shoot quickly! This woman must be a demon!"

Of course, Marlborough didn't know whether the woman was a demon, but what if she was a real lady? Anyway, shoot first. Even if she was a real beautiful human, it was a pity.

A soldier pulled the trigger first, and the laser beam accurately focused on the witch, but only left a trail of green smoke on her black silk dress.

The witch seemed to be hurt by this attack. She moaned softly, "Ah!" The sound was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone. The moan was so charming that it made people want to hold this beauty in their arms and cherish her. Some soldiers trembled in their lower body just by hearing this sound, and then their underwear got wet.

"Please don't attack me, I just want to borrow a road." The witch said in a soft voice: "Really, we don't want to fight, we are all injured, the war has caused severe damage to the heart and soul, we just want to rest, just want to put down the gun and go home."

The soldiers seemed to be affected by this magic sound, their eyes were blurred, and they threw their weapons that they regarded as their lives on the ground. Some even squatted in the trenches, knelt down and hugged their heads and cried.

"Mom! I miss mom!"

"I don't know if the child's mother is okay? When I left, she was still seriously ill and lying in bed, and only the child took care of her!"

"I left for three years. How old is my child now? I really want to go home and see him."

"We... just want to rest, no, we can't, we have responsibilities, the honor of the legion cannot be tarnished... So tired, but so tired." Even the deputy commander Marlborough was in a fierce struggle. The red-haired witch looked at the ugly appearance of these soldiers coldly, her eyes full of contempt. She said nothing, sneered, and slowly walked through the defense line that had collapsed.

"Rest, rest, rest your mother!" Suddenly, Marlborough pulled out the pistol from his waist and fired at the red-haired witch. The red-haired witch just waved her hand impatiently, and an invisible force knocked the deputy commander Marlborough away, and those bullets could not cause any harm to the witch at all.

Then the red-haired man raised his hand and pointed at a soldier, chanting the filthy devil's words, and the soldier trembled in front of the witch.

The witch grabbed the soldier's head, then aimed at his lips and kissed him lightly. After the kiss, she left without looking back, leaving only one sentence.

"Have fun."

Then the soldier trembled violently, and then his body twisted and deformed, and the red evil flame began to burn from the soldier's body. After a while, he was completely invaded by chaos and turned into an ugly half-human, half-demon monster with a burning body.

The monster roared in pain and launched a frantic attack on the surrounding soldiers. Soon, the defense line of the defense army was in chaos.

The red-haired witch had no time to care about the chaos behind her. The anxiety in her heart was like a flame burning. She must first make sure that the mission can be completed.

She walked into the entrance of the underground ancient city, and then she started the space jump again. With just one step, she arrived at the final destination of this trip.

The red-haired witch came to a closed room. Under her feet was a psychic array for guiding positioning. The devil's believers had already prepared everything. They carved a guiding space array in the room where important items were stored. Under the guidance of the array, the red-haired witch only needed a blink of an eye to reach the front of the target.

In the center of the room was a sphere floating on the platform. The sphere was flashing with mysterious blue light. Various mysterious runes surrounded the sphere. At the same time, huge psychic energy was hidden in the sphere. This sphere was exactly what the demons wanted.

The red-haired witch's heart was relieved again. She sighed and thought it was a false alarm.

At this moment, a woman dressed in red suddenly appeared in front of the red-haired witch. She was wearing a red windbreaker and a red wide-brimmed hat. She suddenly appeared from the void. Hecate, who had helped Li in the dungeon, suddenly appeared in front of the red-haired witch. Then she knelt down on her knees and knelt straight in front of the red-haired witch, crying and begging: "I beg you, dear, please have mercy and don't take away this 'core'. We can survive only by relying on it!"

"Get out! You are just a dead soul, and you dare to make trouble in front of me!" The red-haired witch just waved her hand and fanned Hecate away like smoke.

"No, don't. There are 3.4 million souls in it. The whole city depends on it to survive. Once you take it away, everyone will die!"

"There are so many dead souls?" The witch was stunned, then laughed, "I thought it was just a boring journey. Although there were some twists and turns along the way, there were actually gains. Poor dead soul, it seems that you don't know who I am?"

Hekate hesitated and asked, "You, who are you?"

The red-haired witch did not speak. She just let her breath reveal a little bit. Hecate trembled and shrank into a ball, retreated to the corner, and whispered desperately, "Come, are you the messenger from hell?"

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