
  Chapter 157: Attacking the Qian Family’s Lair   Eating a ditch and gaining wisdom, Han Changming besieged Fire Cloud Sect, after suffering a small loss, he didn't dare to attack those small islands. If Qian Family followed the Fire Cloud Sect and laid many traps on the small islands, and they went to attack the small islands, would it be walking right into a trap?   Qianzi picks and squeezes softly, what they can think of, what Qian Family can't think of?

Liu Feng thought about it carefully, and nodded said: "I agree with Fellow Daoist Han's suggestion. If I were the patriarch of the Qian Family, I would definitely shrink my troops, abandon small islands, and strengthen the defense of islands with important cultivation resources, Qian The family’s nest is definitely empty, but we only have six Foundation Establishment cultivators, which may not be able to capture the Qian Family’s nest. I think we pretend to attack the Qian Family’s nest, but we are actually attacking the island where the metal vein is located. How about?"

This time task, Zhao Tiangang led the team, but Liu Feng wanted to take this opportunity to make a great contribution and get the attention of sect. He didn't want to be held down by Zhao Tiangang for a lifetime.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, this is not good! Fellow Daoist Zhao let us attack the Qian Family, let's run to attack the island where the metal vein is located, so it is not compliant! If Your sect is to blame, we will not It's easy to explain!"

Liu Ruoyun frowned, said with some embarrassment.

To be honest, he did not agree with Liu Feng’s view. The besieged Qian Family’s nest was too variable. Liu Family actually didn’t want to play. The reason was simple. After the event was over, Seaheed Pavilion patted his butt. Walk in and leave a mess for Liu Family and other four families to clean up. If Qian Family loses too much, Liu Family will definitely retaliate in the future.

Furthermore, this is against Zhao Tiangang's order. Zhao Tiangang is one of the seven sons of listening to the sea. He is powerful and may be promoted to the Core Formation Stage in the future. Liu Ruoyun does not want to violate Zhao Tiangang's order.

Liu Feng was a little unhappy, frowned and said, "Fellow Daoist Liu, you can’t say that. Zhao Senior Brother’s order is for us to destroy the vitality of the Qian Family. Didn’t he say it? Just ask the result. Regardless of the process, as long as we can kill the Qian Family cultivator, even if the mission is completed, besides, we may not be able to take down the metal vein."

Ye Xin saw this scene, He quickly made a round and said, "Fellow Daoist Liu, my grandfather, what you said makes sense, I think so! Let’s attack the Qian Family’s lair first, and kill some immortal cultivators of the Qian Family. This is also good for the Fellow Daoist. Zhao crosses, as to whether to attack the island where the metal mine is located, let’s take a look when the time comes. If Qian Family suffers a heavy loss, then give it a try. If Qian Family doesn’t suffer any damage, then forget it, how about?"

Liu Feng pondered for a moment, and nodded agreed. Liu Ruoyun felt that Ye Xin’s words were reasonable. The most important thing was that Liu Feng made suggestions. If Liu Ruoyun objected repeatedly, it was clear that he would not be able to get along with Liu Feng. ?

Both of them are Foundation Establishment Middle Stage. The difference is that Liu Feng is the Seaheed Pavilion cultivator. He was sent out by Seaheed Pavilion this time, which shows that his strength is extraordinary, otherwise Seaheed Pavilion would not send him out. Liu Ruoyun doesn't want to get into a stalemate with Liu Feng in the future.

They worked out a specific course of action, then left the island and went straight to the nest of Qian Family.

······   Golden Eagle Sect, Golden Eagle Palace.

A tall middle-aged man is listening to a report from a beautiful woman in a blue skirt in his early thirties. The middle-aged man has a majestic face, and he knows that he is a long-time leader.

"What? There is a metal vein at the junction of the two Sea Territory?"

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise.

His name is Liu Siming, Sect Master of Golden Eagle Sect, Foundation Establishment Late Stage.

There are dozens of islands at the junction of the Golden Eagle Sea Territory and the Red Algae Sea Territory. Because the Spiritual Qi is weak and the journey is too far away, neither of the two Sea Territory cultivators have been occupied. They are used as the dividing line. I sent someone to investigate in detail, and there are no precious cultivation resources in that area, just a few islands with First Rank low grade spirit vein.

"Yes, that metal ore vein is seabed, and the sky wind passes through that area, and that metal ore is exposed. Fellow Daoist Liu, our Qian Family has sent someone to occupy the island. However, the people of Seaheed Pavilion have also received news that Seaheed Pavilion will definitely send someone to snatch it. Please send troops to support us. We can't resist the attack of Seaheed Pavilion."

The beautiful woman in green skirt said sincerely, Qian There are eleven Foundation Establishment cultivators in Family on the surface. Two of them traveled outside, and three of them hunted the demonic beast and did not return. As a result, Qian Family only had six Foundation Establishment cultivators to be transferred. She was sent to report to Golden Eagle Sect. , Qian Family has only five Foundation Establishment cultivators, plus five Foundation Establishment cultivators of Ma Family, there are ten Foundation Establishment cultivators.

The problem is that in addition to guarding the veins, they also need to guard their own turf and lair. They don't have much defense at all. If Golden Eagle Sect doesn't support it, Qian Family really won't last long.

"Tell me carefully about what happened, and don't miss a word."

Liu Siming was instructed in a serious tone.

The beautiful woman in the blue skirt didn't dare to neglect, she told the truth about what happened.

After listening to the statement of the beautiful woman in the blue skirt, Liu Siming pondered for a moment, and said: "I know, you go to rest first, I will discuss it with other Junior Brothers."

"Sect Master Liu, this matter is very important, so please support as soon as possible."

The beautiful woman in blue skirt said anxiously.

"I see, you go to rest first, our Golden Eagle Sect has our own rules, instead of listening to your words, we will send people there immediately, how many cultivators we will send, and how many cultivation resources we will bring. We have a certain number, we will send troops, but we need to discuss the countermeasures.” Liu Siming frowned explained that this matter must be reported to the Core Formation cultivator. If one fails, it will become two Sects. He didn't dare to play nonsense when he fought, and he couldn't believe the words of the young woman in a green skirt, and he was careful.

"Okay! Fellow Daoist Liu, then I will go to rest first, and please make your decision early."

Liu Siming waved his hand to let the young woman take the green skirt to withdraw rest.

He rushed to the residence of the Core Formation cultivator to report the situation.

······   Treasure Island is the nest of the Qian Family. From a high altitude, it looks like a huge ingot of gold floating on the sea.

There are many silver clothes trees planted on the island, hence the name Treasure Island.

silver clothes The wood is hard and silver clothes that are more than a hundred years old are suitable for refining Second Rank defensive magical artifacts. Qian Family uses thousands of silver clothes trees to lay the Second Rank high grade Formation Qianmu Dazhen , Lay down a set of Second Rank middle grade Formation small mist formations on the periphery. All around Treasure Island, there are three small islands like stars arching over the moon, surrounding Treasure Island, which is as solid as golden soup.

Qian Sizhong is the highest cultivator of Qian Family cultivation base, and has the cultivation base of Foundation Establishment Late Stage.

He is one hundred and fifty years old. It stands to reason that if nothing happens, no one will disturb his cultivation. Since Qian Family discovered the Second Rank metal vein, Qian Sizhong immediately sent someone to occupy it. On the island where the metal ore vein is located, the Formation garrison is arranged while sending people to notify Golden Eagle Sect.

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