
  Chapter 130   Lure the enemy to go deeper Feng Mengjian wants to use Han Family being used as a tool, and Han Daobin also Not stupid.

Naturally, he will not be fooled by Feng Mengjian. Even if Fire Cloud Sect's guardian formation is really broken, he will not be the first to rush in. If he rushes to the front, he will definitely be set on fire by Fire Cloud Sect.

Therefore, Han Daobin's strategy is to follow others and find out what is missing. As a human being, they have to know what to do. They have already gotten a lot of property. Under the premise of ensuring their own safety, they can follow others to land on the island.

In Han Daobin's view, Fire Cloud Sect set up Sect has been set up for hundreds of years, and there must be a back hand, otherwise Fire Cloud Sect would have been destroyed long ago.

They just do it, there is no need to rush to the front.

The white mist rolled violently, and there was a huge rumbling sound, and a dazzling red light flew out of the white mist and went straight into the sky.

Boom!   A group of fireworks burst into the sky, turning into a huge scarlet fire cloud, covering a radius of hundreds of miles.

The scarlet fire cloud emits a monstrous heat wave, the temperature nearby suddenly rises, and some seawater is reflected as crimson.

Han Daobin complexion changed, and said silently: "Not good, Fire Cloud Sect counterattacked, be careful, and be more prepared."

Han Daobin raised his hand, a red light glittering The small umbrella flew out and turned around. His body soared and became three feet large, releasing a large red light curtain to cover all the Han Family cultivator.

Han Changming blessed himself with the Extreme Yang Treasure Armor, and other Han Family clansman strengthened their defenses.

Mu Guobin and other immortal cultivators weren’t idle either. They were so mature. When they saw this battle, they knew that Fire Cloud Sect was about to launch a counterattack, and quickly took out defensive magical artifacts to protect the clansman.

A series of rumbling sounds sounded, the scarlet fire cloud rolled violently, and drops of crimson lava flew out from the scarlet fire cloud. Looking up from a distance, a fire rain fell from a high altitude.

"Not good, this is the Second Rank high grade spell fire rain technique, the formidable power is huge."

Han Deling, Yu Rong changed, quickly took out a handful of cold air With a slight sway of the white short ruler, a large swath of white cold air flew out and turned into a huge white lotus flower, blocking the top of the head.

Even through the red light curtain, Han Changming can feel a biting chill.

There was a muffled sound of rain beating against a banana tree leaf, and the densely packed scarlet raindrops fell on the white lotus. The white lotus supported less than five breaths and disappeared.

Han Deling injected a lot of mana into the white short ruler, constantly releasing cold air to protect all Han Family clansman.

Han Changming took out a palm-sized blue porcelain bowl and punched a secret art into it. A large amount of clear water appeared in the blue porcelain bowl. The clear water turned quickly and turned into a huge blue water curtain. Live everyone.

Han Family has three Foundation Establishment cultivators. In addition, Han Changming and others get a lot of money from Song Zhe. The defensive power is relatively strong. Chen Family, Mu Family and Qin Family are good. They are the leading cultivator. The cultivation base is relatively high, and they can protect their clansman. Those small families who want to eat meat and don’t want to contribute are miserable. Their defenses are broken before long. A large amount of scarlet lava falls on them and burns them directly. It becomes fly ash, and there is no slag left.

Dozens of Qi Refinement and two Foundation Establishment cultivators were destroyed. Fire Cloud Sect's move angered other immortal cultivators.

The fire rain technique is a large-scale attack spell, but it requires a lot of mana, the casting speed is relatively slow, and the fire rain technique covering hundreds of miles is definitely with the help of power of formation and cannot last too long. .

After one round of attacks, the scarlet fire cloud dissipated.

"Increase your attack. At this time, keep your hands and wait for the Fire Cloud Sect to break one by one? Keep your hands, the dead cultivator will be your end."

Chen Hongming Speaking loudly, in a cold tone.

With a pinch of his secret art, he combined the Flying Sword into one, turning it into a ten zhang or so long azure giant sword, and the moved towards white mist of the fiercely cut away.

Boom! With   a loud noise, the white fog was dispersed a lot.

Seeing this scene, other people stepped up their attacks. For a while, the rumbling sound continued, and various spell auras lighted up outside the Fire Cloud Sect guardian array.

Inside Fire Cloud Sect, Sun Rong looks calm, and around her, the elite dísciple of Fire Cloud Sect gathers.

The formation disk in Sun Rong's hand shook violently, making ear-piercing screams. If you observe carefully, you can find that there are some small cracks on the formation disk.

"Sect Master, the guardian formation can't last too long."

Yang Yi asked, browsing tightly knit.

"Hold on for another quarter of an hour, then remove the protective sect, and then immediately activate it to wipe out the cultivator that first invaded this sect."

