
  Chapter 202 third rank demonic beast   First Rank Golden Thunder Bees are all killed, leaving Second The Golden Thunder Queen of Rank.

The Golden Thunder Queen Bee has Second Rank middle grade and equivalent to Foundation Establishment Middle Stage cultivator, but its agile figure makes Chen Hongming's attacks mostly unsuccessful.

An azure giant sword followed the Golden Thunder Bee Queen and chopped it on the stone wall, emitting a harsh rumbling sound, and a huge stone was chopped off the stone wall.

Others know that Han Changming raises Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, and naturally they also know the divine ability of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

There is no need for Han Changming to hide and tuck, and solve the Golden Thunder Queen Bee early. They can leave early. Thousand Poison Island is not a good place. It is better to leave early.

Han Changming gave an order to Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion made a weird hissing sound. Golden Thunder Bee stopped abruptly when he heard this sound.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Hongming’s sword art changed. The azure giant sword sword light skyrocketed and speeded up, passing directly over the body of the Golden Thunder Queen Bee. The Golden Thunder Queen Bee was cut in half, breathe one's last .

Five blood bougainvilleas, a Fruit Tree, a honeycomb, and a group of corpses of Monster Insect.

After negotiation, Han Changming and the three asked for two blood bougainvilleas, the corpse of the Golden Thunder Queen Bee, the second Rank Golden Scorpion corpse, and some Golden Thunder Bee larvae, and the hive for 1/4/2021.

The four Shen Tianming ordered a blood bougainvillea, a blood bodhisattva Fruit Tree, a Second Rank golden scorpion, and half of the hive. The rest belonged to the three of Chen Hongming. .

In general, Shen Tianming and the four took up the big head, and the Han and Chen families only took the small head.

A Fruit Tree of Blood Bodhisattva is worth much higher than that of Blood Bodhisattva.

Although the golden thunder bee cannot be cultivated artificially, Han Changming still wants to give it a try. Even if it cannot be artificially cultivated, at worst let the thunder bee eat it. Anyway, it is the Thunder Attribute Spirit Insect. The golden thunder bee larvae It should be beneficial.

Lu Wenbin has already used the escape technique and escaped. I don't know where he went.

Out of the cave, they returned along the path, not fast.

It didn’t take long for them to appear in a narrow valley with steep cliffs on both sides. The surface of the cliffs was uneven and difficult to climb. Chen Hongming suddenly said: "Not good, there is something from The underground is here."

Han Changming was taken aback for a while, he released Divine Consciousness, but did not sense any abnormality, Shen Tianming opened Divine Consciousness, and found no abnormality.

Chen Hongming patted the Spirit Beast Bag, and a yellow light flew out from it. This is a yellow Spirit Beast about one zhang high.

The head of this beast is a lion body and a snake tail. It is two zhang long. Its body is covered with palm-sized yellow scales. It has double wings on its back. Seeing its breath, it is a Second Rank high grade Spirit Beast.

Han Changming’s eyes flashed with surprise, he really didn’t guess wrong. Chen Hongming did have an Earth Attribute Spirit Beast on his body. It seemed that Spirit Beast’s divine ability was not small, and he could actually feel the ground. The exception.

"Run, it may be the third rank Monster Insect, my dragon lion has a trace of Earth Attribute True Dragon bloodline, which is more sensitive to the underground situation. It warned the old man just now, it must be very The things that are difficult to deal with have come, everyone, run away."

Chen Hongming jumped onto the dragon lion beast, and Chen Yufeng and Chen Yuanhua jumped on.

"The lion beast? This is the Spirit Beast on the Heaven and Earth list of alien beasts. It is ranked 52nd. Its induction It shouldn't be wrong."

Shen Tianming said in surprise, and quickly released Tiger Eagle.

Han Changming quickly took out Feihaizhou, at this time, he didn't care about those flying poison insects.

roar!   What did the lion and beast possibly sensed, with their wings flapped, they flew high in the sky, moving towards the direction and flew very fast.

The four of Shen Tianming either sit on the backs of spirit birds, or take out and fly Magical Artifact.

Han Changming secret art changed, the rays of light flew into the sea, and the three people moved towards high above the sky.

At this moment, the ground shook violently, and a huge bag of soil swelled up, as if something terrifying was about to come out.

Boom!    A deafening rumbling sound rang out, and a dozen thick yellow tentacles broke through the ground and patted Han Changming and others at a very fast speed.

Two screams sounded, and two Seaheed Pavilion dísciples were slapped by the tentacles. The aura of the body guard was like paper, and soon shattered, and their bodies slammed heavily on the stone wall. , The brains are all flowing out, and there is no breath.

