
  Chapter 125 is a father

Han Daobin, Han Deling and Han Changming looked at each other in blank dismay, no one is stationed at Xuanqingdao and Heilu Island, and no one is stationed at Dafeng Island?   What the hell is Fire Cloud Sect doing? If it is to shrink troops and stick to the general altar, why do you leave a lot of property?    Han Changming is holding his chin with one hand, with a thoughtful expression on his face. If he is the Fire Cloud Sect Sect Master, if the attacking enemy is strong, he will also shrink his strength, but he must give the attacking enemy some bitterness. Have a taste.

Will there be traps on the island? As far as Han Changming knows, there are some special talisman, specially arranged on the land, if someone triggers it, the consequences will be serious.

"Uncle Dobin, be careful, there may be traps on the island!"

Han Changming reminded him, facial expression grave.

To be honest, they have completed the task, that is, the property on the island makes them reluctant to leave, and the wealth is touching.

Things are right in front of my eyes, it would be a shame to just leave like this.

Unlike Xuanqingdao, the property of Dafengdao may be in the manor. From a high altitude, there is nothing to see. In this way, they must land on the ground to search for cultivation resources. .

Han Daobin nodded, said: "I think so too, first put Puppet Beast down to explore the way."

Under the command of Han Daobin, the Han Family cultivator released ten First Rank Puppet Beast, landed on the island, and checked the situation.

Ten First Rank puppies, Puppet Beast, ran around the island, nothing unusual.

Han Daobin was very patient and asked clansman to control the puppy puppet moved towards the mountain where the manor was located.

As soon as the two puppy puppets rushed halfway up the mountain, a huge rumbling sound sounded, and a large scarlet flame suddenly appeared on the ground, covering the two puppy puppets.

It didn't take long for the flames to dissipate, and the two puppies disappeared, and the ground appeared a ten zhang or so big crater.

Seeing this scene, Han Daobin was in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't let clansman go to the island to search, otherwise he would have to suffer a secret loss.

"Put up Puppet Beast and retreat. It is said that we have encountered a strong enemy and outnumbered."

Han Daobin instructed, put away Puppet Beast, and retreated with clansman.

······    Profound Light Island, the flames soared into the sky, a red escape light flew out from the island, moved towards high altitude.

An azure Changhong follow closely from behind, faster.

In the red escape light, a dragon eye size red round bead flew out, facing the azure Changhong.

A burst of crisp sword cry sounded, azure Changhong flew out a large azure sword qi, hiding the sky and covering the earth hit the red ball.

Boom! The    densely packed azure sword qi was cut on the red ball, and the red ball burst suddenly, turning into a huge fire, covering the entire area of ​​the hundred zhang.

After the fire dissipated, red escape light also disappeared in the sky.

Chen Hongming stood in front of a manor with an indifferent expression. Most of the trees on the island fell down. There were dozens of huge pits and a dozen corpses lying on the ground.

He used Sword Controlling Art to break the Formation, beheading multiple Fire Cloud Sect cultivators, and Chen Family cultivator killed half of the casualties.

Chen Hongming's eyes are gloomy. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to weaken the power of other Cultivation Family and make himself a small fortune. Whoever thought he was shooting himself in the foot.

"Patriarch, what shall we do next?"

Chen Yuheng brows tightly knit and asked.

"Quickly sweep the battlefield, search for cultivation resources on the island, and rush to another small island."

This time the battle, the Chen Family dispatched three Foundation Establishment cultivators, Fire Cloud Sect Four Foundation Establishments and a dozen Qi Refinement Cultivators ambush them,    Chen Hongming beheaded Fire Cloud Sect three Foundation Establishment cultivators, and one Foundation Establishment cultivator escaped at the cost of Chen Family, one Foundation Establishment and seven Qi Refinement died in the battle and the loss was relatively large. He had to plunder more property to make up for the loss.

At this time, Chen Hongming has clearly seen the layout of the Fire Cloud Sect, abandoned the islands with a lot of cultivation resources, and sent heavy troops to guard the individual small islands to kill and wound the enemy, and then retreated to the general altar.

Chen Hongming had to praise Sun Rong, this move is a real second, on the one hand, it can reduce casualties, and on the other hand, it can kill the enemy.

Sun Rong's move was indeed a second, only this came, and it disrupted Chen Hongming's plan.

With the strength of Fire Cloud Sect, at most three small islands will be deployed with heavy troops, and they must be deployed on different routes. The route that Chen Hongming is in charge of It shouldn't be there will be ambushes again, of course. This is only theoretically. Chen Hongming has to be cautious after suffering a big loss.