Sun Rong was instructed in a deep voice, for To let the enemy get caught, she must pursue the truth.

"Yes, Sect Master."

In front of the intensive attack, the white mist dissipated most of it.

Suddenly, a deafening rumbling sound rang, and a huge silver mushroom cloud rose in the distance.

Han Changming was startled. Looking at the source of the moved towards sound, he saw a huge hole in the Formation in the distance, and a Cultivation Family rushed in along the gap.

Han Changming shook his head. This group of people was really dazzled by their belongings. But then again, if Han Family didn’t get much money, and instead lost many clansman, would Han Family be caught by money? Dazzling?

He thought about it carefully, he thought it would, maybe not at first, but with the ebbing of time, Han Family will also change his mind. If he doesn’t plunder more property, wouldn’t clansman die in vain? Up? The world is bustling, and Han Family ran to Fire Cloud Sect all the way to facilitate the exchanges. You can't go home empty-handed!   A gap appeared in Formation, and a second gap soon appeared, followed by the third.

The white fog dissipated and Han Changming could see the whole picture of Fire Cloud Island.

The dísciple of Fire Cloud Sect gathered on several peaks, but they did not rush over.

"Come on! Kill them all, enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven."

Feng Mengjian loudly shouted, he said so loudly, and did not take actual action, on the contrary , Neither he nor Feng Family clansman rushed up immediately.

Han Daobin had the order first, and all Han Family clansman did not act rashly and stayed where they were.

Mu Family, Chen Family and Qin Family have not rushed to the Fire Cloud Sect general arena, they are scared by Fire Cloud Sect, for fear that they will be hit again.

After the Fire Cloud Sect's guardian formation was broken, three Cultivation Family miscalculated the situation, thinking that other Cultivation Family would rush in, they took the lead in rushing in.

As soon as they rushed up, countless scarlet mist emerged on the island, turning into a crimson light curtain, covering the entire island.

"Not good, it's in the calculation, quickly withdraw."

The leaders of the three Cultivation Family found that it was not good, and they were inwardly shouted in their hearts. They wanted to quit, but they were late.

"Kill, one does not stay."

Sun Rong coldly instructed, took out a flying sword with red light, which instantly rose up and hit a team of cultivators.

Originally, Fire Cloud Sect had a mixed heart, but after Song Zhe left, the opposition inside Fire Cloud Sect was immediately reduced. Sun Rong killed several Qi Refinement Cultivators who wanted to surrender. Others The cultivator was also honest, and everything followed Sun Rong's decision.

Put the raging nest together, as long as the leadership does not counsel, the bottom cultivator will not counsel, the leadership is counseled, and the bottom cultivator does not want to fight to death.

Hundreds of brilliant Magical Artifacts lased from a distance, very fast, and there are various spells behind the Magical Artifact.

A middle-aged man in his early thirties took out a red shield, enlarged and blocked in front of him, while controlling the flying Magical Artifact to land.

They just landed on the ground, a scarlet flame suddenly appeared under their feet, and countless scarlet flames burst out from the surrounding ground, which suddenly covered their silhouette.

A miserable cry rang out, and after ten breaths, the flame dissipated, and nothing was left on the ground.

When Sun Rong commanded the Sect cultivator to kill the powerful enemy, Mu Guobin and others once again commanded the others and intensified their attacks.

A series of rumbling sounds sounded, waves of air billowed, and various spells blazed together.

After a quarter of an hour, the red light curtain shattered, all three Cultivation Family were destroyed, the heads were piled together, and the scene looked a little scary.

Sun Rong is holding a red Flying Sword and her eyes are cold.

"Those who committed Fire Cloud Sect, this is the end." Sun Rong coldly said, her voice spread far.

Numerous cultivators looked at each other in blank dismay, no one dared to rush in, in case this is the trap of Fire Cloud Sect! Three Cultivation Family is the best example.

"Fellow Daoist Sun, you Fire Cloud Sect condone dísciple to commit murder, murdering to seize the treasures, we are enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven." Qin Zongwang said solemnly.

"hmph, we Fire Cloud Sect indulge dísciple to do evil? What can we do if we want to add to the crime? Do you have any evidence? Just give us a hat and kill us, Fellow Daoist Qin, did your Qin Family have no mouse feces? More than a hundred years ago, a clansman from your Qin Family did many people for Foundation Establishment, cultivation technique, blood sacrifice, and the result! Your Qin Family just beheaded him to the public. , Enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven? Your Qin Family is not qualified."

Sun Rong retorted unceremoniously, with a cold tone.

