
  Chapter 137 Han Daohe’s reminder    "As for why not appoint me as Outer Deacon, that’s me Old, you are still young, Outer Deacon is plainly fancy our Han Family, the powerful Cultivation Family, Seaheed Pavilion will hire the Foundation Establishment cultivator of this family as the Outer Deacon, and let them charge ahead."

Han Changming brows slightly wrinkle, puzzled: "Patriarch, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Seaheed Pavilion would not be so kind! Seeing us grow stronger, he will help us."

He doesn't believe that pie will fall in the sky, What Han Zhangxiang said are all advantages, and there must be disadvantages.

"Do you know Azure Ox Island Sun Family and Red Lotus Island Lin Family? The patriarch of these two families was also the deacon of Seaheed Pavilion before. They helped Seaheed Pavilion charge the battle, but things were not going well, Foundation Establishment cultivator Most of the casualties were lost, and the strength was stunned. He has not yet eased his breath. This time Chen Hongming besieged the Fire Cloud Sect. This is good luck. If he also breaks, the Chen Family will fall."

Han Zhangxiang means Speaking deeply, to put it bluntly, Outer Deacon is a way for Seaheed Pavilion to weaken the Cultivation Family's strength. To charge for the Seaheed Pavilion, although it can get huge benefits, the risks are also high. In this way, Seaheed Pavilion can effectively weaken the subsidiary Cultivation Family. In this way, the Cultivation Family can only be tightly tied to the battleship of the Seaheed Pavilion.

"Your performance in recent years has been too conspicuous. The title of Outer Deacon is a double-edged sword. Seaheed Pavilion has established direct contact with us. You may want to be a scapegoat. Take the siege of Fire Cloud Sect at this time as an example. If Nascent Soul Cultivator appears in Fire Cloud Sect, Chen Hongming and you will become scapegoats."

Han Changming suddenly realized, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Patriarch, do you think I want to take over the position of Outer Deacon?"

Han Zhangxiang didn't answer, but asked instead: "Don't ask the old man, what do you think!"

Seeing this scene, Han Daobin and Han Deling looked at each other. They could see that Han Zhangxiang was tempering Han Changming.

"I think it can be taken over. As patriarch said, this is a double-edged sword. Cultivation is to act against the sky. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. This is grandson’s personal opinion, or patriarch. Decision."

Han Changming is self-aware. He is young after all, and his considerations are not as comprehensive as patriarch. There are too many issues for a family to consider.

"Outer Deacon can take it. It's not a hurry. First, negotiate with Seaheed Pavilion and hand over the island to Seaheed Pavilion. Cher has given birth. You have just returned. Please accompany them first. "

"Yes, patriarch."

Han Changming agreed and turned to leave.

"What do you think of Changming this kid?"

Han Zhangxiang looked at Han Daobin and Han Deling and asked.

"This kid is more stable and has a strong sense of belonging to the family, but he is still young. Showing off one's ability may not be a good thing, trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind. , He has been too eye-catching in recent years and has already been targeted."

Han Daobin commented sharply.

"That's what I mean. Showing off one's ability is not a good thing."

Han Zhangxiang nodded, said: "I plan to let him dive in Bottle Gourd Island for a few years. Once he has tempered his temper, he will definitely become a little mature when he becomes a father."

In a secluded courtyard, Ye Xue and Ye Xin were chatting in the stone pavilion, and Ye Xue held one in his arms. A baby girl, her face is full of doting.

"Sister, why did you say that Husband hasn't come back? He won't have an accident!"

Ye Xue said with some worry, the child is full moon, Han Changming has not returned yet .

"Don't worry! Husband will be fine, even if you can't beat him, he can always run away!"

Ye Xin comforted, be that as it may, her eyes showed something Divide the color of worry.

"Why am I willing to leave you?"

A somewhat hearty man's voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as the voice fell, Han Changming walked in, his face full of joy.


Seeing Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue stood up one after another and walked quickly moved towards Han Changming.

Han Changming put his arm around Ye Xin with his left hand and Ye Xue with his right hand, and said tenderly: "I make you worry about it, ma'am, I'm back."

" Just come back, Husband, our child was born, a girl named Han Fu, and I don’t know if she has a spirit root."

Only after a mortal is five years old can we detect if there is a spirit root. If Without spirit root, you must send it to a place where mortals live, otherwise Bottle Gourd Island will be overwhelmed long ago.

The descendants of immortal cultivator and immortal cultivator do not necessarily have spirit roots, and they may be mortals. This is very common.

Han Changming took the baby girl from Ye Xue's arms and looked at the sleeping daughter. Han Changming was very excited. Is this his daughter? He is also a father.

"There should be a spirit root, Xueer, don't worry too much, Xiner, you have to work hard, Xueer has given birth to a daughter." Han Changming jokingly said.

Ye Xin looked at Han Changming with a vague look, and said angrily: "This kind of thing, how can I work hard alone."

With a muffled sound of "Pa", Han Changming patted Ye Xin's butt, said with a smile: "Let’s work hard and give Fuer a younger brother younger sister."

"The elder sister has a big butt, and it will definitely give birth to Fuer. A younger brother." Ye Xue echoed.

After a few small chats, Han Changming talked about the business: "Xue'er, Xin'er have all been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage, you have to work hard to cultivation, I want to stay together with you for a long time."

"I will, but Fuer is still young. When she is one year old, it will not be too late for me to secluded cultivation."

Han Fu is still young, Ye Xue doesn't want to secluded cultivation right away. , Conceived in October, and finally Han Fu was left. She wanted to accompany Han Fu for a while.

Han Changming didn’t object, and it’s not bad this year. When he comes back this time, he will not leave Bottle Gourd Island again in the short term. He plans to spend more time with his wife and daughter. The family can still operate without him. .

After chatting for a while, Han Changming came to Qianhu Peak with Han Fu and asked Han Daohe to hold his great-grandson.

Han Daohe holds Han Fu in both hands, his face is full of doting.

Han Changming briefly talked about his own experience during this period, Han Daohe heard it straight nodded.

"Changming, self-confidence is a good thing, but blind self-confidence is bad. You should not chase Song Zhe. If he cultivated the secret technique of Fire Cloud Sect, you might be dead. You often stand by the river. There are no shoes that don’t get wet, you have to remember, don’t try to be brave, pay attention to cooperation with clansman, personal power is limited, collective power is infinite."

Han Daohe earnest and well-meant The advised persuasion, when the Fire Cloud Sect cultivator nearly killed Han Changming with a secret technique, Han Daohe was scared into a cold sweat.

Han Changming nodded, said with a bitter smile: "Grandfather, grandson looks back now, he was really too confident at the time. Grandson must take warning and act cautiously in the future."

When he recalled afterwards, he was also in a cold sweat.

He thought he had the Soul Resurrection Clock and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. He had no problem killing Song Zhe. After Zong Zhe was killed, Han Changming was a bit swollen and almost broke in the Fire Cloud Sect of the Foundation Establishment Early Stage. cultivator body.

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