
  Chapter 128 Attacking the Fire Cloud Sect General ForumWhen   Song Zhe died, his Magical Artifacts lost control , Fell from in midair and fell to the ground.

The Fire Crow kettle also stopped shaking and lay quietly on the beach.

Han Changming put away all the Magical Artifacts, walked quickly to Song Zhe, searched Song Zhe's belongings, and put his body in a storage bag.

He watched the snapping turtle beast turned into a pile of rotten meat, sighed, and then, the two snapping turtle beasts he bought gave him a huge help, and they died tragically in the hands of the enemy. .

He dug a big hole and buried the snapping turtle beast.

Under Han Changming sit cross-legged, with the Spirit Gathering Stone buckled in the right hand, he constantly absorbs the Spiritual Qi inside and restores his mana.

Half an hour later, the bits and pieces of Han Changming's mana recovery, the azure light on the body surface was released, a pair of azure wings appeared on his back, with a light flap, he flew up, moved towards flying high in the sky, very fast.

The Blue Wind Wing is a Second Rank high grade flying Magical Artifact. Because it is damaged, it is only the Second Rank middle grade. After Han Changming plans to return to the clan, he asks patriarch to help repair the Blue Wind Wing.

After one hour, Han Changming returned to the deserted island. Han Daobin and Han Deling have not yet returned. Five clansman gathered together.

Han Changming greeted them, walked into the cave, and counted the spoils of war.

Song Zhe’s possessions are numerous, Han Changming’s startled, Spirit Stone alone, there are as many as 50,000, and there are more than 20 Second Rank Magical Artifacts, including a Second Rank middle grade. Flying Magical Artifact Red Cloud Shuttle, and a set of golden flying needles, a total of twelve.

The difficulty of refining flying needle Magical Artifact is higher than most Magical Artifacts, and the set of flying needles is even rarer. Song Zhe has this set of flying needle Magical Artifact, why not take out to hurt enemy?    With the Divine Consciousness of Han Changming, he couldn't control twelve flying needles at the same time. He tried to control five, but he was surprised to find that this set of flying needles had to be controlled at the same time. Song Zhe didn't take out this set of flying needle Magical Artifact. It is estimated that his Divine Consciousness is not enough. I am afraid that it can only be controlled by the Foundation Establishment Late Stage cultivator!    In addition to these things, there are two Foundation Establishment Pills and a large batch of refining materials, including a palm-sized red spar, which emits fiery high temperatures.

The red spar was placed in a red jade box. Han Changming held the red spar in his right hand, feeling very hot, and quickly threw the red spar to the ground.

He looked down at his right hand and found that the right hand was swollen and blistered.

Soon, a burst of green smoke rose from the ground, a muffled sound of "pu chi", and the ground caught fire.

"This is a Heavenly Fire crystal!"

Han Changming was taken aback, surprised.

Heavenly Fire crystal is a very rare Fire Attribute refining material. Only at the bottom of a volcano for more than a thousand years can Heavenly Fire crystal appear. Heavenly Fire crystal is strictly speaking, which can be said to be a third rank refining material. Now, there is no problem with refining magic weapons. This Heavenly Fire crystal is at least worth tens of thousands of Spirit Stones!    In addition to the Heavenly Fire crystal, Han Changming found a blue sphere the size of an egg in a wooden box attached to a silver talisman. The surface of the sphere has some blood-colored lines.

Han Changming carefully checked the blue ball and was surprised: "This is the third rank monster core!"

He can be sure that Song Zhe is not an ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator. With so many properties, the value of these properties is more than 300,000 Spirit Stones.

Song Zhe is the Vice Palace Lord of the Deacon Hall. He has been greedy for ink for decades, most of which are cheaper than Han Changming.

Han Changming's gaze fell on an azure jade box that was about one chi long, and the surface of the azure jade box was carved with a large number of exquisite patterns.

He opened the jade box and saw that there was a rectangular silver token inside, with some special patterns on the surface, and a hideous alien pattern on the back. The alien animal’s head resembled Qilin and its body shape resembled a lion. , The tail looks like a python, very weird.

In addition to these things, there are dozens of jade slip boxes and three sets of formation flags. They can view the contents of jade slip one after another.

One of the azure jade slip records a cultivation technique "Fire Cloud Secret Art", only the cultivation formula of the former sixth layer, which is probably Song Zhe’s cultivation technique, including a red jade slip record A secret technique-Fire Fusion Art of all spirits, this secret technique is a secret technique for cultivating spiritual fire.

