
  Chapter 106 Old Nest    "en!"

Ye Xin and Ye Xue wake up at the same time, They were horrified to find that they were naked, lying in Han Changming's arms.

Their clothes have been torn and scattered on the ground in the vicinity.

"What did you do to us?"

Ye Xin quickly took out the new clothes and put them on, glaring at him.

She has always been clean and self-loving. Many Cultivation Family children wanted to marry her, but she refused. She wanted to rely on her own efforts to gain a foothold in the cultivation world instead of relying on men. The most important thing is Her father always gave up in chaos. It was her mother who worked hard to raise their sisters. Since she was a child, her mother instilled in her the notion that men are unreliable. Over time, she has always held a hostile attitude towards men.

Ye Xue also took out her clothes and put them on, with a shy face. She had a good impression of Han Changming. She vaguely remembered that she was hot and hot, and the rest of the matter was not clear.

If she guessed right, they should have been poisoned, and Han Changming guessed the same.

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment, he recalled carefully, and vaguely guessed something.

"Fairy Maiden Ye, I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding in this. It was you who rushed forward, I..."

Han Changming can't go on, anyway, It was he who wanted the body of the two sisters, and he was wrong first, wouldn't he admit it?

To tell the truth, he still has a good impression of Ye Xin and Ye Xue. With their looks, they can marry the children of Cultivation Family or the Foundation Establishment cultivator, but they don’t, but rely on their own Work hard and come to today.

After hearing this, Ye Xin remained silent, her cheeks flushed and hot, her teeth bit her red lips tightly.

She vaguely remembered that she suddenly lost control and threw herself into Han Changming's arms. This situation was exactly the same as the pornographic drug in the classics.

"Changming, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time. If you have anything to do, go back to the market city and talk about it!"

Han Deling's voice suddenly sounded.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue blushed after hearing this. Han Changming's elders were out there. Didn't everything they did just now have been heard?

Han Changming took a deep breath and said to Ye Xin Ye Xue: "Fairy Maiden Ye, don’t worry, I am a responsible man. This has already happened. If you’re willing, I’m Han Changming I am willing to marry you as wives."

What he said is the truth, he is not the one who always abandoned him.

He took out his new clothes and put them on.

Ye Xue looks at Ye Xin. She has never had a strong opinion and listens to Ye Xin.

"Let us think about it, and when we think about it, we will give you another answer."

Ye Xin was silent for a moment and said like this.

Han Changming demanded the innocence of their sisters. If the Mingzhong is marrying, she would be willing. If it is a concubine, she would not agree.

The concubine of Cultivation Family is a fertility machine, inferior to others. One of her friends is a concubine for the children of Cultivation Family, and her life is not good.

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment. He thought Ye Xin would be happy to agree to it. He didn't expect Ye Xin to think about it. His liking for Ye Xin has increased a lot.

He put away the things scattered on the ground, including the storage bags of three evil cultivators, and walked out with sisters Ye Xin.

"Seventh Aunt, Fourth Sister, have you encountered an evil cultivator? Are they all dead?"

Han Deling shook the head, sound transmission said: "No, there is one The evil cultivator named Foundation Establishment Stage escaped. We killed some Qi Refinement Cultivator and found two identical maps on them. It is estimated that they are the nest of the evil cultivator. The location is not very far from our family. I plan to return to the family. Invite patriarch to go together and destroy this group of evil cultivators. Maybe you can save a contribution point."

Han Changwu took out two azure animal skins and handed them to Han Changming.

Han Changming took a closer look. There was no mark on the two azure animal skins. How did they know which island the evil cultivator was on?    "Our family has recorded how many islands there are in the Red Algae Sea Territory, and the location of each island is clear. The evil cultivator must have a Formation set up. Please patriarch and they will do it together, but the speed should be fast. Let the escaped evil cultivator return to the nest first, I am afraid they will abandon the island and run away."

Han Changming nodded, looked at Ye Xin Ye Xue, and said, "You come back to Bottle Gourd Island with me first. ! After I finish dealing with the matter at hand, I will talk to you in detail."

Han Deling took a close look at Ye Xin Ye Xue, said with a smile: "Don’t worry, Changming is the one who looks at me. The big one, he is definitely not the one who left the chaos at the end. You will go back with us for the time being, and we will give you a satisfactory answer."

The three of Han Changming are Foundation Establishment Stage, Han Changming and Han. Deling spoke, and Ye Xin naturally did not object to it, so he agreed.

Out of the cave, Han Deling released an azure flying boat, carrying everyone moved towards high altitude.

Han Changming sat in front of the azure flying boat, thinking about the entire process of development.

If Chen Yang was to murder Ye Xin sisters, four Foundation Establishment cultivators, the lineup would be too big!

Formation is also arranged outside the valley, unlike ordinary murdering to seize the treasures, the enemy seems to have come premeditated.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue have nothing unusual from beginning to end. If they are bought by someone, they should help the evil cultivator, but they don’t. Judging from their reactions, they don’t know. Affection.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue are sitting in the back, their expressions are a little nervous.

They are just Qi Refinement Stage and they have no right to resist. If Han Changming asks them to be concubines, they really don't have the right to refuse.

Because of the hurry, the three of Han Deling took turns to control the flying Magical Artifact and fully urge the flying Magical Artifact.

Two months later, they returned to Bottle Gourd Island. Han Changming settled Ye Xin and Ye Xue in his residence and asked Han Changxin to take care of them.

In the Chamber, Han Zhangxiang, Han Daojing, Han Deling, Han Changwu and Han Changming are discussing countermeasures.

Han Dao Jing is Foundation Establishment Late Stage, Second Rank high grade Array Master.

They looked through the map previously drawn by the family and found that an island was disappeared. If it weren't for comparing the map hundreds of years ago, they might not have found it.

"The evil cultivator is probably on this disappeared island. They used Formation to hide the island. The trouble is, I don’t know if they have a Core Formation cultivator."

On the way back, Han Changming checked the belongings of the three evil cultivators and found no other clues.

"It shouldn't be a Core Formation cultivator! If there is a Core Formation cultivator, they don’t need to hide the island and show up in a big way. Furthermore, there is no third rank spirit vein in that area, there is First Rank spirit vein, they promote the spirit vein to the Second Rank at most, and they want to promote the spirit vein to the third rank, which is very difficult. The Core Formation cultivator sits on the Second Rank spirit vein all the year round, which is not conducive to their own cultivation, comprehensive analysis , They should not have a Core Formation cultivator."

Han Zhangxiang calmly analyzed that he mainly wanted to know from the evil cultivator who asked them to take action against the Han Changming three.

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