
  Chapter 101 evil cultivator is now

Hundred Spirits Pavilion, what Han Deling is talking to Han Changwu .

"Chang Wu, the family store is left to you and Changming. When you look after the store, don't delay your own cultivation. Cultivation is the most important thing, you know?"

Han Deling warned repeatedly.

"Yes, Seventh Aunt, I took note, Seventh Aunt, you are careful on the road."

Out of the market city, Han Deling took out a flight of Magical Artifact, carrying ten people The clansman of Qi Refinement Stage, moved towards high altitude, disappeared into the sky before long.

In addition to Foundation Establishment Pill and Darkmoon Spirit Water, she also escorted a batch of cultivation resources back to the family.

Han Changwu just found the Foundation, Han Changming is busy refining the Water Escape Talisman for delivery, otherwise he will escort the goods back to the family with her.

Two days' time passed quickly, and a yellow escape light appeared in front of them, quickly moved towards them and flew.

Han Deling secret art pinched and controlled the flying Magical Artifact to avoid it. He didn't want to collide with the other party, but the other party also changed direction, as if it was for them.

Han Deling's Divine Consciousness sensed that the opponent has three Foundation Establishment cultivators and she is not an opponent.

"Not good, quickly withdraw."

With years of experience, Han Deling realized that it was not good, pinched secret art, and flew Magical Artifact rays of light soared, moved towards Fly away, yellow escaped and rose sharply, speeding up.

The speed of yellow escape is getting faster and faster, Han Deling brows tightly knit, the mana in the body is crazily injected into the bottle gourd Magical Artifact, and the speed has more than doubled.

The other party’s cultivation base is higher than her, and it’s only a matter of time before she can catch up with her.

She took out a pale-silver talisman, said a few words in a low voice, and threw it away in the direction moved towards the green turtle market city. The silver talisman turned into a silver light, passed high in the sky, and disappeared into the sky .

The two escape lights quickly passed high in the sky, and the yellow escape light was faster.

In the green turtle market city, Han Changming is practicing pill room pill concocting, and a sound transmission talisman flies in.

He is frowned, generally speaking, without a major event, clansman will not disturb him.

He waved at the sound transmission talisman with one hand, and the sound transmission talisman flew into his hand. With his fingers closed, the sound transmission talisman spontaneously ignited, and a hurried male voice suddenly sounded: "Not good, Changming It’s a major event, and De Ling has encountered an evil cultivator. Put down what you are doing and go to support De Ling."

Han Changming complexion sank, went out quickly, Han Daochun, Han Changwu Standing outside, Han Daochun looked sad.

"10th Uncle, what's the matter? Where is Seventh Aunt?"

"She is outside of market city and is rushing here, I don't know if she can run back to market city, she I met three evil cultivators from the Foundation Establishment Stage, Changming. You and Chang Wu will quickly bring people to support De Ling."

Han Changming nodded, said: "Okay, we're on the road."


Han Daochun has summoned ten clansman from Qi Refinement Stage to follow Han Changming and Han Changwu to rescue Han Deling.

Out of the market city, Han Changming took out Feihaizhou, carrying eleven clansman, moved towards high altitude.

Han Deling has a sensory symbol on his body, and Han Changwu also has a sensory symbol on his body. It can sense Han Deling's position within a certain range.

Han Changwu took out the sensor and entered a secret art.

The induction symbol turns into a silver light and flies towards the northeast.

With a pinch of Han Changming secret art, the rays of light skyrocketed, moving towards the northeast and flew away.

He secretly prayed in the heart: "My ancestors, Seventh Aunt, don’t have any trouble."

Han Changming was a little confused. The dísciple of Seaheed Pavilion just said that there is an evil cultivator, so soon It's a coincidence that there are evil cultivators!    half a day later, a dozen or more li large deserted islands appeared in front of them. The spell was lighted up, and three Foundation Establishment cultivators were attacking a mountain covered by the yellow mist, and the induction symbols disappeared in a flash. In the yellow mist.

"Prepare to meet the enemy and set fire to one of the Foundation Establishment cultivator." Han Changming instructed, with a solemn expression.

Three Foundation Establishment cultivators, two Foundation Establishment Early Stage, and one Foundation Establishment Middle Stage. After this battle, I don’t know how many clansman will die.

Han Changwu took out a black giant eagle Puppet Beast, flapping its wings, and pounced on the evil cultivator.

An astonishing scene appeared. Three evil cultivators discovered Han Changming and others. They released a flying Magical Artifact, moved towards high altitude and flew very fast.

"Such an evil cultivator?" Han Changming was taken aback.

He was worried that the evil cultivator was a maze, and that the evil cultivator ambushed him in the dark, and quickly released Divine Consciousness to scan the entire island.

What made him sighed in relief was that he didn't find the breath of other evil cultivators. Even so, he didn't dare to be careless. He didn't land and stopped over the desert island.

At this time, the yellow mist dissipated, revealing the silhouettes of Han Deling and others, their look pale, as if they were over-consuming mana.

Seeing Han Changming and Han Changwu and others, Han Deling sighed in relief, took out flying Magical Artifact, and brought clansman closer to Han Changming.

"Seventh Aunt, are you all right!"

Han Changming asked with concern.

Han Deling shook the head and said, "No, some Foundation Establishment cultivators flew in front of you. I quickly avoided them, and they chased us. Fortunately, your support is timely. If you arrive a little later, we will bode ill rather than well."

At the end, Han Deling's face showed a lingering expression.

"Let's go back to market city first! Take a long-term view."

Han Changming proposed, and Han Deling did not object.

half a day later, they returned to the green turtle market city.

Seeing that Han Deling was safe, Han Daochun's hanging heart finally let go.

"Deling, what's the matter? How did you meet an evil cultivator?"

Han Deling told the story of the matter again, basically you can exclude the rape and follow her Clansman grew up at home and grew up at home. Their relatives are on Bottle Gourd Island. It is impossible to take refuge in other forces. If they take refuge in other forces, when they are deployed to resist the evil cultivator, they should start to cooperate with the evil cultivator, but there is no clansman. In doing so, does the problem lie with the clansman of Green Turtle Market City?

How could the evil cultivator attack Han Deling? There are less than five people who know that Han Deling is carrying Foundation Establishment Pill and Darkmoon Spirit Water. Who has the problem? Han Changming? Han Changwu? Han Dekun? Han Daochun?   The shadow of suspicion is over Han Changming and others. No one can guarantee that no clansman will be bought.

The total value of Han Deling's belongings is more than 80,000 Spirit Stones, so no one is allowed to eat.

"Seventh Aunt, you are resting for a while in the green turtle market city, I will first hand in the order, and then return to the family with you, so that it is safer."

Hundred Spirits Pavilion After receiving a batch of orders, Han Changming must refine a batch of Water Escape Talisman for delivery before returning to the family with Han Deling.

"Well, fortunately, the property was not robbed. It is a blessing in misfortune."

Han Deling sighed in relief, said with a smile.

"Anyway, I still have to check clansman, 10th Uncle, you have been in the green turtle market city for the longest time, this matter is left to you, I hope no clansman betrayed the family, just a coincidence. "Han Changming said solemnly.

Han Daochun nodded, said solemnly: "I hope so, if you let the old man know who dares to eat, the old man can't spare him the first one."

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