
  Chapter 167 EscapeAt    this time, four red talisman arrows also hit the surface of Han Changming Above the five-color Battle Armor, it turned into a huge scarlet mushroom cloud. The sea below shook violently, and the waves of water ripples spread rapidly.

The two scarlet Fire Crow flapped their wings, and each released a dozen scarlet Fireballs, flying into the scarlet mushroom cloud, and the scarlet mushroom cloud was full of flames.

Lin Sheng’s secret art changed, and the black fine sand slid around, turning into thousands of tiny black flying needles, swarming into the scarlet mushroom cloud, and there was a muffled sound of "crackle" , It seems to hit something hard.

The next moment, a beam of black light flew out from the scarlet mushroom cloud. It was a shiny black light talisman with filigree arc beating on the surface.

This is the Yin Fiend Thunder symbol, Second Rank high grade talisman, exchanged by Han Changming at the exchange meeting.

As soon as the Yin Fiend Thunder symbol flew out of the scarlet mushroom cloud, it burst open in midair. Turned into a group of extremely dazzling black lightning, the aggressive ones flew over to Lin Sheng and the others.

The speed of black lightning is very fast, Lin Sheng is about to avoid it, and a low bell rang.

He is frowned and has not been affected much. When the secret art is pinched, a large amount of white cold air flies out of the white lotus lamp and turns into a white ice wall ten zhang or so high. In front of you.

Boom!    black lightning smashed the white ice wall, heaven shaking, earth shattering rumbling sound rang in the air, and a group of black lightning with a diameter of ten zhang or so emerged from high in the sky, rolling in a scarlet Fire Crow .

Lin Sheng has already flown high in the sky, with a trace of solemnity on his face.

The lightning disappeared and Fire Crow disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

An azure light flew out from the scarlet mushroom cloud at a fast speed.

The five-color Battle Armor on Han Changming's body is broken, but fortunately he has the Extreme Yang Treasure Armor, otherwise he would be dead.

He can see that the identity of black robed youth is definitely not ordinary, otherwise the two Golden Eagle Sect dísciples will not follow the black robed youth closely. In this way, as long as Han Changming holds black For robed youth, the other two Golden Eagle Sect dísciples will also be dragged by him.

If he didn’t guess wrong, black robed youth has Magical Artifact that restrains Absorbing Soul Bell, otherwise the black robed youth would have died a long time ago. It really complied with grandfather’s words, there are mountains outside the mountain. there is Person beyond the Person.

The black robed youth should be interested in Absorbing Soul Bell, otherwise they would not keep chasing Han Changming.   Thinking about this, Han Changming hurriedly drove Qingfeng Wing to escape.

Of course, he also made a two-handed plan. If the black robed youth pursues Ye Xin, Han Changming will take action to entangle the black robed youth.

Lin Sheng saw Han Changming run away, with a look of ridicule at the corner of his mouth, and when he patted the storage bag, a black flying boat with the palm of his hand flew out, rising in the wind.

The flying boat is long and narrow in black, with black spiritual patterns inscribed on the inside and outside of the boat, and a mini black sculpture is engraved on the front end.

The Second Rank high grade flying Magical Artifact, the black eagle boat, sealed the spirit of a Second Rank high grade monster black light eagle, flying very fast.

He was attracted by Han Changming’s Absorbing Soul Bell at first, and later saw Han Changming use the blue wind wings, plus the Yin Fiend Thunder symbol, Lin Sheng can conclude that Han Changming is a big fat sheep .

Even if the ore vein is taken by Golden Eagle Sect, Lin Sheng, as an outsider, can mine some ores at most. He has already inquired that there is a Second Rank red gold vein on Black Yan Island. Divine Weapon Zong Yilian The vessel is well-known in the Sea Territory of Zichan, and naturally there is no shortage of refining materials. He can't look down on the red gold veins.

Han Changming must have a lot of belongings, and a killing intent appeared in Lin Sheng's eyes.

He put away the Magical Artifact, and hit a secret art on the black eagle boat. The mini black eagle seemed to come alive, making a sharp chirping sound.

With a sound of "sou", the black carving boat broke through the air and walked quickly.

The two Golden Eagle Sect dísciples looked at each other and quickly followed.

Han Changming's majestic mana crazily poured into the Blue Wind Wing, and the rays of light soared. While running away, he absorbed the Spiritual Qi from the Spirit Gathering Stone to restore his mana.

The black robed youth is too strong. It not only has the Magical Artifact of huge might, but also understands the Divine Consciousness Attack. It is definitely the Core Disciple of the Divine Weapon sect. Han Changming entered the cultivation world for the first time. To such a tricky enemy.

He has self-knowledge. If it is a general Foundation Establishment cultivator, Han Changming has a big chance of winning with Absorbing Soul Bell and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. If it is against the dísciple that Immortal Sect focuses on training, Han Changming's The odds of winning are very low.

His greatest support is the Spirit Gathering Stone. With the Spirit Gathering Stone in hand, his mana recovery speed is much faster than black robed youth.

The blue wind wing behind Han Changming kept fanning, and the speed was very fast, Lin Sheng followed closely.

Lin Sheng is the dísciple that the Divine Weapon sect focuses on training. He is not brainless. Han Changming has shown relatively high fighting experience. Maybe there are other cards. He dare not get too close.

Lin Sheng’s cultivation base is higher than Han Changming, and he intends to slowly consume Han Changming’s mana. When Han Changming consumes all his mana, it is the fish on the chopping board and let him kill.

He has Second Rank high grade flying Magical Artifact, so he can naturally follow Han Changming. The two Golden Eagle Sect dísciple spirit birds are only Second Rank low grade, and the flying speed is far less than Second Rank high grade flying Magical. Artifact, they are getting farther and farther away from Lin Sheng.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, don't chase, be careful of ambushes!"

The dísciple of Golden Eagle Sect loudly shouted.

If Lin Sheng hasn't heard of it, since he dared to chase it out, he naturally has a hole card.

Three hours later, Han Changming appeared in the sky above the endless Sea Territory. His complexion was slightly pale. Lin Sheng followed him closely. They were separated by hundred zhang and two Golden Eagle Sect dísciples. Has been dumped by them.

Han Changming turned his head and glanced at Lin Sheng behind him. Brows tightly knit and black robed youth followed him closely, and they had to kill him.

The more black robed youth pursued, the less Han Changming dared to be careless. The opponent must have a strong hole card, so he dared to chase him.

Lin Sheng browses slightly wrinkle, it stands to reason that Han Changming should not have much mana, but whenever he drives the black carving boat to speed up, Han Changming also speeds up, and Han Changming restores mana So many medicine pill?

The more he can't catch up, the more he believes that Han Changming has more belongings, and the more he will not give up.

A dozen lights suddenly appeared in front of him, and they flew towards him at a very fast speed.

It didn’t take long for Han Changming to see more than a dozen escape lights. There were more than a dozen flying boats of different colors. On each flying boat stood more than 20 immortal cultivators. A blue flying boat flying in the front has a blue flag, embroidered with the word "listen to the sea".

Standing in front of Lu Yang, Wang Yunzhong stood beside Lu Yang.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Han, it's you."

Wang Yunzhong is the law enforcement dísciple of the Seaheed Pavilion, and has had several connections with Han Changming.

"Senior Lu, the person behind me is the dísciple of the Divine Weapon sect. He has assisted the Golden Eagle Sect cultivator to capture Black Swallow Island."

Han Changming said in a few words, Pointed at Lin Sheng.

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