Han Changming had been prepared for a long time, and took out the mysterious Spirit Bead in time, turning it into a thick three-color light curtain, covering their three people.

A yellow tentacle shot the Feihaizhou, and the Feihaizhou was shot and shattered. The three-color light curtain was like paper, shattered by the yellow tentacle. Han Debiao was slapped by the yellow tentacle and made a miserable sound. Scream, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fly upside down like a kite with a broken line.

Han Changming and Ye Xin had been prepared for a long time. With a pinch of Ye Xin secret art, a blue cloud suddenly appeared under them, carrying her and Han Changming.

Han Changming's sleeves flicked, and a yellow rope flew out, entangled Han Debiao, and withdrew him to his side.

"Fifth Uncle, are you okay!"

Han Changming asked with concern. He could see that Han Debiao was hit hard.

Han Debiao's face is pale, his breath is sluggish, if he weren't for the body cultivator, he would probably be dead.

"Run, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time."

Han Debiao's tone was weak, and he quickly took out a blood-colored pill and took it.

Ye Xin took out the white jade ruler, shook it gently, and a large swath of white cold air surged out, turning into white lotus flowers, moved towards the ground and flew away.

Tiger Eagle's flight speed is relatively fast, Shen Tianming escaped by fluke, he took out a red bottle, broke into a secret art, sprayed out a large piece of scarlet flame, and attacked the yellow tentacles.

Another Seaheed Pavilion dísciple crushed a Gold Evasion Talisman and turned it into a golden escape light piercing through the air, fast.

At this moment, a strong suction suddenly appeared on the ground, as if there was a huge magnetic field, and Han Changming and others moved towards the ground uncontrollably.

The three of Chen Hongming sat on the back of the lion beast. The flying speed of the lion beast is very fast, but it hasn’t flew far yet. A strong suction pulls it to the ground. Thick yellow tentacles fell from the sky.

"Not good, get away."

Chen Hongming complexion greatly changed, while taking out nine azure Flying Swords, splitting into two yellow tentacles, while flying up and out The lion beast.

clang clang clang!    Nine azure Flying Swords slashed on the yellow tentacles, and there was a muffled sound of metal collision, and they flew upside down. The flood lion beast was hit by two yellow tentacles, and his body fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood.

Han Changming, Shen Tianming and others moved towards the ground uncontrollably, and their gazes were horrified.

"This is the third rank demonic beast!"

It was the first time Han Changming encountered the third rank demonic beast. I heard how terrifying the third rank demonic beast was before, and he was finally I've seen it.

A small yellow octopus came out from the ground with dozens of fist-sized yellow eyeballs on its head. Han Changming and others looked like caterpillars in front of the huge yellow octopus. Very small.

Shen Tianming turned over the palm, red light flashed, and a piece of red animal skin about one chi long appeared on his hand. There was a scarlet crab pattern on the surface of the red animal skin, exuding a horror Coercion!

The third rank talisman is a beast soul talisman, which seals the spirit of a third rank talisman. It can be transformed into an attack and can display 70% of the body's strength.

This beast soul charm was given to Shen Tianming by Lu Yang to save his life. Shen Tianming was not willing to use it if it was not as a last resort. He asked himself that he was not an opponent of the third rank demonic beast, so he could only take it out. Zhang Beast Soul Rune.

An extremely thick yellow tentacle fiercely patted Han Changming, Han Changming's yellow light soared, and a zhang high yellow soil wall broke through and stood in front of him.

Boom! The    yellow soil wall was smashed and Chen Hongming was slapped by the yellow tentacles, and his body flew out uncontrollably, vomiting blood.

Chen Hongming stood on the ground, his body weighing ten thousand jins, he felt like an invisible mountain was pressing on him, and he couldn't breathe under the pressure.

The wind broke loudly, two thick yellow ropes fell from the sky, fiercely patted Chen Hongming.

If Chen Hongming is shot, he will definitely die.

With a pinch of his sword art, nine azure Flying Swords suddenly ray of light, merged into one, and turned into a ten zhang or so long azure giant sword, cutting to two yellow tentacles.

clang! With    a muffled sound, the azure giant sword is like thin paper and flies upside down in an instant. Seeing the yellow tentacles is about to smash Chen Hongming into pieces, a huge firelight is lit up, one The huge scarlet crab appeared in front of them, brandishing huge tongs, and leaping towards the red octopus.

The scarlet crab opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, spouting a scarlet flame of half a foot in diameter, hitting the yellow octopus, the billowing flames flooded the body of the yellow octopus, and the yellow octopus emitted With a weird cry, the yellow octopus waved its tentacles and patted the scarlet crab.

