
  Chapter 161 The Enemy Hidden in the Dark

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is the Second Rank low grade poison insect , The poison mist it spit is not something that amethyst insects can resist.

The amethyst worms touched the purple poison mist and fell one after another. The poison mist hit the stone wall, and a burst of blue smoke appeared on the stone wall, and a big hole was corroded by the poison mist.

Thousands of amethyst insects emerged from a small crack one after another, and without exception, they were all killed by Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

Han Changxin caught some amethyst worms with green spots and prepared to take them back for research.

After one hour, they cut a big hole in the stone wall, and a watermelon-sized amethyst worm flew out. The whole body of the amethyst worm was crystal clear and near-transparent, with one on its back. The thin feather wings are like a piece of exquisite jade. This is a Second Rank low grade Spirit Insect, which should be an insect mother.

In the place where it inhabits, there are hundreds of   Magical Artifact slashed on the body of the amethyst worm, and there is a muffled noise, leaving no scars.

Han Changming controlled three scarlet flying knives and chopped them on the body of the amethyst worm, leaving a few shallow traces. If you don't observe it carefully, you can't find it.

"Attack it with ice attribute or Wood Element spell, the normal Magical Artifact can't help it."

Han Changxin said, took out a bottle gourd full of white, and released one. Large swaths of white cold air flowed to the mother amethyst.

The amethyst mother reacted quickly, flapping her wings, trying to escape.

Han Changming naturally won't let it go as it pleases, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion made a weird neighing sound, the amethyst worm mother slowed down, and her face was painful.

Taking this opportunity, a large swath of white cold air hit the amethyst worm mother. The amethyst worm mother was instantly frozen, turned into an ice sculpture, and fell down.

Han Changming will be included in the Spirit Beast Bag, Spirit Insect without surrender can also be included in the Spirit Beast Bag, but the level cannot be higher than a great realm of the cultivator.

The amethyst worm did not have much attack ability, and other amethyst worms were also killed one after another.

Hundreds of insect eggs were divided among the six of Han Changming.

Han Family raises a kind of Spirit Insect called gold-eating ants. This Spirit Insect also feeds on metal minerals, but it is not Spirit Insect on the Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name List, amethyst insect However, the strange insect, ranked 99th in the Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name List, is far from being comparable to gold-eating ants.

With the amethyst worm, it will be much easier for them to explore the mineral veins in the future.

"The amethyst worm is making a nest here, and the associated mine may be here, let's dig together."

Han Changming commanded clansman to dig in the amethyst worm's nest.

Two hours passed, they just chopped off a few pieces of ore, after all, it was a Second Rank metal vein. At this rate, they wanted to dig a big pit, which would take a lot of time.

"Brother Nine, let the Amethyst Recognizing Master, let it dig the veins, it will be more convenient, we can't help the metal veins, the Amethyst Mothers are different, they feed on metal ore and have good teeth. Very much."

Han Changxin suggested.

Han Changming nodded, take out the communication disk and contact Ye Xin: "Madam, we have encountered some trouble, please come in with other clansman! Keep in touch at any time."

Breeding Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion and Ice Fire Python, the amethyst worm does not have much attack power, but it is good at finding metal veins, so Ye Xin recognizing Master is the most suitable.

"Okay, Husband, let's come in right away."

Taking this opportunity, Han Changming went to check the dead bodies. He wondered why the dísciple of the Seaheed Pavilion would shout There is a poison insect, amethyst insect is not poisonous.

"Twenty-first brother, is the amethyst worm poisonous?"

Han Changming looked at Han Changxin and asked.

The amethyst insect is not poisonous, so how could Seaheed Pavilion dísciple be poisoned and die? Before he died, he called out a poison insect.

Is there a poison insect here? But he did not find any poison insect silhouette.

"I checked, they are not at all toxic. Those amethyst bugs with green spots on their bodies are only a few. It should be caused by eating different kinds of ores. When they digest the ores, it is estimated that the green spots are green. It will disappear, Brother Nine, there may be immortal cultivators hidden in the veins to protect the mines associated with mines, or other immortal cultivators are doing ghosts. I think the probability of the former is relatively high."

Han Changxin analyzed.

Han Changming nodded, he also thought of this. If there are associated mines, Qian Family will leave the cultivator guarded to prevent the associated mines from being discovered, and secondly, to facilitate future counterattacks. It makes sense.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is more sensitive to poisons. It rushed in here. It must have been a poison insect here, leaving a smell.

The enemy did not dispose of the body of the Seaheed Pavilion dísciple, probably because they were worried about exposing their existence.

The enemy is likely to be hidden in the vicinity, the number of enemies should not be many, and the cultivation base is not very high, otherwise Han Changming and others would have been involved.

Han Changming let go of Divine Consciousness, carefully inspected every place, and found no abnormalities.

"Attention everyone, there may be enemies hiding in the dark, everyone is on guard."

Han Changming sound transmission warned repeatedly, mood grave.

They walked out along the path, a three-color light curtain covering the six of them.

The defense under the three mysterious Spirit Beads, the Second Rank high grade Magical Artifact cannot be easily broken.

The Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion followed them, and it turned around, seeming to be looking for something.

He suddenly thought of one thing. On their way, two prohibitions were triggered. You must know that each mine leads to a different place, that is to say, he wants to reach the mine where the associated mine is located. The cave must follow the route of Han Changming et al. The dísciple of the Seaheed Pavilion died here, indicating that there should be no prohibition in the front, unless the prohibition is arranged later.

In other words, the enemy is likely to be hiding in front. Han Changming thought of this and was shocked. He quickly took out the communication tray and contacted Ye Xin.

"What? There is an ambush? Nearby, are you all right!"

"We are fine for the time being, but on your way, you must be careful, so let's go out first and discuss countermeasures ."

Han Changming took everyone back along the path.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, they left the mine.

A dazzling yellow glow suddenly lit up on the stone wall of a certain mine, showing a shrewd yellow robe youth and a woman in a green skirt. The yellow robe youth has Foundation Establishment Middle Stage Cultivation base, green skirt women have Foundation Establishment Early Stage.

Yellow robe The young man has a yellow robe flag on his hand. Rune flashes on the flag, which is quite extraordinary.

"Why did they go out?"

"It is estimated that there is no associated red flame stone found! Associated minerals are hidden deeper, just cleave the red gold ore outside It took a lot of effort. It took us more than a month to mine dozens of catties of red-fired ore."

Yellow robe said with disapproval, red-fired stone is the third-rank refining material. The raw ore is very hard. Even if multiple Foundation Establishment cultivators use Second Rank high grade Magical Artifact, it will take several days to split a piece of Red Flame Ore. The Han Changming six cannot get a piece of Red Flame Ore in a short period of time.

Zhao Tiangang and others suddenly broke the island guard formation on Heiyan Island. They wanted to protect the associated mine and stayed voluntarily. They have the Magical Artifact Concealed Flag in hand, even if it is the Foundation Establishment Late Stage cultivator uses Divine Consciousness to probe, but they will not find their existence.

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