
  Chapter 212 Leaving Home After    Ye Xue Foundation Establishment, I have stayed at Bottle Gourd Island. No After fighting, she felt that she could not help Han Changming much. Ye Xin fought with Han Changming several times and cooperated skillfully.

Ye Xin nodded and said: "The Golden Dragon Sea domain is very dangerous. Let me take a trip with Husband! Younger sister, Benfu and the others will take care of you."

The Golden Dragon Sea domain is The famous dangerous place, Ye Xin did not worry about Han Changming going alone.

Ye Xue is her biological younger sister, and she can take care of her two sons. Ye Xin is also relieved.

"Sister, Husband, don't worry! I will take care of Benfu and the others."

Ye Xue promised, even if Ye Xin didn't say it, she would Take care of your children.

Han Changming comforted the two wives and came to the cave he opened.

The Spiritual Qi in the cave is abundant, the water is all spiritual water, and a group of spiritual fish are raised in the water.

The spiritual water made by Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd can also be used to raise fish. Spirit fish grow well, have a short growth period and have delicious meat.

With a few sounds of "chi chi", dozens of transparent water arrows flew out from the bottom of the water and instantly arrived in front of Han Changming.

Han Changming's body surface lit up with a burst of red and yellow aura, and a red and yellow armor appeared on his body, which was the Extreme Yang Treasure Armor.

With a few muffled noises, all a dozen transparent water arrows were blocked by Extreme Yang Treasure Armor, and Han Changming was unscathed.

Han Changming patted the Spirit Beast Bag, and the ice Fire Python flew out and rushed into the water.

Soon, the spiritual water in the cave rolled violently, splashing about one zhang high waves, a large swath of blood emerged out of thin air, stained a large area, and the ice Fire Python surfaced, two There was a snow-white carp in his head. The carp was one foot long and had golden eyes.

Golden pupil carp, this kind of spirit fish has relatively high requirements on the environment, has delicious meat, knows the Water Arrow Technique, and is more offensive.

Bing Fire Python efficiently, I ate this First Rank high grade golden eye carp.

There are still many golden eye carps in the water, but they are all small fry and have not grown up yet.

Han Changming put away the ice Fire Python and returned to the secret room of the cultivation.

There are dozens of unopened wine jars in the corner. They are all spirit wines brewed by Han Changming with spirit water. Most spirit wines are First Rank spirit wines, suitable for Qi Refinement Cultivator drinking, Second Rank The effect of spirit wine is better, and Han Changming intends to bring these spirit wines when he is traveling far this time.

He put away dozens of jars of spirit wine and went out.

That night, Han Changming's family of six had a meal together. When they learned that Han Changming and Ye Xin were going to travel, the three Han Benfu sisters and brothers were a little reluctant.

"Father, mother, don't worry! We will work hard to cultivation, and I will help you watch the younger brother."

Han Changming chuckled lightly and said, "Yourself It’s not bad if you don’t make trouble, Zhier, Yonger, you have to study your homework hard, don’t slack off, dad and mother come back to check, you know? Xueer, don’t pet them, just say what you say, and punish what you should ."

Han Zhi and Han Yong agreed one after another, and they naturally did not dare to say no.

"Husband, don't worry! I will treat them with the standards of Benfu, and will not let them be lazy. You must be careful when you are traveling this time. The Golden Dragon Sea domain is famous. Chaos, murdering to seize the treasures is endless."

Han Changming agreed. He had also heard of the dangers in the Golden Dragon Sea domain, so naturally he didn't take it lightly.

After dinner, Han Changming came to Qianhu Peak to visit Han Daohe.

Han Daohe was a little bit reluctant to learn that Han Changming was going to travel, and told Han Changming to be careful.

"By the way, Changming, you can accept this original seal! I hope you won't use it."

Han Daohe turned over the palm, a yellow light flashed, a yellow light flashed The palm-sized yellow seal appeared in the hand, and the aura was volatile. This is a Second Rank high grade Magical Artifact, worth more than 3,000 Spirit Stones.

Han Daohe is a suspended animation and can’t show up, otherwise Han Desheng will be exposed. Patriarch gives Qian Hufeng to Han Daohe to live, and Han Daohe takes care of the bottle gourd vine on Qian Hufeng, accumulated over a long period of time, accumulate a lot of contribution points.

He has lived in Qianhu Peak for more than ten years. He should be an age to enjoy his twilight years. For the sake of grandson, he still can't get free.

Han Changming's divine ability can display the most mighty might on land, and this seal of the mountain is very suitable for him to use.

"grandfather, you are tired, grandson is not filial."

Han Changming feels a little guilty. In one day, Chen Family, Han Daohe cannot leave Qianhu Peak. Han Changming feels very guilty. .

"You are all good, it is the greatest filial piety. Remember, the Golden Dragon Sea Territory is no better than the Red Algae Sea Territory. Don't conflict with people. Everything is a little more mindful and pay more attention."

Han Daohe earnest and well-meant advised warned repeatedly. He is getting older and is Qi Refinement Stage again, so he can’t help his children and grandchildren more.

"I see, grandfather, take care of yourself."

Han Changming accepted the seal of the mountain, knocked Han Daohe three times, got up and left.

On the morning of the second day, Han Changming, Han Debiao, Han Changying, Ye Xin and Han Changlu appeared in the Hall of General Affairs.

Han Changying learns that Han Changming and others are going to the Golden Dragon Sea domain. She wants to meet the past, and Han Zhangxiang has no objection.

The five of them left Bottle Gourd Island with ten clansman from Qi Refinement Stage. Of course, they carried half a million Spirit Stones. Han Zhangxiang said, if you can’t bid for Core Formation spiritual object, bidding for a few Foundation Establishment Pills is also OK, as the family heritage.

······   Fire Toad Sea Territory, named after it is rich in a kind of Fire Toad Beast.

A scarlet dragon boat is flying fast at high altitude. The sails of the scarlet dragon boat are embroidered with the Seaheed Pavilion logo.

In a certain cabin, Han Changshuo sits cross-legged on a wooden bed, meditating on cultivation.

The room was filled with a large patch of scarlet light spots, following his nose, pouring into his body one after another.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, all the scarlet spots in the house were absorbed by Han Changshuo. He opened his eyes and gently put out a breath.

"It's been more than half a year, and I don't know if the Golden Dragon Sea domain is."

Han Changshuo muttered to himself, got up and walked to the window, and opened the window.

The sky is blue, and one silhouette cannot be seen from afar.

Suddenly, a dozen black spots appeared high in the sky, and the dragon boat flew towards the scarlet quickly.

Han Changshuo narrowed his eyes, with an expression of excitement on his face, and walked out quickly.

They will encounter many monster birds on the road, they are not high in rank, most of them are First Rank monster birds, but the better is the number.

There are two Core Formation cultivators sitting in town. These monsters are naturally not a threat. The dísciple of the Seaheed Pavilion uses these monsters to practice hand skills to increase their fighting experience.

Han Changshuo is the Pill Refinement Master. He has relatively little experience in fighting skills. He will naturally not let go of the monster bird as a training object.

Soon, Han Changshuo came to the deck, and the scarlet dragon boat stopped.

Dozens of Seaheed Pavilion dísciples gathered on the deck, most of them Qi Refinement Stage. They looked excited. They all wanted to take this opportunity to increase their fighting experience.

At this time, Han Changshuo also saw the true face of the black spots. They were a group of huge black vultures. Their heads were bald and looked a little ugly. Most of them were First Rank monster birds, only A Second Rank monster bird.

The Low Rank Monster Beast has no wisdom. It will attack when it sees an immortal cultivator.

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