The powerful suction suddenly disappeared, and Han Changming and others sighed in relief and fled.

"Run! The beast soul charm can't stop this beast for long."

Shen Tianming loudly shouted, the tiger eagle under him let out a clear cry, speeding up More than doubled.

The yellow octopus and the scarlet crab are fighting together.

"Husband, are you okay!"

Ye Xin rushed over, helped Han Changming up, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, I'll leave here first."

Han Changming shook the head, he didn't dare to take out the flying Magical Artifact anymore, it was too conspicuous.

Shen Tianming and another Seaheed Pavilion dísciple disappeared into the sky very quickly.

The three of Han Changming, Ye Xin and Han Debiao moved towards the road, but before they ran far, the ground under their feet suddenly turned into silt, a block of a dozen zhang high yellow The earth wall rose from the ground, blocking the road ahead.

"Damn, Chen Hongming, you are too vicious."

Han Debiao yelled, full of anger on his face.

In this way, they can only escape with a weapon, so the goal is very big.


A deafening rumbling sound came from behind, and the red cancer was slapped by a dozen thick yellow tentacles. The blood flow continued, and it would collapse at any time. .

"Not good, Changming, Ye Xin, run away."

Han Debiao complexion greatly changed, he quickly took out the only two fire escape talisman on his body, and went to Han Changming and With a shot of Ye Xin on his body, the two turned into two flares and disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

Han Changming and Ye Xin only felt that saw a flash. They suddenly appeared in a red bamboo forest. Looking around, they were all seven-eight zhang-high red bamboos. The air was a bit sultry and on the ground. It is about one chi high rotten bamboo leaves.

The Spirit Beast Bag around Han Changming's waist suddenly agitated, as if something was about to come out.

He shot the Spirit Beast Bag and the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion flew out.

The Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion made a weird neighing sound, and the tail stab jittered, turning into a large black shadow, moved towards the ground stab.

A screaming scream sounded, and a dark green poisonous snake was stabbed by the tail stab of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. The body twisted a few times and lost its breath.

"Husband, are you okay!"

Ye Xin helped Han Changming and asked with concern.

Han Changming shook the head and said: "I'm fine, I don't know how Fifth Uncle is."

At the critical moment, Han Debiao let them run first, if Han Debiao has an accident Now, Han Changming feels uncomfortable.

He can only pray in the heart, Han Debiao Ji people have Celestial Phenomenon, don’t have trouble.

"Where is a cave, let's go inside and take a rest! When your injury is healed, it will not be too late for us to leave."

Ye Xin pointed not far away Said one of the caves in, helping Han Changming to walk towards the cave, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion opened the way in front, any poison insect approaching, it can find that these poison insects are not weak, but Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is like their nemesis Normally, it was easy to deal with them, and all their bodies were eaten.

It didn't take long for them to walk into the cave. The cave was a bit damp and dark, but this did not affect Han Changming and Ye Xin.

The cave is not occupied by Monster Insect, Han Changming and Ye Xin can live in peace of mind. Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion in the vicinity realm, its mouth is full of various poison insects, and it makes excitement hiss. .

Han Changming can clearly feel that Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is very excited. This guy has eaten so many poison insects, and it should be helpful for him to advance.

"Husband, you take medicine pill first, and you can heal your injury, and I will protect you."

Ye Xin took out a bloody pill and let Han Changming swallow it down. Protect Han Changming from the side.

After Han Changming took medicine pill, his face slowly returned to ruddy.

He closed his eyes, ran the cultivation formula of Extreme Earth True Yang Art, and started cultivation.

Before long, a layer of yellow-eating aura appeared on his body, as if he was wearing a red yellow armor.

Two hours later, Han Changming's complexion returned to ruddy and he opened his eyes.

He was sighed in relief, right hand moved towards his chest, and felt a faint pain. If he touched it again, he would die. The third rank demonic beast too terrifying, didn’t expect the legend is Really, Thousand Poison Island has a third rank demonic beast, so I don’t know if there is a second third rank demonic beast.

"Husband, what do you think?"

Ye Xin gently patted Han Changming's shoulder, beautiful eyes full of worry.

If something happens to Han Changming, she will definitely not let go of Chen Family cultivator.

"A lot better, I don't know how Fifth Uncle is going, I blame me, I should have stopped Fifth Uncle at the time, even if that made him lose face, I have to stop him, let me speak! After all, Thousand Poison Island is the first dangerous place in the Red Algae Sea Territory. I was right."

Han Changming is full of self-blame. If he resolutely opposes it at first, it will not happen. In fact, three people died in the dísciple of Seaheed Pavilion, and Han Debiao this time is bode ill rather than well.

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