
  Chapter 110 Fire Cloud Sect colludes with evil cultivator?   He casually released a soundproof cover to cover Han Zhangxiang to avoid external interference.

Han Changming took out two storage bags and poured out the contents.

Spirit Stone alone has as many as 40,000, and there are a number of cultivation resources, medicine pill, spiritual medicine, demonic beast materials, and Magical Artifact.

What makes Han Changming feel strange is that there are more than 3,000 Second Rank blank talisman papers. Is it possible that evil cultivator is a Talisman Master made by Second Rank? Except for the blank talisman paper, there is no talisman and cinnabar.

There are a dozen wooden boxes, a dozen porcelain bottles and two azure jade boxes, and Han Changming opens them all.

The wooden box contains Second Rank monster core, the porcelain bottle contains medicine pill, one of which is a Foundation Establishment Pill and two bottles of Darkmoon Spirit Water, and the two azure jade boxes contain two strains of spiritual medicine. The blue flowers of one foot high have half-moon-shaped petals, exuding a scent, and also to have one snow-white grass.

This is Moon Net Flower and Snow Cloud Grass, depending on the year, it is more than 400 years old.

Han Zhangxiang still has residual poison in his body, and he needs a certain medicine pill to dissolve the residual poison. Moon Net Flower is one of the main medicines.

Han Changming did not expect that the spiritual medicine that Han Family had been searching for for many years was actually in the hands of two evil cultivators.

Find 400 years of Qingxinzhi and Jade Yang Grass, patriarch is expected to dissolve the residual poison in the body.

I don’t know where the evil cultivator got the four-hundred-year-old spiritual medicine, and the Foundation Establishment Pill.

No wonder there is a saying of murdering and setting fire to the gold belt, the evil cultivator is really very rich.

In addition to these things, there is also a body cultivator cultivation technique "Dark Yang Spirit Forging Art". The cultivation technique can be from the Qi Refinement layer of the core formation stage of the cultivation.

half a day later.

Han Zhangxiang's body surface is covered with a large area of ​​scarlet glow, and the scarlet glow emits astonishingly high temperature.

After a while, Han Zhangxiang opened his eyes and sighed in relief.

"Patriarch, are you okay!" Han Changming asked with concern, his expression a little nervous.

Han Zhangxiang, if something goes wrong, the family will be in trouble. Knowing that patriarch's injury was so serious, he asked Seventh Aunt to follow him. I don't know if this battle will aggravate patriarch's injury.

Han Zhangxiang sighed in relief, with a relieved smile on his face, shook his head and said: "I'm fine, but you are there. If you change to Deling, we may not be opponents of the evil cultivator."

"By the way, patriarch, this is the belongings of the evil cultivator. There is a Foundation Establishment Pill, two bottles of Darkmoon Spirit Water and two 400-year-old spiritual medicines. Among them is a Moon Net Flower."

Han Changming didn't hide anything. Without a family, there would be no him. He assisted Han Zhangxiang in killing two evil cultivators this time and obtained a large amount of property, which can be converted into a contribution point.

Han Zhangxiang was also shocked when he heard this. He carefully checked the contents of the two storage bags.

"Where are the corpses of these two evil cultivators! Have you burned them?"

"Not yet! I plan to keep them in exchange for Seaheed Pavilion."

Han Zhangxiang shook the head and said: "If the body was burned, if the people at Seaheed Pavilion asked, they would say that we had been fighting with the evil cultivator for a period of time, only to repel them. Some time ago, the business of the Chamber of Commerce The team was robbed while passing the Red Algae Sea Territory. It is very likely that they belonged to this group. If the old man didn’t guess wrong, these things were the goods escorted by the Chamber of Commerce."

"Sihai Chamber of Commerce’s caravan was robbed?"

Han Changming was taken aback. He didn’t know about it, but he had heard of the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce is a huge Chamber of Commerce. Commerce, it is said that there are many Nascent Soul Cultivator behind, and they are strong. Didn't expect evil cultivator dare to grab things from Chamber of Commerce everywhere. You are too courageous!

