2021-12-09   Chapter 163 associated ore mining   the same time, he heard a muffled bell rings, it Absorbing Soul Bell.

The originally hard ground suddenly turned into sand, and densely packed yellow soil arrows flew out from the ground and hit the yellow robe youth.

Faced with the double attack of Absorbing Soul Bell and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, the yellow robe youth couldn’t react at all. The densely packed yellow soil arrow pierced through the body and fell into a pool of blood. Breathe one's last .

From the appearance of Han Changming to the beheading of the two young men of Yellow Robe, it took less than five breaths.

Yellow robe When the youth died, the Pleiades was not the opponent of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, and was swallowed by Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

speaking of which, yellow robe’s death is not unjust, Han Changming has a third rank talisman and Qianyuan’s spirit talisman. The concealment effect is better than them. They saw Ye Xin and others withdraw. Only then did they return to the location of the associated mine.

They had long used Divine Consciousness to explore the mine where the associated mine was located, and found no abnormalities. They walked in. Han Changming hid in the dark and attacked suddenly to kill them.

Han Changming drove three scarlet flying knives and chopped off their heads. Then, he walked forward with confidence and searched the storage bags from them.

The storage bag contains a large amount of ore, some of which are volatile in red light, exuding a burst of warmth.

"Red Flame Ore?"

Han Changming was taken aback, and soon his face was overjoyed. Red Flame Ore is the third rank refining material, and this refining material is volcanic eruption. , Lava covers the ore, a Fire Attribute ore formed after hundreds of years.

If he remembers correctly, there is an extinct volcano below this Sea Territory, which erupted more than two hundred years ago. During that volcanic eruption, several clansman of the Han Family happened to pass by. Unfortunately, the family members died. Speaking of this, Han Changming's impression is also a little deep.

Red Flame Ore can be extracted from Red Flame Sand, which can be used to refine magic weapons.

The two storage bags only have more than 20 catties of red smelt ore, and not much red smelt can be extracted, but they have found the location of the associated ore and can continue mining.

In addition to the red flame ore, there is also the Magical Artifact jade slip. There is a jade slip that records the method of cultivating Spirit Insect spirit birds. Of course, it only records the cultivation of hundreds of Spirit Insect spirit birds. Not all, among them is the training art of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

Han Changming threw out two Fireballs and burned the body.

He took out the communication tray and contacted Ye Xin: "Madam, there are enemies hiding in the dark. I have killed them. You will come in two hours later. You must be careful."

"I see, Husband."

Han Changming returned to the mine where the associated mine was located, drove three scarlet flying knives, slashed frantically, and heard a muffled sound of gold and iron.

He chopped a big one hour, just chopped off a fist-sized ore. The Second Rank metal ore is so hard, and he doesn’t know how the Qian Family cultivator mines the ore.

He checked the storage bags of two Qian Family cultivators, eight Second Rank Magical Artifacts, and there was no Magical Artifact for mining ore.

In this way, he had to wait quietly for the arrival of Ye Xin and others.

After one hour, a huge rumbling sound suddenly sounded.

Han Changming was surprised, is there a hidden Foundation Establishment cultivator? He quickly took out the communication tray and contacted Ye Xin.

"Madam, are you all right!"

"Husband, we are all right, everything is fine, we will meet you soon."

Han Changming lightly sighed in relief and put away the communication tray.

From time to time, rumbling sound sounds loudly.

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Xin brought ten clansman to join Han Changming.

"Madam, what's the matter with the explosion? You touched the prohibition again?"

Ye Xin smiled, shook his head and said, "No, I made the sound deliberately Yes, Fellow Daoist Zhao, they are not fools. We repeatedly enter the mine. If we don't make a little movement, he must doubt that we have found something good. Making a little movement can also shock them."

Other cultivators don’t have so many Puppet Beasts. If you want to explore the mines, you must either fill them with lives or use Spirit Beast. The size of Spirit Beast is small and may not be useful. In this way, other cultivators can only stare.

Han Changming suddenly realized, he ignored this, but Ye Xin thought of it.

"Nine brothers, you set up Formation, seal the entrance, let's mine here."

Before setting off, Han Changxin brought a few sets of Formation, just in case Need, after all, long-distance raids, anything can happen. They brought Concealment Array and Defensive Array. This is the family's advantage. When you go out to fight, you can bring a lot of belongings. Unlike Lone Rangers, most of them rely on themselves to buy them.

Han Changxin agreed, took a few clansman and walked out, took out the formation flag array of the formation, and punched a secret art on the array, blue light flashed, a large swath of water mist emerged out of thin air, mine The hole is fuzzy and disappeared.

Of course, this set of Formation requires the immortal cultivator to continuously inject mana to maintain the existence of Formation. As for the yellow robe young two why not deploy the associated mine, Han Changming is not clear.

Ye Xin released the amethyst worm mother and gave instructions to let it bite the veins.

Han Changxin also released gold-eating ants to chew on mineral veins.

The Amethyst Worm is worthy of the Spirit Insect on the Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name List. The Second Rank Magical Artifact splits on the ore, leaving only a shallow white mark. In front of the Amethyst Mother, the mineral vein Like tofu, everything has its nemesis, and everything has its nemesis.

Treasure Island, Qian Family.

Qian Sizhong is listening to clansman's report with a gloomy expression.

"What? Jia Ming and Jia Yue stayed in the vein? Who let them stay in the vein? These two idiots?" Qian Sizhong was furious, his expression gloomy.

"Ma Family and our Qian Family were both attacked by the Seaheed Pavilion cultivator. We contracted our forces and they attacked Black Yan Island. There were more than a dozen Foundation Establishment cultivators. We couldn't stop them and had to retreat. Jia Ming wants to stay in the veins to protect the associated mines, and at the same time to cooperate with the family’s future counterattacks. He has a spirit flag. Even if the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator uses the Divine Consciousness to explore, they may not be able to find their existence, even more how, Mineral veins have a certain influence on Divine Consciousness. Jiaming also has a group of purplish bees. It shouldn't be a problem."

Qian Sizhong sighed, it's done, and what he says is useless now.

"The Seaheed Pavilion is coming so aggressively. It seems that there are less than 20 Foundation Establishment cultivators. This force is too strong. I can only wait until the Golden Eagle Sect's reinforcements arrive."

An azure clothed man in his early thirties hesitated and said, "Patriarch, should we unite with the other three families and counterattack and go back? With Jiaming and Jiayue working together, the inside and the outside should work together, so we have a better grasp."

Qian Sizhong rolled the eyes and said unceremoniously: "Ma Family is our in-laws. It’s good to talk. The other three families, we can’t command them. If they command us, we can’t command them. People’s hearts are separated by the belly. Who knows what others think. Furthermore, we fought for territory a few years ago, and both sides were killed and injured. Really cooperate with them. It’s unrealistic for us to take down Heiyan Island together."

many thanks, Tong Yan Wuji’s reward, speaking of which, I seem to owe a lot. I owe all the readers four more. I owe a brother. so a more, no less Yan pupil base more a weekend three-shift, and slowly fill six more, thank you for your support, this book is not the Court Eunuch,       (End chapter)

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