According to the record of "All Souls Fire Fusion Art", immortal cultivator can cultivate acquired spiritual fire, but cultivating spiritual fire requires Formation. With the help of power of formation, a variety of flames can be combined and become spiritual fire. , Heavenly Fire crystal is the main material for the layout of Formation.

immortal cultivator can combine human fire, Heavenly Fire, earth fire, beast fire, and Ghost Fire into an acquired spiritual fire. The formidable power is huge. Human fire refers to the secret attached to the immortal cultivator cultivation technique. Fire, Heavenly Fire refers to the flames created by thunderstorms, earth fire refers to the fire of the lungs of the earth, beast fire refers to the flames spit by Spirit Beast, and Ghost Fire refers to the flames spit by demons and ghosts.

immortal cultivator is best to swallow weaker flames and slowly cultivate spiritual fires. If you swallow too strong flames, you may suffer backlash.

Two Foundation Establishment Pills, Han Changming intends to stay. If Ye Xue takes one Foundation Establishment Pill, he will be promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage, and he will turn in the other Foundation Establishment Pill to the family.

One of the blue jade slips records the refinement method of the Foundation Establishment Pill, and the main drug is the third rank monster core.

A lot of refining experience is also recorded in the jade slip. The cultivator of Fire Cloud Sect is good at refining. These refining experience can be handed over to the family.

He sorted things away, sat cross-legged, and meditated.

After one hour, Han Changming opened his eyes suddenly, got up and walked out.

Han Daobin and Han Deling have returned, but their expressions are solemn, Han Changming inwardly shouted badly in his heart, and looked at clansman, frowned.

There were originally twenty Qi Refinement Stage clansman accompanied, but now there are seven missing. It seems that seven Qi Refinement Stage clansman died in the hands of the enemy.

"Uncle Dobin, what's the matter? What about the others!"

Han Changming asked quickly.

Han Daobin sighed and told the story again. They caught up with the young woman in the blue dress, and with great effort, they killed the young woman in the blue dress, but seven clansman from Qi Refinement Stage She also died tragically in the hands of the young woman in the blue skirt, and suffered heavy losses.

Han Changming sighed and said comforted: "Uncle Dobin, Seventh Aunt, people can't be resurrected from death, don't be too sad, and you don't want it. After the Hui people, let's take good care of their descendants. !"

"Changming, did you catch up with the leader? You won’t let him run away!"

Han Daobin asked nervously, if Song Zhe escapes In the future, Han Family may be madly retaliated.

"Uncle Dobin, please rest assured, that guy is dead."

After hearing this, Han Daobin and Han Deling sighed in relief.

"Changming, let's go inside and talk!"

Han Daobin pointed to a cave not far away and said.

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment, and quickly realized that Han Daobin probably wanted to exchange something with him.

They killed the young woman in the blue skirt, and they would definitely get a lot of property, which they could exchange for things they didn't need.

Han Changming slightly smiled, nodded agreed.

Han Daobin, Han Deling and Han Changming walked into the cave and exchanged.

Han Changming left five Magical Artifacts, fifteen Magical Artifacts and some refining materials were exchanged for more than a dozen centuries-old spiritual medicine and a white Spirit Beast egg.

The Spirit Beast egg has the size of a watermelon, and the palm of your hand is placed on the Spirit Beast egg, and you can feel a chill.

"Uncle Dobin, Seventh Aunt, do you know what Spirit Beast's Spirit Beast egg this is?"

Han Changming curiously asked, the two Spirit Beasts he raised helped both He is very busy.

"I don't know, when facing the enemy, that female cultivator released a Second Rank ice sculpture, it may be an ice sculpture!"

Han Deling said with some uncertainty.

"ice sculpture? Spirit bird? That's not bad, I want it."

Han Changming intends to give this Spirit Beast egg to Ye Xue as a gift.

After the exchange, they find a place individually, or meditate and adjust their breath, or Sacrificial Refining Magical Tool. In short, they must enhance their strength as much as possible.

······   Fire Cloud Sect, in the Chamber, a middle-aged man is reporting something to Lotus Sun.

"Sect Master, I just sent someone to check the treasure house of sect and found that the refinement method of the Foundation Establishment Pill and two third rank monster cores were stolen, so forget about the refinement method of the Foundation Establishment Pill, after all, there is a backup. But there are two third rank monster cores, which we spent a lot of money on auction."

Sun Rong's face became ugly, and she waved her hand and sighed: "Forget it, the past Let it go! Now I want to catch him back, and I don’t know where to find someone."

Hearing this, middle-aged man in the heart lightly sighed, Sun Rong is fair in doing things and has a good character. To be correct, the biggest shortcoming is indecisive. If Song Zhe was found to have led someone to escape, he immediately beheaded Song Zhe on the charge of betraying the sect, and Sect would not suffer so much loss.

······   Seaheed Pavilion, a peak, Liu Sheng is chatting with Lu Yang drinking tea.

"According to reliable information, they have already captured many islands of Fire Cloud Sect. It is only a matter of time before the fire Cloud Sect general altar is captured. Junior Brother Lu, you take a hard time and see what Fire Cloud Sect has There is no trump card. Don't show up until as a last resort."

Liu Sheng warned repeatedly.