Han Family will naturally not vomit the meat when they eat the meat in their mouth. The total value of these things is more than 80,000 Spirit Stone.

What Han Changming didn’t know was that Li Fengfeng’s Fate Tribulation killed the caravan of Chamber of Commerce and got a lot of property. Family hands.

If the corpse of the evil cultivator is handed over, the cultivator of the Seaheed Pavilion can easily think of the property looted by the Han Family from the evil cultivator, apart from this. If this happens, the evil cultivator might Retaliation against Han Family would be troublesome, after all, an evil cultivator escaped.

Han Changming immediately took out the bodies of two evil cultivators, threw out the Fireball, and burned the bodies.

This time, Han Changming found that he lacked the Magical Artifact of huge might. He was just Foundation Establishment Early Stage and he was not an opponent when he encountered Foundation Establishment Late Stage cultivator.

There are two bottles of Second Rank low grade medicine pill Xuanyue Pill, and two bottles of Second Rank high-grade pill medicine Black Cloud Pill.

Han Changming can take Xuanyue Pill to improve mana and speed up the cultivation speed.

Han Zhangxiang handed two bottles of Xuanyue Pill to Han Changming and asked him to take it to speed up the cultivation speed.

"Someone is here, it should be the cultivator of the Seaheed Pavilion, let's go out!"

They walked out of the cave, and a blue light flew from the distant sky. It didn’t take long. blue Escape stopped over the island.

The Blu-ray is a blue flying shuttle. A man and a woman two Seaheed Pavilion cultivators are standing on the blue flying shuttle. One of them is Wang Yunzhong.

"Fellow Daoist Han, are you all right! The evil cultivator!"

Wang Yunzhong glanced at the bumpy ground and asked.

"We were chasing a Foundation Establishment Early Stage cultivator, but two Foundation Establishment cultivators emerged. After a hard fight, we wounded them, but unfortunately they ran away."

Han Zhangxiang said with a bitter smile, his breath is sluggish, and he knew he was injured at a glance.

Wang Yunzhong does not suspect him, nodded, and sighed: "The same is true for us. The evil cultivator has deployed Transmission Formation on several deserted islands. They teleported over in advance and set up an ambush to kill us, causing death and injury to each other. Martial Uncle Lu asks you to follow us back."

Han Changming and Han Zhangxiang didn't think much, they agreed, and Yu Qi flew towards them with them.

Two hours later, they appeared in the evil cultivator's lair, in a spacious hall.

Lu Yang sat on the main seat, browsing slightly wrinkle.

"Martial Uncle Lu, Fellow Daoist Han, they are back. They were also ambushed and returned without success."

Wang Yunzhong bowed and said cautiously.

Lu Yang, nodded, looked at Han Zhangxiang and said, "Little Friend Han, your Han Family is very good. This is indeed the nest of the evil cultivator. We captured two evil cultivators and forced a confession. Knowing that they actually colluded with Fire Cloud Sect, robbed and killed the caravan of Chamber of Commerce, and killed a large number of immortal cultivators."

"Evil cultivator colluded with Fire Cloud Sect?"

Han Changming and Han Zhangxiang looked at each other in blank dismay, Fire Cloud Sect does not have a Core Formation cultivator, but Four Great Influences did not use Fire Cloud Sect. It stands to reason that Fire Cloud Sect does not need to collude with evil cultivator. Once the East Window incident occurs, Fire Cloud Sect will Will be devastated.

"They made a promise, on the condition of the Core Formation spiritual object, Fire Cloud Sect promised to eat something inside and outside, and our Seaheed Pavilion also has a dísciple killed by an evil cultivator."

Lu Yang looked distressed.

Han Changming and Han Zhangxiang suddenly realized, but Fire Cloud Sect colluded with the evil cultivator. This has nothing to do with them. Fire Cloud Sect does not have a Core Formation cultivator, but the strength is much stronger than Han Family. Han Family is impossible to go. To provoke Fire Cloud Sect, besides, this is only Lu Yang's words.

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