The training that Li arranged for the soldiers was harsh and insidious. While he tortured these poor guys in various ways, he kept asking the instructors to hold the bell to tempt the soldiers to ring it. As a result, more than 50 people rang the bell on the third day and quit the training.

Finally, even some instructors couldn't stand it anymore. After nightfall on the third day, an instructor knocked on Li's door.

"Come in."

"Yes, Commander."

"Why don't you go to rest and come to me?"

Such high-intensity training is not only a great burden for the soldiers, but also for the instructors. After all, the soldiers are elites drawn from various armies, while the instructors are just some ordinary retired veterans. When it comes to combat skills, these instructors have nothing to teach the students. Their only task is to do whatever Li arranges.

Fortunately, the instructors can take turns, but the soldiers can't, so these instructors are just a little tired. Compared with those soldiers who are fucked like dogs every day, these instructors are in heaven.

"Sir, I have some ideas that I want to discuss with you."

"Oh? Go ahead."

"Isn't the training we are currently conducting too cruel? Three soldiers have fainted on the training ground today."

"Don't we have a doctor?" Li frowned, "And don't we have a bell? Those who can't stand it can ring the bell to quit. The conditions are already so generous, what else do you want?"

"But, but the soldiers are suffering."

Li smiled, but a surge of anger surged in his heart, and then he felt a little funny. He was actually angry with such a person? In the end, all that was left was a sense of absurdity. Are the soldiers suffering? Yes, they are undergoing overload training every day, and they are also in a state of hunger for a long time. They are not only under physical pressure, but also mental pressure. They only have less than three hours of sleep a day. Even in the short three hours of sleep, they will be awakened by the emergency assembly call, and then run to the cold sea for a night swim.

In short, they are under training and tests that ordinary people cannot bear.

"Instructor, what's your name and your rank?"

"Sir, I'm Richard, the former commander of the Army Special Operations Battalion, with a rank of colonel."

"You were the commander of the special forces? Never mind, it's not important. The question is, Colonel Richard, what do you think I do?" Li waved his hand and said, "I'm too lazy to talk to you about sweating more in peacetime and bleeding less in wartime. I'm training the soldiers of the Star Road Regiment, the most elite soldiers, the guardians of mankind, not a group of young men. To tell you the truth, I have modified the training method a lot. Many, greatly lowered the standards to cater to the trash outside. Compared with other warbands, I am just like a charity. If those trash can't even bear such a little hardship, what do I want them to do? You may be a little unconvinced, but do you know how other warbands recruit new soldiers? "

"Uh, I don't know."

"Let me tell you, in addition to our newly established Knights Templar, the Empire has many warbands, one of which is called the Black Templars, which is a bit similar to the name of our warband, but it is completely unrelated. This is how the Black Templars recruit new soldiers, They will first go to a wild world. Do you know the wild world? That is, the humans there still live in the Stone Age or the Iron Age. Because of the difficult living conditions, those wild people have to fight against the cruel nature every day, so the physical fitness of those wild people is much better than ours. For the residents of Reach, hunting is a kind of leisure, while for the people in the wild world, hunting is their life. If they want to survive, they must be accompanied by danger and fight to death. The people of the Black Temple will select some powerful warriors in advance, and then gather these warriors together, let these warriors fight each other, and the one who survives in the end can become a member of the war group. "Li sighed and said, "The birth of each warrior of the Star Wars is accompanied by the death of more excellent warriors. Often, among the ten carefully selected excellent warriors, only five or even fewer will have the opportunity to become a member of the war group. If you really pity those wastes outside, please train them harder, so that they at least have a chance to die in the hands of powerful enemies. "

Richard's face was flushed, he could only salute, and then hurriedly retreated.

Li stayed in the training camp for ten days. When things in the camp were on track, he had to leave.

Although Li wanted to continue training the new recruits, the reality did not allow it. Li was a busy man now. Social structure reform, military expansion, financial problems, all of which needed Li to solve.

