
  Chapter 147 Xu purple clothed

Purple fistula ranked second in the Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name List Seventeenth, ranking higher than Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

Han Changming suddenly realized that, curiously asked: "Madam, how do you recognize this thing?"

"Husband, you forgot? I am a loose cultivator background. I have gone north and south for the past few years. I didn't learn. When I get to a skill, I still have eyesight, and I see a lot of things. Naturally, I know that I bought it in a grocery store, and the shopkeeper thought it was Ziyuejing."

Ye Xin's face With a touch of pride, Purple Moon Crystal is a First Rank high grade refining material, often used to refine jade box jade box.

The appearance of Ziyuejing is exactly the same as the purple fistula beads, and the texture is also the same. If Ye Xin hadn't seen purple fistula beads in her early years, she would not be able to tell.

Han Changming held Ye Xin's palm, and said tenderly: "It's still my wife who treats me well."

Ye Xin smiled and said: "We are a husband and wife, I Now that I see it, I will buy it for you by the way. By the way, Husband, my ice sculpture has grown to the First Rank middle grade. When it reaches the Second Rank, it will fly faster."

Han When Changming attacked Fire Cloud Sect, he got a Spirit Beast egg and gave it to Ye Xin to hatch. It was an ice sculpture.

"By the way, Husband, I met an old friend, he is a Second Rank Pill Refinement Master, he said there will be an exchange meeting, but in seven days, do you want to go?"


Han Changming frowned, wondering: "Seven days later? Isn't that the day when the auction is held? Why do you choose that day?"

"I don't know, he didn't say it clearly, or else I’m going to participate? Are you going to participate in the auction?"

"It’s okay, I’ll go! You go to the auction."

Han Changming intends to get acquainted with some loose cultivators, maybe in the future Ok.

The days of loose cultivator are not easy. They take their lives to fight. On the other hand, the strength of Foundation Establishment Stage loose cultivator is stronger than that of ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator. Loose cultivator is home from all over the world and has greater opportunities. The chance of getting or discovering the spiritual object will be higher.

"I'm going? I haven't done this kind of thing. It won't be good if the family's major event is delayed."

Ye Xin is embarrassed, Han Changming this time To participate in the Heavenly Pill conference, one is to communicate with other Pill Refinement Masters, and the other is to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill. He came with a heavy responsibility.

Han Changming chuckled lightly and said, "Fool, isn't it just buying the Foundation Establishment Pill! I'll give the Spirit Stone to you, and you can do it yourself. We are a husband and wife, and there are some things. , You go and do it, I don't worry."

Ye Xin heard this, nodded, and agreed.

"Husband, you're busy! I won't bother you."

After Ye Xin left, Han Changming released Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and took the egg-sized purple fistula beads Feed Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion swallows the purple fistula beads, makes an excited neighing sound, and flies around the house unsteadily, as if beaten with chicken blood.

A quarter of an hour later, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion fell in front of Han Changming and became drowsy. Han Changming tried to communicate with Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, but it did not respond.

The ranking of purple fistula is higher than Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. Its excrement purple fistula beads are very toxic. It is estimated that Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion will take time to refining these toxicities.

Han Changming put away the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, took out the alchemic furnace, and started pill concocting.

What he refined is Heyuan Pill, which is Second Rank low grade medicine pill. It is suitable for Foundation Establishment Early Stage cultivator and has the effect of improving mana.

Heyuan Pill is refined with the inner core of Second Rank Tianyuan Crab as the main medicine, and a variety of spiritual medicines of more than ten years as the auxiliary medicine.

Han Changming has refined it several times before, but they all ended in failure.

He threw the materials into the alchemic furnace one after another. With one mouth, a red yellow rays of light flew out and turned into a ball of red yellow flames, falling on the bottom of the alchemic furnace. He joined the Supreme Unity Spirit water made by Spirit Transformation Gourd.

One day passed quickly.

At dusk the next day, Han Changming walked out of the residence with a smile on his face.

He refined the Heyuan Pill ten times and succeeded three times, which is pretty good.

At the Pill Refinement Master exchange meeting last night, three Second Rank Pill Refinement Masters gave Han Changming some pointers. If not, he would not be so easy to refine the Heyuan Pill, with the aid of spiritual water. , He has also failed many times. It may be even more difficult for other Pill Refinement Masters to learn to refine the Heyuan Pill.

He glanced at the sky and estimated that the time was almost up. He greeted Han Degan and walked out.

The sky has darkened, the market city is brightly lit, and the streets are crowded with constant shouts, making it very lively.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changming appeared at the entrance of a 5-Layer high azure attic. The silver plaque above the entrance was volatile, with the words "Lai Xian Lou" Very eye-catching.

There were two Qi Refinement Cultivator guards at the door, and they did not stop Han Changming.

On the third floor, Han Changming saw more than 20 Foundation Establishment cultivators, among them Song Qingyuan, and most of their cultivation bases were Foundation Establishment Middle Stage.

Han Changming glanced away, moved towards the table where Song Qingyuan was.

"Fellow Daoist Song, long time no see."

With a sincere smile on his face, Han Changming greeted Song Qingyuan.

Song Qingyuan smiled slightly and said in a meaningful sound transmission: "Fellow Daoist Han, long time no see, I heard that when you attacked Fire Cloud Sect, you were tied with the elite of Fire Cloud Sect."

There were many immortal cultivators who participated in the attack on Fire Cloud Sect, and the news could not be kept confidential. Under the instruction of a caring person, the situation of the fight spread quickly. Han Changming and Fire Cloud Sect cultivator were tied, not eye-catching. .

"Fellow Daoist Song laughed, it's just a fluke to be here."

Han Changming modestly said, trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind, he knows My previous performance was too eye-catching and I plan to act in a low-key manner.

"Fellow Daoist Han, if you get the inner core of the Second Rank high grade Snow Cloud Python, please give priority to the old man, the price is good to discuss."

Han Changming nodded with A smile, he agreed, but he didn't take it seriously. The last time he gave Xueyun python's inner core to Song Qingyuan, it was an exchange.

A little bit of time passed, and Foundation Establishment cultivators came up one after another. There were men and women, old and young, without exception, they all had a faint smell of spiritual medicine.

A tall girl walked up slowly, with a picturesque face, white skin, and wearing a purple skirt.

"Hey, Xu Fairy is here."

"Xu Fairy, long time no see."

"Xu Fairy is here."

Many Foundation Establishment cultivators greeted the girls in the purple skirts one after another. Apparently, they met the girls in the purple skirt.

"Xu purple clothed, Foundation Establishment Late Stage, Eldest Senior Sister of Heavenly Pill Sect, high alchemy talent, is the best Second Rank Pill Refinement Master of Heavenly Pill Sect."

When Han Changming saw the girl in the purple skirt, some information emerged in his mind.

The Red Algae Sea Territory and the Green Carp Sea Territory are relatively well-known Foundation Establishment cultivator, and Han Family has their information. Before going out, Han Changming went to the Hidden Scripture Pavilion to check it out, so as not to offend him or not. People.

Xu purple clothed is the key training object of Heavenly Pill Sect. According to the information collected by the Han Family, Xu purple clothed has a high chance of being promoted to the Core Formation Stage, and becoming a third-rank Pill Refinement Master is just around the corner.

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