
  Chapter 185 Booby-trapping Fiddler Crabs

For the sake of caution, Han Daojing and ten Qi Refinement Cultivators stay behind the red scorpions Island, Han Changming and Ye Xue took ten clansman to hunt fiddler crabs, and by the way, they checked the nearby Sea Territory to see if there was any Second Rank demonic beast, and they were all collected.

Han Changming took out Feihaizhou, carrying Ye Xue and others away from Red Scorpion Island.

Little half a day later, they appeared on a deserted island with a hundred li or so, and the fiddler crab’s nest was in the vicinity.

There are two Second Rank Fiddler Crabs, one of which can release Thunder System Magic Technique. The strength should not be underestimated.

Han Changming asked clansman to deploy three sets of Second Rank Formation, one attack, one defense and one trapped enemy.

Set up the Formation, Han Changming instructed: "Madam, you stay on the island, I will attract the two fiddler crabs, when the time comes follow the plan."

"Husband, be careful not to entangle them in the sea."

Ye Xue nodded, warned repeatedly.

Han Changming agreed, took out a Water Repelling Bead, released a large blue water curtain, covered himself, and jumped into the seabed.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changming came near the fiddler crab's nest.

He took a deep breath and slowly approached the fiddler's nest.

Fiddler crabs are very sensitive to the smell of blood. The island is several li away from the fiddler's nest. At such a distance, the smell of blood can't spread so far, and it will soon be diluted by the sea.

Just when Han Changming was thinking about how to draw the fiddler crabs to the ground, a group of colorful fish monsters rushed over, and behind them was the black demonic beast that had always been huge.

The head of this Demon Beast is so big that it resembles a toad, with a long and slender tail and two pairs of small black claws under its abdomen.

"Toad beast."

Han Changming saw this toad beast, his face was happy.

This toad beast is nothing but First Rank high grade, equivalent to the immortal cultivator of Qi Refinement ninth layer, but its size is relatively large and can be used as a good bait.

Han Changming took out two blue Flying Swords, from the left and right sides, to the toad beast.

The two muffled sounds of "pu pu", the toad was caught by two blue Flying Swords, and there were no scars on the body. Han Changming angered it, and the toad opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl moved towards Han Changming rushed over, very fast.

Han Changming took no hurry, took out a small blue slap-sized net that instantly swelled and covered the toad, two blue Flying Sword rays of light rose up and hit from the back ,high speed.

The toad wanted to avoid it, and a heavy bell rang, and the toad felt his head dizzy.

Two blue Flying Swords slashed on the toad beast, piercing the toad beast's body, and the blood flow continued. The big blue net took the opportunity to cover the toad beast and quickly tightened.

Han Changming right hand pulled a long slender blue rope, the other end of the blue rope was connected to the big blue net, he moved towards the sea, and the two blue Flying Swords inserted on the toad swayed , A large amount of blood gushed out along the wound.

The toad beast made a mournful scream sound, and the big blue net bound its huge body, and its claws kept tearing the big blue net, but it was useless.

The smell of blood soon caught the attention of the two fiddler crabs, who rushed out of the nest.

A toad with a blue Flying Sword stuck in it moved towards the distance, and the blood flow was unceasing. Two fiddler crabs happened to be hungry and hurried to catch up.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changming dragged the sluggish toad to the shore.

At almost the same time, two fiddler crabs also surfaced.

With loud thunder, a blue lightning bolt with thick arms of an adult struck Han Changming very fast. Several blue water arrows followed closely from behind.

The ground lit up with a burst of yellow light, and countless yellow gravels flew up and turned into a zhang high, a few feet thick yellow soil wall, blocking behind.

Boom!   yellow The dirt wall was smashed and dusty, how far is Han Changming.

With a pinch of his secret art, the sand under his feet turned quickly, and there were gusts of wind, and countless yellow gravels were blown up and turned into hundreds of yellow sand blades, hiding the sky and covering the earth. To two fiddler crabs.

A series of crackling sounds rang out, and the densely packed yellow sand blades slashed on the fiddler crabs, and did not cause much damage to them.

Two giant Fireballs the size of water tanks fell from the sky, and with a monstrous heat wave, they hit two fiddler crabs.

Boom! The    billowing flames flooded the bodies of the two fiddler crabs. The flames collided with the sea water, and a large white mist erupted, covering a large area.

A large swath of blue water arrows flew out of the white fog without warning, and came straight to Han Changming.

There was a muffled noise on the ground, and a wall of zhang high stood up from the ground to block Han Changming.

A series of muffled noises, there were more than a dozen fist-sized potholes on the surface of the earth wall.

The two fiddler crabs were angered by Han Changming. They washed ashore, brandishing two giant tongs, and rushed towards Han Changming.

A fiddler crab opened its mouth and spouted a thick blue lightning, smashing the soil wall to pieces.

Han Changming manipulates the sand under his feet and turns into sand blades to attack two fiddler crabs, and at the same time moved towards the distance.

The densely packed sandblade hit the fiddler crab, and there was a muffled crackle, like fried beans.

The two fiddler crabs are not afraid of the yellow sand blades at all, and they chase Han Changming against the dense yellow sand blades.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Changming stopped abruptly, and a large swath of blue lightning and blue water arrows shot out, and a tall yellow soil wall stood in front of him.

Boom! The    yellow soil wall was smashed to pieces, and Han Changming wore a yellow armor on his body, which covered him all over it. It was the Extreme Yang Treasure Armor.

Two fiddler crabs waved their giant tongs and jumped over.

Han Changming raised a confident smile at the corner of his mouth. When the secret art was pinched, a large yellow light suddenly appeared on the ground. The area around several hundred zhang suddenly turned into quicksand, and a huge sandpit appeared. The area of ​​the pit is still expanding.

Two fiddler crabs suddenly plunged into the sandpit, their bodies sinking uncontrollably.

Dozens of thick yellow ropes emerged from the ground and immediately tied up a fiddler crab. Upon closer inspection, it was found that the yellow ropes were made of loess.

A fiddler crab is tied into a dumpling by a yellow rope, unable to move even a little bit, another fiddler crab continues to pounce on Han Changming.

With divine light flashed, Ye Xue and others showed up and entered secret art on the array one after another.

Violent wind erupted, smoke and dust filled the sky, a pale-yellow light curtain suddenly appeared, covering the trapped fiddler crab.

Divide and wipe them out. This is a plan made by Han Changming and Ye Xue.

Han Changming has confidence in himself, but he does not show courage.

Han Changming and five Qi Refinement Stage clansman kill one fiddler crab, Ye Xue and five Qi Refinement Stage clansman kill the other one, the teamwork is more powerful.

"Don't keep your hands, first use Magical Artifact to attack its paws and abdomen."

Han Changming exhorted, the secret art was pinched, and the sandpit shook violently. Dozens of sharp soil spears broke out of the soil and pierced the fiddler crab's abdomen. There was a muffled sound. The fiddler crab was arched by dozens of soil spears, and the sharp soil spear did not pierce its body.

Five clansman from Qi Refinement Stage controlled the Magical Artifact to attack the fiddler crab. The sparkling Magical Artifact hit the fiddler crab, and there was a muffled sound of metal collision.

The fiddler crab's shell is too hard, and the Magical Artifact used by Qi Refinement Cultivator failed to hurt it.

Han Changming took out the dry earth and real sun sand, turned into a scarlet giant blade, fiercely chopped it on the fiddler crab shell, and there was a muffled noise on the crab shell. There was a clearly visible cut mark.

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