
  Chapter 103 Treasure hunt or trap?

In order to facilitate contact, Han Changming bought a pair of Magical Artifacts, used to contact Ye Xin Ye Xue, generally speaking, they will not contact Han Changming if there is nothing important.

"What's the urgent matter? Can you tell me something?" Han Changming asked curiously.

"That’s the case. Fellow Daoist Chen found an ancient cultivator Cave Mansion and planned to invite us to hunt for treasure. We would like to invite you to go. The master of Cave Mansion seems to be the Second Rank Pill Refinement Master. There may be The spiritual medicine you want, do you want to go together?"

Han Changming frowned, speaking of which, he discovered an ancient cultivator Cave Mansion before and obtained the property and inheritance left by Chen Ziyang. He modified the cultivation technique and changed to pill concocting. Before that, he had been trapped by the evil cultivator. Fortunately, he informed the elders that he did not die in the hands of the evil cultivator.

Ye Xin Ye Xue lives by hunting demonic beasts. It is not surprising to find the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion, but Ye Xin has only come back for more than a month, so soon he went out to sea to hunt demonic beasts again?   Chen Yang is just Qi Refinement Stage, forgive him for not daring to play any tricks.

"Okay, I'll come here."

After one hour, Han Changming appeared in Ye Xin's room, of course he was changed.

"Fairy Maiden Ye, what's going on in detail? Can you tell me clearly?"

Ye Xin nodded, telling the story again.

A few days ago, Chen Yang found Ye Xin and said that he had discovered an ancient cultivator Cave Mansion. He wanted to invite Ye Xin Ye Xue to go on a treasure hunt together. He said that five Qi Refinement Cultivators had to shoot at the same time. Break the final ban.

In addition to Chen Yang, there are also two Qi Refinement Cultivators, Ye Xue knew each other. They solemnly vowed that they were indeed the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion, and gave Ye Xin the property they got.

Ye Xin was a little worried. According to what she knew about Chen Yang, Chen Yang was selfish and found the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion. Impossible invited her to go. Breaking the formation requires five Qi Refinement Cultivators. For this reason It makes sense that some Formations do require multiple cultivators to attack at the same time before they can be destroyed.

To be on the safe side, she intends to invite Han Changming to go with her. After more than a year of getting along with them, and the last time Han Changming rescued them, they still trust Han Changming.

"Is the ancient cultivator Cave Mansion far from here? Why didn't Chen Yang say it before?" Han Changming asked in confusion.

"According to Chen Yang, he broke the first few bans before and got some property, but the last ban is left. He really can’t break it, so he had to invite our sisters to go, Fellow Daoist Hu, are you interested in going there?"

Han Changming has a thoughtful face. Chen Yang is just Qi Refinement Stage. Even if he messes up, he can't do anything about it. At worst, let Seventh Aunt follow later.

"Okay, I am willing to go, but Fellow Daoist Chen agrees?"

Ye Xue smiled and said: "We have already told him that we want to invite a Fellow Daoist Going, he at first resolutely opposed, but we fought hard, and later he agreed, but he said, if we divide the treasure, the three of us can only get two, Fellow Daoist Hu, don’t worry, if we get treasure, we won’t I’m missing your share."

Han Changming nodded, asked: "When will you go to hunt for treasure?"

"Tomorrow hour, but you can’t tell others, otherwise Fellow Daoist Chen will cancel the treasure hunt."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

Han Changming agreed, chatted a few words, and left.

On the way back, he has been thinking about whether this will be a round. He thinks that Han Deling has just been attacked, and Han Changming thinks it is better to tell Seventh Aunt.

Two hours later, Han Changming came to the Hundred Spirits Pavilion. He found Han Deling and explained what happened.

Of course, he concealed Ye Xin Ye Xue's relationship with him, only that they met by accident.

"Treasure hunting? Are they reliable? Someone set up a strategy to murder you, right?"

Han Deling just met an evil cultivator not long ago, she subconsciously thinks this is a trap.

"It shouldn't be! Every time I contact them, I am as Qi Refinement Cultivator. They are both Qi Refinement Cultivator. There is a real problem, and they are not my opponents. Just be cautious. Seventh Aunt, you follow behind, and there is something you can support me."

"I am not enough, let’s add a long dance! Three people work together, there shouldn’t be much problem."

Han Changming nodded agreed and discussed the details of the action with Han Deling.

In the early morning of the second day, Han Changming came to Laiyue Inn and met Chen Yang in Ye Xin's room.

Chen Yang is already the Qi Refinement ninth layer, and there are two Qi Refinement 8-Layer male cultivators. Han Changming displays the Breath Restraining Technique. The breath seems to be Qi Refinement Stage. It’s hard to say that the Foundation Establishment cultivator. Qi Refinement Cultivator can never see his true cultivation base.

A brief introduction, Chen Yang said solemnly: "Take treasure this time. I hope that Fellow Daoists have not looked for other people. Once I find someone is following, I will immediately cancel the treasure hunt."

Han Changming and the five people all agreed, and only they know whether it is the case or not.

After leaving the market city, Chen Yang released an azure flying boat, carrying everyone moved towards Northwest.

After one hour, Han Deling and Han Changwu left the market city with them, both of them carrying Second Rank Puppet Beast.

Chen Yang took Han Changming and others around for two days, and stopped when they encountered a deserted island to see if anyone was following. Two days later, he suddenly changed direction and flew towards the opposite direction.

His move made Han Changming lightly sighed in relief. It seems that Chen Yang did not lie. There really is an ancient cultivator Cave Mansion, otherwise he would not be so cautious.

Two days later, they appeared on a dozen or more li large deserted islands. The islands were not big. The center was a huge basin with dense vegetation and no spirit vein.

Chen Yang's secret art pinched, the azure flying boat slowly landed and landed in a small valley.

Han Changming released Divine Consciousness, and after a careful investigation, there was no discovery, so he was relieved.

Chen Yang took out two pale-silver talisman, moved towards the outside of the valley and threw them.

With the two beeps of "pu chi," two silver talisman burst and turned into countless white mist, covering the entire valley, even the entrance.

"This is the sub-character of the warning sign. If someone breaks in here, the mother sign in my hand will warn you."

Chen Yang explained and moved towards within The valley walked, and the others hurriedly followed.

It didn't take long for them to reach the end of the valley, and a steep stone wall blocked their way.

Chen Yang took out a palm-sized yellow formation flag and injected mana into it. The rays of light soared, and his body soared, and he threw it into the stone wall.

The stone wall lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and the rays of light dissipated, revealing a cave the size of about one zhang, which was a little dark.

Chen Yang held a piece of Moonstone in his hand and walked in the forefront. Han Changming has already entered the Foundation Establishment Stage. He does not need Moonstone, and he can see clearly.

The cave meanders and stretches downwards. After walking through several ten zhang, there is a turn in front, turn left and go straight for thirty steps, and a stone chamber with the size of several ten zhang appears in their before.

An azure stone table and a few azure stone chairs are scattered on the ground. It seems that someone has lived here.

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