
  Chapter 170 Attack of the Demon Birds   Red algae Sea Territory northwest, a ten li or so island.

On the beach, a blue crab with a big house brandished two blue giant tongs, desperately attacking a pale red light curtain.

The blue crab’s tongs are covered with spikes, and there are some golden patterns on the abdomen, and the eyes are like two huge blue crystal balls. There is a huge blue blister in the mouth, and half of the back becomes red, as if It is generally steamed, and there are huge sand pits on the ground, and there is a puff of black smoke in the pits.

A pale red light curtain covers the blue crab, and countless scarlet fires emerge in the sky, turning into one after another giant Fireball, and hitting the blue crab.

The blue Cancer's body surface is riddled with scars and cannot withstand the attack of the giant Fireball at all.

Han Daobin, Han Debiao, and Han Deling each held a red array in their hands and broke into secret art. Ten clansman from Qi Refinement Stage stood all around, each of them holding hands. With a red formation flag, continue to infuse mana.

"The time is almost there, do it quickly, solve this demon."

Han Daobin shouting loudly, the secret art changed.

Han Debiao and Han Deling changed the secret art in their hands and punched a secret art into the array.

A dazzling fire suddenly lit up in the red light curtain, which turned into about one chi-long scarlet blades, emitting astonishing heat.

It didn't take long for thousands of scarlet blades to appear on the head of the blue Cancer, as if they were attracted by some kind of attraction. Thousands of scarlet blades hit the blue Cancer one after another.

Boom!   A huge rumbling sound rang, and a large scarlet flame flooded the blue Cancer.

The red light curtain is a little distorted and it seems that it cannot withstand the high temperature.

It didn't take long for the fire to dissipate, and a crimson crab lay inside the red light curtain, emitting a seductive sound.

This Second Rank high grade sea swallowing crab finally died. If it is alone, Han Daobin and others will not be its opponents. The problem is that Han Daobin and others will not play solo with it. Fight, isn't that stupid? The power of the collective is relatively strong, and it must be one-on-one.

speaking of which, they just discovered this Second Rank high grade sea swallowing crab by coincidence. They squatted half a month on this island and used all kinds of methods before turning the swallowing crab. Leading to the small island, they urged Formation, which killed the sea swallowing crab.

Demonic beast without spiritual wisdom is just a more powerful killing machine, and immortal cultivator has some ways to deal with them.

To be cautious, Han Deling took out a white Flying Sword and split the Cancer Crab with its alluring fragrance in half. They could clearly see the red yellow crab yellow.

Han Debiao's eyes brightened. He is a body cultivator. The flesh and blood of the demonic beast can strengthen his blood. The flesh and blood of this Second Rank high grade sea swallowing crab is an item of great nourishment for him.

"Debiao, put away the carcass of this sea-swallowing crab! Turn in the shell after eating."

The sea-swallowing crab is cooked by flames, and the shell is OK Used for concocting, inner core can also be used for pill concocting.

Han Debiao smiled nodded and agreed.

They removed the Formation, dug out the monster core of the sea swallowing crab, and chopped the corpse into small pieces and collected it in a storage bag.

Han Daobin took out an azure bottle gourd, which rose in an instant, carrying everyone moved towards high altitude.

They have been out for more than a year, and it is time to return to the family to replenish talisman and repair Puppet Beast. When hunting demonic beasts, Puppet Beast will inevitably wear out.

Before they flew far, a weird cry came from high above. Han Daobin subconsciously looked up and saw hundreds of black shadows appeared high above, quickly moved towards them and flew.

"Not good, it’s a monster bird. Hurry and hide.”

Han Daobin complexion changed, his Divine Consciousness can be sensed, there are more than five Second Rank monster birds, Demonic beasts are much more difficult to deal with than demonic beasts. Demonic beasts fly very fast, and they appear in groups with flexible stature. Immortal cultivator is difficult to kill demonic beasts of the same rank.

There are too many monster birds in this stock. There are five Second Rank monster birds. If you meet force with force, Han Daobin and others will suffer.

The speed of the shadows is very fast. They are a group of black vultures. They are huge, with wings spread out about one zhang, two sharp claws shimmering with strange rays of light, a very sharp pair appearance.

With a pinch of Han Daobin secret art, the azure bottle gourd rays of light soared, speeding up the escape.

The black vultures are faster. They haven't escaped far, and there is a loud breaking through the air. A large black wind blade is covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and is coming straight towards them.

Han Deling quickly took out a white short ruler, shook it lightly, and a large swath of white cold air flew out and turned into a huge white ice wall behind him, Han Debiao took out a handful of red iron The stick, a burst of wild dance, a large swath of red stick shadows swept out.

Boom! The    white ice wall was smashed by the densely packed black wind blade. The red stick shadow and the black wind blade collided, causing a big wave of air. The wind and clouds are falling.

While driving the azure bottle gourd to fly away, Han Daobin directs clansman to cast spells to resist the demon birds.

The white short ruler in Han Deling's hand continuously released patches of white cold air, which failed to injure the black vultures, but the cold air attack prevented the black vultures from flying. If they get a little white cold air, their speed will slow down. Come down.

In this way, hundreds of demon birds chased Han Daobin and others while releasing wind blades to attack them.

The azure bottle gourd driven by Han Daobin is the Second Rank middle grade flying Magical Artifact. The flying speed is relatively fast. The monster bird that attacked them is the highest but the Second Rank middle grade, only one. In a short time, the monster bird Can't catch up with them.

After one hour, a several dozen li large deserted islands appeared in front of them. The Han Daobin secret art changed and the azure bottle gourd quickly moved towards the deserted island and landed.

A weird bird chirping sounded, and the black vultures speeded up and rushed towards them. Before they got close, they released a large black wind blade and slammed them at them quickly.

Han Debiao snorted lightly, stepped on the azure bottle gourd with his right foot, and flew up. The red long stick in his hand rose sharply, and a large scarlet flame appeared on the stick, emitting an amazing burst of flames. Heat wave.

He loudly shouted, waved the red stick in his hand, moved towards the black wind blade that hit.

There was a loud breaking through the air, and a large red stick figure wrapped in scarlet flame flew out and went straight to the black wind blade, at a very fast speed.

Boom! The    densely packed black wind blade smashed the red stick shadow, a large scarlet flame spread, and the heat wave rushed in, engulfing more than a dozen black vultures.

Several low-rank black vultures fell from the scarlet flames and fell to the ground.

Taking this opportunity, the azure bottle gourd landed in a small valley, and there was a cave not far away.

"Everyone, go in and hide in the cave, Debiao, you come in quickly."

Han Daobin and others rushed into the cave, cast the Earth Element spell, and closed the entrance of the cave. Sealed up.

The white jade ruler in Han Deling's hand shook lightly, and a large swath of white cold air flew out and hit the yellow soil wall blocking the entrance. The soil wall quickly froze and turned into a white ice wall.

A series of muffled sounds sounded, and the demon bird was frantically attacking the hole.

Han Daobin's gaze swept away, and there was a bigger cave not far away. He quickly rushed into the cave with all his skills, so the technique was repeated and the cave was sealed.

A deafening rumbling sound sounded, and the black vulture could not find the target. According to the smell, it madly attacked another blocked hole, but it was useless.

They attacked for a while, but they couldn't open the hole, so they went back the same way.

After calming down, Han Daobin sighed in relief. To be cautious, he did not leave the cave immediately, allowing clansman to rest in peace, and talk about it tomorrow.

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