Reach was slightly larger than the Earth. The situation on the planet was similar to the peaceful Earth where Li used to live, except that the population was a little less than that of the Earth before, with only 2 billion people. For a planet, 2 billion people was not too many, but for a government, dealing with 2 billion people was complicated enough to make Li collapse.

Even if Li tried his best to decentralize power, there were still many problems waiting for him to deal with during the reform.

But Li had to do these things. If he didn't keep an eye on the social reforms that Li was promoting, God knew what would happen.

Five years ago, Li began to change the lazy and slow pace of life on Reach. If Reach was a paradise outside the empire before, Li is now turning it into a huge military camp.

The specific approach is also very simple. Li is learning from Fatty Kim. The empire has a more reliable action plan. No matter which set of things, the root is nothing more than public opinion control, brainwashing education, and more stringent laws and regulations.

The first thing to do is to establish a powerful enemy in front of all the people of Reach.

This is too simple. Li has felt more than once that Fatty Kim would like this place. If the difficulty of Li wanting to establish a powerful and terrible enemy is one, then the difficulty of Fatty Kim making enemies for North Korea in peacetime is ten.

There is no need to make propaganda images specifically. These things are all ready-made in the empire, but no one liked to watch this stuff before. The residents have money in their pockets and their lives are limited. Naturally, they prefer to watch something light and happy, and naturally stay away from propaganda and movies with strong political implications.

But when Li replaced a tough government and issued a decree, everything was different. The number of horror movies broadcast on TV stations began to increase gradually, and cinemas began to send movie tickets to large units. In short, more people saw what Li wanted them to see.

Li and his bureaucrats did their homework. The first thing they put out was horror movies, which were actually documentaries. These films recorded the scenes after the defeat of the Empire in a detailed and realistic manner. Of course, for the Imperial Propaganda Department, the things Li played were basically internal materials. After deletion and processing, Li directly put these films in the cinema.

The result was very good. People were shocked that beautiful cities turned into ruins, and gem-like planets were submerged in the flames of war. The cruelty of the greenskins, the weirdness of the Eldar, and the more terrifying Chaos Legion, these terrifying creatures that ordinary people would never see in their lives appeared one by one in front of everyone, causing waves of screams of fear.

Before Li arrived, most people on Reach were just living their own lives quietly and leisurely. Most of them would never fly out of the sky above their heads, let alone across the galaxy. Their world was just a small world. They knew the vastness of the universe, but they were indifferent to it. The tragic wars in the distant world were just gossip for them. Now, Li is here, and the new lord has put these tragic wars and terrifying enemies in front of them.

The ostrich buried its head in the sand, thinking that the danger would not come, and the first thing Li did was to pull the ostrich's head out of the sand, and he spread the panic.

The release of horror films is continuous. There is no doubt that the enemy's cruelty will continue forever. Anyway, there are a lot of resources in this area. After spreading the panic, the propaganda direction turned to the army. The mighty and majestic empire and the majestic soldiers will always protect the people of the empire.

At this point, the universal military service system was introduced naturally.

The content of the law is nothing special. After the Lord Guard was reorganized into the Reach Defense Force, the number of Reach Defense Forces was greatly expanded. All young people will participate in military training and be incorporated into the militia after military training. This ensures that once a war breaks out, everyone has the ability to pick up a gun and fight.

Then the pockets of the residents were gradually tightened, frugality was encouraged, and waste was opposed. A large amount of funds were invested in the Forge World. Military history schools were established one after another. The production lines of laser rifles and various ordinary military products worked day and night, and new production lines were also put into production one by one.

In the first five years, the funds used by the Star Wars Corps accounted for only a very small part of it. Compared with the sharp sword of the Star Wars Corps, Li needs a solid shield.

After leaving the training camp, Li boarded a special plane directly. He needed to go to the Forge World to attend a report meeting. Li decided to give up several slow-growing family investments, withdraw the funds, and use the funds to build a space defense belt. The defense belt consists of a space station, a spaceport, and a series of berths and artillery positions. This huge defense belt will provide protection for the Forge World of Reach and its satellites.

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