Fire Cloud Sect, Fire Cloud Palace, Lotus Sun is listening to the report of his subordinates.

She contracted her forces and set up ambushes on two small islands. Her direct powers were based on one small island and wiped out a small family. The opposition was based on another small island. It is estimated that they will be back soon.

A rush of footsteps sounded, and a middle-aged man in his early thirties walked in, said solemnly: "Sect Master, Senior Brother Song is back, only he is back, no one else is back. "

Sun Rong was taken aback for a moment, and said: "What's the matter? Four Foundation Establishment cultivators plus a dozen Qi Refinement, and Formation. Only one escaped?"

Multiple Cultivation Families join forces to defeat Fire Cloud Sect. The driving forces behind the scenes are Seaheed Pavilion, Great Void Sect and Azure Cloud Sect. The coalition is composed of multiple Cultivation Families. They will definitely split their forces to attack the islands controlled by Fire Cloud Sect. In this way, there will not be too many cultivators attacking the island. It should be a Cultivation Family attacking an island. It stands to reason that the power sent by Fire Cloud Sect is not weak. Could it be said that the enemy did not divide its forces?

If so, things are serious.

"I don't know, Senior Brother Song didn't say anything, he rushed back to Cave Mansion."

The middle-aged man hesitated for a while, his eyes were cold, and said: "Sect Master, or let’s put him..."

He did a wiping motion of his neck. The Senior Brother Song in his mouth is the Vice Palace Lord Song Zhe of the deacon hall. He has always opposed Sun Rong. If it were not for Song Zhe’s opposition to Sun Rong’s reforms, Fire Cloud Sect would not have fallen to where it is now.

Sun Rong was a little moved, shook the head, and said: "People were alarmed at this time. It is not suitable to start with him. We must unite as one. We will pass this level and we will talk to him in the future. , First ask him what the hell is going on."

With heavy soldiers, Sun Rong will naturally not do stupid things like severing her arm at this time.

Sun Rong took out a blue shell and punched in a secret art. Soon, a somewhat impatient man's voice sounded: "Sect Master, what's the matter?"

"Senior Brother Song, why do you come back alone? Junior Brother Wang and the others! How many enemies did you meet?"

"We were on the Profound Light Island, and we were attacked by powerful enemies. There were more than 20 People! I tried my best to break through. I don’t know what happened to Junior Brother Wang. I guess they will come back later!” Rong Sun frowned, and said: “I’m not letting you sit in Zifeng Island? How did you go to Profound Light Island?"

"Really? It may be that the old man remembered it wrong, Sect Master, you should shrink your forces! The enemy is coming and the forces are scattered and can be stopped. I can’t help the enemy. I have received some minor injuries and need to be recuperated for a while. Junior Sister Li and I will not participate in the following wars. You can make up your mind."

Take good care of it."

Sun Rong cut off contact, her eyes gloomy.

"These idiots, let them sit on Zifeng Island, but they went to sit on Profound Light Island. When they encountered powerful enemies, they could only blame them for bad luck."

middle- The aged man laughed and said: "They are not worried that Sect Master wants to take this opportunity to get rid of them, so they take the initiative and sit on the Profound Light Island instead. That's good, Sect Master takes the opportunity to seize the rights in their hands and wait for the war. At the end, it’s useless for them to oppose Sect Master anymore."

"Well, Junior Brother Liu, you can do it yourself, send someone to accept the rights of Senior Brother Song and they will take it up first. They, wait until they pass this level, and then settle accounts with them."

"Yes, Sect Master." The middle-aged man led his way.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the middle-aged man walked in quickly with a panic expression: "Not good, Sect Master, Senior Brother Song and Senior Sister Li left the general altar with a group of dísciples. , It seems to be running away."

Sun Rong was furious and scolded: "Asshole, I said! How could he be so kind and take the initiative to hand over power, it seems that Junior Brother Wang and the others have an accident. Senior Brother Song will be eager to escape."

The opposition led by Song Zhe has six Foundation Establishment cultivators. Song Zhe wants to escape. The other three Foundation Establishment cultivators must have died, even Fire Cloud. Sect can pass this level, and Sun Rong will not let Song Zhe go. Therefore, Song Zhe oiled the soles of his feet and ran away ahead of time.

"Sect Master, they haven't run far yet, do you want to send someone to catch them back?"

Sun Rong hesitated for a while and asked: "Did they spread news of the escape?"

The army was overwhelmed, and Fire Cloud Sect dísciple was originally people were alarmed. If the news of Song Zhe’s escape spreads, there is no need to wait for the enemy to enter the general arena, Fire Cloud Sect will not be defeated in battle.

The middle-aged man shook the head and explained: "It's not true. They said it was your order to support."

