
  Chapter 142 Han Changjiong and Han Changshuo

Kuixing Market City, Spirit Talisman Pavilion.

Han Changjiong was talking to Han Dehai. Han Changjiong showed a bitter face, his right face was red and swollen, and there was a clear palm print.

"How many times have I told you to keep you down? You are all in the ears. It deserves to be beaten by others. According to the family rules, you have to be banned for five years. When the seventh sister comes over, you Go back with Seven Sisters!"

Han Dehai scolded with a stern face.

It’s no secret that Han Changjiong’s lust is not a secret. He likes to be in a crowded place where he enjoys food while watching beautiful women. He also sees that he is guilty and not guilty. Who would have thought that he would be discovered by the other party. He slapped him in public.

Han Changjiong has managed to lose money and dared not fight back. This incident has spread throughout the market city and has become a post-dinner talk for numerous cultivators.

"13th Uncle, I really dare not, you help me plead, for my father's sake, forgive me this time!"

Han Changjiong is bitter I begged and asked him to stay for five years, which was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

"If it weren’t for your father’s sake, you would have abolished your mana a long time ago, and if you do a little bit too much, it’s not as simple as a foot restraint. I remind you time and time again that you just don’t listen. The five-year ban is for your good, so that you won’t get into serious trouble in the future. From now on, you are not allowed to leave the spirit talisman pavilion. It is time for you to find a wife to take care of you and save you from trouble."

Hearing this, Han Changjiong showed a bitter face, he suddenly remembered something, cautiously asked: "13th Uncle, the ninth brother married a pair of sisters, can I do it too... ·"

Han Dehai's eyes widened, and Han Changjiong shut up wisely, not daring to say more.

"Cultivation world strength is respected, Changming has Foundation Establishment, and the strength is far from ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator is comparable, can you compare with Changming? Honestly stay with the spirit talisman pavilion, I want to give it to you Wipe her ass, I hope she has no background! Otherwise, it's not as simple as banning her feet."

After saying this, Han Dehai turned and left.

"Hey, if only I could marry a pair of sisters like the ninth brother."

Han Changjiong muttered to himself, thinking of hugging left and right, There was a wretched expression on his face.

······   Shark market city, one hundred Pill Pavilion.

Han Changshuo is talking to Yang Yuyun, with a respectful look.

"Yes, Martial Nephew Han, your alchemy level is getting higher and higher."

Yang Yuyun said with a smile, she changed her tone and said, "Martial Nephew Han, You are not young anymore, have you considered starting a family?"

"dísciple is not considering this for now, dísciple only wants to enter the Foundation Establishment Stage now."

Gong Han Changshuo The voice said that Han Changming's performance in recent years has been very eye-catching, and Han Changshuo has benefited from it. With the family to rely on, Yang Yuyun will not force Han Changshuo.

Yang Yuyun was nodded and said: "You can think so. The cultivation base is fundamental, but it will take several years for you to accumulate enough contribution points. By the way, sect lets us collect Second Rank high grade Five-color sea urchin sac and inner core, contribution point two thousand, you have a wide range of friends, you can find out the whereabouts of the five-color sea urchin."

Most of the Seaheed Pavilion dísciple, accumulated in one year There are only a few hundred contribution points. If you want to accumulate enough contribution points to redeem Foundation Establishment Pill, it will take more than ten years at the earliest, and several decades will be slower. It depends on the person. With the help of the family, it will be better.

"Five-colored sea urchins? This is the Spirit Insect on the Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name List. This is rare."

Han Changshuo said in surprise.

"If it's not uncommon, sect won't award two thousand contribution points. Just pay attention and don't hope too much."

Many cultivation families know this task, but The chance of success is very low.

Not every task assigned by Seaheed Pavilion can be completed.

The five-color sea urchin insect is Heaven and Earth strange insect, living in the depths of seabed. This Spirit Insect feeds on coral reefs and is good at camouflage. Even if the immortal cultivator uses Divine Consciousness, it can’t find anomalies. Sometimes It is disguised as a stone, sometimes buried in the sand, it is difficult to find.

The most important thing is that this Spirit Insect is highly toxic, and the venom of the five-color sea urchins of Second Rank can kill the Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Han Changshuo nodded, promised it down, and noted this incident. He has a family to rely on and is not alone.

After a few small chats, he bowed and stepped back.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, he appeared in a private room of a tea house and ordered a pot of spirit tea and two plates of dim sum.

Before long, there was a knock on the door.

"Is Senior Wei here? Please come in."

Wei Feng opened the door and walked in. Li Yueru, his Dual Cultivation Dao Companion, followed him.

Wei Feng asked Han Daojing to help repair the formation flag. Han Daojing only charged a small fee. It was a good sign and let Wei Feng help collect the materials.

If Wei Feng gets what Han Family needs, Han Family is willing to buy it at a high price.

Wei Feng is mainly active in the Green Carp Sea Territory, and Han Changshuo is in charge of contacting him.

"Senior Wei is everything going well?"

Han Changshuo slightly smiled, picked up the teapot, and poured a cup of spirit tea for the couple.

"It's okay, Fellow Daoist Han, we got three hundred-year-old colorful miasma flowers. Didn't you talk about it last time? Are you interested in the poisonous spirit plant, are you interested in buying this plant? Colorful miasma flowers?"

Wei Feng did not drink tea, said solemnly.

"Colorful miasma flowers? This kind of spirit plant can't be used as medicine, but can only produce miasma. It is usually used to decorate the Formation. Let's do it! I will spend 500 Spirit Stone to buy it, how about?"

Han Changshuo is not sure whether Chu Clan wants this kind of spirit plant, but he heard that Han Changming raised a poison insect. These three colorful miasma flowers may be useful to Han Changming, even if Han Changming doesn’t use it, you can. Used to arrange Formation, such as the Five Poison Psychic Array.

He is now the First Rank high grade Pill Refinement Master. Five hundred Spirit Stones are not a big sum for him.

The family has helped him for so long, so he has to give it back so that the family can invest more resources in him.

After hearing this, Wei Feng felt sighed in relief. He was born as a loose cultivator and hunted demonic beasts all the year round. He might have conflicts with other demon hunting teams and other demon hunting teams. There are many cases of encounters and fights.

He took out three small five-color flowers that were two feet tall. The petals were five-color, and there were sharp barbs all over the flower path.

Han Changshuo double-checked, and after confirming that there was no problem, he paid the Spirit Stone in full.

He kept silent about the origin of the colorful miasma, it was a tacit understanding between the two sides.

"By the way, Senior Wei, please do me a favor. We are looking for the colorful sea urchins of Second Rank high grade. If you have news of this insect, Junior is willing to pay a high price to buy Second Rank high grade colorful sea urchins. The whereabouts of the sea urchin."

"Colorful sea urchin? I have noted it. If there is news of this Spirit Insect, I will inform you immediately." Wei Feng readily agreed.

After chatting for a few words, Wei Feng and his wife left, and there were no teas or snacks. Even though they had dealt with Han Changshuo many times, they still had to guard against Han Changshuo. .

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