"Yes, which one of yours has never seen rat shit? Could it be that a rat shit, you are going to destroy our Fire Cloud Sect? Let’s say something bad, Seaheed Pavilion, Great Void Sect , Azure Cloud Sect and Lu’s have all seen rat shit, aren’t they still good? Besides, you said we Fire Cloud Sect dísciple committed crimes, but there is evidence? Who doesn’t have a mouth."

A red robed old man with red light across the whole face echoed, with a stern tone.

"Yes, when a bitch has a chastity memorial, I want to destroy our Fire Cloud Sect. To put it bluntly, why should we make any excuses for ourselves? We are willing to coexist and die with the sect, killing one is enough Ben, killing two is a profit, even if you can destroy our Fire Cloud Sect, I am afraid you will have to pay a heavy price."

After hearing this, numerous cultivators looked at each other in blank dismay, The advantage of Fire Cloud Sect is that it has a large number of cultivators. In local operations, Chen Hongming and others have the advantage that there are more Foundation Establishment cultivators than Fire Cloud Sect’s Foundation Establishment cultivators. The disadvantage is that they have uneven hearts and minds. They all have their own small nineties.

Chen Hongming's eyes turned, his face straightened, said solemnly: "Sect Leader Sun, do we show evidence, and you will punish you?"

"It depends on what it is. Evidence, fake evidence, don't show it out." Sun Rong said indifferently.

If it weren't for as a last resort, she didn't want to fight the enemy to death. She did so mainly to gain the initiative for future negotiations.

As long as the enemy is willing to retreat, cede some islands is no problem.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, at this time, you can stand up and tell us about the crime of Fire Cloud Sect."

tone barely fell, Yang Yi Yu Qifei At high altitude, he separated from Sun Rong and others.

Seeing this scene, Sun Rongyurong changed drastically, and her face became quite ugly. She was absolutely nothing. Yang Yi, who was the key training object of Fire Cloud Sect, would betray Sect.

"Betraying the sect, kill without mercy."

I don’t know who shouted, someone took out Magical Artifact to attack Yang Yi, and others followed suit, dozens of pieces The gleaming Magical Artifact attacked Yang Yi aggressively, and had the posture of cutting Yang Yi into pieces.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, save me."

Yang Yi loudly shouted, his body surface rose sharply, speeding up.

Chen Hongming's sword art pinched, an azure giant sword turned into an azure Changhong, and greeted it.

Mu Guobin and others also took action and rescued Yang Yi.

After a series of rumbling sounds, Yang Yi flew to Chen Hongming safely.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, are you okay! Fellow Daoist Sun, you are too damn, you want to kill a witness to silence them?"

Chen Hongming said coldly


If it weren't for Chen Hongming and others to take action, Yang Yi would be dead. He was a little guilty at first, but the same sect move completely annoyed Yang Yi.

"Sect Master, you do the first one and I do the fifteenth. Since you don’t read the same sect friendship, then I don’t have to show any affection, Fellow Daoist Chen, Fellow Daoist Mu, Fellow Daoist Qin, I can testify that even though Direct Disciple committed crimes and murdered to seize the treasures, this is what I saw with my own eyes. It is absolutely true. Fire Cloud Sect treasures a blood cultivation technique, which is available from the Qi Refinement Stage. Cultivation is in the late Core Formation stage, Sun Rong, do you dare to deny it?"

Yang Yi said coldly, his eyes cold.

He is the key training object of Fire Cloud Sect. What he said has great credibility. The dísciple of Fire Cloud Sect is very turbulent. Yang Yi testified personally. They also had some doubts. Sun Rong was It is not to condone dísciple to do evil.

Because of Yang Yi's words, many of the beliefs of Fire Cloud Sect dísciple were shaken.

At first, they have the belief that they will kill off the enemy, but Yang Yi now tells them that they are wrong, they are acting for the tiger, and Sun Rong is doing a lot of evil.

Sun Rong took a deep breath, a plump chest having ups and downs, she forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart, and said: "Yang Yi, this sect treats you not badly, this is how you rewarded this sect I am really blind, and I chose you as the key training object."

"Sect Leader Sun, don't change the subject, Fellow Daoist Yang testified personally, do you still want to quibble? How? Do you want to punish me?"

Chen Hongming coldly said.

"You bought Yang Yi, there is nothing left to say, there is nothing to blame, since you want to destroy our Fire Cloud Sect, let's do it! I'm going to see, who can laugh In the end, even if you destroy our Fire Cloud Sect, you will not be better off, Fire Cloud Sect dísciple is ordered, the one who violates my fire cloud, kill without mercy, swear to live and die with sect."

" The oath and sect coexist and die."

"The oath and sect coexist and die."

The dísciple of Fire Cloud Sect said in unison, the voice shook the sky, and you could hear it clearly from far away.

Han Changming was secretly surprised, and it seemed that there was a fierce battle.

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