"Forget it, let them! No matter if they are gone, I will take care of them if I save them."

Sun Rong is eager for them to leave, otherwise she will kill Song Zhe in the future, and she will have a bad reputation for killing the same sect.

······A   piece of the endless Sea Territory, a huge scarlet python flew quickly from a high altitude.

Scarlet python has a thick water tank on its waist, and its body surface is covered with fist-sized scarlet scales, thickly armored, with two pairs of scarlet wings about one zhang on its back, and a golden crown on its head.

An old man in his early fifties sits on the back of red python. The old man red light across the whole face, wearing a red python gown, with a palm-sized red bottle gourd hanging from his waist.

The red robed old man took off the red bottle gourd from his waist, took a sip of wine, looked content, and muttered to himself: "After so many years, I don’t know how dao sect is, Zhao Senior If Sister is still there, he should be promoted to the Core Formation Stage!"

The red python made a neigh, which seemed to be expressing something.

"You are homesick too! Speed ​​up, when you took you away, you were only so old, now you are promoted to the Second Rank high grade, time flies."

The red robed old man patted the red python under his body, and the red python four-winged fiercely fan, speeding up the speed.

······   Bottle Gourd Island, a quiet yard.

Han Zhangxiang sat in the stone pavilion, Ye Xin walked around the door of a wood house, looking anxious.

Suddenly, there was a cry of a baby.

"Give birth, the younger sister finally gave birth."

Ye Xin is happy, Han Changming is fighting abroad, Ye Xue is giving birth, and Ye Xin, the elder sister, should naturally take care of it. a little.

It didn't take long for the door to open, and a woman in a green skirt in her early fifties came out, her face full of joy.

"Aunt Fifteen, how is it? Younger sister, are you okay!"

Ye Xin asked nervously.

The woman in the blue skirt shook the head, said with a smile: "The children delivered by me, there are no one hundred or eighty, what can happen? Don't worry! Ye Xin, mother and daughter are safe, patriarch , Xueer gave birth to a daughter, it is gratifying and congratulating."

Han Zhangxiang smiled and said: "Okay, okay, okay, mother and daughter are safe, Changming is on the expedition, you must take care of it carefully. Well, this child, Ye Xin, did Changming say what name the child marries?"

According to the rules of the Han Family, only with spirit root can one have a character. Before that, parents would marry a word.

"Husband said, if it's a daughter, it's Han Fu."

"Han Fu! This is a good name, Ye Xin, if you have any needs, just speak up, don’t be welcome as a family ."

Ye Xin nodded with a smile, said: "Yes, patriarch, I will go first to see younger sister."

Ye Xue is lying on the bed, complexion pale, brow beaded With sweat, a baby is lying next to her with his eyes closed. The newborn child is pink and very cute.

"Younger sister, are you okay! But you worry about me."

Ye Xin walked in and asked with concern.

"Sister, what my mother said is right, as expected, a big butt can give birth to a son."

Ye Xue sighed, Cultivation Family doesn't care about men and women, but care about whether there is a spirit root. However, Han Changming's this lineage is thin. According to Han Changming, it is best to have a few more sons and grow his this lineage.

Therefore, Ye Xue wants to give birth to a son for Han Changming.

Ye Xin gave a wry smile, scratched Ye Xue's nose with his fingers, and said angrily: "Silly girl, didn't Husband tell us? Both boys and girls are the same. Anyway, you are still young, at worst You have a few more births, and there will always be a male child."

"Yes, yes, why isn't Husband coming back?"

Ye Xue is about to give birth, in order to avoid her excessive Worried, no one told her that Han Changming had taken someone to attack Fire Cloud Sect. Ye Xue thought that Han Changming was on his way back.

"Come on! It is estimated that during this time, you have just given birth, take a good rest for a while, and wait for the return of Husband in the best state."

Ye Xin comforted, She knows very well that only in this way can Ye Xue hear it.

Ye Xue really likes Han Changming, and everything depends on Han Changming.

Ye Xue heard this, nodded, and agreed.

"Han Fu! When your father comes back, he must be very happy."

Ye Xue looked at his daughter beside him, with a look of love on his face.

······On    a deserted island, Han Changming and others gathered on a hill. Han Changming looked at the location of Bottle Gourd Island with a trace of worry on his face.

Calculate the time, Ye Xue should be born, I don't know how Ye Xue is.

"Changming, don’t worry, there will be patriarch and Ye Xin here, Ye Xue will be fine, as many of us come out, as many people will go back, when the time comes, you have a full moon wine, don’t get drunk or return 。”

既然是家族文,肯定要多生几个儿子,猪脚this lineage 人丁单薄


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