"The hole card? Senior Brother Liu, are you worried that Fire Cloud Sect has a Core Formation cultivator? If Fire Cloud Sect has a Core Formation cultivator, it would have appeared long ago! They attacked many islands, enough to see Fire Cloud Sect does not have a Core Formation cultivator, it is Spirit Beast at the most, there is no need to do it again."

Lu Yang said disapprovingly.

"Be careful not to make a big mistake. It is better to be cautious. Behind the Fire Cloud Sect is the Jiuyanmen. Although the emperor is far away, you may not send someone to support the Fire Cloud Sect. Now, I’m so relieved, of course, if it’s dangerous, you don’t need to stay, and withdraw immediately. Those forces that attack Fire Cloud Sect, let them destroy themselves! I can only blame them for the bad luck."

If Han Changming heard this, he would definitely feel chilly. If it weren't for the hint of Seaheed Pavilion, how could Han Family send someone to fight?

Liu Sheng will not care about the life and death of Han Changming and others. After all, Seaheed Pavilion did not say it explicitly, but hinted that if Fire Cloud Sect is strong, Seaheed Pavilion will naturally abandon them and the gecko will dock its tail.

"Okay! Then I'll take a trip."

······On    a desert island, Han Changming is cultivating in a cave. The man's voice suddenly sounded: "The old man is Feng Mengjian from Feng Family on Tornado Island. I don't know which Fellow Daoist from Cultivation Family is on the island? The old man was ordered to gather his men to attack the Fire Cloud Sect general altar."

Listen With this, Han Changming opened his eyes, got up and walked out.

A group of several feet-large white clouds descended from a high altitude and landed on the ground. A dozen immortal cultivators were standing on top of the white clouds, and their faces were all guarded.

The leader is an azure robe elder in his early fifties with a goatee. He is the cultivation base of the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage.

Han Changming recognizes this person. At the time of meeting, Feng Family had two Foundation Establishment cultivators and 30 Qi Refinement Cultivators. Now Qi Refinement Cultivator has been reduced by more than half, and the loss is even more serious than Han Family.

"Fellow Daoist Feng, what's the matter? Did you meet a strong enemy?"

Han Daobin curiously asked Feng Mengjian to cup one fist in the other hand.

Feng Mengjian sighed and said bitterly: "Fire Cloud Sect has set up traps and no one is stationed on the island. The old man sent people to the island to find property, but the ban was triggered. Clansman was killed and injured, and the old man followed Fire Cloud Sect is not over, a debt of blood must be paid in blood."

Han Changming sneered in his heart. It was obvious that he was not cautious enough, which caused clansman to die tragically. It's too unacceptable!   If you don’t attack Fire Cloud Sect, you don’t greedy for money, and you won’t lose a lot, it's all greed.

Han Daobin sighed, nodded echoed: "Yes! We are the same, we were caught in the ambush of Fire Cloud Sect, clansman died in the ban, God's Fire Cloud Sect cultivator."

Because Song Zhe’s entire group carried too many belongings, Han Daobin issued a seal with a unified caliber. Clansman died tragically on the island ban.

"Don’t talk about that, Fellow Daoist Chen asked me to find you, let’s join together to attack the Fire Cloud Sect general forum, a debt of blood must be paid in blood, and we must never let Fire Cloud Sect go. Fire Cloud Sect indulges dísciple to commit murder and evil, and everyone can be punished."

Feng Mengjian looks like a devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

Han Changming was amused. It seems that older cultivators like to tag their opponents. If they want to steal other people's property, they have to tag others as an evil cultivator.

Fire Cloud Sect set up Sect For hundreds of years, there must be a lot of property.

Han Daobin nodded, summoned clansman, released the flying Magical Artifact, carried all clansman, moved towards high altitude, Feng Mengjian led the way.

5 days later, they landed on a deserted island where a large number of cultivators can be seen.

These cultivators gathered together three to five, and a small number of them had injuries, but Han Changming was surprised that a Cultivation Family named Yang did not lose a clansman.

They told the clansman of Qi Refinement Stage not to run around, and to follow Feng Mengjian moved towards a peak.

More than 20 Foundation Establishment cultivators gathered on the top of the mountain. Chen Hongming, Qin Zongwang and Mu Guobin's faces were gloomy. They agreed to let other Cultivation Family attack the islands with rich cultivation resources. They attacked the small islands. Unfortunately, Mu Family and Chen Family were ambushed. Chen Family lost half of his manpower, and one Foundation Establishment Middle Stage cultivator died. Mu Family also died one Foundation Establishment Early Stage cultivator and ten Qi Refinement Cultivators.

Qin Family’s Foundation Establishment cultivator had no casualties, but Qi Refinement Cultivator lost a little bit.

They came all the way and suffered heavy losses, but they didn't get much property. They didn't get rid of their anger at all. Only by attacking the Fire Cloud Sect general forum and sharing the Fire Cloud Sect property, they would feel better.

"Everyone is here! Let's start!"

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